Straha wrote:To: The Asgard Admiralty, The Etern, the Manticoran Admiral, the Krtytosian Admiralty, the Nyllorian Imperial Navy
Subj: War Games *Encrypted and hand delivered*
We think it would be prudent for us, as allies, to engage in a series of Naval war games to improve our co-operation and preparation for what we fear may be an inevitable war. We will be sending our eigth, ninth, and tenth fleets to these war games should they be agreed to. Suggested deep-space co-ordinates, and suggested uninhabited system co-ordinates are attached.
:::::::::Encrypted reply, hand delivered to Monacoarn admiralty:::::::
We are willing to commit our third and sixth fleets to the exercise, under the overall command of Admiral Joseph Conner, vetran of the battles at Camaro and terra.
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
It has come to our attention that the recent goals of the Etern have occasioned some comment, so we feel it prudent to let our position be known.
The way the Etern have expressed their plans, we see no problems. They have announced a simple protectorate, an arrangement that the Combine is quite familiar with. We fully support the Etern in their expansion. If this protectorate comes into question, what is next? We would view any direct aggression against the Etern as indirect agression to ourselves. While this would not be a cause for war, we would take this into consideration when dealing with the attacking parties in the future. Be advised.
Should the intentions of the Etern turn out to be other than what they profess, we will reconsider our position.
_____________________________________________________________ Shi space, just outside the system where a facility that does not officially exist is located
"Seve, this is Jaril. Come in."
"Read you, Seve. What are the orders?"
"Maximum sublight into the system until we can get a good read on that energy sig, then a jump out."
"Easy enough. We have these big ol' sensor packs on board from patrolling the border for so long. We should get a good read before they even smell us, much less ID us."
"That's the point. Heading in now."
"Right. Good thing we have these with us, huh? I guess that's how Adamant spotted this thing from hyperspace."
"I would assume so."
"OK, we're getting a better reading. It's coming from the other side of the system. Burned out moon, it looks like. Nothing on the charts. Looks like we found ourselves a secret base."
"Yep. Energy spike fading, but I got a lock. Looks like machine tech to me."
"You sure?"
"I've been patrolling the salvage area since we ended the Overseer campaign. I know machine tech when I see it. This is it."
"Think the machines are back?"
"Negative. This is a Shi place. Look at the architecture."
"Could be a machine trick."
"Could be. Well, we'll leave that to the analysts back on the Nexus. We've got a full report. Head out of here."
"Right. Think they saw us?"
"Don't think so. They shouldn't have, but can't be sure. We're out."
"Check that. See you on Sirius."
_____________________________________________________________ Veitha III
<<Thanks for everything. In another week or so, I will probably be heading back to Combine space for my next job, but you and your people have been very helpful.>>
<<Our pleasure, Yrt. It pains us to see another being suffering from his gifts, no matter how you obtained them.>>
<<I would ask you one last favor. The man I fought on Manasa, who is he? I know he is Veithan.>> There was a guarded silence in the Viethan's mind, pondering Yrt's question. <<I don't want to harm him. Far from it. I actually respect the man. He fought well, and I would like to meet him. He was a worthy opponent.>>
The other Veithan's mind opened up and a kind of warmth showed through. Yrt had come to recognize this as a smile. <<Well, that may still be classified. But I will see what I can do.>>
The wisdom of PA:
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
To: All Nations
From: Monacoran State Department
Subj: A Proposal
We have a proposal for all nations that we think would make the galaxy a much better, and more habitable, place. We propose the founding of a 'United Nations,' an organization that would serve to bring forth the conflicts between nations and putting them to rest. Though this group would have no actual power, and would in essence be nothing more than an International Debating Society, even that would help to ease tensions at times by giving problems a place to be voiced. We would also propose that we base this, if they give their approval, on Tortuga where it will serve to help prevent the same sort of problems as that which occured on Tortuga, and would also to help rebuild their fragile economy.
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
"To all troops on Ronogho, I give the order to stand down. The Senate is to be released and returned to power immediately. The coup was in error, and I accept full responsibility for the actions of the army over the past week. To the people of Ronogho, I offer my deepest apologies. I truly felt that I was doing the only thing I could to protect you. One thing I ask, that when the referendum is held, you stay independent of the Republic of Nashtar. Value your freedom. That is all I have to say." General Trafglaror slumped in the seat provided him as the holocamera shut off.
President Rhaglaros was next. "I thank the Republic for their assistance in restoring normal circumstances to Ronogho, and also for their brilliant stategy for doing so with as little bloodshed as possible. I feel it best for us if we go on with our lives. We will return the government to normal operation as soon as is possible. I will speak more on the matter when I return to Ronogho. Thank you."
Bridge, NRS Discovery, Ronoghan Orbit
Admiral Barclay strode over to Flight Ops. "Have a shuttle readied to return President Rhaglaros and his family to the planet whenever they are ready. I want the President extended every courtesy."
The Imperial Retreat was a massive grey stone building perched over the cliff of Iron Rock Sound. It had been the seat of the Gustav family ever since Landing and it was still seen as the great, hidden refuge of the Imperial Family. For nearly eight centuries it had weathered the feirce storms of the sound that battered it with winter fury. Now the shuttle carried Admiral Von Bek and a few Gustav retainers to the secluded castle beneath a leaden and angry sky.
As it reached the small pad it settled with a whine from the counter-grav as it the winds battered it. As the sleek craft settled to the pad a phalanx of the Black Guard, the Emperor's own guard of Marines, formed up on the edge of the ramp. They watched, impervious to wind and the growing drizzle of rain as the passangers descended.
"Admiral Von Bek, you are expected. Follow us." They turned and proceeded. Von Bek followed as they headed to the forlorn stone castle.
* * *
Von Bek was escorted into the North Tower, the most private section. He was suprised to find that both the Emperor and the Princess-Heir were there waiting.
"Greetings Alistair, allow me to extend the greetings of both myself and my daughter. We had been hoping to meet you, we have much to discuss. You upcoming investment being among them" He smiled, as did his daughter.
Von Bek recovered from his suprise quickly, and noted the Kristanna's smile was especially warm. He had met her, but had never noticed that look before.
"Investment, Your Majesty?"
"Yes, I intend to see that you are nominated as the Planetary Duke of New Beijing. You have done a great job there and we wish to see you rewarded. You will of course be made a Knight-Commander of the Order of the Golden Dragon as well. A handsome reward I think."
Despite his own disappointment Von Bek smiled gratiously. For the man that had virtually run the PIR it was come down to be given a mere planet, and not even a Grand Dukedom!
"A reward to remember indeed, Your Majesty."
"I had hoped you would find it so. You have done much and I think we can expect more yet from you."
Von Bek still maintained a polite facade even as they began discussing the dry manipulations in the Senate. The Isolationists were making trouble in the House Noble still. There was also talk of sheperding the peerages into hands that would support the Emperor as well as much other talk.
It lasted through out the night. All three there and discussing the business of the day. Though to Von Bek it seemed that the young Princess-Heir seemed interested in a bit more.
No, I must be fooling myself. They don't call her the Ice Queen for nothing. But the rumors... no. I would be nothing more than a lover, a passing thing at best. They couldn't offer me so little if she had a real interest.
Still, she looked at him a certain way, paid him more attention. But then again they'd have to take a new peer seriously. Especially one with a growing public presence. Since his breif campaign against the PIR he had won some points.
As the Emperor excused himself, Kristanna stayed for a little. Nothing of consequence.
Straha wrote:We would also propose that we base this, if they give their approval, on Tortuga where it will serve to help prevent the same sort of problems as that which occured on Tortuga, and would also to help rebuild their fragile economy.
To the Monacoran State Department
I am in favor of this proposal inasmuch as it is a laudable concept and would be an effective forum for international discourse, and could serve as the basis for a future organization of greater credibility. Your project has our full support.
Casimir the Demon
Blood King
Ruler of All Vampires
"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."
--The Lord Humungus
A debate forum, eh? Why not? We here at the Krell do not object to talk. We may even send a representative. Politics bore us, but information does not. Let us know if it happens.
The wisdom of PA:
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
Straha wrote:To: All Nations
From: Monacoran State Department
Subj: A Proposal
We have a proposal for all nations that we think would make the galaxy a much better, and more habitable, place. We propose the founding of a 'United Nations,' an organization that would serve to bring forth the conflicts between nations and putting them to rest. Though this group would have no actual power, and would in essence be nothing more than an International Debating Society, even that would help to ease tensions at times by giving problems a place to be voiced. We would also propose that we base this, if they give their approval, on Tortuga where it will serve to help prevent the same sort of problems as that which occured on Tortuga, and would also to help rebuild their fragile economy.
To: Monacoran State Department From: Ministry of State, Republic of Nashtar Re: A Proposal
We are interested in your idea, and would be interested in a possible diplomatic summit to further discuss the idea. You will understand that we do not wish to throw our support behind the idea nor our denial before it before we fully understand what you propose.
Minister of State Victor Godunov, Republic of Nashtar
Straha wrote:To: All Nations
From: Monacoran State Department
Subj: A Proposal
We have a proposal for all nations that we think would make the galaxy a much better, and more habitable, place. We propose the founding of a 'United Nations,' an organization that would serve to bring forth the conflicts between nations and putting them to rest. Though this group would have no actual power, and would in essence be nothing more than an International Debating Society, even that would help to ease tensions at times by giving problems a place to be voiced. We would also propose that we base this, if they give their approval, on Tortuga where it will serve to help prevent the same sort of problems as that which occured on Tortuga, and would also to help rebuild their fragile economy.
Naturally we will support this motion. Too long has there been a lack of a forum with in which to reasonably discuss international matters. The near war over Tortuga only highlights that fact.
We have examined the recent conflict between the Draconi and the Tortugans. It confirms some of what we already know as well as telling us some new information.
1) Their military is far less competent than beleived. They took enourmous, avoidable casualties in the opening rounds of the battle. This were from an operation point of veiw, totally unncessary and resulted from either negligence or stupidity. We have not determined which it is.
Their Naval vessels are substantially weaker than our own. While they have a quantity matching most first world nations, our units should be 40%-50% more effective on a per class basis. We've suspected that for a while and now we have proof of it.
2) The Draconis are remarkably unwilling to endure hardship. After the debacle of the landings they soon enough reached out for a cease fire. This suggests an unwillingness to endure casualities. Combined with their apparent unwillingness after the war to endure the costs suggest they are a soft opponent.
Straha wrote:To: All Nations
From: Monacoran State Department
Subj: A Proposal
We have a proposal for all nations that we think would make the galaxy a much better, and more habitable, place. We propose the founding of a 'United Nations,' an organization that would serve to bring forth the conflicts between nations and putting them to rest. Though this group would have no actual power, and would in essence be nothing more than an International Debating Society, even that would help to ease tensions at times by giving problems a place to be voiced. We would also propose that we base this, if they give their approval, on Tortuga where it will serve to help prevent the same sort of problems as that which occured on Tortuga, and would also to help rebuild their fragile economy.
The Minmatar support this action but would like to offer a counter proposal. Instead of placing the site for the forum on Tortuga itself how about we place it on an orbital space station. This way the meetings can still take place in the recognised Tortuga neutral zone and we would not be presenting any obstructions in the Tortugan reconstruction efforts.
He was almost done constructing his device. A fairly small conventional munition. Nice of Petey to include another timer when he sent the package. It would halve his total ammo, but that was a small price to pay for what he was getting paid. It wasn't very likely that he was going to be able to have used up all of it anyway. The target surprisingly enough didn't have a no fly zone over it. They probably figured it was deep enough to be able to avoid this sort of attack, when not in a wartime situation. Apparently it didn't really matter how much this did, the sponsor only wanted to make a point, the poor deluded fools they were.
"Time to go enjoy the sights of the capital." Oni thought to himself. His path he had arranged to get there went very close to the first of his targets. It would be a simple task of dropping the package into the ocean. A while later, the package would net Oni his first payment for this mission.
He flew over endless stretches of ocean. Once he reached the target point, he simply reached around, and dropped the package.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
Stenner Croix
Holdworld of the House of Aleskander
(That's spelled right, Aleskander.)
The Hall was unimpressive compared to the techno-spires of Monacora or the stygian underground fortresses of the Lord Protector on Lastport, but it held a sort of barbaric, edge-world splendor that spoke of a proud people who fought hard with what little they had. It was made of carved ceramicrete, tiled with exquisite mosaics or garnet and amethyst. Banners hung from broad steel beams, and the walls were lined with ageing suits of power armor. Lines of cyclopean figures from a dozen star nations and eras, it was a disquieting sight. A Slavic assault-suit was at one end, it's chest opened like a flower in some ancient engagement. A suit of matte black Floater Navy armor, easily a century old, stood on legs which had been sliced off above the knee by a combat xaser.
They were monuments to the battle-victories of the men who served here. the Lords of the Houses had controlled this planet for over four hundred years. They hadd stood under the rule of one Clanlord for over a century. In the age of crumbling empires following the Genocide Wars, their expansion into a modern power had been halted by the flood of Outworlds Alliance refugees fleeing the NBA's advance. Even in it's dying days, the once-great OA had the strength to fight the Houses, and the resultant conflict had lasted for a hundred years. The steady beat of history continued- men would slay men, and provocations long forgotten would be replaced with new excuses for slaughter. In this way, the escaping Outworlders were forced to settle, just outside of the PIR's borders, their flight hampered by the warriors and ships of the Clans. The Lords of the Houses and the Alliance, locked in conflict for three generations.
The leaders of the latest generation now stood in the Hall. House Aleskander's hold on the seat of Clanlord was unbreakable, now, but their regressive ways were under attack.
Around a table, a dozen men sat. At the highest seat sat the Clanlord. His subordinates attacked him, their voices calm and reasonable- the criticism was implied.
"Clanlord, if I may speak freely. We can no longer afford to waste our brave warriors in this futile war."
Clanlord Joachim Aleskander, Master of the House of Aleskander and ruler over the disparate states of the Clans of Stenner, shook his head. He was a shaggy man, easily six and a half feet tall. His size and strength pointed to a family with a history of genemodding, but his greying hair told another story. His reponse was cut off by another of his generals.
"Clanlord, I bid you listen to my comrade. We have fought hard, yes, and the houses have fought to the end against the Outworlders. But now, the Chinese have fallen. The Asgard emperor looks beyond his borders, and we can no longer afford to follow old grudges. Our dispute has calmed over the last year. Now, we need allies! The new lords of the People's Republic are unpredicatable, violent- the harbingers of the Genocide Wars are at our doorstep. We must speak with the Outworlders, and discuss treaties so we may at least show less signs of weakness before this threat!"
Joachim's head turned towards the dissenting soldier, his eyes strong with emotion, his brow furrowed.
"Lord Zhivago. I trust your judgement, but here we can not falter. The Outworlders have sixty years of our people's blood on their hands. When they fled the Chinese agressors, did they not fall upon our systems, looking for new homes? Did they not kill sixty thousand of your Grandfather's very own House in their massacre at the Kelvan asteroid? No, Lord Zhivago. We can not abandon this. We must recieve blood payment. It is out dues, and by my Father's name, we will not falter in this. I am Clanlord! My word is LAW."
He eyed each of the Lords. No dissent was shown.
"I am retiring for the evening. We will discuss this tomorrow."
He strode out of the room, to proud to acknowledge the whispers that followed him. He knew they disliked his opinions, and his back stiffened at their covert rebellion. They would not raise arms, oh no- not when the Fleet of Aleskander was the greatest of the Houses, with it's modern weapons and feared pilots.
Joachim's chambers were large, as befitted his station, but he was a simple man. There was a dresser, and a thick mat upon the floor for exercise, and a round bed with a discreet modern gel matress, but little adornment. His weapons closet was functional, as befitted a man of his status and skill.
There was one peice of extravagence in the room. One ornament which befitted his station. One bauble which he held higherr than all his possesions, which he loved as an equal to himself. One thing which was so beautiful, so deeply fascinating and attractive, that even a man such ass himself could not resist.
She was perhaps five feet, three inches- not tall, and tiny compared to his mass. Her hair fell in luxurious raven curls down her tightly muscled back, revealing a heart-shaped face with full, promising lips and a pair of catlike eyes which seemed to glow a forest green under elegant lashes.
Her figure was divine- pert, perfect breasts peeked from a Cretan-style dress. It's long skirts allowed him to see only brief flashes of her taught calves and firm, athletic calves.
Her name was Sanandra DeCaen, and she was the Lord's lover and soul-mate.
"They tear my land apart, Sanandra. It hurts just hearing them speak."
"Hush, my Lord. Hush."
She pulled him close to her, and for a long time, they did not speak.
Later, they lay exhausted and happy, their arms intermingling on the bed's smart-foam surface.
"They are right, you know."
Joachim nearly snapped, then. It was such a statement, so out of place, so obscene at that perfect moment, that he nearly threw her from his room. He nearly did- but he didn't.
"Why, then, Sanandra, are they right? They would let my people fall into fear, allow them to lose their honor."
"Oh, My Lord. Do you not see? To whom is your duty?"
"Of course, my duty is to my people. It is the duty of all Lords- to protect their people."
"And what is more important, Lord? Protecting their honor for slights of your Grandfather's day, or protecting their honor from slights delivered now?"
His brow furrrowed.
"Now, of course."
"If the Asgard are willing to smash the Chinese, my handsome lord, then they will enjoy running roughshod over our poor people all the more. They will defile these worlds as they have those of the Chinese. You will die, and your people will languish in chains. I would not even guess as to what fate I would suffer, should they come to destroy the Houses and raise new worlds for the Emperor on Trondheim!"
He laughed, then.
"Sanandra, my jewel. If they come for us, then we will fight. Our warriors will not give ground."
She shook her head, nuzzling it into his chest.
"No, my lord. If you fight alone, you will die alone. The Empire is massive. Your men are brave, yes- but for every ship at your call, the Empire has ten. For every soldier you field, the Empire fields a hundred. You can not win alone."
He sighed.
"How, then, can I win? Sanandra, how can I protect my people?"
She ran a hand along his stomache, playing with his hair.
"You must be willing to make the tough decisions, Lord. You must be willing to speak to the Alliance, to speak with the Outworld Alliance. My lord, if you are to do your duty to your people, you must swallow your pride."
He shook a little then.
"Enough of this, my dear Sanandra. Enough. I.... I will think about what you have said. Now, I will sleep, knowing that my beautiful Sanandra will be waiting for me when I wake."
As he nodded to sleep Sanandra smiled slightly. He did love that name, Sanandra. It appealed to him in some way, as if it was made for him- Just as the rest of her seemed to be tailored for his every need and dream.
Sanandra. Such a pretty name. She shook her head as she nodded off.
Prettier, even, than Sabrine. Yes, it was a far prettier name than Sabrine su Candaris had been.
She slept.
Last edited by Thirdfain on 2004-08-31 01:15am, edited 1 time in total.
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
Straha wrote:To: All Nations
From: Monacoran State Department
Subj: A Proposal
We have a proposal for all nations that we think would make the galaxy a much better, and more habitable, place. We propose the founding of a 'United Nations,' an organization that would serve to bring forth the conflicts between nations and putting them to rest. Though this group would have no actual power, and would in essence be nothing more than an International Debating Society, even that would help to ease tensions at times by giving problems a place to be voiced. We would also propose that we base this, if they give their approval, on Tortuga where it will serve to help prevent the same sort of problems as that which occured on Tortuga, and would also to help rebuild their fragile economy.
To: Monacoran State Department
CC: All Nations
From: Office of the Director
Subject: ISUN Proposal
Provided this project is met with support by the Tortugans, the Consortium is willing to support it. We would also second the motion proposed by the Minmatar to base this Inter-Stellar United Nations in a space station, rather than on the planet itself.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep. The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying." SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!
<< The Hajr will send observers to this body, to ascertain it's effectiveness. If it should prove of use, a Voice will be dispatched. We expect full null-G accomodations on the station, for both ourselves and the other local Unbound who will doubtlessly be joining.>>
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
The UP seemed to be most willing to be cooperative and that was all that the Veithan Empire needed to carry out its side of the bargain. The UP ambassador was contacted, given a list of the personnel chosen for the task. They were not all primes, chosen primarily for their gifts above raw mental might. The chosen should be more than adequate, the ship which they would take was cleared with the ambassador, as was the vector that they would take into UP space. The Veithans would take a quick ship, and would arrive within UP space with all due haste. After that, the Veithans were under orders to work with the UP as long as the requests were not too…outlandish. There was no guarantee that anything would be found, but if the possibility existed it had to be taken. Besides, this could only help relations between both nations.
Tortugan System
Tortuga, Secure Room
“Have we received any news from the fleet?” The voice was tense, well aware that contact with the fleet would be spotty at best but they needed it to return quickly. Their honor demanded it, as did the future of their nation.
”Yes we have Captain. We have confirmation of the message by four different vessels, we have also gotten word that some of our couriers arrived safely at the rendezvous points.”
The Captain sighed softly. The news were good, with any luck the treaty between his people and the Liza...Draconis would be finalized soon. Until it was finished, he was certain tensions between both nations would remain, even if just beneath the surface. Still, the Master of Arms had done a good enough job during the signing. “The Master of Arms will be pleased.”
”I thought as much sir, speaking of the Master of Arms however.” The young voice paused for a couple of seconds before continuing. “Where is he sir?”
“The Master of Arms went to personally thank the medics of a Ravenlock medical ship. The international assistance to our nation has been valuable, and this particular medical ship helped saved the lives of eighteen tank crews from the 13th Cavalry.”
”The Master of Arm’s old squad?”
“Yes. He should be back soon, I am not sure what is taking so long. He wanted to personally thank the command staff of the ship, and was given clearance to fly up with a Ravenlock shuttle. I guess he lost track of time.”
To: All Nations From: Tortugan Government Re: Proposal
We are honored to be considered as the basing area for the proposed “United Nations” and agree that such a place would serve a worthy goal. While we are humbled by the offer to base the proposed UN in Tortugan soil, at this time we feel it would be more prudent to follow the Minmatar suggestion. An orbital space station carries many benefits, and would allow the current Tortugan reconstruction efforts to proceed at their normal pace.
Veithan Empire
Veitha System, Veitha III
Avery concentrated.
Once more pushing his mind to the very limits of his strength, twisting the fabric of space time around him in an attempt to shield his presence from supernatural senses. He had begun this training shortly after his mission in Manasa, aware that his own mental might had betrayed him. He needed to perfect the method of shielding himself from metaphysical senses arcane or otherwise. It was difficult, for the more powerful the mind the more difficult it seemed it was to hide it. It was after all easier to hide a moon than a sun. Nonetheless, progress was constantly being made and he tackled his training with the same intensity that made him who he was. It would not be long now before cloaking himself in this manner, would be as easy to him as breathing.
He felt Natalya approach well before he saw her, he felt her mind outside of the room he was currently residing. She had been his teacher, and most of the time she made little effort to hide her mental signature. This was the heart and soul of Veitha, the home world. There was no need for subtlety. It took her five minutes to reach him in his current underground training ground, five minutes where every second he could feel her mind approaching steadily. When the door was opened, he was expecting her his head turning to glance towards her, a soft smile dancing upon her ruby lips.
~Your improvement is outstanding Avery. I can barely feel your presence.~ Her right hand moved, her eyes narrowing slightly as she probed with her mind. Avery could feel the mental probe, the energies as they sought him out but they were guided around him by the cloak he had weaved around himself. The harder that Natalya pushed, the more quickly her efforts were resisted. ~Very impressive, but still…not quite perfect.~ Her hand turned, her mind seizing its outright attack and seizing Avery’s defensive cloak in a dozen places, before Avery could react, Natalya pulled the strands of mental power Avery's cloak unraveling before her. Her soft laughter at Avery’s irritation was short lived. ~I am sorry. You just need a bit more work.~
Avery sighed softly. ~I know. To what do I owe your visit?~
Natalya nearly pouted. ~Is it wrong for me to visit one of my best students?~ her tone was laced with feigned hurt.
~Natalya. You are always welcome to visit me, you know that. However, I feel there is something else at work here.~ His tone was firm.
~You are getting better…~ Her mental tone was impressed, her face becoming neutral once more as she continued. ~Do you remember Yrt? He wants to meet with you. He considers you a worthy opponent. I did not feel any duplicity when he spoke, but I did not probe his mind. He is only a P2 and there are ways available to me that he does not suspect, nonetheless, I did not take the liberty. He would be strong enough to detect an overt scan, and frankly, we are both aware of his capabilities. If he wants to meet you, I think the reasons are genuine.~
~I will play along.~
Natalya blinked. ~That did not take a great deal of convincing.~
~Like you said, he considers me a worthy opponent and I would not mind seeing him again. The first time, I was not expecting anyone quite like him to show up in Manasa. I hardly believe he would be foolish enough to try anything. I will make the arrangements, can we use your place?~
~By all means. I will make the necessary preparations. We shall talk on this further. I will get in contact with Yrt and tell him where to go and when.~ Natalya nodded and walked away, her steps resonating on the floor until the door was closed. He felt her mind all the way up until her signature blended alongside dozens of others.
~Yrt….~ Avery Cook considered the name for a moment before once more returning to practice. Another hour and he would get ready for the meeting. It promised to be an interesting one…
Mikal walked calmly down the streets. He was on the job again, and soon might be leaving Ravenlock Territory, but first there were some things he had to take care of. The attack on the hospital had been very much out of the ordinary. Either the humans involved had been coerced by Dra’kol, were in league with them, or the remote chance of an independent operation. In any case, the gang where the would-be terrorists had come from inhabited this area of city’s “underhive”.
The Ravenlock Consortium city planets shined on top, a wondrous sight for passers by, if they ever got planetside, but under the shimmering surface, everything changed. Part of it was deliberate, underground, every inch could theoretically be monitored, and thus kept safer. In practice, however, such a network could not be maintained forever, and gaps were created here and there. That led to successful criminals, which lead to an underground, an underworld, to form. Naturally, once this trend had been noticed, the Consortium had formed a response. Overtly, to the public, the Consortium detested such illegal activities as murder shops, blood pits, and fantasy realms, but in reality, numerous individuals padded their wallets with such connections, keeping peace forces from cracking down, obtaining medical supplies and so forth.
Mikal brushed past a hooker who tried to catch his attention, “C’mon baby, best night ever, guaranteed or your creds back. I’m into everything and everyone. I can do anything you can imagine, and a few things I bet you never thought a girl can do,” seeing him walk away without so much as turning his head her way, she smiled. “What do I have to do to get your attention, sweetie, kill myself? It’s extra, but if that’s your thing, don’t be afraid.”
The Russian hated crawling around in the undercity. Putting the whore behind him, he continued tracking his targets. He could feel the holes in the sensor net, and he knew they were heading for one. They probably had a slicer in their services, but even if they did, the chances of him comparing to the elite teams available to Division Six were minimal. The access Mikal and other Division Six agents had to networks was designed to be undetectable to most. Only extremely detailed analysis would show most access and manipulation to be the work of something more than an admin remote access.
Finally, the sensor net gave out, the gang was safe from remote observation. Sliding into an alleyway, Mikal truly disappeared. Continuing the hunt invisibly, he continued to his observation point, one level directly above the gang’s meeting place. Reaching out with his mind and custom-made listening devices, he began to listen in on the thoughts and sounds of the meeting. Several things filtered in all at once, but Mikal was trained in sifting through the chaff to get to the heart of the matter. They had received outside help and motivation, were compensated for their losses, and apparently being kept on retainer for future work…something likely just to keep them silent. Gangs like this were not much good beyond one or two operations. Either they would run out of manpower, or they would get drunk on their successes and do something so idiotic SENTINEL would never have to get involved other than to sign some obligatory paperwork to close the case file.
The questioned burned. Who was it? Who funded the scummers? Mikal’s lips pulled back to bare his teeth. For a moment, he considered phasing through the floor and beating the answers out of the otherwise useless punks. Then the meeting ended. The gangers exchanged farewells.
“Burn bright and fast, yo.”
“Yeah, shorter and brighter, wasn’t it? Haha, burn out.”
Mikal concentrated. He couldn’t do a deep scan given the circumstances, but the one who had thought about it might have more surface thoughts that would lead to the phrase in question. It might seem insignificant, and could even prove to be a red herring, but sometimes a simple phrase was all the evidence one needed to move forward in an investigation.
He could phase through and drop down, but he couldn’t reactivate his cloaking device in time, and if someone saw or heard him, he’d be forced to chase the dirty scummers through the subcity, and he wasn’t in the mood for a sewer run today. The ganger’s mind was swirling, still trying to think of the original phrase. In the eddies of the drug-laced ganger’s mind, Mikal pieced together what he could, and filled in the blanks of the rest. It was a definite theme of bright flames with short endurance…but what did it mean? The attack on the hospital, perhaps yet another aspect of “Dark Dra’kol” terrorism? Trying to strike out against the supposed immortality of the Consortium? It was possible…but then many things were.
The observation was over. Peace Officers would arrest the gangs in due time, but for now, a debriefing awaited him, and after that, an express paid trip out into the cosmos.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep. The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying." SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!
Spyder wrote:"Welcome to Matar Mr Ambassador." A small welcoming commitie had formed to great the ambassador for the United Protectorates. "We have made arrangements for your stay here. We must appologise for the overly large security detatchment, there has been some trouble here lately. We would be delighted to escort you to the embassy complex."
"I thank you Sir. I gladly accept the honor of your escort. If I may bring along my guards for my embassy and my staff? I hope to meet with your representive soon has well."
Marcao wrote:
To: All Nations From: Tortugan Government Re: Proposal
We are honored to be considered as the basing area for the proposed “United Nations” and agree that such a place would serve a worthy goal. While we are humbled by the offer to base the proposed UN in Tortugan soil, at this time we feel it would be more prudent to follow the Minmatar suggestion. An orbital space station carries many benefits, and would allow the current Tortugan reconstruction efforts to proceed at their normal pace.
If it is acceptable the Minmatar would like to send a ship to Tortuga to begin planning and surveying.
The Master of Arms reached to turn off his computer, it had been a long day and he couldn't wait to get some sleep. However the stubborn machine reacted differently this time. It's shut down sequence was interupted the screen changed to show a flag...
A black flag with silver crossed rifles, above them a fist holding a vibro blade aloft, has if to cut down the enemies of it's nation. The flag of the United Protectrates. The flag faded and the screen returned to normal with a message in silver text.
Good Evening Master at Arms, We have been watching and approve of your leadership ability. Your willingness to abadon the ways of piratcy speak well of you. We would like to arrange an meeting to discuss normalizing relations and provide for your defense has a sovern nation. We hope you will accept. We wish you a long and fruitful life for you and your now free nation
frigidmagi wrote:
"I thank you Sir. I gladly accept the honor of your escort. If I may bring along my guards for my embassy and my staff? I hope to meet with your representive soon has well."
"Certainly right this way."
Later, at the embassy complex.
"Mr Ambassador, my name is Richard Jacobs. I'm the Minmatar government liason here on Matar. I'm authorized for a variety of diplomatic negotiations and can organize an audience with the Challencer should you request it. Welcome to Matar."
Spyder wrote:Mr Ambassador, my name is Richard Jacobs. I'm the Minmatar government liason here on Matar. I'm authorized for a variety of diplomatic negotiations and can organize an audience with the Challencer should you request it. Welcome to Matar."
"Thank you Mr. Jacobs. I would be happy to speak to you or the Challencer at his convience. I would like to offer my nation's coperation in any way to combat the corruption threatening your free people."
United Protectorates Sector
Lastport – Planetside
Ravenlock P.S.A.T. Offices
“So you see, such a process of seeking out psionically gifted individuals would take quite some time. Testing becomes easier once you have the majority of the population already accounted for, as you can estimate what the current generation’s growth rate would be. Now, you said that you have complete DNA records for your entire population?” The lead Ravenlock trainer, Marissa Logan paused to allow the Protectorate team a chance to respond and absorb the information. Much of it they already likely knew, but review was never considered reckless in this sort of situation.
“That is correct,” one of the archivists spoke up, “as far back as four generations, so we can plot family trees and the like.”
“Excellent. That will expedite matters greatly. Nonetheless, the data crunching will take time. Our systems that we brought with us are powerful, but most likely not up to the task,” Marissa smoothly reached into her pocket to retrieve a data crystal and offered it to the Protectorate team. “On this data crystal we have highlighted the parts of the DNA sequence our scientists have directly linked to psionic traits in humans. Hopefully, our people haven’t drifted too far apart that the data has lost relevance.”
“As do we,” the lead Protectorate team member took the data crystal, almost reverently. “We’ll get started crunching data right away.”
“Good. Remember, seed the initial batch with any suspected psi’s you might have, anyone who is unusually charismatic, uncanny at understanding others, any sort of pre-cog or deja-vu, and so on. We can’t really effectively teach you how to train people if we don’t have a decent starting point.”
“Of course, thank you again for your help, Miss Logan. You can’t imagine how important this is.”
“Oh, I have an idea,” Marissa smiled gently.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep. The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying." SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!
The Master of Arms reached to turn off his computer, it had been a long day and he couldn't wait to get some sleep. However the stubborn machine reacted differently this time. It's shut down sequence was interupted the screen changed to show a flag...
A black flag with silver crossed rifles, above them a fist holding a vibro blade aloft, has if to cut down the enemies of it's nation. The flag of the United Protectrates. The flag faded and the screen returned to normal with a message in silver text.
Good Evening Master at Arms, We have been watching and approve of your leadership ability. Your willingness to abadon the ways of piratcy speak well of you. We would like to arrange an meeting to discuss normalizing relations and provide for your defense has a sovern nation. We hope you will accept. We wish you a long and fruitful life for you and your now free nation
The Master of Arms sighed softly as he prepared to shut down his data terminal. He had a long day, but he had achieved a great deal today, more than anyone could realize. The time would soon come when Tortuga would be once again in charge of her own destiny, in one way or another. Still, the fundamental problems remained. He could worry about that tomorrow, his hand moved, his data terminal turned off but this time the shut down sequence was terminated. His eyes focusing on the screen, his eyes narrowing as he saw what appeared there. He knew that flag...
His eyes slid over the word, a chill washing over him. The UP had managed this little trick and that meant that either they had infiltrated the local server which was possible, or they had entered his room which was not supposed to be possible. His nostrils flared, anger blossoming on his stomach and threattening to turn into rage. How dare they threatten him! He did not need their approval! His mind raged, but outwardly it seemed only as if he had momentarily lost his center. As if his mind were pre-occupied. It took mere seconds for wounded pride and ego to be pushed aside, replaced by the calm negotiator that had led tortuga to its greatest victory against the Draconis.
His fingers flew over the keyboard as he opened his data terminal's communication protocols. The hacking job had been nice enough to leave a way for him to create a reply. He had no intention in disappointing in that regard.
To: UP Spooks From: Master of Arms Allan Westrey Re: Your late night visit
Good Evening gentlemen, while I find your intrusion of my own personal data terminal to be in bad taste I recognize that I am a difficult man to find. Your antics have reminded me that I am not as safe as I would like, something that I plan on remeding. Nonetheless, this stunt of yours has granted me a way to communicate with you and yours and thus, it has proven to be a useful medium.
I do not require the approval of my leadership ability by the UP, although I am naturally flattered that I am held in high regard by you and yours. I am willing to do what is necessary in order to safeguard my people and our world. Times change, and I have little doubt that we tortugans will rise to the challenge which has been presented to us.
In regards to your offer of a meeting to discuss normalizing relations and assistance to our defense is difficult not to accept. However, since the UP is a central nation to the UPA and you are allied with the Draconis, the situation must be handled carefully. Although we have a cease fire in place, there are many within and without the current government that hold strong feelings against the Draconis Republic. While the UP is blameless for this, the association of the Draconis Republic with the UPA is significant. I shall begin the process of arranging for the meeting. I will get back to you via this channel within two days with an update.
P.S Be advised that while I have taken this penetration of my security in good grace, it will be the last time I shall do so. In my current position, I cannot afford to allow unwelcomed guests into tortugan complexes. Refrain, from any future attempts.
After the Master of Arms was satisfied that the message was sent, he stood from the computer chair and walked out of his room, making a beeline for security. He needed to have a talk with his people. He was not amused by the security failure...
To: Veithan Accord
From: Office of the Director
Subject: Re: Imperial Ball
The Director wishes to accept the Empress’s gracious invitation, and looks forward to this ball immensely.
“Sir, you only just recently returned. Don’t tell me you’re headed out again so soon.”
“Well the workload I had accumulated from my last trip has melted away so quickly, Jenkins, I thought I’d give it a chance to build up again.”
“Ah, of course sir. Your wife called, by the way. She said she wants to go shopping for outfits.”
“Yes sir.”
“Oh yes. She was quite insistent on that point.”
“What’s wrong with the standard Consortium Dress?”
“She says it is far too bland, sir. She said that it was fine for treaties and public announcements, but that this was a ball, and that she would not be caught dead next to you if you went to another ball dressed as yet another slate stiff.”
“Yes sir, I’ve already cancelled your appointments for the rest of today.”
The Director sighed and shook his head. There was no getting out of it now, his fate was sealed.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep. The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying." SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!