STGOD 4 OOC Thread (part 2)

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Seriously, Nitram, you're at 2/3rds strength. I've probably developed the slowest out of all the powers in the game, and I'd bet you couldn't even take me on my home turf.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by SirNitram »

Rogue 9 wrote:Seriously, Nitram, you're at 2/3rds strength. I've probably developed the slowest out of all the powers in the game, and I'd bet you couldn't even take me on my home turf.
Jeez, people. I'm not talking about slaughtering you all. I'm talking about a little widespread panic clamped down after a few days. A plot point.

Is it beyond the comprehension of hte locals to do something for the sake of plot and continuity?
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Post by Thirdfain »

Don't make me eat your face. I've got a slinky and you don't! Beat that, Mister 'I've got a fleet'!
The biggest. It's a nasty, carnivorous fleet, crewed by skilled and loyal crews. Its weapons are modern, its engines strong, and its tacticians genius. Its holds are full of some off the most fanatical and well-equipped soldiers in Known Space, and it's leaders carry not a shred of mercy or kindness in their hearts.

In other words, adjust your face kids- because it's about to get rocked off.

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Post by SirNitram »

Thirdfain wrote:
Don't make me eat your face. I've got a slinky and you don't! Beat that, Mister 'I've got a fleet'!
The biggest. It's a nasty, carnivorous fleet, crewed by skilled and loyal crews. Its weapons are modern, its engines strong, and its tacticians genius. Its holds are full of some off the most fanatical and well-equipped soldiers in Known Space, and it's leaders carry not a shred of mercy or kindness in their hearts.

In other words, adjust your face kids- because it's about to get rocked off.
Are we finally going to see the end result of this war against landlubbers, then, or is this the monthly pep talk?
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

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Post by Thirdfain »

Pre-game speech to rile the boys and girls up. Give me a few days, I'll get this show on the road.

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Thirdfain wrote:
Don't make me eat your face. I've got a slinky and you don't! Beat that, Mister 'I've got a fleet'!
The biggest. It's a nasty, carnivorous fleet, crewed by skilled and loyal crews. Its weapons are modern, its engines strong, and its tacticians genius. Its holds are full of some off the most fanatical and well-equipped soldiers in Known Space, and it's leaders carry not a shred of mercy or kindness in their hearts.
And it's been lost in hyperspace for nearly a month. :P
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Thirdfain »

Yeah, that's it. Lost in hyperspace. Right.

Well, fellas, sounds like you can stand down your defenses, call off your reserves, and dismantle all those new batteships! The Void Barbarians have left town!

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Thirdfain wrote:Yeah, that's it. Lost in hyperspace. Right.

Well, fellas, sounds like you can stand down your defenses, call off your reserves, and dismantle all those new batteships! The Void Barbarians have left town!
I think not. After all, they could get themselves unlost at any time. :P *Orders up another round of cruisers.*
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Straha »

Thirdfain wrote:Yeah, that's it. Lost in hyperspace. Right.

Well, fellas, sounds like you can stand down your defenses, call off your reserves, and dismantle all those new batteships! The Void Barbarians have left town!
Oh, phew! GOOD! You know I was thinking you'd never get around to leaving but now you have and everythings going to be just fine and dandy.

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Post by Bugsby »

Oops, made another post on this whole OS tech thing before I read OOC thread. Let me make my point here, and see what people think. I will edit if there is still a big consensus against me.

The first thing to remember is that I have all of what was formerly Overseer space now. Meaning two things. First, if it looks even slightly Overseer-ish, I can tell. I have experience with these things. Nitram said himself that Overseer tech is pretty distinctive. Second, Shi space is RIGHT BETWEEN the salvage area and my core systems. My ships going back and forth would cut through the Shi back yard (so to speak) routinely when making the transit. So I'm in the right place and I know what to look for. Finally, recall that these are patrol ships, looking for people violating the border. I have had them there since day 1, look for yourself. As such, they are equipped with the big-ass sensor arrays just right for spotting blips of this kind. So my ships are in the right place, with the right tech to find it, and knowing exactly what to look for. And seeing as how I have had many ships going back and forth, the odds that just one of them would spot something aren't that bad. At least that's how I see it.

You say that I can't find it because you are using all the undetectable aspects of Overseer technology. How is that, exactly? All your components, just made Overseer-esque? I don't know about compatibility here. To even come close, you would have to use some Overseer components, considering the timeframe involved here. It's been what, two months since the OS died? *checks history thread* Yeah. It would take a while to adapt that tech sufficiently. And if you want this ALL your stuff, nothing that I can spot as OS tech, that would take a while. You might just be completing analysis of how to make his tech yours, not testing another round of prototypes. Can't have it both ways.

And as to how you got it.... well, you could have gotten it from the planet in your space that I helped you liquidate. Although considering the beating from orbit we gave that place, you would have a tough time finding components not horribly busted up. You could have bought it from Nashtar, as Rogue pointed out. But then again, you could have stolen it from me. Or it could be that machines coming back somehow. My guys don't know. So it is worth investigating. We deal with that part once diplomacy gets into it.

Again, this is just how I see it. If anyone still has a legitimate beef with my posts, call me on it, and I will see about editing. I welcome debate. :D

P.S. Pablo, you have any thoughts?
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Post by Hotfoot »

At this point, it is clear that Thirdfain has gone MEE. Everyone must now break your treaties with him and declare war to the bitter end.

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Post by frigidmagi »

Thridfain, could we get some background info on that last post? It sound very well thought out and interesting.

But... Stygian!?! Stygian!?! My underground fortess are well lighted and have AC buddy. They even have entertaining art covering the walls.
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Post by Thirdfain »

Well, during the Genocie wars the Outworlds Alliance was on my side, arrayed against the Beijing Alliance. They presumably were beaten, and fled the Chinese advance.

What I'm adding is that they displaced this other Star Nation, the House of Aleskander. These guys are pretty much Rim system barbarians, even at the time, and fight back. This leads to the formation of a sort of culture of war out on the northern rim, with the Chinese quitting the pursuit because the war-ravaged Outworlders (who are muslim, so to save time, I'll start callling the the Muslims) are no longer a threat.

Now, the PIR is conquered. This has caught the attention of the leaders in the House of Aleskander- they think that they are next on the Asgard hitlist. Too bad, the leader of Aleskander, Clanlord Joachim Aleskander, is too set in his ways and won't give up the blood fued, despite the fact that unless he joins with the Moslems, he's unliekly to be able to handle the Asgard (even if he doesn, he won't be able to, but he'll havve more political and diplomatic clout.)

Too bad his mistress is an Ouster agent. Looks like there will be cooperation between the Moslems and the House of Aleskander in attempting to stem Asgard expansion...

Just an interesting sidestory to get into.

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Post by frigidmagi »

Ah I see, I did wonder what ever happened to Islam, now I know. Thank you very much. I don't suppose we'll see a OOB for them anytime soon?
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Post by Thirdfain »

Of course. There will be quite a bit of diplomatic bellyaching and the like before any agression starts, tho...

Oh, and the OA's a pretty progressive nation. It's to modern Islam as the modern Church is to the Inquisition.

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Post by frigidmagi »

Well they almost have to advance in a 1000 years wouldn't they. I was just noting that while there are plenty of Christian/Judeo nations (like Nastar and the UP) there were no Mulism nations.

Again thank you for the information.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Before you get excited folks I talked it out with Marcoa beforehand and he liked this idea and approved it.

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Post by Spyder »

Umm, I think there's a couple of posts you missed. Most of the corrupt senators have been either arrested or shot (in one instance strangled). The Insurgents have also suspended operations.
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Post by frigidmagi »

I don't know that the insurgents have given up, I just know you beaten them so far...
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Post by Spyder »

Well there was also the rioting and the mass roundups. News agencies should have been reporting on the Minmatar cleanup.

...Mind you, this was all happening during the alkward silence while your ambassador and the welcoming comittee were starring at each other on the landing pad ...for quite some time.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Don't remind me, between my net connection collasping and my speed reading failure, Glah, is all I have to say.
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Post by Bugsby »

Hey, Hotfoot, Marcao, I see you are having some sort of Grand Ball. Faran is in the region, is he invited? Not that he will necessarily attend (considering his history with Grand Balls), but if he is invited, it could be interesting.
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Post by Thirdfain »

Dahak, allow me to propose a Player's Alliance For An NC-17 Rated STGOD. You in?

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Post by Dahak »

Bugsby wrote:Hey, Hotfoot, Marcao, I see you are having some sort of Grand Ball. Faran is in the region, is he invited? Not that he will necessarily attend (considering his history with Grand Balls), but if he is invited, it could be interesting.
Well, point-of-fact, it is *my* Grand Ball :)
And only for loyal members of the Veithan Accord :D
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Post by Dahak »

Thirdfain wrote:Dahak, allow me to propose a Player's Alliance For An NC-17 Rated STGOD. You in?
You certainly have lost me :)
Care to elaborate? :mrgreen:
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