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Alyrium Denryle
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

SirNitram wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:From: Draconis Republic
to: Etern
RE: Expansion

If you go through with annexing pre-warp civilizations, a state of war will exist between our nations. It is one thing to attack a nation which violates your shipping, it is another to trick primitives into servitude.
To: Draconis Republic.
From: Collective Of Etern.
Re: Servitude

We are massively insulted by this statement from the Republic. You brutally attack a civilian population, and dare to claim providing defense, health care, and agricultural technology to those lower on the 'technological totem pole' than yourself is immoral? May the Void take you and your slimy skins! The Etern do NOT leave those unfortunate to be classified as 'Pre Warp' by the all-wise Known Powers to their slow deaths!
Those civilians were part of a nation that violated out boarders on a regular basis and attacked our citizens. You are comparing apples to oranges. WHat you are doing is directly analagous to offering the natives clay beads in exchange for the shiny stuff noone uses. And in doing so, just like your predecessors in Earth's Colonial Era, your actions will lead to nothing but pain and death.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by SirNitram »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:Those civilians were part of a nation that violated out boarders on a regular basis and attacked our citizens. You are comparing apples to oranges. WHat you are doing is directly analagous to offering the natives clay beads in exchange for the shiny stuff noone uses. And in doing so, just like your predecessors in Earth's Colonial Era, your actions will lead to nothing but pain and death.
You are lying with your forked tongue, walking snake. If the Draconis Republic is willing to cease acting like a collection of idiot children, it, too, can join those observers we have invited to observe that we are doing nothing of the sort. If you would prefer to slander us on the international forum, you may expect us to enter this state of war you threaten, but do not expect support for this ridiculous farce of a threat.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

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Post by Thirdfain »

<< The Hand and the Voice of the Draconis Repuiblics continue to be two seperate entities, with little linking them.>>

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Post by Stormbringer »

To: All
From: Asgard Foreign Office
Re: Etern Expansion

We will be dropping all objections to this. As a matter of record we will now be sending an envoy to inquire about an exchange of Ambassadors with them.
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Post by frigidmagi »

You are lying with your forked tongue, walking snake. If the Draconis Republic is willing to cease acting like a collection of idiot children, it, too, can join those observers we have invited to observe that we are doing nothing of the sort. If you would prefer to slander us on the international forum, you may expect us to enter this state of war you threaten, but do not expect support for this ridiculous farce of a threat.
From: United Protectrates State Office

The Etern have no standing to accuse anothe nation of lieing. Honestly we wouldn't care if the Etern continued to lie to their own people to the end of the universe. However we will not allow this rampent coloiziation of helpless civilzations. The United Protectrates will oppose this with whatever means necessary.

The pre-warp nations of this sector are closed to any colonization attempts by any nation.
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Post by Dahak »

From: Gladheim Imperial Foreign Affairs Ministry

It is, indeed, hypocritical of the Draconis to be against the expansion of the Etern.
Unlike the Draconis, the Etern have humanitarian ideals, to help, advance and develop cultures that have not yet acchieved a given level of technology. The Etern have asked for other nations to observe this and to ensure those fledgling civilizations are not invaded or otherwise forced.
The Draconis invaded under threadbare evidence of piracy.
So the Etern do have the support of the Grand Empire of Gladsheim.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Dahak wrote:From: Gladheim Imperial Foreign Affairs Ministry

It is, indeed, hypocritical of the Draconis to be against the expansion of the Etern.
Unlike the Draconis, the Etern have humanitarian ideals, to help, advance and develop cultures that have not yet acchieved a given level of technology. The Etern have asked for other nations to observe this and to ensure those fledgling civilizations are not invaded or otherwise forced.
The Draconis invaded under threadbare evidence of piracy.
So the Etern do have the support of the Grand Empire of Gladsheim.
Threadbare?? Granted, we could have done things differently, but the evidence of nation sponsored piracy was so obvious a trained monkey could grasp it.

But lets not split scales. Regardless of their intent, the Etern will force dependance on them, and cause suffering.

First, by giving primitive peoples a massive boost in technology, the primitives will not respect their newfound power, and will misuse it. Secondly, by giving them boost in technology that they cannot omprehend, the Etern will be able to direct the technological and cultural evolution of primitives, and keep a tight leash on everything they do. And will be able to keep them dependant on te tern for their survival. They will be creating client races.
Thirdly, technology that is sufficiently advanced is no different than magic to those who cannot comprehend it. What will these primitives thing? They will think the Etern are gods, and thus treat them accordingly.

Tis does not even bring into consideration the diseases which these primitive peoples may be exposed to. Before the Etern have a proper medical facility up, death will sweep over them like a plague.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

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Post by Spyder »

Marcao wrote:To: Minmatar Republic
From: Tortugan Government
Re: Planning and Surveying

We find your request acceptable and give the Minmatar clearance to send a single ship to Tortuga in order to begun the planning and surveying of suitable locations for the proposed orbital station. If at any time your people wish to contact our own for whatever reason, by all means do so.
A vessel has been dispatched. They are looking forward to visiting your system. Good day Tortuga, Minmatar out.
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Post by Dahak »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:
Dahak wrote:From: Gladheim Imperial Foreign Affairs Ministry

It is, indeed, hypocritical of the Draconis to be against the expansion of the Etern.
Unlike the Draconis, the Etern have humanitarian ideals, to help, advance and develop cultures that have not yet acchieved a given level of technology. The Etern have asked for other nations to observe this and to ensure those fledgling civilizations are not invaded or otherwise forced.
The Draconis invaded under threadbare evidence of piracy.
So the Etern do have the support of the Grand Empire of Gladsheim.
Threadbare?? Granted, we could have done things differently, but the evidence of nation sponsored piracy was so obvious a trained monkey could grasp it.

But lets not split scales. Regardless of their intent, the Etern will force dependance on them, and cause suffering.

First, by giving primitive peoples a massive boost in technology, the primitives will not respect their newfound power, and will misuse it. Secondly, by giving them boost in technology that they cannot omprehend, the Etern will be able to direct the technological and cultural evolution of primitives, and keep a tight leash on everything they do. And will be able to keep them dependant on te tern for their survival. They will be creating client races.
Thirdly, technology that is sufficiently advanced is no different than magic to those who cannot comprehend it. What will these primitives thing? They will think the Etern are gods, and thus treat them accordingly.

Tis does not even bring into consideration the diseases which these primitive peoples may be exposed to. Before the Etern have a proper medical facility up, death will sweep over them like a plague.
A simple, chirurgical strike on Tortuga to remove those elements and infrastructure supporting alleged piracy would have sufficed. A full scale invasion, which you weren't able to perform successfully in the first place, speaks volumes in and of itself.

Your proof for your accusations regarding the Etern is...what?
What assurance do you have those cilvilizations will behave the way you say they will? Having Your own experience with blatant expansionism?
You have no proof on the Etern's motivations. Given your current credibility, we won't simply believe your accusations.

And your cultural superiority is sickening. Simply assuming that any culture not able to perform Faster-than-light travel is primitive and barbaric. This speaks volumes on your motivations.

If the Etern were those evil expansionist you make them, they certainly wouldn't seek out international observation and evaluation of their upgrading efforts.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Our evidence that that will happen is the entire history of most sentient civilizations. It happened with us, it happened with humans, it will happen with the various non-human worlds that the Etern are wishing to take control over

However, in the interests of maintaining some form of stability, we will back down a step. We will send observers to the 'negotiations'. The Etern are however, advised not to use force or coercion We will see how it goes. We will not stand for a neo-colonial period
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

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Post by frigidmagi »

From: Lord Protector Sir Joshua Mattews

We regret the ultimatims and claims made by the Draconis Republic, and assure the rest of the galaxy that they do not speak for the UP or any of the other members of our alliance. We are ourselves willing to go to considerable lengths to protect the sovereign rights of the pre-warp civilizations currently being evaluated by the Etern government. To that end, we would start with sanctions on Etern goods should such a move go forward, as well as strict watches over the worlds to ensure that the populations are not being corrupted in any way.
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Post by Stormbringer »

[Imperial Palace]

"Father, are you sure that your decision was wise?" Kristanna looked at her father accusingly. She had inherieted the full measure of Gustav steel. And now she was baring it.

"No child, I'm not sure it was at all. The Etern will abuse them sure and certain. And no doubt they'll grow fat and happy of those worlds as well." The Emperor looked old, far older than he had even a few days ago. "I also fear we have done damage impossible to repair in our relations with the UPA and Nashatar."

"Then why?" Her voice at once becoming hurt and angry.

"Because they will not stand!" the rancor thick, "If they had, if they will I would still stand with them, never think otherwise. I do not cherish the suffering of innocents. Were they to stand now, really stand, all of them, I would rejoin them. I truly would child."


"Because I cannot trust our people to mere hope! We are caught in the jaws of a devils bargain in this. I cannot, I will not see our people slaughtered. I saw too much of that already. No more, child, no more of that." The Emperor seemed to shrink, oppressed by the weight of his great age. "If they stand, so will I. I treasure some small hope that perhaps they will and so we might do some small good."

The old man reached out to his daughter. Yet she looked at him with supreme disdain. With the same icy supremacy of a youth full convinced she possesed the wisdom of ages she scorned him and left, searching for Another.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

To: Etern
From: Nashtar Ministry of State
Subject: Neutral world negotiations

Despite all your high-sounding assurances to the contrary, it begins to appear to us that you are not, in fact, holding any sort of internationally observed negotiations over the planets you plan to annex and colonize, and moreover some sources indicate that you are already setting up prefabricated buildings on some of the worlds. If these reports are true, we demand that you stop at once and submit to the negotiations that you promised to the international community.

Victor Godunov, Minister of State, Republic of Nashtar
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Post by Stormbringer »

To: UPA, Nashatar
From: Asgard Imperial Palace

We wish to apologize for withdrawing our condemenation. We wish we could do more but we cannot.

We simply wish it to be known that we will not defend the Etern in any way. In the matter we will consider ourselves neutral. Their expansion is unjust and we will not protect them from harm.
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Post by Stormbringer »

To: Monacora
From: Asgard Imperial Palace

We wish to serve notice to you that we will not participate in military operations to defend the Etern. We cannot support their naked expansionism. It is our hope that this does not come to war yet we wish to make our position know.

We will not in anyway support the Etern.
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Post by SirNitram »

To: Interested parties, nations, and conglomerates.
From: Collective of Etern.
Re: Observers.

All those parties wishing to send observers to oversee the assistance of new members and end the unsupported accusations of lying against the Etern, please send your representatives to the following coordinates. Escort will be provided by the Etern's Fourth Home Guard Fleet, and will be visiting all two dozen worlds that will be entering our Collective. We request that all warships sent by the nations wait at the rendevouz point, for security reasons.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by Rogue 9 »

SirNitram wrote:To: Interested parties, nations, and conglomerates.
From: Collective of Etern.
Re: Observers.

All those parties wishing to send observers to oversee the assistance of new members and end the unsupported accusations of lying against the Etern, please send your representatives to the following coordinates. Escort will be provided by the Etern's Fourth Home Guard Fleet, and will be visiting all two dozen worlds that will be entering our Collective. We request that all warships sent by the nations wait at the rendevouz point, for security reasons.
We will send an ambassador. Should anything untoward happen to our delegation while unescorted by our forces, you will be held accountable.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

We shall dispatch a representative
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Post by Captain tycho »

Manticoran troop carriers rolled off the transports parked in the fields outside Arkantos's capital city, while construction teams were quickly erecting anti-orbital missile batteries. Resistance across the planet had been minimal, but pirates and brigands were a serious threat in this region, and the sooner permanent defenses were in place, the better. The garrison on Arkantos would consist of a measly 100,000 military police and 5,000 Marines for quick deployment, along with 12 squadrons of atmospheric police craft and 4 squadrons of LACs. Not enough to fight off a foreign military, but enough to make most pirates think twice about raiding Arkantos.

The handover of power had gone smoothly, with only a few rough spots. It was a cakewalk, and His Majesty was highly pleased with the results. There had been one casualty, and that was from the accidental discharge of a squadmate's pulser at point-blank range into his skull.
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Post by Beowulf »

near the Draconis Military HQ

The package had been slowly falling through the water for quite sometime. It had been carefully steered through the water by a set of vanes. It came to rest on the sea floor.


The time ticked for the last time. It sent an electrical impulse to a small detonator. The detonator set off a booster charge of ONC. This set off a still larger charge of ONC. This in turn ignited the packed powder around it.

The net effect of this was the equivalent of about 20lbs of TNT. It was however, big enough to fulfill the contract.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

The military HQ was not signiicantly damaged by the explosion. @0 Lbs of TNT was nothing compared to the shielded armored compound. There was a small amount of atmosphere venting, before bulkheads were shut off. A couple secretaries were injured and an MP was killed.

Immediatly, an investigation was begun. A list of possible suspects was created.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by frigidmagi »

We wish to apologize for withdrawing our condemenation. We wish we could do more but we cannot.

We simply wish it to be known that we will not defend the Etern in any way. In the matter we will consider ourselves neutral. Their expansion is unjust and we will not protect them from harm
Your postion is understood and your neutrality will be respected. We would request you play host to a meeting between a reprensentive of the United Protectrates and Moncora to discuss this matters. We would prefer to end this nonvoilently if possible, even while willing to fight to ensure the saftey of the civilizations in question.
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Post by Stormbringer »

frigidmagi wrote:
We wish to apologize for withdrawing our condemenation. We wish we could do more but we cannot.

We simply wish it to be known that we will not defend the Etern in any way. In the matter we will consider ourselves neutral. Their expansion is unjust and we will not protect them from harm
Your postion is understood and your neutrality will be respected. We would request you play host to a meeting between a reprensentive of the United Protectrates and Moncora to discuss this matters. We would prefer to end this nonvoilently if possible, even while willing to fight to ensure the saftey of the civilizations in question.
We will host such a meeting, glady.
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Post by frigidmagi »

From: United Protectrates State Office
To: Monocora

We request a meeting with a representive of your government to be hosted by Asgard to discuss the Etern situation.

Lord Protectors Office
Four people were present where once there would be only 3. Lord Protector Sir Joshua Mattews, his cousin, his uncle and his bride to be were all there sitting still and looking at the screen.

"Are you sure you want to go?" The Lord Protector asked his cousin and heir. He was worried, Brain was the closest thing he had to a brother. His engaged silently put her hand on his shoulder, she felt it best not to speak.

"It'll be fun. Confront Monocora, dance with frosty Asgard nobles, etc. A vacation I am very due. I'll even look into how they make new noble titles might make good reading." Brain promised lightly.

To Asgard

We thank you.
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Post by Captain tycho »

To: UP Diplomatic Office
From: SKM Foreign Ministry

(in response to a post a few pages ago)

The Star Kingdom of Manticore would be happy to exchange ambassadors.
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