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Post by frigidmagi »

To: UP Diplomatic Office
From: SKM Foreign Ministry

(in response to a post a few pages ago)

The Star Kingdom of Manticore would be happy to exchange ambassadors.
From: United Protectrates State Office
To:Stellar Kingdom of Manticore Foreign Ministry

We will be sending an ambassador in a Mark class destoryer and wait eargerly to recieve yours.
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Post by Thirdfain »

<< The Hajr respects the decisions of the Asgard Empire, and the words of their leaders. We will of course oppose any open agression against the Etern, but give our support and request the right of sending observers to monitor the Etern expansion.>>

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Thirdfain wrote:<< The Hajr respects the decisions of the Asgard Empire, and the words of their leaders. We will of course oppose any open agression against the Etern, but give our support and request the right of sending observers to monitor the Etern expansion.>>
Thank you, we understand that you wish to defend an ally. Such is laudable and noble. We do not ask you to let them be attacked. We merely wish to see that they do not turn into colonial exploiters.
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Post by SirNitram »

Etern Protectorate Space, Some Time Later.

When the observers had been gathered and accounted for, the Etern Home Guard Fleet leaped to the first of the new worlds. On approach, the diplomat attending to the observers spoke up.

"As your sensors can see, there are distinct power readings on this world; such is only natural, as the natives are still in a hunter-gatherer stage on their own. You will see this pattern repeat. We will be visiting each site, to make it clear we have nothing to hide. Please, remain close to me and keep your sidearms or the provided weaponry with you. Some predatory creatures in these worlds are dangerous if they ambush."

The first stop, descending via dropships some fifty klicks from a village, was one of the massive prefabricated buildings the Nashtar communique had mentioned. It had.. A large, crudely painted + on it, red in colour. As the diplomat guided the observers in, the reason was clear: Someone had brought a hospital, entirely self-contained, to the world. Natives were being soothed inside as Etern tried to put their treatments into terms they understood.

"As you can see, we are doing our best to improve health standards here and elsewhere. This is relatively simple compared to most of our operations; inform them it is magic and they are quite willing to accept how it works. We will have to educate them beyond this, but it works in the short term.." He shrugged. "Questions?"

Next, the dropships did a suborbital 'hop' of a small ways, near another set of signatures: Hydroponics. "As I said," The diplomatic explained as he walked through the grounds. "This is a hunter-gatherer society, so we can skip the lesser forms of farming entirely and focus on modern hydroponics. The yield will be healthier and larger for their effort, once shifted to their own population. Any questions?"

Next, a mountain range on the other side of the world.. "Here is where we run defensive operations." The Diplomat explained as they descended into the mountain range. "When we're done, we plan to host a full planetary shield, surface-to-orbit batteries, and an outsystem satellite network to give early warning. Obviously, it'll take more time than dropping a pre-constructed hydroponics lab or hospital in, but it will work. This operation is being closely run with the natives; they have select some of their warriors to be trained in how this place is run, so that they have a hand in their own affairs. It is dishonorable to baby them. Again, questions?"

OOC: Most of the other planets they'll visit are the same, but not as far along. IE, the hospital is only just starting up, the only defenses there yet is a few sensor buoys. The Etern aren't moving in industry yet, not by a long shot.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by Rogue 9 »

"My question," began Michael Brisbane, the Nashtari/United Protectorates joint representative, "is how far is this going to go? Hospitals are all well and good, but I somehow doubt that you will stop here. Your admission that you tell the natives that it is magic is particularly disturbing; once that impression is fostered it is not easily broken. You are setting yourselves up as gods, sir, and this puts you in an ideal position for unresisted colonialism and exploitation; who, after all, would gainsay their supposed gods?" He snorted. "I somehow doubt that this setup is coincidence or borne of pure benevolence.

"Furthermore, we were supposedly invited to observe negotiations with the natives. You are presenting us with a fait accompli instead, with the natives already subjugated by your purported 'magic.' This is not acceptable. The damage may be partly done, but neither the Republic of Nashtar nor the United Protectorates will stand for this to continue. You have subverted your word and set yourself up to conquer twenty four planets without ever firing a shot. We demand that you cease these activities at once and freeze your encroachment upon these planets."
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Post by SirNitram »

Rogue 9 wrote:"My question," began Michael Brisbane, the Nashtari/United Protectorates joint representative, "is how far is this going to go? Hospitals are all well and good, but I somehow doubt that you will stop here. Your admission that you tell the natives that it is magic is particularly disturbing; once that impression is fostered it is not easily broken. You are setting yourselves up as gods, sir, and this puts you in an ideal position for unresisted colonialism and exploitation; who, after all, would gainsay their supposed gods?" He snorted. "I somehow doubt that this setup is coincidence or borne of pure benevolence.

"Sir." The Etern diplomat said sternly. "I do not blasphemy your ideals of a benevolent deity who may smile upon you. I ask you do not bring down the Four Faces upon us all with your talk." The man made a superstious symbol with his hands to try and ward off the ancient dark powers that ever waited for the Etern. "We are not purporting ourselves Gods.. At best, wizards. And as you will see in the negotiations we are moving to next, we are offering to teach them to use this magic themselves. They will become wizards. Yes, yes. You say it is all technology. Mere words. Their next generation will be taught how to work it in the best schools of Known Space; some in Nashtar are even selected. They will know it for what it is." The man shuddered again. "Us.. Be gods. No man could be that cruel."
"Furthermore, we were supposedly invited to observe negotiations with the natives. You are presenting us with a fait accompli instead, with the natives already subjugated by your purported 'magic.' This is not acceptable. The damage may be partly done, but neither the Republic of Nashtar nor the United Protectorates will stand for this to continue. You have subverted your word and set yourself up to conquer twenty four planets without ever firing a shot. We demand that you cease these activities at once and freeze your encroachment upon these planets."
"If administering health care to the sick and needy, providing ample food, and defending those who cannot yet defend themselves is 'encroachment', what would you have us do? Let them starve and die, so you can tell yourself you did not violate some silly little lie you tell yourselves in bed? Would you prefer to visit the worlds who rejected our offers, where they still live in mud-huts?"
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by Thirdfain »

"Interesting choice of words."

The Voice of the Hajr, Aleksandra su Miitgar, interjected.

"What sort of methods to you intend on using to promote the growth of proper unfiied governments on these worlds? What stops the local shaman from using what you teach him to become a master over his people, removing their freedom through the power his connection with the Sky Wizards grants him?"

She made an odd little gesture, and then smiled.

"Please explain your social plans for these primitives."

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

SirNitram wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:"My question," began Michael Brisbane, the Nashtari/United Protectorates joint representative, "is how far is this going to go? Hospitals are all well and good, but I somehow doubt that you will stop here. Your admission that you tell the natives that it is magic is particularly disturbing; once that impression is fostered it is not easily broken. You are setting yourselves up as gods, sir, and this puts you in an ideal position for unresisted colonialism and exploitation; who, after all, would gainsay their supposed gods?" He snorted. "I somehow doubt that this setup is coincidence or borne of pure benevolence.

"Sir." The Etern diplomat said sternly. "I do not blasphemy your ideals of a benevolent deity who may smile upon you. I ask you do not bring down the Four Faces upon us all with your talk." The man made a superstious symbol with his hands to try and ward off the ancient dark powers that ever waited for the Etern. "We are not purporting ourselves Gods.. At best, wizards. And as you will see in the negotiations we are moving to next, we are offering to teach them to use this magic themselves. They will become wizards. Yes, yes. You say it is all technology. Mere words. Their next generation will be taught how to work it in the best schools of Known Space; some in Nashtar are even selected. They will know it for what it is." The man shuddered again. "Us.. Be gods. No man could be that cruel."
"And you think that believing you to be wizards is any better for their ability to rationally decide whether to join you or not? By the second generation it will be too late; their independence will already be surrendered to the Etern."
"Furthermore, we were supposedly invited to observe negotiations with the natives. You are presenting us with a fait accompli instead, with the natives already subjugated by your purported 'magic.' This is not acceptable. The damage may be partly done, but neither the Republic of Nashtar nor the United Protectorates will stand for this to continue. You have subverted your word and set yourself up to conquer twenty four planets without ever firing a shot. We demand that you cease these activities at once and freeze your encroachment upon these planets."
"If administering health care to the sick and needy, providing ample food, and defending those who cannot yet defend themselves is 'encroachment', what would you have us do? Let them starve and die, so you can tell yourself you did not violate some silly little lie you tell yourselves in bed? Would you prefer to visit the worlds who rejected our offers, where they still live in mud-huts?"
"Our civilizations did not starve and die out. Obviously neither did yours. Do you give a child all her needs from infancy, providing everything and teaching nothing? When such a child reaches adulthood, having had everything provided for her all her life, she will not know how to fend for herself. A society, like that child, must grow; attempting to transform one instantly is destructive. If we had all been handed our wondrous technology from some benefactor, would we advance like we do today? No. Such handouts result in stagnation, and stagnation is the surest death of a society. Such is what you're giving them."
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by SirNitram »

Thirdfain wrote:"Interesting choice of words."

The Voice of the Hajr, Aleksandra su Miitgar, interjected.

"What sort of methods to you intend on using to promote the growth of proper unfiied governments on these worlds? What stops the local shaman from using what you teach him to become a master over his people, removing their freedom through the power his connection with the Sky Wizards grants him?"
The Etern bowed somewhat to the Ouster, an odd show of respect out of the blue. "My apologies, Lady Voice. I will explain."

"We are not acting as some distant protector god, as the Known Space powers seem to think we should be doing, sitting in the sky to ward off attack but never showing our faces. Our artisans walk among them, and trade their artwork. We have devoted some of our older warriors to practice with their guards. No shaman may exercise this connection, for any person may walk with us, talk with us. We wish these people to be members of the Collective.. Not some mere fiefdom or colony that has no say."
She made an odd little gesture, and then smiled.

"Please explain your social plans for these primitives."
"It is a complicated thing, moving from these times to spacefaring. Scales become hard to judge. People talk of technological differences.. They mean nothing. The problem is in unifying the disparate powers of each world together. Here is where I must admit, ladies and gentles, to being less than a perfect man. In order to unite the tribes of this and other worlds, we have used fear. We have shown them what lies beyond the border of the sky. Both our enemy, the dreaded Machine Demon, and the warring powers of Known Space. We are teaching them about proportional representation in government.." A tired sigh. "Forgive me. That is a tiresome thing to teach primitives. I can barely fathom how my kind were like that a mere five centuries ago."
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by Bugsby »

From: Thebes Planetary Government
To: Asgard, UP, Nashtar, Etern

It has come to our attention that the recent expansions by the Etern have been viewed as a colonialist move. Many see it so, because they cannot fully understand a protectorate state. Yet we, as clients of a protectorate state, know what this arrangement entails. Although we are well aware that many view us as merely colonies of the Krell, we have our own robust political alndscape and function perfectly well on our own. The Krell merely provide us defense, and have done so for the past 100 years to complete satisfaction.

Because of our unique position to understand the demands of a protectorate, we put ourselves forward as possible moderators in this debate. Should you accept us, we will form a commission to oversee the manner in which the Etern carry out their protectorate, making sure that it is to the maximum benefit of the protected parties.

As the clients of a mercenary power, we are effectively complete neutrals in this matter. We hope that you will accept our offer.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Bugsby wrote:From: Thebes Planetary Government
To: Asgard, UP, Nashtar, Etern

It has come to our attention that the recent expansions by the Etern have been viewed as a colonialist move. Many see it so, because they cannot fully understand a protectorate state. Yet we, as clients of a protectorate state, know what this arrangement entails. Although we are well aware that many view us as merely colonies of the Krell, we have our own robust political alndscape and function perfectly well on our own. The Krell merely provide us defense, and have done so for the past 100 years to complete satisfaction.

Because of our unique position to understand the demands of a protectorate, we put ourselves forward as possible moderators in this debate. Should you accept us, we will form a commission to oversee the manner in which the Etern carry out their protectorate, making sure that it is to the maximum benefit of the protected parties.

As the clients of a mercenary power, we are effectively complete neutrals in this matter. We hope that you will accept our offer.
To: Thebes Planetary Government
From: Nashtar Ministry of State
Subject: Etern expansionism

While we respect your concerns, it seems to us that perhaps you are not sufficiently well informed of the situation. You are a technologically advanced society that hires the Krell to protect you in lieu of having your own military. This is well and good for you. However, the peoples of the planets in question did not ask or hire the Etern to protect them. They are primitive, pre-warp people who were approached and intimidated by the Etern. Your two cases are hardly comparable. With respect, please inform yourselves before presuming to pass judgment upon a situation using false analogies.

Horace Werman, Subminister for Foreign Affairs
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Post by SirNitram »

Rogue 9 wrote:"And you think that believing you to be wizards is any better for their ability to rationally decide whether to join you or not? By the second generation it will be too late; their independence will already be surrendered to the Etern."
"I am afraid I do not understand." Admitted the diplomat. "We are insuring they can use the technology themselves and have a hand in their own affairs. Yes, they will be full member-worlds of the Collective; is this bad? Should they be left alone to be conquered violently by the next power who does not care happens along? Or left to suffer the immense losses of life they can expect from uninterrupted development?"
"Our civilizations did not starve and die out. Obviously neither did yours. Do you give a child all her needs from infancy, providing everything and teaching nothing? When such a child reaches adulthood, having had everything provided for her all her life, she will not know how to fend for herself. A society, like that child, must grow; attempting to transform one instantly is destructive. If we had all been handed our wondrous technology from some benefactor, would we advance like we do today? No. Such handouts result in stagnation, and stagnation is the surest death of a society. Such is what you're giving them."
"...Sir. You have no concept of my civilization." The Etern spoke softly. "We exist because there are powers in the universe who do not beleive in your naivete. We were enslaved, sir. You have met other powers who do the same. So, explain this to me: Why should we leave them to that fate? Because you beleive it would promote stagnation? We have not stagnated, and we stole our technology by force from the Machine Demon."
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

Debator Classification: Trollhunter
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Post by Rogue 9 »

SirNitram wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:"And you think that believing you to be wizards is any better for their ability to rationally decide whether to join you or not? By the second generation it will be too late; their independence will already be surrendered to the Etern."
"I am afraid I do not understand." Admitted the diplomat. "We are insuring they can use the technology themselves and have a hand in their own affairs. Yes, they will be full member-worlds of the Collective; is this bad? Should they be left alone to be conquered violently by the next power who does not care happens along? Or left to suffer the immense losses of life they can expect from uninterrupted development?"
"Under your circumstances, it is understandable that you do not understand. We believe in the right of self-determination. These people should decide for themselves whether to be independent or to join you, and in their current state they are in no position to make that decision. In any case, you should not have made it for them."
"Our civilizations did not starve and die out. Obviously neither did yours. Do you give a child all her needs from infancy, providing everything and teaching nothing? When such a child reaches adulthood, having had everything provided for her all her life, she will not know how to fend for herself. A society, like that child, must grow; attempting to transform one instantly is destructive. If we had all been handed our wondrous technology from some benefactor, would we advance like we do today? No. Such handouts result in stagnation, and stagnation is the surest death of a society. Such is what you're giving them."
"...Sir. You have no concept of my civilization." The Etern spoke softly. "We exist because there are powers in the universe who do not beleive in your naivete. We were enslaved, sir. You have met other powers who do the same. So, explain this to me: Why should we leave them to that fate? Because you beleive it would promote stagnation? We have not stagnated, and we stole our technology by force from the Machine Demon."
"They need not meet that fate. Our concern is ensuring that they do not meet it at anyone's hands; not yours, not the Machine demon's if it were still functional, not even ours. You see the forced conversion of their society as a laudable goal. While your intentions may be high-minded, even the most well-intentioned theft of the right to choose one's own path is wrong. Your society had that right wrongfully stolen from you by the Overseer. This does not mean that others should have to meet the same fate, even if by gentler hands."
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Bugsby »

Mr. Werman,

The slight to our intelligence is not appreciated. We are well informed of the situation and have made this proposal out of the intelligence we do have. On the surface, we do agree with you. The cases of Thebes and the Etern protectorates are not identical. However, for the last hundred years we have been a model of a functioning protectorate. Our system functions in such a way that, although the Combine protects us and goes a long way to defining our national identity, we have maintained a unique political and social system on our world, untouched by the mercenaries that patrol our skies. We know, better than any, how this balance between protection and cultural/national identity can be maintained. It is on that basis that we offer our services.

If you reject our offer, so be it. But do not presume to do so on the grounds of poor intelligence or poor qualifications.

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Post by SirNitram »

Rogue 9 wrote:"Under your circumstances, it is understandable that you do not understand. We believe in the right of self-determination. These people should decide for themselves whether to be independent or to join you, and in their current state they are in no position to make that decision. In any case, you should not have made it for them."

"They made their decision. We asked them. You may have such silly ideas as a man has no clue what the world is like until he has discovered how an atom exists, or why the sky is blue, but they are in charge of their destiny. As we said, some rejected us. We left them alone."
"They need not meet that fate. Our concern is ensuring that they do not meet it at anyone's hands; not yours, not the Machine demon's if it were still functional, not even ours. You see the forced conversion of their society as a laudable goal. While your intentions may be high-minded, even the most well-intentioned theft of the right to choose one's own path is wrong. Your society had that right wrongfully stolen from you by the Overseer. This does not mean that others should have to meet the same fate, even if by gentler hands."
"You again imply we are not giving them their own voice. We asked them, sir. That is why there is negotiations we will be attending.(OOC: Once we get by the questions regarding the stuff shown) Are you going to now say we made them say yes? Mind controlled them, somehow?"
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by Rogue 9 »

SirNitram wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:"Under your circumstances, it is understandable that you do not understand. We believe in the right of self-determination. These people should decide for themselves whether to be independent or to join you, and in their current state they are in no position to make that decision. In any case, you should not have made it for them."

"They made their decision. We asked them. You may have such silly ideas as a man has no clue what the world is like until he has discovered how an atom exists, or why the sky is blue, but they are in charge of their destiny. As we said, some rejected us. We left them alone."
"The man has a clue what his world is like before that, but when an entirely foreign and superior culture appears to him out of the sky, threatens him with tales of boogiemen from the stars, and offers protection if they will only join that culture, you present him with a massive outside context problem. What other decision could they have reasonably made with the information they had under the circumstances?"
"They need not meet that fate. Our concern is ensuring that they do not meet it at anyone's hands; not yours, not the Machine demon's if it were still functional, not even ours. You see the forced conversion of their society as a laudable goal. While your intentions may be high-minded, even the most well-intentioned theft of the right to choose one's own path is wrong. Your society had that right wrongfully stolen from you by the Overseer. This does not mean that others should have to meet the same fate, even if by gentler hands."
"You again imply we are not giving them their own voice. We asked them, sir. That is why there is negotiations we will be attending.(OOC: Once we get by the questions regarding the stuff shown) Are you going to now say we made them say yes? Mind controlled them, somehow?"
"I am going to now say that if you come down from the sky and dazzle them with 'magic,' they are not in much of a position to say no. You admit to the Ouster representative that you intimidated them by showing them the terrors of the Overseer and the warfleets of the other nations, and presumably promised protection against these evils, one of which is gone and the other of which is not truly interested in attacking them, with possibly a few exceptions," he said pointedly. "I do not say that you took control of your minds and made them say yes, but I do say that in their eyes, after what you showed them and what you said, they would perceive very little choice in the matter. You did not directly force them, but you placed so much pressure upon them that there was little else that they could safely say."
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Post by SirNitram »

"In short, the Nashtar beleive there is no way they could make their decisions properly, because they are primitive." The contempt was in his voice, but he was trying to be polite. Trying very hard. "You had your mind made up before you came. Very well. Condemn us if you insist. We are preventing death and disease, internal strife and the threat of invasion by less high-minded but naive powers than yourself. Call us the spawn of the Four if you desire. These people are our equals in spirit, now. They wished to join the collective, and we have no 'protectorates' or 'colonies'. They will be citizens when the negotiations end, and their leaders will stand with us in the chambers of wisdom. I ask you simply this: What would the Nashtar do, when finding these people? Tell them, high-mindedly, that they have no busy in what happens around them? That they deserve no hand in it, because it is too advanced?"
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by frigidmagi »


"They're manics. They're is no talking to them. They threatened to burn Drac planets for heaven sakes!" Joshua protested.

"There were some in the Shi who thought you were bararians when our nations met. You were clearly insane speaking of an Alliance against such great and dark powers, but you were right. Perhaps the Etern have been misjudged, there are some places where death threats are material for humor after all." Sakura Hino explained, they had been spending alot of time togather, which made sense since they were to be married soon.

"Perhaps... And the idea is a good one."

"It will show you are willing to find another way beside war and terror. It will save our fleets for the war against the Hajr. Isn't that the point?" She asked gentlely. Her dark eyes locked on his grey ones has they clouded in thought.

"You are right. Very well, Sakura I will do has you ask." The Lord Protector decreed.

Transmission to Etern

In order to reach a comproise we suggest the following.

That other nations also be stationed on these worlds to aide in the work. This would prevent the people from being ill used and allow them some freedom of choice in their future paths. When the natives of the worlds in question have the education and techonogly to travel to the stars on their own power that they chose for themselves who they ally to if anyone.
No one power would be alone on any world allowing no one any undue influence.
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Post by Dahak »

Etern space

Duke Nethington took quite an interest in the whole scene. The Etern seemed to be honest enough and just following their own, unique ways. Yet the implied moral superiority of the Nashtar representative was getting to him.
"So, Mr. Brisbane," his cristal-clear voice rang out, "you are denying those people a advancement just out of spite, out of some obscure notion that to further advance themselves they have to wade through endless suffering and death? Because, despite all your enlighted talks, that is what leaving them alone would also entail. Plagues, illnesses, wars. Numerous deaths. I find it sickeing that you would let this happen before you allow the Etern to help people in need."
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
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Post by Spyder »


A single vessel exited hyperspace within sensor range of the planet. The vessel itself was reasonably large for non combat vessel, it was unarmed and had a unique modular design that stretched across 1.8 kilometers. It's function necessitated its large size.

"Attention Tortuga and all forces operating within this system. This is Dr David Braddock of the Starliner Phobos. We are here to monitor radiation levels, observe stellar phenomenon and survey any potential ecological problems presented by the future United Nations Space Platform. Any power that wishes to come aboard to discuss design specifications and needs of the new station is welcome to do so.

Phobos out."
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Post by Hotfoot »

Etern Sector
Proposed Protectorate Sphere

Dominic Salducci could only imagine what emotions were racing through the crowd right now. A psionically gifted human would probably be getting a headache from all of the naked minds shouting things just as loudly as they spoke.

"The Ravenlock Consortium originally saw this action by the Etern as little more than a naked grab for power, but now, having seen the proposed actions being taken and the reasons behind it, we can see the move for what it truly is."

"It has long been an established fact in the Consortium that peoples from previous time periods, even going so far back as pre-historic, have the capability to advance to modern culture. Obviously, there are issues with previous generations, but children born of other cultures, then raised in others adapt with little or no difficulty. The only concern we have as of now is the speed by which the Etern plan on advancing these worlds. With all due respect to the Etern, enacting such a massive change in the space of a few generations could provide a sundering in the immediate culture. The children who would go off to the schools of the galaxy would return to see their parents perhaps as lessers. However, the possible upside could be that with the speed they are suggesting, any potential problems would be limited to the first two or three generations, and after that point, they would develop their own, functional society."

"To put it bluntly, spacefaring or not, these people are sentient beings, and should be treated as such. They may not need the help the Etern are offering right now, but that is irrelevant, as they would undoubtedly benefit from it in the long and the short term."

"We would suggest, however, that this endevour be made an international one. It would make the overall job that much easier, and the peoples involved would be considerably more informed when the time for their decisions would come."
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.
The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Dahak wrote:Etern space

Duke Nethington took quite an interest in the whole scene. The Etern seemed to be honest enough and just following their own, unique ways. Yet the implied moral superiority of the Nashtar representative was getting to him.
"So, Mr. Brisbane," his cristal-clear voice rang out, "you are denying those people a advancement just out of spite, out of some obscure notion that to further advance themselves they have to wade through endless suffering and death? Because, despite all your enlighted talks, that is what leaving them alone would also entail. Plagues, illnesses, wars. Numerous deaths. I find it sickeing that you would let this happen before you allow the Etern to help people in need."
Brisbane snorted. "Says the representative of a nation that razes worlds like this for raw resources. You, sir, are in no position to talk after your little 'mining operations.'"
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Dahak »

Rogue 9 wrote:
Dahak wrote:Etern space

Duke Nethington took quite an interest in the whole scene. The Etern seemed to be honest enough and just following their own, unique ways. Yet the implied moral superiority of the Nashtar representative was getting to him.
"So, Mr. Brisbane," his cristal-clear voice rang out, "you are denying those people a advancement just out of spite, out of some obscure notion that to further advance themselves they have to wade through endless suffering and death? Because, despite all your enlighted talks, that is what leaving them alone would also entail. Plagues, illnesses, wars. Numerous deaths. I find it sickeing that you would let this happen before you allow the Etern to help people in need."
Brisbane snorted. "Says the representative of a nation that razes worlds like this for raw resources. You, sir, are in no position to talk after your little 'mining operations.'"
"Well," Nethington smiled cooly, "there was no sentient life on that planet, so your 'accusations' don't fly, as they say. These planets could have, under optimisitc conditions, developed civilizations such as this we are currently looking at, in some million years to come. But fortunately, that is not of our concern, as is the well-being of the nature in face of the resources those planets represented to us."
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
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Post by Darksider »

SirNitram wrote:To: Interested parties, nations, and conglomerates.
From: Collective of Etern.
Re: Observers.

All those parties wishing to send observers to oversee the assistance of new members and end the unsupported accusations of lying against the Etern, please send your representatives to the following coordinates. Escort will be provided by the Etern's Fourth Home Guard Fleet, and will be visiting all two dozen worlds that will be entering our Collective. We request that all warships sent by the nations wait at the rendevouz point, for security reasons.
To: Collective Of Etern
From: KSE foreign Office
Re: Observers

We wish to send observers to this event

(OOC: Assume I sent this before the trip started. My teachers are REALLY loading on the assignments)
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Dahak wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:
Dahak wrote:Etern space

Duke Nethington took quite an interest in the whole scene. The Etern seemed to be honest enough and just following their own, unique ways. Yet the implied moral superiority of the Nashtar representative was getting to him.
"So, Mr. Brisbane," his cristal-clear voice rang out, "you are denying those people a advancement just out of spite, out of some obscure notion that to further advance themselves they have to wade through endless suffering and death? Because, despite all your enlighted talks, that is what leaving them alone would also entail. Plagues, illnesses, wars. Numerous deaths. I find it sickeing that you would let this happen before you allow the Etern to help people in need."
Brisbane snorted. "Says the representative of a nation that razes worlds like this for raw resources. You, sir, are in no position to talk after your little 'mining operations.'"
"Well," Nethington smiled cooly, "there was no sentient life on that planet, so your 'accusations' don't fly, as they say. These planets could have, under optimisitc conditions, developed civilizations such as this we are currently looking at, in some million years to come. But fortunately, that is not of our concern, as is the well-being of the nature in face of the resources those planets represented to us."
"Resources just as easily obtained on other, dead worlds in those very same systems, and how far did you really check for sentients anyway? But I digress."
"In short, the Nashtar beleive there is no way they could make their decisions properly, because they are primitive."
"No sir, we believe that under the circumstances you forced their hands and introduced a massive outside context problem into their culture. Think about it. If you were a member of a pre-warp culture, beginning to think highly of yourself as you mastered your environment and the problems facing you on your own, and then one day were confronted by strange beings descending from the sky wielding apparent magic, who threatened you with tales of other beings from the sky who will destroy you given half a chance unless you join the first magic-wielders, what would you think? Your entire perspective on life, your entire belief system, your perception of your place in the world, these have all just been wiped out in a span of minutes. What, then, would be your psychological reaction to this? I can tell you one thing. It would not be healthy."
"You had your mind made up before you came. Very well. Condemn us if you insist. We are preventing death and disease, internal strife and the threat of invasion by less high-minded but naive powers than yourself. Call us the spawn of the Four if you desire. These people are our equals in spirit, now. They wished to join the collective, and we have no 'protectorates' or 'colonies'. They will be citizens when the negotiations end, and their leaders will stand with us in the chambers of wisdom. I ask you simply this: What would the Nashtar do, when finding these people? Tell them, high-mindedly, that they have no busy in what happens around them? That they deserve no hand in it, because it is too advanced?"
"No, we would tell them nothing, nor would we even make overt contact, because we would not wish to instantly destroy their culture in a flash like that. When your entire world effectively ends around you, it is not good for your psyche, much less your culture."
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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