Beowulf wrote:A 400kT nuke isn't any larger than what could conceivably fit onto a bike. Ever see a picture of an ICBM warhead? The DC bomb is non-nuclear, and so there isn't any nasty alpha, beta or neutron radiaton to worry about.
With the tech level there are probably, I don't know, 400kt pinch-field fusion bombs that can fit into a suitcase. The catch is that a proper customs inspection would nail you pretty easily. A M/AM bomb is another possibility--but again, antimatter is a bitch to transport and would be spotted.
What should have happened was Draconis customs confiscating the flycycle the moment it was declared at customs, because a total-conversion reactor is the most dangerous bomb possible, regardless of how innocuous the use.
The DC bomb does require rather easily identifable electronics. It ain't hard to find when you know what to look for. Anybody who knew about the OU in it's heyday, before it fell, should be familiar with what they used, and could find it.
I'm not really sure what to do about this. I don't support this rampant use of DC power cores, because I won't have people placing invisible terrorist death bombs in capital cities. It's total bullshit, which you seem to have a bizarre liking for despite being smacked down previously. You should try something less wankerish or at least set a more modest goal for your character than blowing up millions of people.
The method for deciding major plot points like this, Beowulf, is that you PM your target player and tell him that you're going to perform a certain action. You come up with a proposal on how you're going to do it, and you ask for his approval. Maybe he accepts it, maybe he says no and tells you why. At which point you compromise. If somebody decides to be a dick and refuses any negotiation, you bring it to Marcao or me and ask for a ruling. In the words of Michael Corleone, if history has taught us anything, it's that you can kill anyone.
If you're dead set on blowing shit up on Varathrax, you should hash it out with Alyrium instead of springing it on him.
Thoughts on how to handle this, Marcao? I'm thinking we delete the mad bomber post and the two parties can try to think of a more fair method.