Borg vs Firearms

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Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

SirNitram wrote:
That idea is absurd if only for the question why did the nanoprobes required DNA samples and physical material to assimilate and work with? If One was merely a hologram, all the nanoprobes would've needed to do is create/implement a program, nothing else.
Gathering data for the hologram and how to augment it beyond the weaknesses you described.
Still doesn't explain how the hologram of One would be resistance to energy weapons, which disrupted the Doc's program on more than one occasion. Even other holograms which stole the Doc's mobile emitter had this vulnerability (ref STVOY "Flesh and Blood").
It certainly beats the idiotic 'Nanoprobes disobey conservation of mass' crap you spew.
Excuse me? Where is it determined the Borg were "desperate" to "assimilate" One? Because a sphere showed up?
Probably the dialogue where One was afraid the Borg would keep following him,
Hugh was afraid of the same damn thing. He must have been super advanced, huh? :roll:
the Sphere that was sodding huge.. Stuff like that.
Scaling yields a diameter roughly 600 meters for the sphere in question. Virtually identical to the Borg "escape sphere" witnessed in FC. I'll even provide you with the images as proof (since I'm so dishonest as per my custom title) ... oyager.jpg ... con3_2.jpg
Stuff never gone to for Voyager itself, which did have tech the Collective doesn't. Let's hear the excuse you reach into your ass for on this.
One was the "tech" the Collective was intent on pursuing. Hugh feared the same thing, so much so he decided it best to return willing and sacrifice his individuality (or so he thought). That's not evidence Hugh is unique or superior technology the Borg want to get their hands on. That's just evidence of a typical Borg response to lost drones and technology: reclaim it.
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Post by The Silence and I »

Batman wrote:
The Silence and I wrote:I would ask you then:
Why go to the bother and expense to outfit every borg drone with a personal shield that only defends against a few variations of energy weapons?
1.Because those 'few variations' apparently make up the vast majority of weapons thy're up against (which actually makes sense as for a given firepower those weapons are actually MORE effective than brute force ones)
2.Who said they defend only against those? they adapt only to those.
They WILL hold up against most of them until they're overcome by sheer energy input.
What example was this? Because I doubt it can be considered the norm that most non federation energy weapons by-pass the shields.
They do NOT automatically bypass the shields. IF the shield'S capacity exceeds the weapons' it will still hold. However, if it does NOT, the shield can't adapt tho that, as opposed to the frequency shenanigans of Trek's major powers. Notice how the Cube in FC got plastered despite being able to adapt to phasers-the Fed's by then apparently had the sheer power to just break down the shield.
My apologies, apparently we do not disagree, I simply misunderstood your meaning.
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Post by Batman »

Robert Walper wrote: Explain how the 29th century holoemitter designed and built a KE shield then, and made it practical.
Given that a holo emitter is by definition a miniaturized force field generator, I fail to see how this is highly impropable.
And the fact remains that One is the only example of individual level KE shields in more than a decade worth of episodes...
This should quite interesting, since we know the mobile emitter was adapted to regulate One's neural functions...and that was it.
We know that that's all it was knownto do.
The nanoprobes replicated the emitter's alloy as One's armor, but other than that the emitter's contributions seem to be quite minor.
As that was the only instance of a Borg drone ever using a KE shield, apparently not.
They may have the theory behind it (which would explain how One knew to do so with the right materials) but they do not have the capability as such.
The technology was built and worked fine. That is more than just a "theory".
Not when you need 29th century tech to do so, no.
They have assimilated thousands of cultures. Wether or not those were conquered is unestablished (assuming no canon evidence to the contrary, of course).
I suspect we can safely assume the Borg have in fact "conquered" many cultures(quite easily thousands, they've classified at least 10,026 as of STVOY "Dark Frontier"). The fact their space/deployment spans an entire quadrant or more would seem to justify this assumption.
'I suspect' doesn't cut it, Robert. Assimilated doesn't equal conquered, and span doesn't equal rule. Given that there are a shitload of Delta quadrant cultures still thriving, the Borg's influence can't be all that great...
And given that just about every time KE is employed against them they get reamed, if they do have them one wonders why they don't use them...
You mean like in First Contact, where the drones, despite this "horrible vulnerability", sent the Starfleet force packing and made them so desperate as to try and self destruct their own ship?
For example, yes. Or Data tossing Drones left right and center on several occasions.
The mere fact that Viking...errr Klingon warriors regularly trounce Feds in hand-to-hand doesn't make their insistence on doing so any less stupid.
We've seen modern Borg technology construct a fully functional KE shield and we saw it effectively used.
By a drone with access to 29th century technology.
Which has absolutely zero credibility for designing and constructing said Borg technology.
Designing, no. Constructing, yes. As the holo emitter is inevitably a miniature forcefield generator, it offering technology vital to miniature KE shields is entirely possible.
Given the enormous success of the Borg Collective,
Excuse me? They regularly get thwarted by what may very well the most inept important military power in the history of TV SciFi...
EVERY LAST ATTEMPT of theirs to take the Feds, or even lone Voyager, was countered. That DOES rather qualify as 'regularly thwarted', wether or not they're theoretically able of trouncing the Feds.
obviously the "need" to employ KE shielding is quite insignificant.
Given that virtually every time they are attacked via KE they get their asses handed to them, wether or not they need them if they have and don't use them that merely reaffirms everybody's conclusion that the Borg are stupid like nobody's business...
For the last time, the Borg technology base can easily construct a functional and practical KE shield. We've seen it done and used.
With access to 29th century technology and nowhere else. Despite numerous examples where it would have come in handy.
They obviously and irrefuteably possess the technology, but chose not to employ it. Given the Borg are hardly in need of it (like their ability to build a drone from scratch in less than a day), the fact it's not employed is hardly worth note.
Thank you for admitting they do not use it, your baselss assumptions of them having it aside.
Because drones aren't equipped with KE shielding, because from a cost to benefit ratio, they are hardly worth the effort (it is inefficient to equip your troops with technology if the expectation is that they will not need it in any significant scenario).
Expecting KE damage to a drone does not require 'any significant scenario'.
Your cost to benefit ratio is entirely unestablished.
The assertion One was a "29th century" Borg is supported solely by dialogue by a Starfleet crew
IT's supported by the fact that unlike any other Borg drone, he had KE shielding, and unlike any other Borg drone, he also had access to a 29th century holo emitter, which inevitably incorporates a forcefield generator. Surely even you can make the conclusion.
The stupidity of the Feds doesn't factor into it.
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
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'Hey, we both have a Martian's phone number on our speed dial. I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt.'
'You know, for a guy with like 50 different kinds of vision, you sure are blind.'
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Post by Superman »

Well, the fact that the entire Borg race repeatedly failed to assimilate Janeway and her piece of shit ship IN THEIR OWN SPACE doesn't help Walper's case either.
Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

Batman wrote:Given that a holo emitter is by definition a miniaturized force field generator, I fail to see how this is highly impropable.
Irrelevent. The nanoprobes constructed the Borg technology, and knew how to create a workable KE shield system. This implies they have the design specification and the capability to build it.
And the fact remains that One is the only example of individual level KE shields in more than a decade worth of episodes...
Because other drones to date don't have KE many fucking times do I need to say this? Quite countering a point I'm not making!
This should quite interesting, since we know the mobile emitter was adapted to regulate One's neural functions...and that was it.
We know that that's all it was knownto do.
You have the burden of proof. Submit evidence the emitter was doing anything other than that, and is capable of doing anything other than that. We know Borg nanoprobes build Borg technology, you just don't like the idea KE shielding is part of their technology tree.
The nanoprobes replicated the emitter's alloy as One's armor, but other than that the emitter's contributions seem to be quite minor.
As that was the only instance of a Borg drone ever using a KE shield, apparently not.
Feel free to submit evidence the mobile emitter has ever shown the capable to do anything other than be a mobile emitter.
The technology was built and worked fine. That is more than just a "theory".
Not when you need 29th century tech to do so, no.
The hardware in question has zero credibility for constructing Borg technology. I already said that, you chose to ignore it.
You mean like in First Contact, where the drones, despite this "horrible vulnerability", sent the Starfleet force packing and made them so desperate as to try and self destruct their own ship?
For example, yes. Or Data tossing Drones left right and center on several occasions.
Yes, which won the battle for the again? Oh right...he didn't. Data got captured by drones. Damn, the Borg really desperately needed that KE shielding though. :roll:
The mere fact that Viking...errr Klingon warriors regularly trounce Feds in hand-to-hand doesn't make their insistence on doing so any less stupid.
Yes, after all, if you're boarding a Federation starship with the intent of assimilating it, sent drones best handled to combat Klingons. :roll:
Which has absolutely zero credibility for designing and constructing said Borg technology.
Designing, no. Constructing, yes.
Submit evidence the mobile emitter can construct anything. We know Borg nanoprobes can and will construct Borg technology left and right. When you throw the two together and insist the emitter constructed something, we know you're grasping at straws.
As the holo emitter is inevitably a miniature forcefield generator, it offering technology vital to miniature KE shields is entirely possible.
And yet possesses absolutely zero design specifics for said shielding and is incapable of building anything. Toss in a handful of nanoprobes, which irrefuteably have both design specifications and construction abilities, and suddenly the emitter has the same?
With access to 29th century technology and nowhere else. Despite numerous examples where it would have come in handy.
For the last time:


If you mention Borg drones not not employing KE shielding again, I'll have to write you of as illiterate.
They obviously and irrefuteably possess the technology, but chose not to employ it. Given the Borg are hardly in need of it (like their ability to build a drone from scratch in less than a day), the fact it's not employed is hardly worth note.
Thank you for admitting they do not use it,
Yeah, like two pages ago? :roll:
your baselss assumptions of them having it aside.
The evidence modern Borg technology can build KE shielding is irrefuteable as far as I'm concerned.
Because drones aren't equipped with KE shielding, because from a cost to benefit ratio, they are hardly worth the effort (it is inefficient to equip your troops with technology if the expectation is that they will not need it in any significant scenario).
Expecting KE damage to a drone does not require 'any significant scenario'.
Expecting KE damage to drones is inevitable. Asserting any KE inflicted damage to drones demands the widespread and immediate deployment of KE shielding is false. I've already shown drones lost to KE attacks don't qualify as scenarios demanding the deployment of KE shielding.
Your cost to benefit ratio is entirely unestablished.
See above.
The assertion One was a "29th century" Borg is supported solely by dialogue by a Starfleet crew
IT's supported by the fact that unlike any other Borg drone, he had KE shielding, and unlike any other Borg drone, he also had access to a 29th century holo emitter, which inevitably incorporates a forcefield generator. Surely even you can make the conclusion.
The stupidity of the Feds doesn't factor into it.
The emitter has absolutely zero credibility for building anything, particularily Borg technology. That leaves...the nanoprobes, which have been firmly established as possessing design specifications and construction abilities. In other words, the modern Borg technology built the KE shield.
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Post by Robert Walper »

Superman wrote:Well, the fact that the entire Borg race repeatedly failed to assimilate Janeway and her piece of shit ship IN THEIR OWN SPACE doesn't help Walper's case either.
Not that your remark has jack shit to do with the topic at hand (KE shielding), but:

The Borg Queen was playing referee for Voyager (confirmed via dialogue and direct observation) because she had an affection for Seven of Nine.
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Post by DaveJB »

Robert Walper wrote:The Borg Queen was playing referee for Voyager (confirmed via dialogue and direct observation) because she had an affection for Seven of Nine.
Hmm... is there something going on in your mind that we should know about? :lol:
Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

DaveJB wrote:
Robert Walper wrote:The Borg Queen was playing referee for Voyager (confirmed via dialogue and direct observation) because she had an affection for Seven of Nine.
Hmm... is there something going on in your mind that we should know about? :lol:
:?: What are you talking about?
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Post by Batman »

Robert Walper wrote:
Batman wrote:Given that a holo emitter is by definition a miniaturized force field generator, I fail to see how this is highly impropable.
Irrelevent. The nanoprobes constructed the Borg technology, and knew how to create a workable KE shield system. This implies they have the design specification and the capability to build it.
Once provided with a working example of a miniature forcefield generator. It's called reverse-engineering.
This should quite interesting, since we know the mobile emitter was adapted to regulate One's neural functions...and that was it.
We know that that's all it was knownto do.
You have the burden of proof. Submit evidence the emitter was doing anything other than that,
It created holgrams that interacted with matter via forcefields. Thanks for playing.
and is capable of doing anything other than that.
See above. It gave the nanoprobes a working example of miniature forcefield technology.
We know Borg nanoprobes build Borg technology, you just don't like the idea KE shielding is part of their technology tree.
I couldn't possibly care less wether or not they have. One, however, is not a valid example of the Borg tech base.
The nanoprobes replicated the emitter's alloy as One's armor, but other than that the emitter's contributions seem to be quite minor.
As that was the only instance of a Borg drone ever using a KE shield, apparently not.
Feel free to submit evidence the mobile emitter has ever shown the capable to do anything other than be a mobile emitter.
That's quite enough, actually.
The technology was built and worked fine. That is more than just a "theory".
Not when you need 29th century tech to do so, no.
The hardware in question has zero credibility for constructing Borg technology. I already said that, you chose to ignore it.
Because you happen to be wrong.Say it with me: miniature forcefield generator. Say it with me: reverse engineering.
You mean like in First Contact, where the drones, despite this "horrible vulnerability", sent the Starfleet force packing and made them so desperate as to try and self destruct their own ship?
For example, yes. Or Data tossing Drones left right and center on several occasions.
Yes, which won the battle for the again? Oh right...he didn't. Data got captured by drones. Damn, the Borg really desperately needed that KE shielding though. :roll:
As it would have saved a number of Borg drones (which, after the destruction of the Sphere, were in rather short supply), they would have come in rather handy...
The mere fact that Viking...errr Klingon warriors regularly trounce Feds in hand-to-hand doesn't make their insistence on doing so any less stupid.
Yes, after all, if you're boarding a Federation starship with the intent of assimilating it, sent drones best handled to combat Klingons. :roll:
Thanks for completely missing the point. Just because a stupid tactic works thanks to the enemy being even more incompetent than you,doesn't mean that tactic isn't stupid.
Not that the Borg's stupidity is actually in doubt, anyway.
Which has absolutely zero credibility for designing and constructing said Borg technology.
Designing, no. Constructing, yes.
Submit evidence the mobile emitter can construct anything.
Are you on drugs? IT doesn't have to built anything. It served as a prototype.
We know Borg nanoprobes can and will construct Borg technology left and right. When you throw the two together and insist the emitter constructed something, we know you're grasping at straws.
Too bad I never claimed the emitter constructed anything.
As the holo emitter is inevitably a miniature forcefield generator, it offering technology vital to miniature KE shields is entirely possible.
And yet possesses absolutely zero design specifics for said shielding and is incapable of building anything.
The idea of taking something apart and figuring out how it works is apparently beyond you.
Toss in a handful of nanoprobes, which irrefuteably have both design specifications and construction abilities, and suddenly the emitter has the same?
All the emitter has to do is exist. Which it irrefutably does.
With access to 29th century technology and nowhere else. Despite numerous examples where it would have come in handy.
For the last time:
Then... they'
If you mention Borg drones not not employing KE shielding again, I'll have to write you of as illiterate.
Coming from a man that apparently doesn't undestand the concept of prototypes and reverse engineering, that doesn't bother me all that much.
your baselss assumptions of them having it aside.
The evidence modern Borg technology can build KE shielding is irrefuteable as far as I'm concerned.
That doesn't make your concerns any more valid I'm afraid...
Because drones aren't equipped with KE shielding, because from a cost to benefit ratio, they are hardly worth the effort (it is inefficient to equip your troops with technology if the expectation is that they will not need it in any significant scenario).
Expecting KE damage to a drone does not require 'any significant scenario'.
Expecting KE damage to drones is inevitable.
Seems they would really benefit from a KE shield, then.
Asserting any KE inflicted damage to drones demands the widespread and immediate deployment of KE shielding is false. I've already shown drones lost to KE attacks don't qualify as scenarios demanding the deployment of KE shielding.
Unless replacing Drones is somehow easier than providing them with KE shields, I'd rather say they do.
Your cost to benefit ratio is entirely unestablished.
See above.
Where you stated nothing to that effect.
The assertion One was a "29th century" Borg is supported solely by dialogue by a Starfleet crew
IT's supported by the fact that unlike any other Borg drone, he had KE shielding, and unlike any other Borg drone, he also had access to a 29th century holo emitter, which inevitably incorporates a forcefield generator. Surely even you can make the conclusion.
The stupidity of the Feds doesn't factor into it.
The emitter has absolutely zero credibility for building anything, particularily Borg technology.
Say it with me again. Prototype. Reverse engineering.
That leaves...the nanoprobes, which have been firmly established as possessing design specifications and construction abilities. In other words, the modern Borg technology built the KE shield.
With access to 29th century tech. As much as you like to deny it.
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
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Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

Batman wrote:Once provided with a working example of a miniature forcefield generator. It's called reverse-engineering.
Feel free to submit evidence Borg nanoprobes can reverse engineer technology, particularily futuristic technology. We know nanoprobes can build currently available Borg technology and utilize existing materials for construction. No evidence they are capable of reverse engineering technology, never mind extrapoloating completely unrelated technologies, like maturation/growth chambers, multi-dimensional adaptations, etc.

You give the nanoprobes far too much credit.
You have the burden of proof. Submit evidence the emitter was doing anything other than that,
It created holgrams that interacted with matter via forcefields. Thanks for playing.
Force fields interacting with matter is absolutely nothing new to the Borg. They do it all the time.

And your arguement doesn't address how the nanoprobes would know how to create a practical KE shield to protect a living humanoid.
I couldn't possibly care less wether or not they have. One, however, is not a valid example of the Borg tech base.
Yes he is. The only way you can attempt to refute that is by introducing extra, unproven variables, like Borg nanoprobes being capable of reverse engineering futuristic technology.

My theory on the other hand works within what we know about Borg nanoprobes. In this case, that they simply have design specifications and the capability to construct Borg technology based upon these specifications.
Because you happen to be wrong.Say it with me: miniature forcefield generator. Say it with me: reverse engineering.
Again, prove Borg nanoprobes possess the capability to reverse engineer any technology, never mind "futuristic" technology.

We know Borg nanoprobes possess design specifications and construction capabilities. Reverse engineering is an unsubstantiated claim. I refer you to Occam's Razor on that note.
Yes, which won the battle for the again? Oh right...he didn't. Data got captured by drones. Damn, the Borg really desperately needed that KE shielding though. :roll:
As it would have saved a number of Borg drones
Yes, the Borg really care about drones dearly. Never mind they can re animate them if really necessary, and they add fresh ones from enemy crew.
(which, after the destruction of the Sphere, were in rather short supply), they would have come in rather handy...
Short supply? Prove your claim the Borg were in "short" supply of drones.

With this "short" supply, they sent the E-E crew fleeing and captured the E-E. Obviously, this "short supply" was sufficient to accomplish the objective. And that's all that matters.
Yes, after all, if you're boarding a Federation starship with the intent of assimilating it, sent drones best handled to combat Klingons. :roll:
Thanks for completely missing the point. Just because a stupid tactic works thanks to the enemy being even more incompetent than you,doesn't mean that tactic isn't stupid.
Translation: Please ignore the fact the Borg drones sent the E-E crew fleeing despite their tactical "vulnerability" to KE attacks.
Submit evidence the mobile emitter can construct anything.
Are you on drugs? IT doesn't have to built anything. It served as a prototype.
And you have yet to prove Borg nanoprobes can reverse engineer technology, particularily "futuristic" technology.
Then... they'
Yes, after all, your examples have proven the Borg desperately need it. Like in FC where the Borg didn't take over the E-E and sent the crew packing...oh, wait...they did. Without KE shielding. Where's that desperate need again?
Expecting KE damage to drones is inevitable.
Seems they would really benefit from a KE shield, then.
Only if they suffered a sufficient loss of drones to justify implementing it. You have yet to prove that.
Asserting any KE inflicted damage to drones demands the widespread and immediate deployment of KE shielding is false. I've already shown drones lost to KE attacks don't qualify as scenarios demanding the deployment of KE shielding.
Unless replacing Drones is somehow easier than providing them with KE shields, I'd rather say they do.
The Borg can replace drones easily with enemy crew, repairing them is relatively easy as well. Again, you have yet to prove the Borg are desperately in need of KE shielding. Even moderately in need of KE shielding for that matter.
The emitter has absolutely zero credibility for building anything, particularily Borg technology.
Say it with me again. Prototype. Reverse engineering.
Evidence that Borg nanoprobes can do just that? Submit it. We already have a workable theory with what we know about nanoprobes without making up capabilities for them. Again, I refer you to Occam's Razor.
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Post by The Nomad »

Robert Walper wrote:Feel free to submit evidence Borg nanoprobes can reverse engineer technology, particularily futuristic technology. We know nanoprobes can build currently available Borg technology and utilize existing materials for construction. No evidence they are capable of reverse engineering technology, never mind extrapoloating completely unrelated technologies, like maturation/growth chambers, multi-dimensional adaptations, etc.
Twenty-fourth century Federation technology can interface with the emitter (after all, they could download the Doctor into it), why couldn't Borg technology do the same ? Once assimilated, the emitter's miniaturized computers (containing appropriate programs for getting the technology to work, perhaps even schematics for self-diagnosis subroutines) could provide an excellent means of understanding the technology.
Force fields interacting with matter is absolutely nothing new to the Borg. They do it all the time.
But they've never demonstrated the ability to equip individual drones with such forcefields. They've been seen on ships, but not on drones, to my knowledge.
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Post by Soulman »

IUnknown wrote:
DaveJB wrote:I haven't seen the episode for yonks, but wasn't Worf stopping holographic bullets? If so, would these bullets be comparable to real bullets?
Well according to Picard in First Contact even holographic bullets can kill and they did kill two Borg drones so they are indeed lethal.
However it is possible that the comm badge could put out high power (they do after all have a long range and possibly a good power supply) signals that disrupt the force field that is simulating the bullet.
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Post by Robert Walper »

The Nomad wrote:
Robert Walper wrote:Feel free to submit evidence Borg nanoprobes can reverse engineer technology, particularily futuristic technology. We know nanoprobes can build currently available Borg technology and utilize existing materials for construction. No evidence they are capable of reverse engineering technology, never mind extrapoloating completely unrelated technologies, like maturation/growth chambers, multi-dimensional adaptations, etc.
Twenty-fourth century Federation technology can interface with the emitter (after all, they could download the Doctor into it), why couldn't Borg technology do the same ? Once assimilated, the emitter's miniaturized computers (containing appropriate programs for getting the technology to work, perhaps even schematics for self-diagnosis subroutines) could provide an excellent means of understanding the technology.
It has yet to be proven the mobile emitter possesses any relevent information on how to make practical KE shield work to protect an organic humanoid. The holoemitter generates a forcefield hologram, but that doesn't contain information on how to create a practical KE shield that protects a living organism. Generating a KE shield around a living humanoid, protecting the user/implants from imparted momentum, etc, these are not attributes of a hologram.

Furthermore, the entire arguement that the emitter is responsible for the construction of the KE shield is a pick and chose arguement. Is the emitter also responsible for the creation of "multi dimensional adaptability", "internal transporter nodes", "reactive armor", construction of the "maturation chamber", extraction of DNA from targets, etc?

The best conclusion, IMO, is that One's technology specifications and how to build them are in fact already existent in the nanoprobes as advanced prototypes that are not yet widespread or commonly used. The fact that normal drones don't possess alot of One's abilities is a Red Herring to that arguement, since by definition they shouldn't have them.

And several of his abilities aren't really necessary, like KE shielding, which would protect drones from only a minor concern (I've repeatedly pointed out KE shielding really isn't needed. Look to FC where drones don't possess it, and yet still easily accomplished their objective of taking the E-E). One's creation within a day is actually inferior to modern Borg methods of expanding their numbers. His creation took much longer, and is much more resource intensive.
Force fields interacting with matter is absolutely nothing new to the Borg. They do it all the time.
But they've never demonstrated the ability to equip individual drones with such forcefields. They've been seen on ships, but not on drones, to my knowledge.
That's because one of the Borg Collective's highest priorities is efficiency. It's not very efficient to equip your entire population of personnel with technology that is going to solve what is, at best, a very minor problem. And as FC proved in the field of physical attacks, even Data and Worf were minor problems. And anyone with a sense of honesty would admit both are unique (throughout the entire Federation for that matter) and neither of them (or both together) caused much concern by virtue of physically assaulting Borg drones.
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Post by The Nomad »

Robert Walper wrote:It has yet to be proven the mobile emitter possesses any relevent information on how to make practical KE shield work to protect an organic humanoid.
Hello ! The holoemitter can impart and absorb momentum and KE to and from physical objects. Nothing more is needed.
The holoemitter generates a forcefield hologram, but that doesn't contain information on how to create a practical KE shield that protects a living organism.
How so ?
Generating a KE shield around a living humanoid,
Which is essentially what it does when simulating the physical envelope of the Doctor.
protecting the user/implants from imparted momentum,
Has there been a quantification on the amount of physical impact sustained by One ? You make it sound like One withstood tremendous physical assault.
Furthermore, the entire arguement that the emitter is responsible for the construction of the KE shield is a pick and chose arguement. Is the emitter also responsible for the creation of "multi dimensional adaptability", "internal transporter nodes", "reactive armor", construction of the "maturation chamber", extraction of DNA from targets, etc?
False Dilemma fallacy.
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Post by Vohu Manah »

Robert Walper wrote:
The Nomad wrote:
Robert Walper wrote:Feel free to submit evidence Borg nanoprobes can reverse engineer technology, particularily futuristic technology. We know nanoprobes can build currently available Borg technology and utilize existing materials for construction. No evidence they are capable of reverse engineering technology, never mind extrapoloating completely unrelated technologies, like maturation/growth chambers, multi-dimensional adaptations, etc.
Twenty-fourth century Federation technology can interface with the emitter (after all, they could download the Doctor into it), why couldn't Borg technology do the same ? Once assimilated, the emitter's miniaturized computers (containing appropriate programs for getting the technology to work, perhaps even schematics for self-diagnosis subroutines) could provide an excellent means of understanding the technology.
It has yet to be proven the mobile emitter possesses any relevent information on how to make practical KE shield work to protect an organic humanoid. The holoemitter generates a forcefield hologram, but that doesn't contain information on how to create a practical KE shield that protects a living organism. Generating a KE shield around a living humanoid, protecting the user/implants from imparted momentum, etc, these are not attributes of a hologram.

Furthermore, the entire arguement that the emitter is responsible for the construction of the KE shield is a pick and chose arguement. Is the emitter also responsible for the creation of "multi dimensional adaptability", "internal transporter nodes", "reactive armor", construction of the "maturation chamber", extraction of DNA from targets, etc?

(*snips nanoprobe wanking*)

(*snips general stupidity*)
Quite simply, the deployment of personal KE shields on Borg IS a matter of can or can't. They either can, meaning the Borg have figured out how to add the ability to new drones as well as retrofit older drones with the ability to deploy KE shields, or they can't, as in the ability is simply beyond the current Borg tech base (outside of One, who did have access to more advanced tech) for any number of reasons (cost is a reason).

With that in mind, I respectfully request (demand) that you prove that the emitter didn't provide said catalyst to the development of One's KE shield, since I submit that the episode's script does indicate said event makes this drone unique and the simple fact that this happened is undeniable by any standard. I mean, what other device did "One" interface with that could have provided said information.

So, if not for One's access to a 29th century portable holo emitter, an extremely portable device capable of creating a hologram (a concentrated pattern of forcefields) in any enviroment (remembering that 24th century tech requires massive rooms devoted to the task, as well as extremely bulky (read: not portable) gear for producing forcefields), what other factor contributed to the One's unique development? Show us, the burden is on you, as it is you who is suggest this piece of technology wasn't the catalyst.
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Post by TheDarkling »

One would seem to indicate that nanoprobes have a great deal of intelligence if they can design new gadgets from totally unfamiliar tech.

It also indicates the nanoprobes carry around all of the Borg collectives knowledge with them.

Impressive stuff for such small things.
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Pablo Sanchez wrote:
Admiral_Handsome wrote:If handled incorecctly, the recoil from a magnum revolver is enough to break a man's wrist.
It was not a magnum revolver, the first magnum cartridge was developed in 1912 for hunting purposes, and would have been quite out of place in a "Western" holodeck simulation.

Furthermore, the only way that a heavy pistol's recoil would break a man's wrist is if he were Samuel L. Jackson in Unbreakable; or perhaps "incorrect handling" refers to some method of handling a pistol with which I am utterly unfamiliar. Maybe firing the pistol while simultaneously bashing one's wrist with a hammer?
One word: FUQ!!!
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