Thirdfain wrote:Question for all:
Early Warning Sensor Nets. How far out do they go?
A. EW nets work on a system-by-system basis, and let can track FTL movement about 10-15 minutes out from a system.
B. EW nets work on a national basis, and surround the entirety of a nation's "borders."
I support A, because of the sheer size of space. There are so many cubic lightyears of distance to be covered that an early warning net would need to be massive to cover an entire nation's borders, but I guess peoplee might different ideas.
The way I have been understanding and working it is that space is three dimensional. In the STGOD4 map, the nations are surrounded by circles but in truth, I believe everyone knows they are spheres. I feel that a modified A system, is the best approach. The B system is waaay too damned expensive and the space is too vast, for anyone to really pull off. However, I want to make sure that EW nets function in a spherical like manner near the systems that they protect. This then allows full protection from
any approach, so if you come above or below the ecliptic, or from it, you
will be detected once you cross the detection threshold. Depending on how you play your cards, you can take steps to minimize the detection threshold, but by and large, you will be detected.
Let's face it, no sane nation would lay an EW sensor net that does not full protection for a system at least when dealing with detection. It is akin towards having mosquito netting on your bed, but only from the sides.