Thirdfain wrote:Folks, there's a lot of controversy here, and a LOT of anger. That's unerstandable.
This is NOT the right way to look at this game, and it's NOT the right way to go into the war. People are taking this shit personally. I've been told people are mad because Marcao put a lot of effort into his post and I'm just discounting it. Well, I have a few points to make.
1. In-game, the Veithan report isn't the result of what was presumably days of hard work, brainstorming, and writing- it was a minor, 3rd-party report that the Hajr put up with only to show the inconclusiveness of telepathy. Yeah, folks, ooc we know what a big deal this post was for Marcao, but I'm not playing the OOC thread or my personal life. I'm playing the STGOD, and that means I'll play the IC thread like the IC thread.
Actually, the Veithan investigation took
ten days from the point your admiral was scanned. Just FYI, in-game it was an actual investigation, and not just mere head-nodding.
2. The Veithan report IS just conjecture. They added NO new evidence. They simply said "Telepathy isn't getting us anywhere, but this evidence could be interpreted as a Lying Darkness plot. After all, they have just as much of a motive as the White Suns, and could have pulled it off. It's a legitimate explanation of the evidence, but it's just an explanation, and an unsupported one as that.
More than anything, the Veithan Report shoots a massive hole in the only supporting evidence that incriminates the White Suns. You may not like it, but that is what happened.
3. Even if this WASN'T a Hajr plot, I'd be inclined to believe the Vampires. Everyone knows the Hajr and the Blood Lords are allies and friends, and our relationship runs deeper than that- after all, Elanie IS Basil's prodigee. If the Vampires say that the Veithan explanation of the evidence doesn't work because of (arcanebabble which we have just as much reason to believe as Veithan telepathic evidence, which is to say not much) then we'll trust them on this.
All well and good, but just because you believe it doesn't mean anyone else has to. *shrugs*
This isn't some evil-ass metagaming move. It's a legitimate in-game power play. Now, I don't think we'll be able to have a decent war unless we go into this with cool heads, angry personal wars lead to people dropping out of the STGOD and disrupting all kinds of shit.