You are full of shit Thirdfain but since you were arrogant enough to write a full fucking post, anticipating my Veithan post since you thought I was just going to agree with you, and you were going to do this war sooner or later anyway, please spare the bull.Thirdfain wrote:
2. The Veithan report IS just conjecture. They added NO new evidence. They simply said "Telepathy isn't getting us anywhere, but this evidence could be interpreted as a Lying Darkness plot. After all, they have just as much of a motive as the White Suns, and could have pulled it off. It's a legitimate explanation of the evidence, but it's just an explanation, and an unsupported one as that.
1. We added plenty of new evidence, all pertaining to the Lying Darkness. It is impossible for the Empire to produce more evidence about what was provided by the Hajr. We showed the Lying Darkness capabilities to shape change with video and testimonials from people that dealt first hand with their agents by the way. That is evidence. We dealt with the motive aspect, but pointing out that agents from the Lying Darkness had attacked the Ravenlock TRADE fair. What was hit in Hudson again? oh yeah, the TRADE hub. Coincidence? you be the judge. The Lying Darkness has far more motive than the White Sun, I said so in the post, I want to see your evidence for claiming that the White Sun who have done very little IC have the same level of motive, as the fucking Lying Darkness who DID pull shit IC. If your people don't want to accept the Veithan points, that is totally your call. But please, cease and desist with the bullshit. This is part of the reason why I am so goddamned pissed off as of late. My post was laughingly ignored, with only the smallest of openings. All of a sudden, the Veithan Empire is the village idiot.
Veithans: "well, we found this and this and this but also this and this and this. Ladies and Gentlemen, let us talk about the Lying Darkness!"
Vampire: "boo! hiss! its a lie! I say it is a lie!"
Everyone: "if the Vampire said it, it must be true! The Veithans are full of it! Their points mean nothing! ATTACK!"
Veithans: .... [cartman] "screw you guys, I am going home."[/cartman]