NOT T-1000, The Jedi Mind Trick is going to be used AGINST him not on himnot sure why the force mind trick would work on a t-1000
Jedi Mind Trick Example
Sith-*Waves Hand Look a Crimrial type and he has a gun
*Mind Tricked Cop-Uhhhh(Starts shooting T-100o)
Remeber this is a Sith Lord we are talking about he won't care jack squat about Bystanders and probably would use them as living Armor if he needed
How about T-1000 is a robot, Robots use energy, an overlod of energy damages robots in 100% of Sci-Fi'sspeculation, with no supporting evidence anywhere
The question is would ELECTRICAL energy work on him
If he is Indeed Liquid metal this sure as hell will, However if his acutal whatever Command systems are damaged by THIS type of energy is another story, If it does not at all say hurt him thats still by the LAWS OF PHYICS gonna stop him for a few seconds while he de-goos around whatever contact the electrical energy is entering him(So either no affect besidse minor slow down or just like as if he was dunked in magma, whichever)
Red Herring we are talking about Maul not Jin WTFC if Jin gets tired, Maul never slowed downThats just a few advantages, how about the fact that it doesn't get tired, and never sleeps? Or how about it can group bullets in a tight pattern when firing a hand gun at very fast speeds, or a machine gun from a helicopter, thats moving, aswell as a moving truck, and still group bullets in a small area? It has the advantage, that it can drive every vehicle and operate every weapon, and most importantly, it doesn't slip up from exhaustion of a battle, (Jin getting exhausted after a 30 second figth with maul, he didn't slip up, but he was panting
As for grouping the shots it does not matter it makes it EVEN easer for Maul to stop as Lightsabers have width, heck if he shoots 50 times in the same spot Maul does not have to move at all
So what if it does not get tired or never sleeps, theres lots of ways to get around that, Heck we don't know how much sleep Maul's Race needs
Realy? A Mini-Gun, Funny acutal thats even easier, Sure it shoots fast but agian, same place, same spot, lightsaber munchs it upThis force user is still humanoid, and it only takes 1 mistake, 1 trip, 1 wrong turn, and it just takes a single bullet, maybe when he's taking a piss, or a big shit, the t-1000 will decide to walk into the house/room with a minigun.
You seem to assume like the Movie Maul will run around for a few days, But buddie thats not Mauls Style
In your face, First fight is the big one(Unless YOU run away, Maul chases after him)
Agian the fight is up in the Air untill we know if T-1000 can some-how replace its lost substance that the Lightsaber will be slicing up