That's the beauty of E-45s. They're just as jammed no matter what speed they're moving at.Thirdfain wrote:That's the beauty of Kincaid weapons- as far as they are concerned, your carriers are standing still.

Moderator: Thanas
That's the beauty of E-45s. They're just as jammed no matter what speed they're moving at.Thirdfain wrote:That's the beauty of Kincaid weapons- as far as they are concerned, your carriers are standing still.
Sorry, but your carriers are a good deal larger and with the launches are going to be a very distinct target. Sure you can attempt to jam them but the flight time is going to a be a fraction of a second. And of course the fact that they apparently switched on afterwards isn't going to save your carriers.Rogue 9 wrote:That's the beauty of E-45s. They're just as jammed no matter what speed they're moving at.Thirdfain wrote:That's the beauty of Kincaid weapons- as far as they are concerned, your carriers are standing still.This salvo is not going to kill all my carriers, certainly not the fleet carriers.
Actually, Interdictors take time to power up and I already had the shots deployed. It doesn't take long to push a button and as soon as your interdictors so much as twictched they'd be dead.Rogue 9 wrote:Lessee... What's wrong with this picture? Let me think about this for a second...
Hey, if you had said they're working find. But you posted them as only activating afterwards. I ran with it.Rogue 9 wrote:Okay, what do you think I deployed jammers for if they weren't going to be jamming when you showed up?The only thing that just switched on was the interdictors, and they'd be well up and running before you reload a second volley.
That's a piddling amount of missiles compared to what's normally thrown around. I'm sorry, you are not auto-killing my fleet. Not in my system with my defenses, my jamming, and my countermeasures all over the damn place.Stormbringer wrote:Sorry, but your carriers are a good deal larger and with the launches are going to be a very distinct target. Sure you can attempt to jam them but the flight time is going to a be a fraction of a second. And of course the fact that they apparently switched on afterwards isn't going to save your carriers.Rogue 9 wrote:That's the beauty of E-45s. They're just as jammed no matter what speed they're moving at.Thirdfain wrote:That's the beauty of Kincaid weapons- as far as they are concerned, your carriers are standing still.This salvo is not going to kill all my carriers, certainly not the fleet carriers.
Let's do a bit of math shall we:
9 SDs x 8 Kincaids = 72
12 BCs x 6 Kincaids = 72
20 CAs x 4 Kincaids = 80
Add them up and it's pure overkill.
And conversely, if it is affecting said space, said missiles don't work anymore.Stormbringer wrote:Hey, if you had said they're working find. But you posted them as only activating afterwards. I ran with it.Rogue 9 wrote:Okay, what do you think I deployed jammers for if they weren't going to be jamming when you showed up?The only thing that just switched on was the interdictors, and they'd be well up and running before you reload a second volley.
And I hate to break to you but even your jammers aren't going to disguise the signature of an interdictor. If they can affect space that much, that means they're radiating a lot of very traceable emissions.
And you might notice that in the swarms of thousands of missles that get lobbed around, most people arent' expecting more than a few, dozen at most, to hit. Kincaid while weaker are virtually guaranteed hit.Rogue 9 wrote:That's a piddling amount of missiles compared to what's normally thrown around. I'm sorry, you are not auto-killing my fleet. Not in my system with my defenses, my jamming, and my countermeasures all over the damn place.
Not when jammed out the Wazoo. You think build and deploy E-45s in large numbers for shits and giggles?Stormbringer wrote:And you might notice that in the swarms of thousands of missles that get lobbed around, most people arent' expecting more than a few, dozen at most, to hit. Kincaid while weaker are virtually guaranteed hit.Rogue 9 wrote:That's a piddling amount of missiles compared to what's normally thrown around. I'm sorry, you are not auto-killing my fleet. Not in my system with my defenses, my jamming, and my countermeasures all over the damn place.
1) E-45s aren't a magically answer to everything. A few Prowlers aren't going to hide the the Nimitiz. They have limits to what they can do.Rogue 9 wrote:Not when jammed out the Wazoo. You think build and deploy E-45s in large numbers for shits and giggles?
Rogue 9 wrote:And that still leaves the problem of PD. Kincaid missiles aren't point defense proof. They strain it to the limit, but they're not immune.
Not a few, but the combined fire of nearly half a navy combined on just two ships is going to have a hell of an effect.Rogue 9 wrote:Marcao just spelled this out quite clearly to me before he went to bed. Think about it. If FTL missiles are the fuggin' be-all and end-all of fleet engagements like you're trying to make them, why haven't the Ousters conquered all of Known Space yet? I mean, if no one can stop their missiles and only a few will kill some of the toughest ships in most powers' arsenals...
Decent enough list and I meant not as badly outnumbered as the 2 to 1 you had in Talathrant. In other news, the damage on my forces will be going mostly for the lighter ships as your alpha strike was focused on them.Thirdfain wrote:Just ships. At these ranges, the firepower of capship guns far outweighs missile firepower, and a furball like this makes firing into it from range a tricky proposition.
As for losses, I have another Carrier down and a Cataphract taking heavy hits- I suspect heavier losses amongst your ships. Plus some cruisers, 1 dead, 2 disabled, and few escorts (unless you arre focuing fire upon them.)
And got promply whiped off of the coast without ever getting out of the beaches.Beowulf wrote:Too damn small of an army.
Hell... In the original STGOD 1, I invaded Japan with a larger army.
Actually, I've been intending that this be aimed at the carriers, meaning the Venutre class, not carrier meaning everything. I realize I've made an error in that. Sorry about that.Rogue 9 wrote:Two? You seem to have miscounted. You see, you said to target carriers, of which there are 18 in that fleet.
Murazor, my fighter attack is being launched ONLY at your capships. Not a single bomber or fighter is approaching one of your cruisers. Additionally, they are attacking at very close range, sprinting from their mothership's shielding, and, with only interceptors defending (your escort screen is a tattered mess), and your vessels being hit with weapons that your weird shields and armor don't offer particular protection against, the vast majority of my bombers will get through. This doesn't mean that you won't shoot a lot of them down, but when their flight time to target is measured in seconds, you'll be shooting most ofthem down after they've released their payloads.the three remaining Attack Carriers released their fighter payloads. Wings of Aesirfausts and Morderwulves, guarded by swirling groups of Nachtjager interceptors sprung ahead, diving towards their targets- the enemy capital ships.
Of course not, but they DO allow a vastly superior wall of battle so snipe out a few carriers from under your feet.And that still leaves the problem of PD. Kincaid missiles aren't point defense proof. They strain it to the limit, but they're not immune. Marcao just spelled this out quite clearly to me before he went to bed. Think about it. If FTL missiles are the fuggin' be-all and end-all of fleet engagements like you're trying to make them, why haven't the Ousters conquered all of Known Space yet? I mean, if no one can stop their missiles and only a few will kill some of the toughest ships in most powers' arsenals...
Sensors: Their sensors are slightly better than average and have slightly bigger range. However, currently they don't know how to detect most forms of Hyperspace FTL travel.