Super-gagme asking for trouble
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Chardok, I really really love you right now. Thats what Ive been saying THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME.
Mike, we care about the stupid "hacked" account because its whats dragging this whole thing along. If she hadent accused him of it yesterday, this issue would have been over and done with last night.
Mike, we care about the stupid "hacked" account because its whats dragging this whole thing along. If she hadent accused him of it yesterday, this issue would have been over and done with last night.
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Hardly matters. She's set it to disallow guest viewing.Ace Pace wrote:Why is Fey's private account link still unedited here?
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At which point he went on a tirade about how it wasn't really the legal definition of "harassment" and that even those punitive measures were excessive, and then blasted her some more via chat and IM for making this happen to him. You should explain to him that accusing the mods of stepping over the line, looking for loopholes in the wording of the rules, and getting angry at the victim is only going to draw more punitive measures from us, not less.Namarie wrote:Right, he was, but that was all taken care of yesterday... Or did you already forget that he had some of his SDNet privelages revoked (PM'ing and avatar)?

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC
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I agree wholeheartedly. The thought of having people post their pictures is nice, but when you throw a bunch of hormone-crazed boys together into a single room and then introduce a couple of females, the end result is that occasionally, the fur starts flying. And people wonder why it is that the number of women on boards such as this one can be counted on the fingers of one hand of a shop teacher with a chronic case of hiccups. I don't recall such despicable behavior when us guys were posting our pictures. But boy, when the ladies start posting their pictures, look out! Seriously, some of the folks here need to reign in their goddamned hormones.Kuja wrote:I'm ready to start calling this the Aphrodite Trainwreck. I can't imagine how the hell it went from an average picture contest to this clusterfuck of the "smiling=whoring" mess and now this pile of bullshit caused by Gagme, to the point where Mike thinks it's a good idea to stop having contests.![]()
What the fuck? Is the boad's collective level of maturity so low that we just continue to hound females for their pictures, then start making snippy comments and stoop to full-blown sabotage when they oblige? What the hell is wrong with this picture? I thought folks here could be better than this.
I think it's time to take shape up a little. I think a few members need to recall that they are dealing with actual PEOPLE. *shock* Guess what? Not everybody can take a backhanded comment as a joke the way a buddy fo six years can. If they're not used to it, or if they're not used to your brand of humor, than guess what? Deprecating jokes are a bad idea. Seriously, use your heads. If you make a joke and the target obviously doesn't take it well, back off and apologize.
Then there's this fucking drama going on with Gagme, fey, and Namarie. Gagme is obviously taking this way too far. It's a fucking picture contest for fuck's sake. Hacking into somebady's account because you don't want them to win is so blatently unjustifiable it's idiotic. What the fuck is wrong here? Can't people fucking loosen up and enjoy things? No, we have to fucking hack accounts and start deleting shit because of a picture contest.
I'm done ranting for now.
</end vulturing>
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2070s - The Seventy-Niners ... 3500s - Fair as Death ... 4900s - Against Improbable Odds V 1.0
When he posted this last night, he was serious. He was done with it. He logged off SDNet etc, and was done. Im sure you've seen the chat logs and such, and the one from last night... I dont see how that can be held against him, Ive got it, I know. He didnt come back onto this forum untill he realized he was being accused of a criminal offense.Super-Gagme wrote:Okay to be fair, that wasn't there when I replied or I didn't see it. But message clear, I made my points. I'm done.Darth Wong wrote:It appears you did not even understand my last message, so I will make it even more clear: if you won't shut your fucking mouth, I will shut it for you. Do you understand now?
So yes, while making a few posts in his defense origionally, he didnt do much. He apologized about the name calling already in the first place. The accusation IS whats been dragging this thing on. Many of the board members are using it as an excuse to go on further about this whole situation. And its an accusation without proof, based on everyones previous grudge against him.
Id like to point out again what Chardok said, because hes my hero. Took the words out of my mouth. And its not like when fey gave him a password to set her up an account she said "Oh, and by the way this is my photobucket account password too" I mean... Why would someone give out a password that they use for other things? I gave my password to a member of the board her on accident that I used for other things, but at least I was intelligent enough to go back and change my other passwords on realizing my mistake.
And by the way guys, when you were saying that no one was sticking up for him previously... It was only because I was asleep, because even if its not much, I'll always stick up for him, not because he was right in what he said to fey, but because you all are wrong in this accusation and how far you've played this out. If that hadent happend, I would have said, yeah... he was in the wrong. He did some things he shouldent have. But you all have proved you're too... Pig headed.. Is that the word I want? I dont know... To just let this thing go after that. And really, I dont think and accusation like that is something to say doesnt matter.
- Darth Wong
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You don't realize that we were actually trying to be fair and lenient by not doing more than taking away his avatar and PM when he pulled that shit? And yet he still complained, still whined about not meeting the legal definition of "harassment", still insisted that we had stepped over the line, etc. We have a zero tolerance rule on harassment, and he seemed to think that what little tolerance he'd been given was not enough.Namarie wrote:If that hadent happend, I would have said, yeah... he was in the wrong. He did some things he shouldent have. But you all have proved you're too... Pig headed.. Is that the word I want? I dont know... To just let this thing go after that.
You seem to think we went farther than we normally would in order to persecute him unfairly; you don't understand that we were actually more lenient than our stated policies actually suggest, and that his unapologetic bitching about it only exacerbated the situation.

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC
"I do not believe Russian Roulette is a stupid act" - Embracer of Darkness
"Viagra commercials appear to save lives" - tharkûn on US health care.
I've been following this little fiasco quietly and I'd just like to say that Mike and Mod Squad did the right thing here.
I don't know 100% if Gagme was harassing anyone and I don't know if he was reponsible for deleting Fey's pictures but those types of things need to be addressed and actions need to be taken to protect the board and Mike himself from harm. Even if Gagme is totally innocent of all charges, he needs to be temp-banned until Rumor Control has stepped in and sorted out the facts. The last thing they should do is nothing, and then later on be accused of allowing, or even condoning that sort of behavior because of that inaction. At the very least the board has asserted it's position, many times now, on the matters at hand, and taken steps to stop further actions until things are clear. If they aren't already.
I don't know 100% if Gagme was harassing anyone and I don't know if he was reponsible for deleting Fey's pictures but those types of things need to be addressed and actions need to be taken to protect the board and Mike himself from harm. Even if Gagme is totally innocent of all charges, he needs to be temp-banned until Rumor Control has stepped in and sorted out the facts. The last thing they should do is nothing, and then later on be accused of allowing, or even condoning that sort of behavior because of that inaction. At the very least the board has asserted it's position, many times now, on the matters at hand, and taken steps to stop further actions until things are clear. If they aren't already.
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It's always the quiet ones.
"The best part of 'believe' is the lie."
It's always the quiet ones.
Namarie, you're right that it's good he's apologized for calling Fey names, but as I said before, even taking the alleged hacking out of it, he still broke a very serious board rule and has to pay the consequences. We cannot allow the members of this board to feel it's ok to insult, push, nag, pester, and repeatedly ask (read: harass) another member into doing something they don't want to do.
"On the infrequent occasions when I have been called upon in a formal place to play the bongo drums, the introducer never seems to find it necessary to mention that I also do theoretical physics." -Richard Feynman
Don't be an ass. This isn't a fucking court of law where Joe Schmo is innocent until proven guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. Besides, nobody's talking about fucking prosecuting Gagme beyond a ban from the message board where he's been acting up. It's not like we're trying to take him before a jury and have him thrown in the slammer, we just want him to stop running around like a whiny SOB and making such a big deal about so little. Besides, as Mark pointed out, it's better to do something that can be undone later than to do nothing and get in trouble when the hammer comes down. We've got good reason to suspect him for pulling this shit, and his behavior on its own is enough to justify a temp ban. Get off your goddamned high horse and pull your head out of the clouds, then maybe you'll see just who you're sticking your neck out to defend.Chardok wrote:Did he give the password to anyone else? Was the password secure at all times? Could someone else have hacked into the account besides him? What about one of Fey's devoted followers? what about a random malicioous hacking? We don't know. Sorry, not good enough. Accusing someone of hacking is serious, criminal stuff there, bub, and as such, if you are going to accuse someone of a criminal act, you'd best come up with something a bit more substantial than that. Reasonable doubt is key in my eyes, and those unanswered questions cast that doubt.

Kuja, I think that Chardok is just trying to be fair. Remember earlier in this thread he did come down on Gagme for his harasment. Let's try not to be any more antagonistic to people concerning this incident than we have to be. The real ass in all of this has gotten his comeupance for now.
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Good, well then leave the hacking out of it and just ban him. But as long as any of the members here INCLUDE that in their arugment against him. I am and will remain to be upset.Zaia wrote:Namarie, you're right that it's good he's apologized for calling Fey names, but as I said before, even taking the alleged hacking out of it, he still broke a very serious board rule and has to pay the consequences. We cannot allow the members of this board to feel it's ok to insult, push, nag, pester, and repeatedly ask (read: harass) another member into doing something they don't want to do.
And I personally think that when you all wake up and realized that he didnt hack that account, that HE deserves an apology(aside from the other matter of him harrassing fey) from everyone about that particular matter. Two wrongs dont make a right. And if she gets one from him which was delivered with all sincerity, I dont see why it shouldent be the same the other way around.
The one thing everyone here doesnt realize about me, is that I dont CARE about the fey name calling (because thats all it really was, some dirty names, and when he offered her webspace it was because SHE was complaining on the chat that her hosts had always caused her problems, not because he WANTED her password or because he WANTED pictures of her, because I can assure you, he didnt.) What I care about is the criminal offence that hes been accused of by Fey, of which almost everyone on this board has jumped on the band wagon against him with her after that. Shes playing damsel in distress and no one could give a shit if he wasnt the one who did it, its more fun just to keep on with the "OMFG!!11!! HE HACKED HER ACCOUNT, what a low blow, that fucker" Even AFTER it was posted that photobucket crashed. And untill I hear something saying... Well he was accused wrongly about that, we're sorry... then Im going to stand by my opinions on this.
(You all realize that Im far more upset at this than he is? Its mind boggling. I dont even know why I bother. )
I think Chardok is %100 in the right. You're saying that Gagme is "running around like a whiny SOB" Okay... From what IVE seen (and Ive seen a great deal of it) Its mostly you people running around like whiny SOB's. If you really wanted to ban him for the incident with Fey before hand then JUST FUCKING DO IT. But stop with the whining and complaing because he was TRYING TO DEFEND HIMSELF agains being accused of a criminal action!! He didnt hack into her account, so he was in EVERY FUCKING RIGHT to defend himself. As Chardok states, you all dont have jack SHIT against him with that hacking crap except for the circumstantial irony. You just dont want to wake up and realize that because its all you've been complaining about since last night and wouldent want to admit you were wrong in regards to it.Kuja wrote:Don't be an ass. This isn't a fucking court of law where Joe Schmo is innocent until proven guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. Besides, nobody's talking about fucking prosecuting Gagme beyond a ban from the message board where he's been acting up. It's not like we're trying to take him before a jury and have him thrown in the slammer, we just want him to stop running around like a whiny SOB and making such a big deal about so little. Besides, as Mark pointed out, it's better to do something that can be undone later than to do nothing and get in trouble when the hammer comes down. We've got good reason to suspect him for pulling this shit, and his behavior on its own is enough to justify a temp ban. Get off your goddamned high horse and pull your head out of the clouds, then maybe you'll see just who you're sticking your neck out to defend.Chardok wrote:Did he give the password to anyone else? Was the password secure at all times? Could someone else have hacked into the account besides him? What about one of Fey's devoted followers? what about a random malicioous hacking? We don't know. Sorry, not good enough. Accusing someone of hacking is serious, criminal stuff there, bub, and as such, if you are going to accuse someone of a criminal act, you'd best come up with something a bit more substantial than that. Reasonable doubt is key in my eyes, and those unanswered questions cast that doubt.
- Ghost Rider
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In the end...whether we are right or wrong about him hacking.
He already did more then enough to warrant what he got and the whole Hacking is essentially ICING on the cake.
He already did more then enough to warrant what he got and the whole Hacking is essentially ICING on the cake.
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Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
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If anyone needs waking up over that, its you. The Photobucket technical problem could not possibly have caused the problems Fey had with her account. Somebody got in there and did that. If somehow the one in a billion chance comes through and it turns out to be the Photobucket problem after all, I'll be at the head of the line to apologize. But I really don't think that line will be necessary.Namarie wrote:Good, well then leave the hacking out of it and just ban him. But as long as any of the members here INCLUDE that in their arugment against him. I am and will remain to be upset.Zaia wrote:Namarie, you're right that it's good he's apologized for calling Fey names, but as I said before, even taking the alleged hacking out of it, he still broke a very serious board rule and has to pay the consequences. We cannot allow the members of this board to feel it's ok to insult, push, nag, pester, and repeatedly ask (read: harass) another member into doing something they don't want to do.
And I personally think that when you all wake up and realized that he didnt hack that account, that HE deserves an apology(aside from the other matter of him harrassing fey) from everyone about that particular matter.
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- Ghost Rider
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And what part of Super Gagme HARASSING her did you not graspRobert Walper wrote:After reading this thread, I think my level of paranoia is going to skyrocket. Looks to me like things here are becoming way too serious and hot headed in nature.

Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Oh for fuck's sake. NOBODY IS TAKING ANYONE TO COURT! Nobody is runnign off to the cops and saying 'He did it! He did it!' We're well within our rights to form our own fucking opinions based on the evidence before us, this is NOT A GODDAMNED COURT. MIKE IS NOT A JUDGE AND SHEPPARD IS NOT A DISTRICT ATTORNEY. SDN is perfectly well within the rights to ban him for his behavior, the hacking accusation is only the cream of the crop.Namarie wrote: But stop with the whining and complaing because he was TRYING TO DEFEND HIMSELF agains being accused of a criminal action!!
Uh huh. Fey's account gets messed with in a way that Photobucket's accident couldn't possibly have caused, at the same time that Gagme is really PO'ed at Fey. Mmhmm, gotta be a weird coinicidence. [/SARCASM]He didnt hack into her account, so he was in EVERY FUCKING RIGHT to defend himself. As Chardok states, you all dont have jack SHIT against him with that hacking crap except for the circumstantial irony.
I found out about this today, and I see nothing to contradict my current stance. Too bad, so sad, case closed.You just dont want to wake up and realize that because its all you've been complaining about since last night and wouldent want to admit you were wrong in regards to it.

Are you TRYING to egg him on? This whole board is getting some sort of sick twisted enjoyment out of this. Why dont we just bring in more people to the arument, the more the merrier, right? Because... its not bad enough already.Ghost Rider wrote:And what part of Super Gagme HARASSING her did you not graspRobert Walper wrote:After reading this thread, I think my level of paranoia is going to skyrocket. Looks to me like things here are becoming way too serious and hot headed in nature.?
Maybe that's what he meant.Ghost Rider wrote:And what part of Super Gagme HARASSING her did you not graspRobert Walper wrote:After reading this thread, I think my level of paranoia is going to skyrocket. Looks to me like things here are becoming way too serious and hot headed in nature.?

- Dishonest Resident Borg Fan-Whore
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Ghost Rider wrote:And what part of Super Gagme HARASSING her did you not graspRobert Walper wrote:After reading this thread, I think my level of paranoia is going to skyrocket. Looks to me like things here are becoming way too serious and hot headed in nature.?