Edi's 2nd Annual "Who's Your Favorite SDnet Denizen?&qu

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Edi's 2nd Annual "Who's Your Favorite SDnet Denizen?&qu

Post by Edi »

I did one of these about a year ago, and I think it's time for another, as we have had an influx of new members, some others have left or have been banned and things generally have changed.

So, who are the people whose posts you most look forward to reading, or who you like best for other reasons? Sort several lists by forum if you wish, not everyone haunts the same places. You are not allowed to talk about yourself, other than how you see others. This thread is not for banging your own drum!

Also, which one of the newbies we've gotten in the past few months (and you've noticed) has in your opinion made the most positive contribution to the board so far?

My list has pretty much remained the same as it was the last time around.

Darth Wong never fails to amaze me with his insight. Like Lagmonster said last time, the ability to command such respect through mere text is very impressive. Mike, just so you know, it's scary how much like my dad you sound sometimes. You're getting a favorable comparison with him from me, which is fucking hard to do, as my old man simply rules.

Zaia has got to be right up there at the top too, you always make smile, honey, one couldn't ask for a better friend. :D

Then there comes a bunch of the regular N&P and SLAM forum posters, RedImperator, Vympel, Patrick Degan and Innerbrat, always something insightful in their posts. :)

Special mention for Rob Wilson, whom I owe a lot, Knife and Coyote, followed by the rest of the Mess, whom I've obviously gotten to know better than most of the general board denizens.

Finally, the most impressive newbie that I've noticed: This is a tie between Broomstick and frigidmagi, both have made a very good impression on me and have my unreserved respect.

All right, people, your turn, start listing them!


NOTE: Positive comments only, I humbly ask the mods to ruthlessly oppress negative comments about peole, mudslinging and spam on sight and without warning.
Warwolf Urban Combat Specialist

Why is it so goddamned hard to get little assholes like you to admit it when you fuck up? Is it pride? What gives you the right to have any pride?
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GOP message? Why don't they just come out of the closet: FASCISTS R' US –Patrick Degan

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Post by Ghost Rider »

Mine has probably expanded greatly.

So let's start off...people I like and why.

Connor and Ender are easily two if for nothing else then being extraordniarily logical and apt at debating science fiction and bringing up points on their own that I wouldn't have thought up of.

Batman, demiurge, Superman, thecreech and Stofsk for talking comics books and not running into the fawhore wall.

Stravo because it's fun to talk the olden day as well show him how lucky he's got out(I know you're clutching onto Man of Steel harder as we speak) as well his fics.

Darth Wong is someone I enjoying reading posts of.

Rob Wilson is always good for a hoot and a half about sex and relationships.

Innerbrat I enjoy because she is vocal about her point of view and usually demonstrates a great deal of logic behind it.

Dalton because he is fun.

verilon because the few times I can talk to him on SD.net he has a differing POV then myself.

Lagmonster is a calming influence here.

RedImperator and Durandal for actually providing a biting insight on a variety of politics and topics in general.

Keevan_Colton for his thoughts of how America looks like.

Kuja for his stories.

Zaia for giving her viewpoint and being a friendly face.

Who knows I've likely missed a few...but those are some of my faves

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Post by Stravo »

My Band of Brothers-

Mike Wong - Always well thought out with a fiery zeal that makes you know if you're going to take this guy on, know your shit. He will beat you into a pulp, pee on you and laugh while he takes your woman. That's the Imperial smackdown I've come to know and love. I like to read the debates because the man always has something to teach you about how to counter someone or how to look at an argument in a different way. Something law school tries to teach you but you can only learn by watching someone in action.

Ghost Rider - The Ghost is simply my awesome bud in the comics world. Anytime I post a comics related question he is usually the first to answer and we share identical views on the state of comics today and can reminisce with a guy like me who's up to date until 94 on the comics world. Plus just a funny guy to trade stories with.

Stormbringer - yes, his political views may be a tad more to the right than mine but that's what having a spectrum of friends is all about. Consistently been a bud since the early days of the board and showed me the ropes on photo shopping and Alpha Centauri

Shep - You may think I don;t like him but damn it how can you NOT. The guy has passion and really believes in his shit. His knowldege of weapons and warfare always impressive and instructive for someone trying to write realistic combat scenarios

Zaia - You know her, thus you love her. She's sweet, always a bright smile (I just imagine her smiling all the time when she's posting here) and sort of like the sexy older sister that looks out for the rest of us. She's brought a breath of fresh air into the mod forum, for awhile there I was afraid things would get OZ like in there until she came.

Illuminatus - The guy is a fucking walking dictionary of SW related stuff and my unofficial source for alot of the EU material that I am unaware of. His early collaboration in helping me get to know the OR and the sheer scale of the Republic helped with getting Twilight War off the ground. Always quick to help with a PM on tech questions too.

Most of my fellow mods are always a joy to deal with and listen to but I don't wanty anyone to think that because you didn't make it on this list that you suck or anything. This is all off the top of my head.

Also I have to second Edi's views on Frigidmagi. The guy's posts are clear and entertaning plus well informed when he posts in N&P which is not the case with many posters in there. I also enjoy Elfdart's Anti-Shep status. If the two ever meet I'm sure we'llmhave a crater the size of Manhattan Island as a result.
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Post by irishmick79 »

Wong's debate abilities are indeed legendary. I always look forward to hearing what he has to say, as he is very well spoken and thought provoking.

I enjoy posts from Vympl, Frank Hipper, fgalkin, Sea Skimmer, Stravo, and probably some others that I'm forgetting to mention. Thank you all for making this board a great place to visit, and to bring a lot of knowledge and viewpoints to the board.

Jeebus! I forgot to mention Shep! Honestly, SD.net would not be the same without Shep. It's amazing how on one level he can be very knowledgable and well spoken, and then in an instant shift gears and sound like he's completely insane (er, in a good way). Shep is one of my favorite posters here, and he always has something interesting to say.
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Post by Batman »

Oh so many...
-Ghost Rider, for his inestimable comics knowledge and his ability to, whenever I feel Batman comics have reached a new low, point out that 'actually, in *whatever* Comics issue *whocares* they did a lot worse'
-Mike, for the obvious reasons,
-Axis Kast (yes I'm serious) for valiantly refusing to give up his position as Vympels punching bag,
-Vympel-see above,
-LadyTevar, for keeping her husband from hadokening me all the way back into the SilverAge (and, of course, for playing along with my alleged superhero impersonation ;) )
-Hrogge, Fteik & the rest of the Rhodanites for NOT throwing a hissy fit when arguing with me,
-Brian for being on my side in a B5 debate (you have no clue what this means to a debating nonentity like me :) )
-Connor MacLeod-just don't debate an Immortal. Chances are he's got more data than you do...
-MetrionCascade, for no other reason than being the first female I ever got into a rational SciFi debate with,
-JME2, for his immense knowledge of Batman both comic and animated (hell, of anything animated),
-Zaia, again for the obvious reasons.
I'm almost certain I've missed a lot of important people but I'm not much of a debater so I may not have that much contact with them.
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Post by Edi »

Goddamn, Stravo, sorry man, I clean forgot to put you on the list, but you sure as hell belong there.

Durandal as well for all science related stuff.

That said, there are tons of good people here, and I've tried to keep my list from ballooning into a six page one (as it rightly should).

Warwolf Urban Combat Specialist

Why is it so goddamned hard to get little assholes like you to admit it when you fuck up? Is it pride? What gives you the right to have any pride?
–Darth Wong to vivftp

GOP message? Why don't they just come out of the closet: FASCISTS R' US –Patrick Degan

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Post by Agent Fisher »

mine would be

Darth Wong, what can you say that hasnt already been said.

Stravo for writing such great fanfics

Skimmer, for his amazing knowledge

Shep, for just being shep

Rogue 9


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Post by Stravo »

Edi wrote:Goddamn, Stravo, sorry man, I clean forgot to put you on the list, but you sure as hell belong there.

Durandal as well for all science related stuff.

That said, there are tons of good people here, and I've tried to keep my list from ballooning into a six page one (as it rightly should).

No problem Edi, I think it speaks volumes about this place that there are so many good posters that you consistenly forget to add people to your list. I know my list is far far from complete. As I said just off the top of my head.
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

There are a ton, but off the top of me noggin...

Mitth, Agent Fisher, and RI, plus some other members, for sticking with this dumb Gnome shit, for better or for worse.

Stravo, for his badass fanfic, and the other awesome stories he tells in the OT every day.

Illuminatus Primus, your one stop shop for SW info with an attitude.

Publius, your one stop shop for even more SW info, delivered in a well-mannered and gentlemanly way.

Shep for being so damn eccentric.

Captain_Cyran, because all is fair in love and war. And, surely, this is love. :razz:

Dalton, cause he saved my sorry ass.

David, because I totally dig having (had, more like it) my own forum, even if it was one big festering pile of SPAM.

Speaking of SPAM... Straha! For being a weirdo.

fgalkin, my old sparring partner. To the last, I shall grapple with thee!

Gandalf, my old... parterning... partner. Some day we'll get that business off the ground.

Darth Wong, deliverer of the Imperial Smackdown.

Rogue 9, for no reason.

And several others, that I have not the time (read: effort) to list reasons, but will list their names:

Connor MacLeod, Ace Pace, Strombringer (DETROIT PRIDE!), Sea Skimmer, verilon, Ghost Rider, and some other folk who I will remember later, but not say anything about.
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Connor has got to be one of my favorite debators here. Whenever I see a debate and I see Connor on the latest poster part, I always click the link. A generally cool headed debator that doesn't go in unless he knows what he's talking about.

Stravo, an amazing writer who also sticks to his guns in N&P.

Kuja, how can you not love the guy?

DGG, my dueling buddy. Too bad TGODs are gone. The only acceptable Gnome. When the genocide finishes, he will be left standing.

Most of the military guys kick ass. Hail to The Mess.

fglakin, how can you not love our token Ruskie?

Dalton, fun guy.

Zaia, any reason I can say here has already been said

Tevar, half of the official SD.Net couple. And all around cool person.

These are the ones off the top of my head.
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Post by MKSheppard »

THE SHEP has proceeded to let you minions know who
is on his list:

In no particular order:

Sea Skimmer: For being THE GREAT LEADER and knowing all kinds
of shit that leaves you going WTF, how did he learn that?

Vympel: Russian Equipment Whoring has never been as fun as it's
been with Vymp around!

Frank Hipper: The People's Museum Commisar threatened me with
torture if I didn't put him on! Seriously, he knows his shit about WWI and

Chardok: CHOK CHOK CHOK CHOK goes the M-60, the greatest MMG of all time :D

Patrick Degan and Axis Kast: When these two go at it, it's fun to
grab the popcorn and watch the fun. Tiger-boy ahoy!

Einy: Grab that railgun and stroke it!

Yosemite Bear For being an eccentric who knows all kinds of weird

Fgalkin: All hail SDN's Mad Russian!

Aerius/Jmac/whoever the fuck it is: For being a weird oddball and
regaling us with tales of Canadian Customs!

Darth Wong: The Anal Violator. Nuff Said.

(more will be added as I think of people, THE SHEP is an impatient fuck, and will think of more on the fly)
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Darth Wong:
I'm waiting for him to put forth a statement or opinion which is demonstratably incorrect. He's taking his damn time.

SirNitram, Fgalkin, Vympel, Durandal:
I just think they're fun to read.
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Post by MKSheppard »

Pablo Sanchez Excellent fanfics, and a worthy opponent of the HAB Schutzstaffel.

Zaia: *Chatters excitedly*

Ghost Rider Comics nut galore; knows virtually everything and loves Frank Castle too :twisted:
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

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Post by DocHorror »

Darth Wong - For starting this all off and for being consistently entertaining.

All the Rest of You Sorry Sons & Daughters of That Bastard Pit of Maddness that Is the Internet - for making my day and giving me such a wide choice of entertainment and news.
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Post by aerius »

MKSheppard wrote:Aerius/Jmac/whoever the fuck it is: For being a weird oddball and
regaling us with tales of Canadian Customs!
Shep/Zaia: Because s/he is cool and adds cuteness & thermonuclear fantasies to the board.

Sea Skimmer: Discussions on military stuff are over once he shows up. Seriously, how the fuck does he know all that stuff? It's mindboggling.

Pablo Sanchez: Adds much needed witty humor to the board, he's got style.

Red & Durandal: The tag-team duo that writes Fast Times (is the next chapter done yet?). I encourage them to visit The Amsterdam Bed & Breakfast Inn in Vancouver, Canada one day. Legal weed for everyone!
aerius: I'll vote for you if you sleep with me. :)
Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either. :P
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Post by Chardok »

The Shep- What can I say about him that he hasn't said already? We get along quite well, despite our differing political views, and I love his no-nonsense way of telling it like it is.

Stavo- Storyteller extraordinairre (sp)! His stories are always great, what would SDN be without him?

Durandal- Great fun to read his debates, They always go in stages. Stage 1. Rational WTFareyoutalkingaboutness Stage 2. you're a moron because... and stage 3. You fucking dipshit.... :wink:

Col. Crackpot- Fellow football fanatic. I love our Fan wankery. Only his team can back up his wank *sigh*

Red Imperator- See above.

Straha- Ahh, the Spam....but not so much of late. another football fanatic...very enjoyable to talk to, always good for a barb or two.

Einy- RAILGUNDOKKEN, BITCH! he's as much of a fixture in this place as Shep. Much love, dawg.

The Great leader- Yes. Yes indeed. If you need to know about the history of war, The Great leader delivers.

Vympel- living Armory. you want to know something about any weapon system on earth, there's your guy.

Sir Nitram- Yep. He's on my list, believe it or not. I remember a line from a debate he had that sticks in my head to this day. It was nothing more than a taunt, but I laughed so hard I cried.

"Oh, look at the petulant child cry."


Seebian Wurm- He's just about as insane as I am. and makes me laugh like a little girl.

I'm sure I'll think of more later..... I'll be back...oh yes...I'll be back...



THE MESS!!! YES, THE MESS, ALL OF YOU! Knife, Tsyroc, JEGS2, Rob Wilson, ALL of you! You rock, and have made my stay here unforgettable!
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Post by Rye »

Seebian Wurm - hardly ever posts, but allows me to be fucking weird in IM.

Crimson Raine - (Red don't read this ;)) She's ace, I think she's vastly underrated, gorgeous and fundamentally likable. That looks like "lickable" but likeable looks wrong too...

Metrion Cascade/Iceberg - Because they're my groupies. Metrion's also a pervert that wants to do perverse things to me, which instantly gets her high marks in my book.

Ghost Rider, just like everyone else's posts - Again, knows a lot about comics, friendly, all that good shit.

Wicked Pilot - It's funny to see someone still calling things gay even though it's not PC.

DW - has shit in his posts you can really learn from.

RedImperator - like Durandal, only less annoying to read.

Durandal - Lost to him in adonis, but damn. I'm probably too drunk to do him justice.

Shep - just makes me laugh in the HoS.

Zaia - said i was cool, unlike the rest of you tasteless fucks! She's also a sweetie. 8)

SoX - it's Tonehhhhhhhhh.

EDIT: i forgot Kuroneko, which is off, since I PM him when he comes back after his lengthy absences congratulating him on his continued existence.
Last edited by Rye on 2004-09-18 06:34am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

My friends: (in no particular order)

Zaia: (ok everyone seems to like Kristan, it's like the SDN stcom)
Innerbrat: Well since I don't have Z's IM accounts, I do talk to the Brat everyso often...
Tevar: great mind also fun to talk too, especially when she's at work, or worried about Nit....
Ali-Sama: guarunteed to send me a perverted link at least once a week. (Today it was At-At's doing it doggy style) :twisted: (blood hound gang would be proud)
Dalton: possibly the most easy going and cool person I know, (even if he did flame me and point me to the FAQ for making my first ASVS post in HTML)*
Ryan C.: A good writer, and a good scout for wargame software, (actually there should be a HAB thread on it...)
Ver.: just as crazy as I am.... (no that's not a bad thing)
Typhoonis: also good for sending me lots of perverted links, and helping me catch up on my web comics. (strangely we both get our perverted links from the same source)
LT Hitman: doesn't post very often, but when he does, some of us find very, sick and depraved links in our in boxes. (and yes one or more of the links has been brought back to the monkeys, come to think of it, I saved the Hentai thread with a link Hitman sent me.)

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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

The Shep: Brilliant fanfic writer, insane psychopath, or a state of being?
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Post by Laird »

Durandal: Great guy.
Alyeska: He's no braindead trekkie.
Mike: he let me stay here and develop (Nuff said)
Shep: Cause he reminds me of the Red headed step brother I never wanted. (he's alittle too psycho even for me..but thats why I like the guy.)
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Post by SeebianWurm »

Rye™ - My Body Aches... wrote: respond to your favourite denizens thread.
It's spelled favorite, you British tit.

Rye: explanation unrequired. Rye is hilarious.

Chardok: comrade in assholery and funizing.

Starship Titanic: comrade in funnies that no one else understands. And I get to call him "Tit."

Raxmei: just because.

Alyrium: for some reason, those birthday photos scarred me for life.

Double Penetration Dark Primus: and Maya, sitting in a tree.

Yuri: not the village idiot Yuri. The other Yuri.

Superman: pink foam and hate of cunnilingus.

fgalkin: his Soviet jokes never fail to amuse me.

Broomstick: new member, but I am fucking impressed. A lot of her posts leave me wanting to nominate them for some sort of prize.

The Lovers: Yes, I like Durandal and Red Imperator.

Nitram and Keevan: fun to watch, especially while they're advancing the causes of socialism.

Pablo Sanchez: Where did you get that dashing top hat?

Stravo: I have no need for reasons.

Victor Haden: good fic author who gets no love.

Connor Macleod and Publius: one way to make a Star Wars debate entertain me is to involve one of these two.

Batman: the batman impersonation is fucking funny. Especially the Alfred pieces.

Utsanomiko: doesn't play the popularity games (like this thread). Respected for that.

I don't even have to mention Wong.

There are more - really it would be much easier to list my least-favorites. Such is the quality of the Stardestroyer.net characters and fucking weirdcocks.
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Post by phongn »

Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:The Shep: Brilliant fanfic writer, insane psychopath, or a state of being?
Clearly, a state of being.
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Stravo - He's just an awesome guy. :D

fgalkin - He's Russian, what more do you need?

DocHorror, NecronLord, Stormbringer, Kuja, Black Admiral and all the other 40kers - WH40K forever!

Utsanomiko - We played together in SWG for a bit, he's a cool dude.

As for n00bz... I haven't posted much here over the summer, so I haven't really been keeping up with all that jazz.
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Post by Knife »


These are always so tough. You try to not forget anyone, and yet.......

Mike, for starting the damn thing.

Strav, for being a damn good guy and kindered soul.

Rob Wilson, for making me want to go to England and have a beer with him.

RogueIce, for taking my shit and liking it.

Shep, for giving the board some flavor.

Hipper, just cuz he's cool.

No list is complete without Z, but not for being a cutie or a girl, rather a smile and a Hi.

Chardok, for being a rid-kid.

My fellow Marines, Wilkens and Frigimagi.

Brat, for being a gorgeous blone with an IQ.

And damn me, I like Durandals insufferable, arrogant, blatently honest views on life.

Edi, for valuing my opinion on various things.

And scores of others, I'm sure I'm missing.
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Post by frigidmagi »

Thanks to everyone who put on your list. I'm just glad to be here.

Well I haven't been here long but I have thought up a small list.

A special spot goes to Rogue 9, he's the one who got me here and secured my membership in the HAB.

Sea Skimmer-THE GREAT LEADER needs no reason to be on this list :wink:

Knife-Got me into the Mess and let me into his fic.

Shep-All Hail Admiral Sheppard!

Sir Nitram- his mastery of the flame would make my DIs weep in awe.

Stormbringer- Has always been willing to share his knowlegde with me, even when I won't shut up.

Aly- No one has whipped me up into a state of pure rage over the internet like him advocating the destruction of minium wage. Other than that a good guy.

Hotfoot-hell of a player in the STGOD

Marcoa-someday you'll write an fanfic and everyone's jaw is going to drop.

I'm sure I forgot some folks... But that's what secondary post are for.
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