Edi's 2nd Annual "Who's Your Favorite SDnet Denizen?&qu

OT: anything goes!

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Post by Demiurge »

I like this thread.

Here come the names.

Darth Wong - For obvious reasons.

Ghost Rider - You want to know something about comics? Just ask him. Always friendly, unless you're looking to start some shit.

Rob Wilson - An all around cool guy. I don't see him around here much, but I tend to read his posts whenever he is.

Durandal - Really knows how to smack down morons.

Zaia - A really cool and funny person. Her perspective is refreshingly unique.

A few other comic fans including Stravo, Batman, Superman, and others.
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Post by Zaia »

aerius wrote:Shep/Zaia: Because s/he is cool and adds cuteness & thermonuclear fantasies to the board.
That kicks ass. Once the regular sig comes back, I think that's going in it. :lol:

I have a long list but am waaaaaay too tired to write it up now, so will have TO BE CONTINUED...*cues soap opera cut scene music*
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Post by RogueIce »

I reliaze I have forgotten someone.

Bohemianfey, for promising to take a non-sucky picture of me. Here's to hoping I don't break the camera! :wink:
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This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
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Post by Pu-239 »

In no particular order
  • RedImperator- I agree with his political views exactly.
  • MkSheppard- Who doesn't like guns?
  • Phongn,Crayz9000, and The Kernel- Very knowledgable about computers
  • Skimmer, Phong, and Knife- Good military info
  • Kuroneko- Haven't read many of his posts, but very insightful.
  • Durandal- Knocked me out of trekkism from ASVS (only made a couple posts, still...), also his site aided my deconversion (otherwise I would still be a screaming fundie Catholic.
  • Wong- Site convinced me to switch to Linux. Oh, and the sig.
  • Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi- See Sig.
  • Broomstick- Long informative posts.
That's all for now- I'm tired.

ah.....the path to happiness is revision of dreams and not fulfillment... -SWPIGWANG
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Anything worth the cost of a missile, which can be located on the battlefield, will be shot at with missiles. If the US military is involved, then things, which are not worth the cost if a missile will also be shot at with missiles. -Sea Skimmer

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Post by RedImperator »

Some people I forgot who deserve mentioning:

Broomstick: If I didn't already look forward to reading her posts, that magnificent rant about how difficult it is to be a pilot sold me.

Lusankya: She's back! Yay!

Phongn: Another military buff and all around good guy. Another good ally in an argument.
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
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Post by Lagmonster »

Mike earned respect from a lot of different people with a lot of different ideas and he got them to see things his way. If he ever decides to disagree with you, you are basically doomed to coming around to his point of view, even in situations where there are no right and wrong answers. And I find that just grand.

Shep, whom I basically never converse with on the board because we have nothing in common, is hilarious to read and therefore deserves mention. He's a nuclear weapon with fins and a penis.

Dalton is cool, and I know that with no actual conversation on our part, which is saying something. He is also huge, and I would not be surprised if some day when he is passing a construction site, he is grabbed and used as a major structural support in a highrise somewhere.

Innerbrat reinforces my long-held suspicion that girls are cute AND smart.

Einy is colourful; his posts are like gluing skittles to the Mona Lisa.

Stofsk asks my permission for things which he probably knows he can do anyway, which makes me feel good.

Ghost Rider gives me this strange feeling that he really, truly knows what he is talking about in EVERY situation, even if I do not understand what he, in fact, IS talking about, and I like that in just about anyone.

Finally, Durandal, Olrik, Stravo and RedImperator, if merged together, would form The Red Stravikrandinator, and they would be unstoppable.
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.
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Post by Zaia »

People I love to read because they don't speak up much, so when they do, I definitely pay attention: Larz, Edi, The Duchess, Connor, Alex, Coyote, Greg, Suart Mackey, Beowulf, Maya, Dorsk, Raxmei, Next of Kin, Mark S, Steve, Drewcifer...

People I love to read because they throw a great smackdown and/or know lots of stuff: Olrik, IB, Red, Strav, Crown, weemadando, Frank, Dalton, Mike, Howedar, Sea Skimmer, GR, Vympel, Stormy, Broomstick, fgalshroom, Mr Bean, MoO...

People I love to read because they are funny as hell and/or are crazy: Kuja, IB, Foo, ver (Hot Pants!), GR, Admiral Valdemar, Durandal, Einy, fgalshroom, the aerianna/jmac/muse collective, T3h Shep, Edi, Alyrium, C.S. Strowbridge, Dalton, Pablo, weemadando, XaLEv, Superman, Gil, Rye, Rob Wilson, Red, Strav, Howedar, Cyran, Mitth, Eleas (he's scared of my b00bees which is quite amusing), BS, YB, Utsa, Maya, Fey, Batman, Tev, Vympel, Spanky, Larz, neoolong, Mike, Stofsk, Gandalf, Knife, Ewo, CR, AylaKat, Connor, Aya, DPDP & RogueIce (sometimes :P)...there are a lot of you. Sorry if I forgot anybody...

Edit: Added someone, am sure am still forgetting peeps...
Edit #2: Mo' peeps, fo' shizzle.
Edit #3: Last one, I hope.
Last edited by Zaia on 2004-09-21 12:19am, edited 3 times in total.
"On the infrequent occasions when I have been called upon in a formal place to play the bongo drums, the introducer never seems to find it necessary to mention that I also do theoretical physics." -Richard Feynman
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Post by Larz »

Hmm, havn't had the plethora of free time I used to to keep reading and posting, but a few I do keep an eye on:

Mr. Bean
Fglakin ??? - not sure if right...

Hmm... as for the rest of you, SOD OFF! Honostly though, I really don't remember all the people I watch, these are just the ones that slide off the top of my head.
"Once again we wanted our heroes to be simple, grizzled everymen with nothing to lose; one foot in the grave, the other wrapped in an American flag and lodged firmly in a terrorist's asshole."

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Larz, about your location... If you make someone combust, it ain't spontaneous. :P We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Larz »

Quiet infidel...

Oh yeah: Chardok, Rogue 5, Rob Wilson ... just some more that occured to me
"Once again we wanted our heroes to be simple, grizzled everymen with nothing to lose; one foot in the grave, the other wrapped in an American flag and lodged firmly in a terrorist's asshole."

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Post by Edi »

*hugs Zaia*

Yay! You mentioned me twice! Thanks, honey! :D

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Post by Durandal »

RedImperator: You can't have one of us without the other these days, it seems.
Kuroneko: Possibly the most underrated poster here at SD.Net. A solid kung-fu master. I'd like to see him and Mike go at it sometime.
Darth Wong: Needs no introduction. Gave us this wonderful web board.
Stravo: Gotta love a guy who's probably tapped half the ass in the New York City phone book. 'Nuff said.
phongn: Introduced me to the Ars Technica Open Forum. Always a great geek resource.
The Kernel: This guy is setting my ass up with the royal treatment in San Francisco this weekend. Though I'm pissed at him for ruining my chances with the hot Indian girl. :D
Dalton: The big man himself. Lord of the FUQ, he maintains an archive of my most spectacular witticisms.
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Post by haas mark »

For various reasons...

Larz, Zaia (Demon Princess!), InnerBrat (Pirate Lady!), Dalton, Hyperion, bohemianfey, The Yosemite Bear, Frank Hipper, Einhander Sn0m4n, RedImperator, Stravo, phongn, Patrick Degan, Edi, Pu-239
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Post by The Kernel »

I promised myself I wouldn't post in this thread since it strikes me as a popularity contest, but oh well.

Durandal--Like you need any more recognition in this thread Mac boy :P

Red--Funny, upstanding a generally a great guy to talk to.

Ace Pace--His worship of me scares me sometimes, but he's a fun kid and great to talk to.

Joe--While we almost never agree on anything, I have a great deal of respect for Joe for his knowledge of politics and economics.

Einy--He's absolutely nuts, and that's why I love him.

Darth Wong--Does this really need to be explained?

Phongn--Saved my butt more than a few times on computer issues and he's a good guy to talk to.

Dalton--He is a Chrono Trigger fanboy which is enough of a reason to like him right there, but he's also the guy I could see running SDN someday if Mike decides to retire. Great guy.

Spanky the Dolphin--He's quirky and that's why I like him.

Bohemianfey--All around sweetie, a great new addition to the board.

SirNitram--Most of our debates have been anything but civil, but I still respect him afterwards.

fgalkin--The Original Mad Russian, how can you not love this guy?

Keevan_Colton--Good guy to chat with and a good presence on the board.

Zaia--Puts up with a lot of shit and still manages a sunny disposition.

Alyeska--All around good guy with a hell of a lot of Star Trek knowledge.

Stravo--What's not to like about this sick fucker?

aerius--Good guy to talk to about a variety of topics, although his new position as the official tormentor of the AYVB has disturbed me a little.

If I forgot anyone, sorry but I'm only human.
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Post by Spyder »

Dalton: Award for outstanding display of facial hair, great personality and for being a good sport over all these years. Here, have an av:

Chuck Sonnenburg: 5 years of teh funny and for making so many sacrifices to bring us the OVEG and that mammoth fanfic saga.

Chris O'Farrell: For various reasons, the one that comes to mind however. when all the stores in NZ stopped stocking Freespace 2 Chris actually sent me an original copy of it that he got from a bargain bin in Aussie. I still owe him something for that.

The Yosemite Bear: For being an ok guy.

The ASVS STGODers: Things are starting to looking up and it's thanks to your dedication.

The SDN STGODers: Thanks, it's been fun. I'm looking forward to what's going to happen next.

Shep: Always good to hear from someone that will say the exact opposite of what the last ten people said, even if I'm one of the ten.

Weemadando: SMAKIBBFB

Einy: For making posts with entertainment value (on purpose).

Stuart Mackey: Level headed fellow member of the New Zealand bid for world domination.

The dozen others that I'm forgetting: I'd like to say that I haven't forgotten you but I'd be lying. Don't think you're not appreciated though because you are.
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Post by Dalton »

I had almost forgotten about that, Spyder :P
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Post by Joe »

Without a doubt, The Legend Rado Tharadus.

BoTM / JL / MM / HAB / VRWC / Horseman

I'm studying for the CPA exam. Have a nice summer, and if you're down just sit back and realize that Joe is off somewhere, doing much worse than you are.
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Post by Crayz9000 »

Well, in no particular order, I'd like to recognize...

all of the old-time ASVSers, particularly Dalton, Spyder, Shep, Pablo, Boyd/Kynes, Yosemite Bear, Chuck, Phong, Marina, Edam, Strow, Rob Wilson, and most of the other friendly faces on the group,

the techies here on SDN, notably Faram and Pu-239,

and the mod squad here, who I learned a lot from over the year or so I was a mod: Mike (can't forget him, LOL), GAT, David, Stormbringer (well, aside from the whiny bit ;) ), Mr. Bean, Olrik, and the rest of you guys who were there back then at the start of the board.
A Tribute to Stupidity: The Robert Scott Anderson Archive (currently offline)
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Post by Spyder »

Crayz9000 wrote:Well, in no particular order, I'd like to recognize...

all of the old-time ASVSers, particularly Dalton, Spyder, Shep, Pablo, Boyd/Kynes, Yosemite Bear, Chuck, Phong, Marina, Edam, Strow, Rob Wilson, and most of the other friendly faces on the group,

the techies here on SDN, notably Faram and Pu-239,

and the mod squad here, who I learned a lot from over the year or so I was a mod: Mike (can't forget him, LOL), GAT, David, Stormbringer (well, aside from the whiny bit ;) ), Mr. Bean, Olrik, and the rest of you guys who were there back then at the start of the board.
Right back at ya, Rob Wilson and Phong too.
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Post by Gil Hamilton »

Well, at least my girl Zaia recognizes me. :lol:
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Post by aerius »

The Kernel wrote:aerius--Good guy to talk to about a variety of topics, although his new position as the official tormentor of the AYVB has disturbed me a little.
It's an official position now? I better get busy with my GF so I'll have more stories to tell.
Gil Hamilton wrote:Well, at least my girl Zaia recognizes me. :lol:
Damnit! Now I have to update my sig again! :lol:
aerius: I'll vote for you if you sleep with me. :)
Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either. :P
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Post by Stofsk »

Zaia wrote:Edit: Added someone, am sure am still forgetting peeps...
Yes, I think you're forgetting someone... :(

;) :lol:
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Post by Dalton »

Ah, forgot about Eleas and the Bear, who both deserve special mention for being there when I needed them. Oh, and Spyder. Did I mention the king of the random madmen himself?
To Absent Friends
Dalton | Admin Smash | Knight of the Order of SDN

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Post by Zaia »

Stofsk wrote:
Zaia wrote:Edit: Added someone, am sure am still forgetting peeps...
Yes, I think you're forgetting someone... :(

;) :lol:
"On the infrequent occasions when I have been called upon in a formal place to play the bongo drums, the introducer never seems to find it necessary to mention that I also do theoretical physics." -Richard Feynman
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Lagmonster wrote: Ghost Rider gives me this strange feeling that he really, truly knows what he is talking about in EVERY situation, even if I do not understand what he, in fact, IS talking about, and I like that in just about anyone.
I'm sigging that...if for no other reason then that has to be the coolest description I've had to date of me :D .

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