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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

Ender wrote:Voice comes from a number of sources, mainly how you hear others speaking. Since twins will have similar but not exact experiences, some variation will be expected. The fact that they do have exact voices is thus stunningly beneficial to us. It shows that SW appears to have some variation of "mind uploading" and "downloading" in canon. Basics like vocabulaty and how to talk, how to walk, basic education, and a number of other things would have been copied from Jango. If this is the case, then the 5 years are spent in military training, not a required part of the growth process.
The original clones were ten years. And if you could flash-imprint how to talk, walk, eat, etc., why would you not imprint the clone with combat experience? On the other hand, with the original batch they had no real case of extended combat experience with Jango's clones. Maybe that's why the first batch was so small, a test group from which the next batch could simply be flash-imprinted with combat experience and accelerated in growth. I think the Kaminoans knew to a degree that imprinting them with whole memory sets - like Thrawn laters does with his Spaarti cylinders, leads to possible mental instability. Part of the reason Kaminoan clones may take longer than Thrawn's Spaarti ones, even after they've accelerated the growth (since now that they have the original batch's combat experiences they no longer need to slowly train and educate them for 10 years) because they still have them participate in some training and whatnot to build some assemblance of individual psychology rather than implanting all the memories verbatim: being surrounded by tens of thousands of people who look like you and share all your memories cannot be optimal for morale and psychological well-being. Furthermore, the next-gen of cloning, the GeNodes, also did not have others' memories flash-imprinted in. Not only were they conditioned to be unwaveringly loyal to the Empire (and to have a "I love Big Brother" reflex if they momentarily faltered, as Publius put it), but they apparently fabricated their own false personal histories and personal psychology.
Ender wrote:Thus, from the canon, we can now point out that the only restriction on clone growth is acceleration speed, since fully trained clones can then be uploaded and downloaded, saving 10 years off the process.
Similar to the Spaarti-brand clones, right.
Ender wrote:They probably identify each other when speaking like the Navy does on wifcoms. Might want to ask Wilkins or someone though.
Ender wrote:Droid balls support that, but not this.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

We would be very sad and shocked to learn, here at Illuminatus Primus, Inc., that such files would end up in the inbox of said Incorporated company available at the address of IlluminatusPrimus at hotmail dot com. Very sad indeed.
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Post by Techno_Union »

I would loathe the idea of it ending up at jstreeg (at) yahoo dot com... the mere thought makes me want to gag...
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Post by YT300000 »

Why am I always late to give out my e-mail address, namely yt300000 (at)

Hmm... what could have possessed me to accidentally type that? I will endovour to edit it... eventually.
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Post by Zac Naloen »

i would be very annoyed if that picture were to end up at cpj.baker(at)

Very annoyed!
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Post by Darth Mall »

I hope that darthgecko at doesn't ever recive any illegal photos.
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Post by SylasGaunt »

I don't see why it would ever end up at Kaminum22(at)
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Post by Chardok »

Alas, if pictures of a star warsian episode III'ish nature were to end up in the inbox of one Daniel underscore Klix at comcast dot net.
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Post by Faram »

I would not mind if those pics happend to end up at tranaker@

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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

I sincerely hope none of those dirty, horrible, disgusting images would ever turn up at irgcommandojoe at mail dot com and infest my mailbox. :wink:
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

The Honeycomb Hideout is reporting that a rumour sourcing from AICN, that John Rhys-Davies may be providing the voice for General Grievous...
I believe in a sign of Zeta.

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Post by Darwin »

I'm glad none of those illegal images ever get sent to sianmink (at)!
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Post by Vympel »

Please send confirmation that those who have expressed their distaste have not yet received the pictures, I will certainly not offend them!
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Post by Mange »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:The Honeycomb Hideout is reporting that a rumour sourcing from AICN, that John Rhys-Davies may be providing the voice for General Grievous...
God, I hope that's true. I really like his deep voice.
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Post by Vympel »

It's AICN. They're always full of shit. I prefer the Gary Oldman rumor.
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Post by Jon »

J.R.Reid at wouldn't be interested in these images.
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Post by Ender »

WRT the pics I certainly did not get, there appears to be 2 new ships in the pic, one with an exceptoionally long hangar bay. The TLs on the Venator are very large like those on the ISD and TFBB, but have stubby barrels like those on the Death Star. I will be interesting to see their performance in the battle.

THe pic of the uzz droids meshes nicely witht he latest Art of Revenge, which shows a storyboard style pic of their pursuit.

At least that is what I would be saying if I had obtained the pics in violation of Hyperspaces rules, which I most certainly did not.
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Post by Lonestar »

I would be pissed beyond belief if those pics somehow ended up at bucherm(at) ......
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Post by VT-16 »

That little red ship at the left of the picture I did not see, looks like one of the ships seen in the "Nebula" production-drawing from one of the Insider issues. The one in the back is probably Dooku´s cruiser, with the ridiculously tall neck. That I did not see, and definetly not a fanart of.
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Post by Iceberg »

if those pictures arrive at, I will be quite upset and forced to delete them. If, on the other hand, they arrive at, I'll be ecstatic.
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Post by Laughing Mechanicus »

I would like to ensure, for the safety of all, that those illicit images which I have no right to see, are not sent to my e-mail address which it is said recieves enough Russian gay midget porn each day to feed an army.
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Post by President Sharky »

Looking at the Venator in the hypothetical pictures, I think I see a double-barrelled turret at the edge of the brim trench. That cruiser with the long hangar bay looks like it might be the rumoured "Barracuda" ship.
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Post by VT-16 »

That cruiser with the long hangar bay looks like it might be the rumoured "Barracuda" ship.

The one in the back is probably Dooku´s cruiser, with the ridiculously tall neck.
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IF someone dares to sent these illicti photos to Krock1138 (at) I will be most appalled!!! :evil:
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Post by Vympel »

Confirmation of Rhys-Davies as Grievous?
Cynical_Dog writes in to TFN with more on the Gary Oldeman/John Rhys-Davies switch over General Grievous. The story first broke yesterday.
I can confirm that John Rhys-Davies dropped the word "Grievous" at the Brisbane sci-fi con last Sunday. Believe me, it wasn't just a throwaway comment. He put a lot of emphasis on the word, complete with a fantastic dramatic pause. "The conditions are, shall we say ...Grievous". Pure genius.

At a very rough guess, I'd say about 20-30 people would have heard the comment. How many picked up on the subtext is anyone's guess, but by the end of the day it seemed like the news had travelled all around the showgrounds. I'm surprised it took more than 3 hours to find its way online.

Anyway, I really, really hope this is true and he wasn't just messing with the fans' minds. I was kind of hoping Mark Hammil would get the gig, but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of Gimli playing the melodramatic villain role. It's not like this would be his first appearance in a George Lucas film...
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