Oh, I can legitimize the UBT presence. Frigid has all the PMs, and Marcao was told of it. We were just discussing where they should go now that the UP isn't there anymore in the SD.net AIM chat earlier this afternoon, and I can provide the logs.SirNitram wrote:In other words, you're throwing a childish tantrum against everything decided by the arbiters of this because you're a whiny bitch. Because you have nothing to legitimize the UBT presense, you think you can just rail against everything. That's fine. I reiterate my earlier position.Rogue 9 wrote:Well then, I call bullshit on Stormbringer's claim to have 32 capital ships at Mintar, given that we were only allowed to start with 25, and he didn't send his whole fleet. I also call bullshit on FTL missiles, something not used even in standard Wars tech, and this notion that a core planet should only be able to hold off a couple of dreadnoughts before succumbing, and also on the claim that a fighter's potency depends on whether it's based on a planet or on a fleet carrier even if they're the same design of fighter.
Get out.
But this notion that he can legitimately assassinate all my capital ships in five seconds thanks to his cheese torpedoes when not even the Imperial Navy, much less Starfleet, ever displayed that capability, and then have the unmitigated gall to say that an entire planet shouldn't be able to field more fighters than a fleet and that having it do so is uberwank just astounds me. It's a planet. Taking it should be difficult, and a core world should be able to field a crapload of fighters.