I was wrong. I hadn't read the factfiles for a long time, so I guess my mind made up the Rebel connection, though I swear I read it somewhere.Illuminatus Primus wrote:Factfiles says this? Can you quote it?Stofsk wrote:However, from the Factfiles (and I have no idea what they base this on, but whatever) apparently Needa was the Rebel sympathiser, hence why Vader terminated his command.
The factfiles does say the following:
According to this Needa was viewed with suspicion, but only because of his appointment by Ozzel, who Vader didn't like. Somehow I took this to mean he was a rebel sympathiser, but well... that has no basis. However I consider Vader's execution of Needa somewhat excessive for something which seemed to be bad luck. And it's also odd that Vader suspected Needa... because he disliked Ozzel.The SW Factfiles - The Battle of Hoth in the "Battles Section", with the subtitle "Imperial Command Staff" wrote:>Captain Needa:
The Avenger was considered to be an unlucky ship for its captains; the Star Destroyer had gone through several before Needa was appointed by Admiral Ozzel. Although Needa performed his duties admirably, he was always viewed with suspicion by Darth Vader because of the Dark Lord's dislike of Ozzel. His failure to capture the fleeing Millenium Falcon, coupled with Vader's intolerance of failure, choked any future ambitions Captain Needa may have had.
There was something about the way Piett looked in ROTJ - like he was dull or disinteresting - and it just seemed to give the impression he wasn't too bright. It's no more than an impression, mind you, based off of the actor's performance.Knife wrote:Being stationed on the Executor was supposed to be a ticket for promotion. Piett obviously was a good officer, and got lucky to boot.
Since I've got the Factfiles here's what it says about Piett:
Make of that what you will.The Factfiles, same page as above wrote:>Captain Piett:
The captain of the Executor, Piett was a careful commander. Never the most dazzling officer, he advanced to his rank primarily through his talent for staying out of political trouble, and knowing how to find someone else to blame for his mistakes. His rise from Captain to Admiral was testamount to those abilities more than to his skills as a leader in the Imperial Navy.
Incidentally a few passages in the Factfiles doesn't inspire me with confidence in its accuracy. The Executor is referred to as 'Super-class', holds a mere 144 TIE fighters, and desribes the Stormtrooper as a "sometimes inferior soldier."