Actualy you can see many times in Empire Rebel troops ducking into trenches to avoid incomming fire and said trenches protecting the rebels quite well. The AT-AT were either unable or unwilling to simply blast the rebels out of their trenches, so there was hardly any reason for the troops to break cover and run for the downed walker.StarshipTitanic wrote:Packed snow and dirt may stop a bullet, not a blaster bolt from an AT-AT.Rogue 9 wrote:The trenches are safer than being silhouetted against a snowfield, and if those stormtroopers do come out of the AT-AT, they die to fire from the trench. Because of this, there is no need to go after them whatsoever. As for the trench, I'd rather be in a foxhole than up on a flat, white surface yelling "Here I am! Please shoot me!"
In fact in a later sceen, in the background, you can see a trio of troops running across the snow towards a forward trench and drawing fire from the walkers for doing so.