Illuminatus Primus wrote:The Empire is an undoubtably and objectively evil entity. One only needs to grasp the Empire's future as revealed by The Dark Empire Sourcebook, Dark Empire, and The Dark Side Sourcebook to see that.
Yeah, well, but by then it won't be the Empire anymore. It'd be the Emperor's Dark Side Theocracy.
That does not mean that they did not happen. You need countermanding evidence.
I did not say it did not happen. However, we
are dealing with records made by slippery and clearly
dishonest historians and translators here. After Alderaan and Endor, I don't know how much to trust them in things like mitigating circumstances.
For instance, I have no doubt that the so called Ghorman House Massacre, where Tarkin
eventually sat on the some protesters in his warship happened. But how "peaceful" is the crowd? Does peaceful merely mean they didn't have blasters? They were admitted to be sitting at a spaceport and blocking
all the landing pads, thus their actions clearly affect the public order and economy. They clearly weren't just seeking attention - that could have been done with the crowd somewhere other than right on the landing pads. How long had they been sitting there? How many eviction attempts by local forces had they resisted (one would reason that local forces will want to have the problem cleared up by themselves before a Central official shows up, if only to make themselves look good)? Did Tarkin at least warn them before he had his warship sit on them? If he did, then why didn't they nicely disperse? Don't they realize the game was up when the
Federal or State military has to come to enforce order? Are they blazenly trying to defy Imperial authority? Since the purpose of a demonstration is to show the government that you really care about an issue, doesn't the appearance of an
warship show that your message was received? Tarkin had a job to do too, you know. He has to get the taxes somehow.
But no, none of that matters. All we are supposed to think about is that Tarkin sat on them, and that's atrocious.
Which next to no planets will be - at all. Coruscant and other city planets were probably not much more than a week from starvation and collapse at any given time. They're the extreme lower limit, but until you get to outward colonies where major resource hubs for foodstuffs and shipping and manufacturing do not give a shit about to establish major routes, almost every world will be not self-sufficient. The Republic went through many wars, some of them large, and over 25,000 years. And it was never a strategic imperative before.
But the Rebels claim in their own history books that Alderaan only had two billion people on it. That's hardly an amount that they can't get self-sufficient on.
I sincerely doubt all of Alderaan was a Masada waiting to happen. Some turncoat would betray the Alderaanian Royal Family, and Palpatine would have his rebel world.
But after what? After half of the two billion starve to death? Is that
really better than two billion very quick deaths? What happens after Palpatine gets his world. He will liquidate the government, obviously, but what about the People. If he beseiges the planet, gets it after hundreds of millions starve, liquidates the government, then has his ISB goons running around and eventually finding hundreds of millions of disloyal Imperial citizens to either execute or send to Kessel, is that really a superior ending?
Are you on crack? Are you really giving Lord Darth Sidious such credit as a altruist? Intent does matter in analyses of morality, and Palpatine could not give less of a shit about the Ewoks. And its not a noble sacrifice - he was not going to die.
He came pretty close to dying altogether. He had been IIRC swimming around in his soul through the Force ether for a year, and only
barely managed to survive long enough to get into a Clone Body and start a multi-year process of recovery. I won't be sanguine about my chances of survival if the DS blew up with me on it under such circumstances.
I said pure Action Analysis. The Rebels have a notorious habit of ascribing negative attributes to their enemies at any chance, then writing said attributes into their history books.
The Empire is a police state. The U.S. maintains law and order, and despite some disturbing civil rights problems right now, it is by-and-large a free and pluralistic state. You create a false dilemma between free peoples and obedient peoples. I find that disturbing.
Missing the point. I don't deny the US is freer than the Empire. Just that for those who can't be naturally obedient or respectful within the boundaries allowed by a particular State and Party, they just, in the view of the Party, have to be kept in line, forcefully.
I'm afraid you're off on an assumption. The maximalist arguments deal with far more concrete things: raw figures of starships, industrial capacities, etc. It is not at all like this. And moreover, you're defending an interim system set up by and for the Sith übermensch with the express purpose of subsuming the entire galaxy into his Will and Ego. Individuality would quite literally cease to exist. I would say that the default assumption is these are evil assholes and one should provide their own concrete evidence that they are in fact, warm fuzzy fellows who dress up in pink and hand candy to children.
Nobody doubts the Emperor himself is a dolt and evil. We are talking about the many admins and various Moffs that he employs. Remember that even Grand Moff Tarkin or any of those who committed atrocities would hardly be pleased to hear they were maintaining Order for the eventual goal that everyone,
including themselves, would be suckered into supplying life energy for the Emperor. I'm sure I said this before.
This assumes the means of the two bell curves (GE and NR) are the same. There's no evidence to suggest that.
They are drawn from the same basic population. Worse, since the bell curve has over 90-95% of the people somewhere in the middle, unless you contend the Empire only draws from the very lowest 10% of the Galactic Population (moralitywise), the amount of at least relatively neutral people would be at least
equal to the amount of atrocious people.
Give me a break. You haven't a shred of evidence.
So you contend that the NR is a workable government.
By talking about fear of the slightest doubt, think about this. The NR feels that the destruction of Alderaan is irrevocably evil, no matter what the circumstances. If that's so, why can't they even admit the slightest things such as Alderaan had a shield? Surely admitting it won't have mattered, and would have done much to prove you are honest in writing your history books. Remember, you want to only cover up a few of your worst things. If you cover up too much, when a coverup is busted, people work harder at picking apart other coverups, and eventually they'd find something you really don't want them to find.
As for the alien thing, again, sentience is a very hard thing to define completely. Certainly some alien species did not fall into the non-sentient arena to be "indomesticated". Sullustans could even join the Fleet.
As for them not getting into high places. Really, after seeing what happens when a Bothan gains control of the government and Sullustans gets control of the military, then a real test is put on them. Not a hard one too ... we are talking about an enemy who would fit on a few planets if you cram them in a bit.
Incompetence never equals malice or evil. The New Republic is the former, and the Galactic Empire is undeniably the latter.
In terms of the suffering induced to the people, one can be as bad as the other. It takes a lot of incompetence to equal the suffering of evil, but the NR seems to have succeeded...
Are you delusional? He is the one who made the brainwashed Manchurian Candidate-style assassins. He is the one who aimed to socially destabilize the New Republic.
Look, Zsinj is the enemy of the New Republic. Political and social destabilization are valid tactics. I wouldn't be calling it very atrocious of him to have taken advantage of the New Republic's own weaknesses.
And furthermore, since High Human Culture has been set by decree from the privy council for the last twenty years until they took Coruscant, why would you blame the social problems of interspecies interaction on the New Republic? They have been in power for a few years at best.
You see, the New Republic top leadership are supposed to be people who are against High Human Culture. Well, that's fine. Honestly, it is better than the Empire (remember, no one is saying the Empire is a saint and
paradise, especially for the non-humans, just that it is not as bad as the Rebels make it out to be).
Now, it is pretty easy to be equal when nothing is happening. So let's give it a little shake, shall we? We have a minority do a few terrorist attacks.
pass is if you correctly conclude that it is the actions of a very small minority within that species.. You don't know precisely why they are doing it, but it is not the entire species against you. So you just get Intelligence to work out what's going on.
fail is if you take any action against the minority as a whole, because that means you are associating the actions of a very few throughout the whole population.
One can almost understand if there was a great big referendum in the New Republic and
they failed the test. Except it was apparently a Provisional Council decision, made by those very people who supposedly support equality. At that moment, they failed ...
miserably, and no amount of blaming Zsinj would take away from how badly the leadership failed when placed with a test. Just as no amount of blaming the Vong would take away from the fact the NR's military and political structure were clearly in ill state when put to the test.