This is why I've hardly ever taken any antibiotics. I hardly get sick anyway, and the worst I usually get is a sinus infection, and the past few years I just ride it out. The only thing I used to take for them was a sulpha drug, and I'm not even sure if that could be considered an antibiotic. It works by flushing your system out. (got to drink alot or it'll dehydrate you.) At least if I ever do get anything real serious I figure an antibiotic will work better for me since I figure I've got a pretty strong immune system.
This talk of a super-epidemic is fucking scary. I believe that it would be wise for, at the first sign of major trouble, for people to stock up and prepare themselves for long-term isolation.? For all of you survivalist needs.
Does anyone knowledgable enough know what kind of measures one should take to prevent infection in the event of an epidemic? Should my entire family be vaccinated for the flu? Should we all wear face masks?
Limit contact with people, I guess.
I've never had a flu shot in my life, but I haven't been really sick (by that I mean stay in bed all day sick) since high school.
I don't think face masks do all that good. Oh, sure a peice of cloth or paper's gonna keep you from inhaling something that travels through the air you breath through the mask anyway.
Probably have to don a gas mask to get that kind of protection.
You worry too much about a problem, the worrying's more likely to kill you than the problem is.
"A woman spanking her child is not as great a threat to aviation as members of Al Qaeda with box cutters," says one expert.-Understatement of the century.
"You can't fix stupid"-Ron White