Let's say the galaxy we're living in is the SW galaxy, and we're living in the first several thousand years or so of the Old Republic's history. Galactic civilization is just now reaching us way out here almost at the galaxy's edge. What would be the result for earth be? Would we be ignored completely, immediately be ushered into whatever the procedures for membership are, or something in between, like some sort of protectorate status?
And on a less serious (or more serious, perhaps) note, who among you would I have to knock over to be first on the first ship to Coruscant?
But I expect it wouldn't happen. I think that while most of us (the people) will want it to happen, the governments will refuse. The Unites States, Canada, Russia, China, the EU, etc, etc- nobody will want to surrender control of their government to an alien government. They want to keep in power- therefore they refuse.
I think a planet can only have one seat in the senate, which means a single planetary government. Obviously that isn't the case on Earth - with all our different countries we would not be ready to enter the republic.
Anyways I don't think the republic is exactly a nation per se. It seems to be... an organisation partway between the US and the UN. Actually it's probably more similar to the old US, before the civil war and the massive increase in the power of the federal government.
If Earth was on the fringe of galactic civilization, we wouldn't refuse admission to the Galactic Republic because it would be apparent if we stayed isolated, we'd be inviting threat from pirates, slavers, and resource-hungry corporations like KDY or Tagge Industries (or their counterparts in early Republic history).
Is there any documented instance of this happening in the SW galaxy? I doubt it since most of the galaxy was explored by the time the EU was written. I just wonder how we would cope with such a huge event as discovering a galactic civilization, and how long it would take us to adapt to it. We would be millenia behind in technology and the like...just how long would it take for us to get up to speed? Do you think the Republic would even bother with years and years of education, or just leave us be?
Proud owner of a B.S. in Economics from Purdue University Class of 2007 w00t
"Sometimes, I just feel bad for the poor souls on this board"
Butterbean569 wrote:Is there any documented instance of this happening in the SW galaxy? I doubt it since most of the galaxy was explored by the time the EU was written. I just wonder how we would cope with such a huge event as discovering a galactic civilization, and how long it would take us to adapt to it. We would be millenia behind in technology and the like...just how long would it take for us to get up to speed? Do you think the Republic would even bother with years and years of education, or just leave us be?
Well, they left the Ewoks be...
Then again, inviting Ewoks into the galaxy would be like breaking into a hospital to steal a vial of a virus, then drinking it
I certainly hope the gov't's of the earth would at least be smart enough to trade with the republic, even in not part of it per se this would still be an incredible boost for earth
I certainly hope the gov't's of the earth would at least be smart enough to trade with the republic, even in not part of it per se this would still be an incredible boost for earth
Trade implies an exchange of equal value.
What the heck could we have that the Old Republic could POSSIBLY want?
Money? They don't use our currency.
Resources? With billions of planets, why would they need ours?
Technology? Don't make me laugh.
Plus, they may see potential. Like a pro team drafting a rookie. Sure, he hasn't done much., but given some time to adept and access to the right resources, he can easily be a productive member or the team.
Then again, we may have a precious metal or something they have never seen.
el blanco wrote:What value could Naboo have possibly had?
Plus, they may see potential. Like a pro team drafting a rookie. Sure, he hasn't done much., but given some time to adept and access to the right resources, he can easily be a productive member or the team.
Then again, we may have a precious metal or something they have never seen.
Naboo was already a republic world, with republic technology. And it was a core world.
The guy I was replying to suggested that they would trade with Earth. My point was that we have nothing they wouldn't already have. Naboo, on the other hand, has the same technology as they have- they probably have manufacturing plants, etc, that are up to SW standards.
el blanco wrote:But, unless they were a founding memeber, how did they get in in the first place? And why did they hold so much sway in the Galactic Congress?
It seems to me that the Republic isn't really based on quid-pro-quo when it comes to membership.
Again, I was referring to TRADE. I said they wouldn't JOIN because the governments on Earth wouldn't want to relinquish power, and the other guy said that hopefully the governments of Earth would trade with the Republic, and my point was that there is nothing useful they could trade. They could probably become a MEMBER if the governments relinquished power, but I doubt that if they didn't join they would have anything to trade.
I'm sure we could find *something* useful for trade...even if it was only letting them use our planet as an outpost of some sort. If they just reached this part of the galaxy, then we would be on the fringe and they'd want to keep some sort of presence out here.
This is assuming, of course, that they just don't force us to let them have an outpost
Proud owner of a B.S. in Economics from Purdue University Class of 2007 w00t
"Sometimes, I just feel bad for the poor souls on this board"
Simple law of economics: there is always something to trade. Even if it were just us allowing factories to be built on Earth to take advantage of cheaper labor (c'mon, people would pay through the nose for some SW tech). We'd basically be the Mexico of the Republic (no insult intended to Mexico), using cheaper, less-skilled labor until we caught up to the Galactic level.
As far as Jean Paul was saying - the Republic always struck me somewhat as the United States under the Articles of Confederation: while all the members are allied to each other, and there is a relatively weak central government, each member is also mostly independent, a sovereign nation that chooses to remain in the alliance.
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
As a training ground for the clone army perhaps? I mean uplift the local tech and you hve ,in a relatively small area, multiple hostile environments to train your soldiers in.
For the most part it seems like the planets in Star Wars offer one type of terrain.Earth we have desert,artic,alpine,swamp, etc ect to train the troops in .
Brotherhood of the Bear Monkey Clonemaster , Anti Care Bears League,
Bureaucrat and BOFH of the HAB,
Skunk Works director of the Mecha Maniacs,
Black Mage,
we could trade art and music. god only knows how the beatles would do in the republic, but with 10 million artists on earth, we could get some incoming trade. and with a market of a galaxy, that gives us a nice amount of incoming.
This day is Fantastic!
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
Political Compass: -3/-6 DOOMerWoW
"I really hate it when the guy you were pegging as Mr. Worst Case starts saying, "Oh, I was wrong, it's going to be much worse." " - Adrian Laguna
Enforcer Talen wrote:we could trade art and music. god only knows how the beatles would do in the republic, but with 10 million artists on earth, we could get some incoming trade. and with a market of a galaxy, that gives us a nice amount of incoming.
Luckily for us, humans are one of the dominant species of the Republic so we'd be able to contribute porn, alcohol, and drugs as well.
Praxis wrote:
Naboo was already a republic world, with republic technology. And it was a core world.
Minor nitpick, it wasn't a core world.
Also, Naboo produced something that the Repbluic and others used frequantly. I can't remember what it was right now, I think something for engines. In any case, it's exactly what you said. Naboo was already caught up with the tech and politics.
*Imagines Nickeback or Three Doors Down on a Galactic tour*
"A woman spanking her child is not as great a threat to aviation as members of Al Qaeda with box cutters," says one expert.-Understatement of the century.
"You can't fix stupid"-Ron White
Everything I've read about special forces in Star Wars shows them to be not quite up to what we today see as special forces. I wonder if Earth could be used as a training ground for elite special opperations units of the Republic (and later the Empire likely).
"If the facts are on your side, pound on the facts. If the law is on your side, pound on the law. If neither is on your side, pound on the table."
"The captain claimed our people violated a 4,000 year old treaty forbidding us to develop hyperspace technology. Extermination of our planet was the consequence. The subject did not survive interrogation."
Alyeska wrote:Everything I've read about special forces in Star Wars shows them to be not quite up to what we today see as special forces. I wonder if Earth could be used as a training ground for elite special opperations units of the Republic (and later the Empire likely).
Quite right. All the sneaky commando shit I've ever seen has come from Force users. Either In the NJO or the Hands. Now Republic Commando may change that perception, but some hard core training with the british or the israelies would do wonders.
بيرني كان سيفوز
Nuclear Navy Warwolf
in omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro
ipsa scientia potestas est