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Post by JME2 »

darthdavid wrote:Fine, you shan't write? I'll now be forced to use the ultimate weapon.
*dryhumps JME2*

You don't want to sell me deathsticks. You want to go rethink your life.
Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

JME2 wrote:
darthdavid wrote:Fine, you shan't write? I'll now be forced to use the ultimate weapon.
*dryhumps JME2*

I'd take Vader up on his offer, if for no other reason than to see darthdavid Force choked...painfully. :wink:
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Post by darthdavid »

JME2 wrote:
darthdavid wrote:Fine, you shan't write? I'll now be forced to use the ultimate weapon.
*dryhumps JME2*

You know you want some.
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Post by JME2 »

Robert Walper wrote:
SpecWar826 wrote:O that was good I liked it :D
There's something to be said for owning the SW DVD Trilogy now...I can flip to any best part now. Woot! :lol:
Yeah, I finally got it today. Can't wait for next year when ROTS is released on DVD; then the circle will be complete. :twisted:
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Post by JME2 »

Also, once again to address our bitcher over on, there is going to be a piece of fallout in the next chapter that's going to change Quital and bring Naboo further into the picture. Through that incident, we'll see why she's so isolationist and how it ties into her own childhood during the PT era, as well as the new addition of Naboo to the celebration scene at the end of ROTJ DVD.
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Post by JME2 »

darthdavid wrote:
JME2 wrote:
darthdavid wrote:Fine, you shan't write? I'll now be forced to use the ultimate weapon.
*dryhumps JME2*

You know you want some.
What I really want is my voice-recognition software to work better; it's actually proving faster to type than to speak it. :? :x :evil:
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Post by Robert Walper »

JME2 wrote:What I really want is my voice-recognition software to work better; it's actually proving faster to type than to speak it. :? :x :evil:
Even with one arm, eh? :wink:
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Post by JME2 »

Robert Walper wrote:
JME2 wrote:What I really want is my voice-recognition software to work better; it's actually proving faster to type than to speak it. :? :x :evil:
Even with one arm, eh? :wink:
Amazingly, yes. 8)
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Post by Praxis »

JME2 wrote:
darthdavid wrote:
JME2 wrote: ...

You know you want some.
What I really want is my voice-recognition software to work better; it's actually proving faster to type than to speak it. :? :x :evil:

You know, when you can type faster than you talk, and you're well know for talking way too much and too fast, you know you've been on the computer too long.

(me- my record is 110 WPM for one sentence with no errors and 80 for a paragraph)
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Post by JME2 »

Really? My congrats goes out to you -- as do Rob's assimilation tubes... :wink: :twisted:
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Robert Walper wrote:<snip> ESB rip-off.
To be continued... ;)
JME2: NO REALLY! I meant it, I'll never join you! I'm not afraid!

DV: Oh you will be, you will be...

*DV begins to lower his sabre to JME2's tender shoulder stump*

bzzzzzuuuummmmmmm!!!!!!! the whine of of a tranporter fills the area. A two meter high coloum of blue quantuam mist swirls into exsistence. It fades leaving on CRAZEDWRAITH. who lookes amazingly handsome and dashing in matrix style getup.

CW: Leave him be, Anakin.

*DV roars with rages and swipes at CW with his lightsabre but the ruby blades just passes harmlessly through the insane etheral figure.*

*CW snaps a double barreled shotgun into position and blasts Vader, he switches targets and JME2 cowers thinking it's aimed at him*


*Bluckshot flies over JME2's head and catches Darthdavid, who was about to dryhump JME2, in the chest*

JME (in high pitched maiden voice): Thank you oh thank you you've saved me from the fans.

*CW reloads his shotgun and points it at JME2's head. The Smile on JME2's face falls away as the realisation that he will never be free until he finishes BoBW passes over him*

CW: Now, there is no distractions, no dryhumping, nothing except the computer and basic sustentance, you have two options write or die...

EDIT: Must proof read, must proof read.
Last edited by Crazedwraith on 2004-10-07 02:25pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by JME2 »

Crazedwraith wrote:It fades leaving on CRAZEDWRAITH. who lookes amazingly handsome and dashing in matrix style getup.
Heh. :lol: :twisted:
Crazedwraith wrote:The Smilie on JME2's face falls away as the realisation that he will never be free until he finishes BoBW passes overhim*

* sigh * You've got that right. :( :?

EDIT -- BTW, jusy How did you know I had a high-pitched maiden voice?
Last edited by JME2 on 2004-10-13 01:33am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by darthdavid »

If you don't get writing soon I'll sick Gackt on you...
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Post by JME2 »

darthdavid wrote:If you don't get writing soon I'll sick Gackt on you...

You'll what? :wtf:
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Post by Agent R »

Gackt: (noun) Japanese singer.

I've never heard any of his works. Is he really that bad?

If he is, do you really want to risk incapacitating JME2? :wink:
No conscience. No law. No stopping them....

....well, maybe a Happy Meal would do it.

Ka Anor needs test subjects!
I still think Furlings look like tribbles
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Post by darthdavid »

Agent R wrote:Gackt: (noun) Japanese singer.

I've never heard any of his works. Is he really that bad?

If he is, do you really want to risk incapacitating JME2? :wink:
Do a google image search. Remember, He's a man.
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Post by JME2 »

darthdavid wrote:
Agent R wrote:Gackt: (noun) Japanese singer.

I've never heard any of his works. Is he really that bad?

If he is, do you really want to risk incapacitating JME2? :wink:
Do a google image search. Remember, He's a man.


No comment. :?
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Post by Mayabird »

Psst. DD, if you stop distracting JME2, he might be able to write faster.
Psst. JME2, ignore the spam and write faster! I want the next chapter!
DPDarkPrimus is my boyfriend!

SDNW4 Nation: The Refuge And, on Nova Terra, Al-Stan the Totally and Completely Honest and Legitimate Weapons Dealer and Used Starship Salesman slept on a bed made of money, with a blaster under his pillow and his sombrero pulled over his face. This is to say, he slept very well indeed.
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Post by JME2 »

Mayabird wrote:Psst. DD, if you stop distracting JME2, he might be able to write faster.
Psst. JME2, ignore the spam and write faster! I want the next chapter!
Not this weekend. Aside from Real life work, I'm also trying to update at least one or two of my other stories. :cry: :lol:
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Post by JME2 »

I interrupt you normal spamming period (heh) to bring you a most important annoucement. One of the readers on, Theo Gary, has done a piece of BOBW fanart which I have uploaded onto my Photobucket account and will bring to SD.NET. Get ready!!

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Post by drphlox »

that is pretty good fanart
which planet is the one the one on the right supposed to be?

Hurry up and update the F***ing story!

Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

JME2, by virtue of fear, lack of options, and though he'd never admit it, a small amount fo curiousity, gave in to Vader's offer. He now finds himself in Toronto, being escorted by Vader to the CN Tower. It's resemblance to the Death Star's command towers is not lost on him. The trip is silent, as JME2 ponders his options, and what might await him at the top. The elevator doors open, revealing a large, darkened chamber. Metal stairs lead up to a central location, where an individual sits in a elegant chair facing away from him, overlooking the city. With a sense of destiny, JME2 begins walking forward, Vader close behind. Up the stairs he goes, until he is standing in front of the still hidden individual. JME2 takes note of his surroundings. On the wall, he sees a massive projection screen, displaying of all things, the webboard of The chair swivels around, revealing the master who occupies it.

Darth Wong: "Welcome, young JME2. I have been expecting you. You no longer need those."

JME2 sees his account flash on the large display, his avatar and signiture now removed. He says nothing.

Darth Wong: "Guards, leave us."

JME2 didn't notice them before, but two red caped individuals now come from the shadows. They carry weapons that look suspiciously like newbie poking sticks. They leave the room.

Darth Wong: "I'm looking forward to completing your fanfic. In time, you will call"

JME2: "You're gravely mistaken. You won't convert me as you did my Publisher."

Darth Wong rises, approaching JME2.

Darth Wong: "Oh no, my young writer. You will find, that it is you are mistaken. About a great many things."

Vader hands over a stack of papers, with messy writing on them.

Vader: "His footnotes."

JME2 glares at Vader. It was a setup the whole time. They were intent on taking control of his fanfic!

Darth Wong: "Ah, yes. A writer's weapon. Much like your publisher's. By now you must know your publisher can never be turned from the Dark Side. So will it be with you."

JME2: "You're wrong. Soon I'll be finished, and you with me."

Darth Wong lets out a evil chuckle.

Darth Wong: "Perhaps you refer to the imminent invasion of your Trekkie fans. Yes. I assure you, we are quite safe from your friends here."

JME2 is taken slightly aback. He'd thought the scope of his fanfic supporters was unknown.

JME2: "Your overconfidence is your weakness."

Darth Wong: "Your faith in your friends is yours."

Vader: "It is pointless to resist, JME2."

Darth Wong sits back into his chair, arms resting on the sides as if not a care in the world concerned him.

Darth Wong: Everything that has transpired has done so according to my design. Your fans, there in the fanfic forum, are walking into a trap, as is your Trekkie group. It was I who allowed the Trekkies to think your fanfic would have any bearing on the versus arguements. They are quite safe from your pitiful little story. An entire legion of my best debators awaits them.

Darth Wong leans forward, enjoying his advantage.

Darth Wong: "Oh, I'm afraid the Warsie rebuttals will be well written up when your friends arrive."

JME2 begins to sweat. Vader's earlier promises of his fanfic ending the versus debate suddenly seems so naive.


Meanwhile, in a secluded real time chatroom, dozens upon dozens of Trekkies conspire to invade Armed with tidbits of JME2's fanfic, they intent to refresh the versus debate with new material.

Walper:: All Trekkies report in.

Some Trekkie: "Klingon leader standing by."

Some Trekkie: "Dominion leader standing by."

Some Trekkie: "Romulan leader standing by."

Some Trekkie: "Copy and paste in attack positions."

Alyeska:: "May the Force be with us."

Trekkie members begin signing into Walper looks for the versus forum, the first target for assault. As part of the attack, all members keep their chatroom window open, to maintain communications with comrades. Walper notices the versus forum seems to not be repsonding to posts.

Walper:: "We've got to able to get some kind of reading on that forum up or down."

Some newbie Trekkie mentions maybe it's been locked.

"Well how could they be blocking us if they don't know...if we've coming."

Walper breaks out into a sweat.

Walper: "Break off the attack! The signup fee is still up!"

Some Trekkie: "I didn't get paypal. You sure?"

Walper: "Sign off! All Trekkies sign off!"

Alyeska:: "Take evasive action. Romulan group, stick to holding the fanfic forum."

Some Trekkie: "Alyeska, we have enemy members signing up rapidly!".

Alyeska:: "It's a trap!"

Walper:: "Debators coming in!"

Insults and accusations of fan wanking are hurled at the surprised Trekkies. The sheer volume of Pro Wars members is astounding.

Some Trekkie: "There's too many of them!"

Walper:: Accelerate typing speed. Draw their arguements away from the ICS."

Some Trekkie: Copy Borg leader."


Darth Wong: "Come boy. See for yourself. From here you will witness the final destruction of the Trekkies, and the end of your insignificant fanfic."

Eying the large real time display, JME2 witnesses the entire scene. Trekkies signing up, attempting to post pro Trek arguements in the forums. Loyal members continue signing in, the number of flamewarriors online at any one time reaches a new record. JME2 eyes his footnotes, now sitting on Darth Wong's chair.

Darth Wong: "You want these, don't you? The hate is swelling in you now. Take your writing weapon, use it. I am offline. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant."

JME2: "No."

Darth Wong: "It is unavoidable. It is your destiny. You, like your publisher, are now...mine."


Flames, arguements, screenshots and rebuttals travel back and forth at in volume far greater than ever before.

Walper:: "Watch yourself Laird. Three from Fantasy."

Some Trekkie: "Transporters, phase cloak, type in."

Some Trekkie: "Got it."

Some Trekkie: "Three of them coming in, negligible degrees."

Some Trekkie: "Flame to the kid. I'll take the leader."

Some Trekkie: "They're heading for the PST forum."

Walper takes a moment to see who's online at

Walper:: "Only the newbies are attacking. I wonder what the regulars are waiting for."


Some Warsie: "We're in attack position now, sir."

SirNitram: "Hold here."

Some Warsie: "We're not going to attack?"

SirNitram: "I have my orders from Mike himself. He has something special planned for them. We only need to keep them from leaving."


Darth Wong: As you can see, my young writer. Your friends have failed. Now witness the admistration of this fully logged and moderated website. Ban at will admins!"

Across the entire world, hidden in darkened basements, dorm rooms, apartments and assorted other living quarters, newly appointed admins take action. Trekkies members are targetted, their IP's logged. Acting as one, they all click a single common command:

Ban user.

Electronic signals combine into a single transmission of information. The combined effort leaves a devestating path of destruction any user of the internet could only gawk at. Stunned silence temporarily hits the forums. Dozens of members are now VI'd, others banned, while turncoats show their true colors and flock to the Star Wars side.

Walper:: That action came from admins. Those bastards are banning! Alyeska, the is Borg leader."

Alyeska:: "We saw it. All Trekkies prepare to retreat."

Walper:: "We won't get another chance at this Alyeska."

Alyeska: "We have no choice Robert Walper. Our recruiters cannot repel intimidation of that magnitude."

Walper:: "JME2 will have that chapter up. We've got to give him more time!"

Flame wars intensify, random evidence begins popping up as Trekkies become desperate to do as much damage as possible before being banned or VI'd.

Walper:: "Yes, I said faster! Flame as much as you can and engage those Moderators at point blank range!"

Alyeska:: "With that disrespect we won't last long against those Moderators!"

Walper:: "We'll last longer than we will against those admins! And we might just take a few of them with us!"

Insults increase in volume as moderators feel a new rushed effort of insults towards them, hindering the ability to track and punish the appropiate users. In the confusion, even some of the Pro Star Wars members get hit by Moderator action.

Some Trekkie: "He's gonna concede!"

Some Trekkie: "I'm banned!"


JME2 watches the events in barely controlled fury. This was all his fault. His fanfic had given the Trekkies hope for victory. And now here they were, being VI'd and banned at the whim of Darth Wong's supporters.

Darth Wong: Your support is lost. And your friends in versus forum will not survive. There is no escape, my young writer. The Trekkies will cry, as will your friends. Good... I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your footnotes. Insult me with all of your hatred, and your journey to the Dark Side will be complete!"
Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

In case of any confusion, my above post is a really, really long way of simply trying to say (in an amusing way) "Get cracking JME2!". :twisted: :P :wink:
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Post by JME2 »

Thanks Rob; that was hilarious. :lol: :twisted:

I'm aiming to try to get an update this weekend, but I can't promise anything. Thanks as always!
Last edited by JME2 on 2004-10-14 01:02pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JME2 »

drphlox wrote:that is pretty good fanart
which planet is the one the one on the right supposed to be?

Hurry up and update the F***ing story!

Naboo (And this was good on Theo Gary's part for spotting this. When I gave Q's warnings about the two jewels of the sky merging, I didn't specify exactly what those two jewels were. Are they the galaxies, ships, or something else, perhaps a... planet?

Just a thought. :wink:
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