Edi wrote:Kamakazie Sith wrote:Durandal wrote:Hear that, all you anti-war liberal commie assholes? By criticizing the rationale for going to war, you are saying that Saddam Hussein doesn't deserve to be put on trial for his crimes. You all fucking disgust me.
Explain to me why you think Mange means that?
Maybe because that has been the stock response of rabid Bush apologists and neocon fans whenever justifications for the war have come up for discussion and the WMD and terrorism link claims have been shot down. They tout the "Saddam was evil, therefore it is good that he has been removed", while constantly ignoring that his removal has caused more widespread misery than his staying in power would have. Over a thousand American soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqis are dead, the country's infrasturcture is shot to hell, lawlessness and private armies reign and there is total chaos, 60-80% unemployment rate causes a whole host of other societal issues and there is terrorism all over the place where there was none before.
The infrastructure has been in disrepair since the Gulf War. I believe that the unemployment rate has been fairly high all along in Iraq. According to IRIN (part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs), the unemployment rate in June this year was around 30 % (even if the local unemployment in the South at the time was 60 %. Source:
http://www.irinnews.org/report.asp?Repo ... untry=IRAQ The negative outcomes of the war outweighs the positive, but one mustn't forget that there has been positive results (please see my earlier post).
Edi wrote:Tell you what, let's use an analogy: If my little finger develops a gangrene, it obviously needs to be amputated or I'll die of blood poisoning and infection. But you can bet your arse that I would be fucking pissed off at the doctor if he chopped my arm off at the elbow or shoulder just to get that small part.
The sanctions regime and constant surveillance of Iraq combined with Saddam's international pariah status and relatively advanced age were slowly grinding him away, and while life obviously was not good for his opponents, it was (despite the sanctions etc) a whole lot better for the great majority of Iraqis than having their country bombed to shit, occupied and reduced to a lawless hotbed of chaos where dozens of people are killed by indiscriminate car bombs every day. The prewar efforts to marginalize Saddam were the equivalent of cutting off the gangrenous finger, the US invasion and ensuing chaotic, fucked up occupation has been the equivalent of chopping off the limb from the wrist or elbow.
Not to forget that the sanctions made life very difficult for the people of Iraq. Sanctions don't work very well against governments. Besides, you don't need any WMD to control the population.
Edi wrote:Mange's delivery of his message wasn't too stellar either, the phrasing fairly dripped with smug condescension and an attitude of "See why opposing the war was wrong!". If it was just this thread, I'd not have had such a problem with it, but he has voiced similar views in a similar tone in other threads, and there is only so much of patterns of unsupported bullshit which is directly contradicted by available evidence that I am willing to stand before I tell people what I think of it, rather bluntly. He's a fairly active poster on the N&P forum, so if he should be very familiar with these arguments, it's not exactly like this hasn't been hashed out repeatedly, and yet it seems like nothing has sunk in or he hasn't bothered to do his homework, so he deserves the response he got.
You're full of shit. I didn't imply that opposing the war was wrong. I meant that you have to recognize that there has been some positive results, even though it's been mostly negative. That Saddam will be put on trial is the best thing that will happen as a result of the war. Yes, I'm an active poster in the N&P forum, even if I mostly stay away from
politics I mostly discusses news (and I made what, 530 posts in a year. I disagreed with Mike in the Anything but Bush thread as I think that it's difficult to sell to certain groups of voters. I didn't like his analogy he proposed in that thread since it failed to recognize that people have different preferences in different issues. My response was clumsy for different reasons, but I expanded on that. That's the only time I can recall being on odds with anyone about politics. As political science after all is my minor (well, I've studied political science as much as my major) perhaps I tend to see politics in a different way. I'm sure that other people can agree that politics is complicated and that many people tend to simplify it to extremes. Frankly, I think that people should be able to express their views on politics without being attacked regardless if they support Bush or Kerry. Some people might say that you, by writing "
or he hasn't bothered to do his homework" imply that people are not allowed thinking differently than you and should be converted. I'm not saying that, but you distorted what I wrote in much the same way. And calling me a Bush apologist when I've expressed that I think that Kerry can do a much better job in most areas than George W. Bush (which I only think can handle security better than Kerry, but that remains also to be seen).
Edi wrote:If he'd just posted the article, fine, but he had to add that second post with its superior airs and pretentious self-righteousness, and people who were revbiled for their opposition to the war for sound reasons and who were later proven RIGHT by the aftermath have no reason to take kindly to that.
I'm sorry if you were offended, but perhaps you should learn how to communicate better. Please point exactly what in my post that was self-righteousness. I explained my views on the war in my earlier post, I don't think the American administration lured the country into war. I think that Bush (and Blair) thought their reasons to go to war was legitimate. I also thought so. The results of the war can also be attributed to extremely poor planning and complete lack of understanding of the situation in Iraq. Regardless, I must say that I'm glad that Saddam is gone and will be tried, that could have been worth going to war for alone
if there had been an extreme situation,
if there had been a total consensus in the United Nations and with the American allies and
if the planning had been excellent. [/i]