Implantation of RFID chips IN HUMANS aproved

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Post by Chardok »

Okay, I meant like this: Guy goes to doctor for annual "Finger-up-the-ass" Test battery and HIV comes back positive. The doctor then encodes that (1) into his chip so that when a scanner hits it, it comes back yea for HIV. Not that the chip itself diagnoses, only stores that one piece of info for each of the major diseases which are contagious, knowhutuhmeen?
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Post by HemlockGrey »

furthermore, everythime we browse the web we use the mark of the beast.
www in greek (sometimes in hebrew, antichrist specialist aren´t sure) = 666

Also, l'russe bezukov
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Post by Sokartawi »

The Shadow wrote:
Over here vaccination is on voluntarily base, and I personally do not have all of them as certain ones have as side-effect to increase your chance of getting asmathic-like disorders.
Still the chances of getting deadly desease could outweigh any potential sideffects.
The vaccin wasn't for a deadly disease, just an annoying one, can't remember which one exactly.
The Shadow wrote:
People using the acquired information for personal reasons for instance?
Only facilities with secure databases and scanners can use the information. There are no privacy concerns.
You don't need to have the database, the number is enough. Just like websites and adware that gather data per IP-adress. It's annonymous you'd say. But in the real world it's easy to find out who exactly belongs to the chip number XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. A lot of these chips have 2-3 meter range in which their signal can be picked up, so they can be used for movement tracking when gates are used, or shops could read the number and see what the person buys, when they visit, how long they stay, and so on. And they only have to pay electronically once and they got your name and adress as well. "Greetings mister Johnson, we know you visit our shop frequently and usually buy our shampoo, but recently you have not visited us at all, and since we share information with Shop X we know you now buy their products. How about our new special shampoo offer...." :|
The Shadow wrote:
Most over-used argument, on the same line as "if you don't do anything wrong you should have nothing to hide". Be aware though that governments aren't perfect, and they might use these things against us.
If the goverment wants they can come and get you. The chip is not going to change anything.
Just make it easier to get me if I run, plus it's easier to keep the rest of the people from acting against such a government (don't even think about resisting, 'cause we know everything about you. EVERYTHING)
The Shadow wrote:
Disadvantaged in comparison to the current service they get.
Well it is their fault they are not seeking better medical treatment.
How is not using chips equal to not seeking better treatment?
Stubborn as ever - Let's hope it pays off this time.
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Post by salm »

Chardok wrote:Okay, I meant like this: Guy goes to doctor for annual "Finger-up-the-ass" Test battery and HIV comes back positive. The doctor then encodes that (1) into his chip so that when a scanner hits it, it comes back yea for HIV. Not that the chip itself diagnoses, only stores that one piece of info for each of the major diseases which are contagious, knowhutuhmeen?
think of it like this: guy whose got this chip gets infected with hiv after seeing a doctor. the chip has no info on him having hiv. guy finds chick. they agree to fuck. chick scans guy for hiv. scanner doesn´t find hiv. guy and chick fuck withouth rubber because hiv was not detected. chick has hiv.
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Post by Chardok »

Right, gotcha, BUT, what about the guy who get's HIV, checked, info entered, girl/guy go to fuck, girl scans guy, sees HIV trigger, Doesn't fuck. Girl DOESN'T get HIV. Just a preventative. Not perfect, but what is? Besides Halo, I mean.
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Post by The Cleric »

Actually Chardok, it isn't even that. All the chip does is keep it's "barcode" information on itself. When scanned, the barcode is used to retrieve in information from the hospital database. Information isn't stored in the chip at all.
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Post by Petrosjko »

salm wrote:
the beast is called la bete and is located in brussels. the 3 long lines on the barcodes stamped onto every product we buy symbolize the number 6 in computer language. every time we buy something la bete registers this.
we can´t buy anyithing without the mark of the beast anymore nowadays.
btw, la bete is 3 stories tall and self programming. it can also control machines that look like humans (or actually like certain governors) and it has control over the french nuclear arsenal.

proof for la bete contolling us

furthermore, everythime we browse the web we use the mark of the beast.
www in greek (sometimes in hebrew, antichrist specialist aren´t sure) = 666

and if you hold the german ID against a lamp you can see that the eagel´s tail clearly represents an upside down cross.

armageddon is near.[/quote]

And back when Guess Jeans were fashionable, the question mark symbolized questioning the existance of Christ. Mickey Mouse's eyebrows also form sixes, y'know?

Thanks for the deep, irrefutable proof. I was on the verge of denouncing my wicked, sinful lifestyle, finding me a nice clergy and going to get dunked.

Then I realized that taking all the wicked, sinful elements out of my life left me with...

Well, actually, I couldn't find anything left. So I guess it's off to be chipped and dancing in the lake of fire.
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Post by Sarevok »

The vaccin wasn't for a deadly disease, just an annoying one, can't remember which one exactly.
Point conceeded.
You don't need to have the database, the number is enough. Just like websites and adware that gather data per IP-adress. It's annonymous you'd say. But in the real world it's easy to find out who exactly belongs to the chip number XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. A lot of these chips have 2-3 meter range in which their signal can be picked up, so they can be used for movement tracking when gates are used, or shops could read the number and see what the person buys, when they visit, how long they stay, and so on. And they only have to pay electronically once and they got your name and adress as well. "Greetings mister Johnson, we know you visit our shop frequently and usually buy our shampoo, but recently you have not visited us at all, and since we share information with Shop X we know you now buy their products. How about our new special shampoo offer...."
These chips dont have a power source to generate the radio waves needed to communicate witht the scanner. It works by inducing electricity in the chip from radio waves from the scanner, as a result the scanner must be very close to the body to work. Further away and the radio waves wont induce electricity.

So the thing is it wont be possible to track anybody with those chips unless you touch them with the scanner.
Just make it easier to get me if I run, plus it's easier to keep the rest of the people from acting against such a government (don't even think about resisting, 'cause we know everything about you. EVERYTHING)
Countries where this chip will probobly be high tech nations where goverments are not oppresive. There is no reason to run.
How is not using chips equal to not seeking better treatment?[/quote

The chip enhances medical care by storing a person's entire health database. The information could help save lives.
I have to tell you something everything I wrote above is a lie.
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Post by Broomstick »

The Shadow wrote:Countries where this chip will probobly be high tech nations where goverments are not oppresive. There is no reason to run.
Uh, right... because "high tech" nations are immune to injustice and oppression and wrong-doing by high officials.

It wasn't that long ago Tom DeLay improperly used the resources of the FAA to track down and attempt to forcibly bring back to Texas state representatives who had left the state as part of a politcal protest.

It wasn't that long ago John Ashcroft subpoened the complete medical records of women who had been to seven large medical centers for treatment of miscarriage on an admitted fishing expedition for violations of abortion law.

The US government is holding at least two American citizens indefinitely without trial in clear violation of the Constitution, and detained both for several years with absolutely no access to counsel whatsoever, or any communication with the outside world, again in clear violation of the law of the land.

That's what we have with our current system - if everyone could be tracked with ease do you think there would more or less abuse of authority?

ANY country has the capacity to become oppressive. ANY.
How is not using chips equal to not seeking better treatment?
The chip enhances medical care by storing a person's entire health database. The information could help save lives.
What if incorrect information is entered? What mechanism is there for correcting such errors?

And this is not a minor matter, either - aside from the health aspects of it, being incorrectly labeled with any of a number of diseases or disorders can have a huge impact on your life - you might be denied a job or career, your freedom to move about might be restricted.

And the database - what safeguards on that? What defense against a hacker publishing the information on a public website?

Could thieves mug a good citizen, dig the chip out of the arm or whatever, then use it as a form of identity theft? If that happens - can you prove who you are without your Magic Barcode(TM)?

And, as a matter of fact, the chip as currently approved CAN be scanned by a set-up incorporated into a door frame. In fact the maker is using this as a selling point, offering a scanning system mounted to doors to track movement through a building.

I find the notion of installing barcodes on people to be absolutely creepy. Dehumanizing. You barcode objects and chattel, not people. If we are bar-coded we become chattel, the only question left is who owns us.
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Post by salm »

Petrosjko wrote: And back when Guess Jeans were fashionable, the question mark symbolized questioning the existance of Christ. Mickey Mouse's eyebrows also form sixes, y'know?
and mickey is spreading his evil lies:

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Post by Mopeyennuui »

StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:So how are they going to know if they have an allergy to a specific medicine? And if they give it to them, they go into cardiac arrest and die within a minute? Medical records are important.
Enough yuppies use Anklets, adn other people can use other pieces of near-always carriued jewlery. (Otr multiple pieces). Put the chip in those. We can leave the ships at home more easily then. Shit, you bat-shit stupid or something?

Why go Sub-dermal??

Also now I'd like to ask: What keeps not having a chip from makgin yoru inurence going sku-high?
StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:
Sokartawi wrote:
StormtrooperOfDeath wrote: Without a scanner, and a connection to the medical database, nothing can be done with it. Except MAYBE track your movements. And who cares?

Why are you so STUPID??? You living in Axis France?!?!?

As a AMERCIAN I demand] the right to board a NYC subway at 1 in the mornign and go wherever I choose with NOBODY KNOWING.

Plus, you know tech tends to advance is spurts and starts, yes? Well, wait for MS to try and R&D much better scanners. (then all Seattle Starbucks, almost a tradition up there in the mornings) get the scanners and start prepearing your favorites before you even order... which they will given their MO.) MS then knows everything you do thanks to the Starbucks-M$ alliance/takeover.

And wait till you HAVE TO BE CHIPPED TO USE A AIRPORT BECAUSE OF AL_QUEDIA!!!!11oneoneone.... You think it's bad NOW... haha.. wait till the gov't tries to moisuse this tech, wgiven it's current course, it will soon enough... (Hint: The UFP uses similar tech for the retrieval of medical files... you know how little movement privacy Feddie citizens have...)
StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:You obviously have no idea how much time that can consume, and dont know how many people die because of mistakes with either initial treatment or wrong charts. Hell, this could eliminate charts altogether. Have a little screen with a hand scanner, and just pull the info right there.
"A little hand scanner with a screen." Ah, watched Gattaca??

Fuck you, I am PERFECTLY WILLING to risk crossing the street by myself to get a beer from the Liquor matrt, and dying if the EMT can't find my files.

And now they'll just bitch because I dont' HAVE the subdermal chip, Thank you from making my service so much more pleasant...

(EMT are humans too and tend to bbitch when somebodys decisions in life made their work harder. Granted they won't bitch while working, but.. they may start because of 'Haves' vs 'Have nots'. Guess which is harder to treat? All I need to hear while in a Ambulance is "fuck, this fuckhead isn't chipped. uhh.. let's not give drugs till we get to the hospital,, we don't wanna get sued...")
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Post by Robert Walper »

Excellent. Another step towards cybernetically altering humans for purpose of improving their lives. As to those opposed to the idea, I can only quote: "Why do you resist? We only wish to improve the quality of life, for all species." 8)
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Post by Broomstick »

StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:
Sokartawi wrote:So how are they going to know if they have an allergy to a specific medicine? And if they give it to them, they go into cardiac arrest and die within a minute? Medical records are important.
Speaking as someone who has some kick-ass allergies:
1) If you're under medical treatment, it's pretty damn rare for such a reaction to be fatal. You may land in the ICU, but actual deaths are rare.
2) I'm willing to take some risk to preserve my privacy. Hell, I still eat in Mexican restaurants despite allergies to both tomatoes and corn. Yeah, I'm willing to accept some risk for something I want. I want some privacy in my life, even more than a good taco.
3) NEW allergies can arise in anyone, at any time. These chips will NOT protect you from the first, massive anaphalactic-type reaction for the simple reason no one knows you're allergic to the substance. People will STILL die of allergic reactions from time to time.

Then we have part II of this problem - dumb ass medical personnel. As a real-life example, my husband is allergic to asprin and its cousins. SEVERELY allergic. When he was hospitalized last February I told everyone treating him in the ER that he was allergic and not to be given asprin or anything of the sort. I made sure it was written in his chart (which I insisted on seeing) and on the little arm bracelet. It was on a sign over his bed, listing his other allergy (latex). This one dumb-ass doctor took a look at him, saw "mid-40's, male, overweight" and immediately assumed heart disease and wanted to put him on "asprin therapy". Which is OK - for people who aren't allergic. I gave this doc hell - I physically showed him the bracelet and the chart. I told him to his face. I told him that if gave my husband asprin I WOULD sue his ass. He just wouldn't listen "Oh, true asprin allergies are very rare." Well, that's just skippy, but the man over there has the allergy. The whole week my Other Half was in the hospital I had to battle with this asshole.

So what the FUCK good would this "chip" do against the likes of this guy?

Could it potentially improve some aspects of deliverying medical care? Yes. WILL it? Maybe. But kindly do not tell me it will solve all problems and make things perfect, because it won't.
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Post by The Cleric »

Zerg Goddess wrote:<snip>
Yay, another "Government is out to get me" conspiracy fuck-nut :roll: .
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Post by The Cleric »

Broomstick wrote:
StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:So how are they going to know if they have an allergy to a specific medicine? And if they give it to them, they go into cardiac arrest and die within a minute? Medical records are important.
Speaking as someone who has some kick-ass allergies:
1) If you're under medical treatment, it's pretty damn rare for such a reaction to be fatal. You may land in the ICU, but actual deaths are rare.
2) I'm willing to take some risk to preserve my privacy. Hell, I still eat in Mexican restaurants despite allergies to both tomatoes and corn. Yeah, I'm willing to accept some risk for something I want. I want some privacy in my life, even more than a good taco.
3) NEW allergies can arise in anyone, at any time. These chips will NOT protect you from the first, massive anaphalactic-type reaction for the simple reason no one knows you're allergic to the substance. People will STILL die of allergic reactions from time to time.

Then we have part II of this problem - dumb ass medical personnel. As a real-life example, my husband is allergic to asprin and its cousins. SEVERELY allergic. When he was hospitalized last February I told everyone treating him in the ER that he was allergic and not to be given asprin or anything of the sort. I made sure it was written in his chart (which I insisted on seeing) and on the little arm bracelet. It was on a sign over his bed, listing his other allergy (latex). This one dumb-ass doctor took a look at him, saw "mid-40's, male, overweight" and immediately assumed heart disease and wanted to put him on "asprin therapy". Which is OK - for people who aren't allergic. I gave this doc hell - I physically showed him the bracelet and the chart. I told him to his face. I told him that if gave my husband asprin I WOULD sue his ass. He just wouldn't listen "Oh, true asprin allergies are very rare." Well, that's just skippy, but the man over there has the allergy. The whole week my Other Half was in the hospital I had to battle with this asshole.

So what the FUCK good would this "chip" do against the likes of this guy?

Could it potentially improve some aspects of deliverying medical care? Yes. WILL it? Maybe. But kindly do not tell me it will solve all problems and make things perfect, because it won't.
So your argument against it is...?
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Post by Dirty Harry »

StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:So your argument against it is...?
That even with all the appropriate medical records at hand, there is no promise of you not being snuffed by good old fashioned human stupidity on the part of the doctors treating you.
I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its species.
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Post by The Cleric »

Dirty Harry wrote:
StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:So your argument against it is...?
That even with all the appropriate medical records at hand, there is no promise of you not being snuffed by good old fashioned human stupidity on the part of the doctors treating you.
So we shouldn't try? By that logic, we shouldn't have medical charts at all.
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Post by General Zod »

Dirty Harry wrote:
StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:So your argument against it is...?
That even with all the appropriate medical records at hand, there is no promise of you not being snuffed by good old fashioned human stupidity on the part of the doctors treating you.
slippery slopes do not a valid argument make. Using this logic i could argue that having computer databases of medical records is no guarantee that doctors aren't going to mistype a drug into it and give a patient the wrong prescription. Try again.
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Post by Dirty Harry »

True.Point concided
I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its species.
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Post by Broomstick »

StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:
Dirty Harry wrote:
StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:So your argument against it is...?
That even with all the appropriate medical records at hand, there is no promise of you not being snuffed by good old fashioned human stupidity on the part of the doctors treating you.
So we shouldn't try? By that logic, we shouldn't have medical charts at all.
Close, but not quite.

This is being marketed as some sort of wonder-thing, that will perfect medical delivery. It won't.

There are mechanisms for correcting errors in medical charts. What mechanism is there to correct information accessed through this chip?

What safeguards are there that the medical information will only be accessed by those with a legitimate need to know? Medical information is supposed to be confidential. By making it easier to access you also make it harder to keep it confidential.
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Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

This is essentially an insurance measure and nothing more, and like most insurance measures the question is if it is really worth it for someone in your physical condition and line of work, which to me it isn't and appears like it will remain so for some time. (None of which changes the fact that there are people in small cabins in Idaho probably loading rifles right now for the coming Battle of Armegeddon.)
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Post by Mopeyennuui »

StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:
Zerg Goddess wrote:<snip>
Yay, another "Government is out to get me" conspiracy fuck-nut :roll: .
Why do you want this? Obviously the communists will use this to track you just as mch as the Gov't of the good ole' United States....

Stop living in the 1930's! Amercian government is not pure as the clouds in heaven, so bite mine.

Can't you ague me or are you too high and mighty to argue a Newb?

Go to the HoD...
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Post by Mopeyennuui »

StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:
Zerg Goddess wrote:<snip>
Yay, another "Government is out to get me" conspiracy fuck-nut :roll: .
There are many reasons why the Gov't will go after otherwise normal citizens, that ARN"T CRIMES!

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Post by Iceberg »

Zerg Goddess wrote:
StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:
Zerg Goddess wrote:<snip>
Yay, another "Government is out to get me" conspiracy fuck-nut :roll: .
There are many reasons why the Gov't will go after otherwise normal citizens, that ARN"T CRIMES!

Cosession Accepted
Here's a couple of hints, Zergie:

1: It's spelled "concession."

2: You haven't proven ANYTHING so resoundingly that you have any right to accept any concessions of defeat. All you've done is come around and shoot off standard-issue FUD crapola.
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Post by Rye »

It's funny, because a mark, by definition, is visible, a subdermal implant isn't a visible mark.
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