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Post by FaxModem1 »

Remember when this thing was only like 20 chapters?

This latest one rocked.

I was expecting for the Falcon to match velocity of Leia and then go beneath her for her to land safely on.(saw it on an episode of ReBoot)
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

This thing is a work of art, by the gods!

Fax, the Falcon's just gonna use its transporters :p
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Post by Dark Primus »

Another chapter done and more for me to read. =D
EAT SHIT AND DIE! - Because I say so

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Post by Mlenk »

Stravo wrote: Just out of curiosity what is it that you like about the new Luke?
Sorry, didn't see this post till now. Anyways, it's kind of like what Stuart said. He's just a much more balanced person now. I guess I was kind of worried that when you were gonna have Luke turn from the darkside, you'd make him into this extremely annoying goody goody character that is often so worried about doing shit out of anger that he ends up not doing anything at all, which is basically the problem that most EU authors suffer from when they try and write Luke, IMO. Anyways, I'm just glad you didn't make him into that kind of a person.
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Post by darthdavid »

Mlenk wrote:*snip*
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Post by Soontir C'boath »

darthdavid wrote:
Mlenk wrote:*snip*
Using what I learn in psychology, this is an unconditional response.
1. New post in SC ----> Thinking new chapter; feeling good.

2. New post in SC ----> It's just someone replying to an age old post; you feel burned.

You should stick to a newer response.

3. New post in CLEANED SC ---> There IS a new chapter; you will always feel good.

I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Post by Mlenk »

darthdavid wrote:
Mlenk wrote:*snip*
Right as I hit the post button I was thinking that someone might accidentaly think there was a new chapter. Guess I was right. hehe :lol:
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Post by Stravo »

Chapter 76: Traitors and Traps

The Imperial stormtroopers moved like machines through the shattered entrance to the once idyllic gardens of Darkstar’s delights. They traded fire with Darkstar’s personal guards. Crimson blaster bolts sliced through the air crossing paths with bright white and green disruptor fire.

Moving with cold precision they crossed the threshold into the garden several falling to enemy fire but none hesitated or paused in their assault. They mercilessly gunned down those that stood against them and continued to surge forward.

An officer paused at the door way and nodded to his communications trooper. The stormtrooper handed him a comlink. Colonel Kilraven switched on the comlink.

“This is Grey Wolf group. We have entered the palace and have engaged hostiles. We are proceeding into the structure and have locked onto the Sith beacon.” Kilraven reported as he watched with pride his Stormtroopers moving in two by two covering formation, blasting their way through a cluster of Darkstar’s troops who were trying to use massed fire to break up the Imperium assault.

“Be advised Grey Wolf, you have hostiles inbound. Imperial troops under direct command of Lord Darth Vader.”

Kilraven’s face drained of color and he blinked.

“Direct command?” he asked softly.

“Roger that Grey Wolf. Command advises you to expedite your search and recover package ASAP. We will provide fighter cover for extraction on your mark.”

“Acknowledged command. Grey Wolf out.”

Colonel Kilraven snapped the comlink back to his communications trooper and raised a set of macrobinoculars to his eyes and peered into the shattered remnants of the garden. The blaster fire ignited a fire among some of the ruined trees and they were starting to blaze up, sending a thick plume of smoke up into the air.

The smoke would not be a deterrent to the stormtroopers, whose built in optical suite would automatically switch to another spectrum an allow the troopers to keep on fighting. The Orion crimelord’s men on the other hand were at a distinct disadvantage. They were starting to panic and fire wildly into the smoke.

His macrobinoculars clicked and whirred as they focused on the far end of the garden rotunda.

“Looks like a pair of doors, a lift perhaps.” He muttered. He focused closer onto the doors. “Let me see the Sith Beacon readings.” He asked holding out his free hand. The communications trooper obediently handed over the display

Kilraven glanced down at the liquid crystal display and watched the red blinking light of the beacon source.

“Judging from signal distortion and distance readings I would surmise that Lord Nemesis must be deeper within the palace. Perhaps in some sublevel.” Kilraven surmised and looked back into his macrobinoculars. “That lift seems to be the sole entry point in this area.”

He looked over at his communications trooper.

“Have the squads move in a pincer formation, isolate the pockets of resistance and open a lane for our demolition and slicer team to get to that lift unmolested.”

“Aye Colonel.” The trooper replied with a nod of his head and immediately began transmitting the orders. Colonel Kilraven turned to his engineers.

“There is a lift access doorway at the end of the rotunda. Looks like a simple locking mechanism, considering the state of their technology I don’t foresee you having any issues overriding the command codes.” Kilraven explained as he pointed back into the rotunda and shouted over the sounds of heavy blaster and disruptor fire.

“Piece of cake, sir.” His chief engineer grunted, smoke and debris had smudged his white helmet.

“I want that lift secured and checked for traps.”

“On it.”

As the engineers moved into the rotunda, Kilraven grasped the Chief Engineer’s shoulder. The trooper turned to face his commander.

“I want you to leave two of your men behind. I want booby traps left behind us as we advance. As nasty as you can make it. Imperial troops are on our tails.”

“Understood sir. They won’t get to us without bleeding.” He vowed.

Kilraven nodded and slapped him on the shoulder before advancing with his men into the rotunda. Behind them two engineers quickly uncoiled a length of wire and set explosive charges with practiced ease.

“So what will you do now?” Luke asked quietly as he regarded the horde of Jem'Hadar clones surrounding them. At Luke’s feet, laid out respectfully was First Rulek Parr. He had died a better and more honorable man than many Luke had met in his travels in this galaxy. The ultimate irony was that Rulek was probably less than an hour old.

The clones were silent for a long moment. Silent enough for Luke to hear the tell tale reports of Imperial blaster somewhere above them.

“You slew our first in combat.” One clone noted.

“Yet he is the enemy.”

“Am I?” Luke pressed. He looked from one clone to the next. “I have done you no harm nor wished you ill. I killed your first because he demanded it of me and the honor in him could not be denied.”

Many of the clones exchanged glances and some nodded in agreement. Despite the fact that none knew each other for more than an hour, Parr obviously won their loyalty and trust. Luke regretted taking his life even if that was what he wished.

“Taking life is the most solemn of all Jedi responsibilities.” Obi Wan had said to him on that walk over to the Falcon when Luke marveled at Ben’s prowess with the lightsaber in the cantina. “Once taken it can never be returned, Luke. You cannot know the weight of such a responsibility. Because the Force makes us better at taking life it makes us more responsible. The stain of the dark side of the force can be easily gained and never easily removed. We walk a fine line and killing always dangles us over the precipice.”

Luke remembered nodding bashfully, afraid that he may have offended the old Jedi. Now as always, the wisdom of his old master revealed its deeper truths to him. Was it fair that I hated you for your only lie?

“You can win your freedom from the man that thought he could create you to be his slaves.” Luke said and pointed his pike to the doorway beyond that led to the reactor.

“We can simply kill you and escape.”

Luke nodded.

“You have done well so far.” He replied coldly and swept the pike around him casually, displaying the stacks of fallen Jem’Hadar sprawled along the floor and splayed against the shattered cloning tanks.

“We are Jem’Hadar.”

“Death does not frighten us.”

“You are a fool to think fear will move us.”

Luke shook his head, whipping his pike back into an at rest position.

“You misunderstand me. I am showing you that your efforts have led to this carnage. And what have you gained? The loss of your First and are you any closer to freedom? Instead, Darkstar has manipulated you into this battle, one that you had no need to fight. We’re not interested in stopping you from being free. We want to stop Darkstar and bring justice to him.”

“Jem’Hadar are not interested in justice.”

“We live to serve the founders.”

“Victory is life.”

Luke held up a hand and strode forward into the Jem’Hadar horde. Worf tensed. The boy was braver than he ever expected. If the Jem’Hadar decided to swarm him now he would be at a distinct disadvantage.

This would not stop him from killing the boy when the time came.

“What about freedom? Freedom from the man that put you here, far from your gods and your home? Will killing me, us.” Luke paused to indicate Worf, Chewbacca and Uhura with a sweep of his arm. “make any of this change? Will you be truly free? Or will you be doing the bidding of the very man that took you away from all that makes you Jem’Hadar?” Luke asked as he watched the faces of the clone killers surrounding him.

He took a deep breath.

Now for the risk. Yoda taught him one day on a hot humid sticky day on Dagobah, the air so thick that even the old Jedi Master deiced that physical training would do more harm than good, that in order to truly gain the trust of those that you appeal to, you must give them power.

“A dance diplomacy is. Complicated and full of danger but rewards far greater than simply fighting.” The wizened old Jedi grunted as he leaned forward slightly on the old tree stump and gazed intently at Luke. “Most important lesson of all is this: Power must be given in order for you to be heard.”

“I don’t understand Master.” Luke said reluctantly after pondering the words. for a long moment.

Yoda frowned.

“You do not listen.” Yoda lamented. Luke opened his mouth to protest. “A Jedi must listen to everything said and unsaid. Guide you the Force will in your attention. Show you what is important and what is not.”

“The Force will help me understand you when you’re being cryptic?” Luke replied and smirked softly.

Yoda batted Luke’s head with his cane lightly across the forehead.

“Cryptic am I only to those that hear without listening.” Yoda snapped.

“Sorry master.” Luke replied sheepishly and rubbed his forehead.

Yoda sighed. Anakin would have the exact same expression when chastised by Obi Wan. It was like looking into a mirror. Yoda hoped again against all hope that the mirroring stopped at mere physical traits and that he did not carry the same seeds of darkness in his breast.

“In order for understanding, power must be given freely.”

Luke listened intently now, clearing his mind of questions and doubts as Yoda taught him. The old Jedi nodded with satisfaction as he continued speaking. Perhaps there was hope yet in this reckless padawan.

So the lesson was relayed and now it was time for Luke to exercise a Jedi ability he never had time or occasion to use before. The power of being heard and listening. Diplomacy as only a force user could exercise.

First step was calming them down.

Now he had to take the risk and give them power.

He took the pain pike and jammed it, bladed end down, into the floor of the birthing chamber. The assembled Jem’Hadar eyed Luke and then each other with hooded expressions.

They can now see this as a sign of strength or weakness but the power is in their hands. Luke thought.

He stepped deep into the crowd, almost touching shoulders with some of the Jem’Hadar, hands out in front of him clearly showing he was unarmed but also showing that he approached them as equals.

Worf’s eyed widened and Chewbacca began to growl a warning.

“What is he doing?!” Worf hissed.

“All that he can to stop this killing.” Uhura replied in awe of the young man that had all but destroyed the Federation.

“You are Jem’Hadar. I have looked into your first’s face and I see people of honor. This wanton slaughter gains you NOTHING. You kill us and you will still have to fight your way bare handed through the Imperial forces above us.”

The sounds of blaster fire was much louder and as if on cue a series of blaster shots exploded near the lift, reverberating down to the chamber. Some of the Jem’Hadar murmured in concern.

“However, if you allow us to pass you will still face those same Imperial troops who are undoubtably looking for me.”

“Then there is no reason to talk is there? You are saying that we are dead and for a Jem’Hadar death is not to be feared because we are already dead. Only Victory brings us life.” One Jem’Hadar exclaimed proudly. The Jem’Hadar parted like the sea to reveal the tall imposing figure.

Luke’s eyes narrowed on him.

This was the one. Every group needs a leader, sway him and you have done 90% of your job.

“Indeed.” Luke replied as he slowly strode up to the Jem’Hadar. Good. He’s taller than me. He looks more powerful. They won’t think of this as equals talking. They will feel powerful.

“But will you die with honor or as a pack of rampaging clones?” Luke asked tersely and did not break his gaze into the Jem’Hadar’s eyes.

“And the alternative? What honor is left to us?” the alpha spoke coolly.

Luke nodded slowly.

“You can help us stop Darkstar and show the man that Jem’Hadar do not bend to the will of just anyone.” Luke took a step in closer to be almost nose to nose. Dangerous. He was invading the personal space of an alpha male. This could end badly but he could feel his presence above now. Vader was almost upon him and there was still much work to do.

“You are the Jem’Hadar, you have served your gods faithfully for untold millennia. Now you only have yourselves and your honor. The question here my friend is whether you will perish as simply another clone gone amuck as these have.” Luke indicated the piles of broken Jem’Hadar scattered across the chamber. “Or as an honorable warrior who faced death without fear and earned the name Jem’Hadar.” Luke nodded his head back to First Rulek Parr.

“What do you say?” Luke pressed softly.

“The Captain obviously needs help Doctor.” Sulu snapped as he peered towards the main reactor.

“You don’t see me holding you up do you Sulu?” McCoy snapped. He finished wrapping Mara’s wrist and checked her face wound again. He sprayed a gentle antibiotic mist over it.

“Mr. Scott?” Sulu turned to his superior officer.

Scotty nodded as he saw the tell tale bursts of deep indigo electrical tendrils hungrily dancing along the silver round canister of the main reactor core. An occasional plasma burst leapt out of the top and bottom of the rounded core and splashed into the sides of the massive chamber, blasting through the concrete and steel walls of the chamber and showering debris into the abyss below.

“That reactor is on the way to an imminent explosion.” Scotty stated gravely.

“Is there a way we can stop it from here?” Sulu asked.

“No laddie, this is a runaway reaction in the final throes of consuming the core shielding. The best we can do is clear out of here, judging by her size I would estimate the blast radius to be several hundred square miles.”

“The Captain is in the thick of that.”

“Then we don’t have much choice do we?” Mara interjected as she got up and hefted her blaster in her hand. “We have to go help him or get him out of there.”

“You’d like that wouldn’t you? Make sure we don’t get our hands on that hypermatter technology.” Sulu snapped angrily. He did not like the story Mara had offered for the princess’ death. He knew where she stood. Squarely on the side of the people that were eviscerating the Federation.

“Well, then we can keep your Captain in the heart of that reactor. Either way it serves my purpose does it not? Captain Kirk is eliminated as an enemy of the Imperium if he stays and if we save him your rebel element does not get its hands on the hypermatter technology. You see, Mr. Sulu, this is what we would refer to as a win-win situation for my side. The choice here now lies with you.” Mara sneered her reply at the helmsman.

“I’m not leaving the Captain.” Scotty pressed.

“And I never said we were.” Sulu snapped angrily.

“Let me see what the Doctor and I can do about this reactor. Mr. Sulu, you and Ms. Jade see what kind of help you can give to the Captain.” Scotty ordered.


“We’ll be right behind you..” Scott nodded and paused for a moment. “Watch your back, lad.” He eyed Mara meaningfully.

“Always do Mr. Scott.” Sulu replied and quickly made his way up the walkway towards the reactor core.

“And how exactly am I going to be able to help you?” McCoy griped. “I’m a doctor not a nuclear physicist.”

“Doctor, Engineers work in mysterious ways.” Scotty replied with a wink.

McCoy shook his head as he followed Scott into the main reactor.

“Alright, looks like the big boys are busy bashing on each other.” Wedge noted as he led the Rogues past the fleeing Orion fleet towards the planet below.

“A three way war huh? You weren’t kidding when you said this would be the adventure of a lifetime boss.” Hobbie snorted.

“I’m a lot more concerned about extracting Captain Kirk and the Princess right now.” Wedge stated gravely as he checked his communications array one more time. The signal had not been sent yet. Time was of the essence. Landing parties had been sent down and the stardestroyers were pounding on each other but eventually one would get the upper hand and then they would be seriously outgunned.

The plan was falling apart and Wedge was not sure they could pull this off if they waited any longer.

“Rogues, this is the Sagan.”

“Go ahead Sagan.”

“Our sensors are picking up massive power spikes on the surface, concentrated about a hundred meters under the palace. I suspect we may have an antimatter reactor about to core breach.”

“The Captain and the Princess are right in the center of that mess.” Wedge snapped.

“We have a problem.”

“That’s an understatement.” Jansen replied sardonically.

“What about your transporters?” Wedge suggested.

“Aside from the fact that we haven’t gotten the signal from the Captain, Darkstar’s transport scramblers are still up and running.”

Wedge nodded then adjusted his controls.

“According to our briefing the transport scramblers are scattered throughout the compound.”

“Boss…” Hobbie warned aware that Wedge was thinking as he spoke and the same idea was materializing in his head.

“If the scramblers were knocked out then we would get a clearer picture of what’s going on down there and if need be pull the team out ahead of schedule.” Wedge continued and finished adjusting systems for atmospheric flight.

“I have a feeling we’re taking a close-up tour of his palace.” Jansen sighed.

“Rogues, set controls for atmospheric flight and standby for strafing attacks. Sagan download targeting data to our computers.”

Captain Entebbe frowned as he nodded to his tactical officer to comply. He switched to a private channel with a press of a stud on his command chair.

“Wedge. You know the air defenses he has set up on his palace. It’s the main reason we didn’t plan for an airstrike.”

“I know that Captain. But I can’t just fly up here and wait to see if the Captain will pull through. He needs some help.”

“You were the one that concluded the air defenses were too tight for a surface strike.” Entebbe urged.

Wedge sat quietly in his cockpit for a moment. Darkstar was quite the paranoid, a mark of a successful crime lord in any galaxy. His air defense network began in low orbit and continued like an intricate maze down to the surface. His X-Wings had been in near continuous combat since the start of this mess and he wondered if his boys were up for this.

Then he thought about what would happen if the Captain needed help. Every little bit helped.

And darkly, in the back of his mind lay the fact that Luke was down there. The real reason he decided to accompany the princess on this mission.

“I’ll pit my Rogues against any air defense network in this or any galaxy Captain Entebbe.” Wedge concluded.


“We’re standing by for surface strikes. Targeting data has been downloaded and locked in.”

“Well, we’re certainly not going to just stand by and let you guys have all the fun. The Sagan will initiate a polaron pulse from our main deflector directed along your flight path. With any luck it will scramble the defense network sensors and make targeting you that much more difficult.”

“We appreciate the help Sagan. Initiating attack run on my mark.”

“Good luck Rogue Squadron.”

“Luck? We ran out of that back at the Battle for Earth. This is all guts.” Jansen laughed.

“Cut the chatter and accelerate to attack speed.”

The assembled X-Wings angled in on the planet and their engines flared up an angry red as they accelerated down to the blue green orb. The Sagan loomed up behind them and her navigational deflector began to pulse a pale blue, faster and faster until a solid crackling beam lanced out and down towards the planet, between the X-Wings and exploded in the upper atmosphere.

“This is it.” Hobbie grunted as they dove into the storm.

“Artoo, are you sure that is wise?” Threepio asked.

Artoo whistled affirmatively as he continued scrolling through the main computer’s command files. They flashed by on the small interface screen while Threepio kept looking over his shoulder as Drakstar’s technicians scrambled back and forth between stations while the battle raged outside.

Imperial Stormtroopers were moving like lightning through the palace killing anything in their path. One technician barred the command door, tripping every electronic lock that he could while the others desperately searched for help on the systems to help stop the onslaught.

“Smokes not stopping them so why the hell do you think Halon mist will?” One shouted.

“I’ve got to try something.”

“What about the sprinkler system?”

“You know how long it’ll take to flood that area? We’d only be washing the muck off their pretty white armor.” Another exclaimed and slammed his fist against a terminal in disgust.

“The reactor core is overloading?!” Threepio exclaimed.

“What was that?”

“What did he say?”

Artoo squawked in disgust.

“I’m sorry Artoo…well, what I meant was why don’t we overload the main reactor?” Threepio stammered.

“And blow ourselves up? What kind of self preservation programming do you have anyway?” One of the technicians snorted derisively. The others laughed.

Threepio shook his head slowly.

“Well I never.”

Artoo beeped excitedly.

On one of the observation monitors Captain Kirk and Mister Spock were standing in front of the reactor control station. Kirk was firing a steady blast from his hand phaser into the shielded control bunker.

“It looks like a powerful forcefield is in place Artoo. I sincerely doubt the Captain is going to get very far with his hand weapon.”

Artoo whistled and beeped inquisitively.

“Do you think you could do that?”

Artoo beeped insistently.

“I’m not doubting you Artoo but the forcefield controls cannot be easy to access.”

Artoo whistled and beeped proudly as the forcefield control menu popped up on the screen. Threepio did a double take.

“How did you---”

Artoo began accessing the forcefield controls. As he did so he squawked something to Threepio.

“The comlink? Oh yes. We need to tell the Captain.” Threepio extended his hand and a comlink dropped down from his wrist into his hand.

“Threepio to Captain Kirk.”

“What the hell is that!?” A technician exclaimed.

Threepio glanced over at the commotion.

“Artoo.” Threepio gasped.

Artoo squawked in annoyance as he continued navigating the controls.

“Artoo!” Threepio struck the small droid on the side of its domed head. Artoo spun his head to look at Threepio and emitted a long string of whistles and squawks.

“Look you little glob of grease and gears!” Threepio exclaimed jabbing a hand excitedly at one of the main viewers.

Artoo whistled softly at the sight on the screen.

“We’re doomed.” Threepio moaned.

On the screen the dark armored specter moved through the entrance of the palace with a horrible purpose.

“Hold it right there!”

“You don’t belong here!”

Darkstar's guards exclaimed in rage and bravado as they fell upon the new wave of Stormtroopers gathering outside the palace. Disruptor and phaser fire rained down on the troops as the guards surged forward, hopping over well trimmed bushes and dancing around columns as they moved.

The assembled stormtroopers did not panic. They immediately shifted into defensive lines and poured a murderous fusillade of fire into the advancing crimelord’s forces.

One figure was unmoved by the attack at all.

Lord Darth Vader stood facing the palace, his black armored mask regarding the palace with dark intent. Disruptor bolts lanced over his head. He could feel him. The Force was brilliant in him. It shone from beneath the palace like a small sun.

“Luke.” Vader whispered. Then he remembered himself. “Nemesis.” He corrected himself. Turned slowly to his men and regarded the stormtrooper commander.

“Commander. I want you to tear that palace apart and find Lord Nemesis. Everyone else is to be killed. Is that understood?”

“Of course my lord. But we’re currently under heavy attack. We need to eliminate these enemies if we are to---”

Vader looked over at the advancing troops and suddenly the air around them shimmered as if a summer heat was rising off the pavement and the troops all screamed at once, blood, bone and tissue exploded outward in a thick frothing cloud. The Stormtroopers paused in their fighting, puzzled by the sudden death of their foes.

Darkstar’s men were compacted together into a ball of greasy blood and shattered white bone. A ball of flesh and bone lay in the center of the gardens leading to the entrance of the palace. The tops of the stone columns were shorn off. The stormtrooper commander thought it looked as if a giant hand had reached out and crushed the crime lord’s guards into jelly.

“Guards do not concern me, Commander. Bring me Lord Nemesis or do not bother coming back is that understood?” Vader pointed to the commander. He swallowed deeply and nodded.

“I shall find him and bring him to you Lord Vader. Nothing will stop us.” He vowed and immediately motioned for his men to follow him and raced up to the palace entrance. Vader paused as he felt a fleeting disturbance in the force.

The explosion rocked the palace entry way and sent scattered pieces of Vader’s vanguard into the air.

“Booby trapped.” A trooper hissed in disgust.

Vader gathered his cape around him and strode up to the palace.

The gathered stormtroopers did not hesitate. They followed their lord as they had always done - without question or fear. Vader walked through the smoke filled entrance and paused long enough to wave his hand slightly and the mines laid out in a pattern around the audience chamber suddenly had their arming mechanisms crushed.

Vader continued striding forward, cape billowing behind him like wings, his stormtroopers following close behind as he moved unerringly towards the shattered gardens beyond. A guard that was slowly getting up from being wounded spied the black armored giant and reflexively raised his disruptor rifle to fire.

Vader acknowledged his presence with a mere sweep of his arm and the guard was catapulted off his feet and landed against the wall with a bone snapping impact.

“Nothing is going to stop me Nemesis. I am coming for you.” Vader vowed as he entered the garden. Imperium stormtroopers turned suddenly at his entrance.


“Sir?” One of his stormtroopers replied quickly.

“They are traitors to the Empire. Show them the error of their choice.” Vader growled.
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Ghost Rider
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Out of the frying pan into the fire. :twisted:

I love Threepio's line.

Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all

Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
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Post by Agent R »

Is it safe to assume that we'll be seeing Luke vs Vader fairly soon?
No conscience. No law. No stopping them....

....well, maybe a Happy Meal would do it.

Ka Anor needs test subjects!
I still think Furlings look like tribbles
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Post by Isolder74 »

Excellent chapter!

Wonder full Job Stravo

I like Luke's interplay with the Jemhadar
Hapan Battle Dragons Rule!
When you want peace prepare for war! --Confusious
That was disapointing ..Should we show this Federation how to build a ship so we may have worthy foes? Typhonis 1
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

Stormtroopers VS Stormtroopers+Vader? Short fight ahead...

Where's the Death Star? Still blowing up Gods?
"You know, I was God once."
"Yes, I saw. You were doing well, until everyone died."
Bender and God, Futurama
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Captain Cyran
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Ooo, I loved the Luke talking with the Jem' Hadar. Can't wait to see Rogues taking on the defenses. A duel between Kirk and Darkstar. Oh so many cool things happening.
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Post by El Moose Monstero »

Good stuff, only one minor nitpick - I was worried by the overpowerful actions of Vader, regardless of whether he's been proven to be able to mash a small regiment into blood and bone and maybe it's necessary to even him up with Luke for any inbound potential force fights, but it felt like if Vader can do that to a swarm of guards, what does he really need the storm troopers for, aside from cannon fodder?
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Most Excellant, genius dude.
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Post by Captain Cyran »

The_Lumberjack wrote:Good stuff, only one minor nitpick - I was worried by the overpowerful actions of Vader, regardless of whether he's been proven to be able to mash a small regiment into blood and bone and maybe it's necessary to even him up with Luke for any inbound potential force fights, but it felt like if Vader can do that to a swarm of guards, what does he really need the storm troopers for, aside from cannon fodder?
That is something that got me kind of worried as well. Vader seems uber-powerful right now. I dunno how much I like that.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Destruction is always fun

As for the crushing that got me off to, I was thinking Vadar would do the mass neck snap rather than the crusher

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Post by Agent Fisher »

I think the reason Vader was able to do that is that he is pissed beyond belief.
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Post by Stravo »

Agent Fisher wrote:I think the reason Vader was able to do that is that he is pissed beyond belief.

And as to Vader being able to crush Luke...remember he's not out to crush Luke. As far as he knows, Luke is a prisoner of Darkstar and this is an honest to god rescue mission. He wants Luke back under his wing because its obvious that on his own he is planning to over throw the Emperor ahead of Vader's schedule.

Besides, as some have pointed out in the past two Jedi battling each other fight on two planes. One as a physical duel the other with the Force. By now Luke is more than powerful enough to fend off any direct force attacks by Vader.
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Post by darthdavid »

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Post by Agent Fisher »

Stravo wrote:
Agent Fisher wrote:I think the reason Vader was able to do that is that he is pissed beyond belief.
Yay I was right.

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Post by The Cleric »

So when is this getting finished and shipped off to a publisher?
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Post by SpecWar826 »

When George Lucas Dies.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Time for Vader to make EVERYONE his bitch.
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Post by Comosicus »

Yummy .... delicious chapter. I liked it a lot.

As a personal opinion I prefer this story thread instead of the ones with Picard or Thrawn :mrgreen: And it seems that the rest of the Federation remnants ahve been forgotten.

Also I have the feeling that Stravo is saving the Emperor for the showdown, along with the end of the chess play between the gods.
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