Axis Kast wrote:Edi wrote: You conveniently ignored that Nitram said that "Bush and his cronies", which translates to "some Republicans", not to "all conservatives" as you try to portray.
Oh, yeah. Because no liberal ever makes blanket denunciations about the “evil” of conservatives.
Give me a break. Do you actually believe what you’re saying? You can’t be
that blind.
Find a quote from me where I have said that no liberals ever make baseless blanket denunciations, or shove your bullshit back up your arse, Kast. You won't find one.
Some form of generalisation is often used, on bothsides, but usually even the people who do that (and as I've done sometimes) do NOT mean that
every single person in the category being generalised actually fits to the generalisation. You haven't seen me dissing RedImperator around here for being a conservative, nor will you. I more often agree with him than disagree, because while being more conservative than I am, he has sound reasons and logical thought to back up his positions. If I make a generalisation about conservatives, it usually applies to the more extreme section of conservatives,
not all of them. Those who have any idea of my posting history around here (as you should) should have no trouble in seeing the context such statements are made in.
The trouble with YOU is that you consistently ignore context, purposely interpret everything literally and in the worst possible way and then cry persecution, and that rhetorical bullshittery fool no one here. Why the hell do you think even the conservatives of the board think you are a fucking joke?
Axis Kast wrote:Edi wrote:I've also yet to see Nitram, Wong, Iceberg, myself, Vympel, Degan or any of the other liberals who have regularly curb-stomped your bullshit here say that liberals or Democrats can do no wrong or that there aren't some left-wingnuts among them.
Oh please. This website is
dedicated in part to mindless and enthusiastic attacks on religion. To claim that you represent some kind of rationally tolerant group is to divorce yourself from reality.
Back up your bullshit or fuck off. A big part of this website is dedicated to criticisms of the problems associated with religion (particularly Christianity),
especially extreme fundamentalist interpretations of religion, and the analysis is logically consistent and valid. If you find a hole in it, feel free to share those flaws and give some rational, logically consistent reasoning to back your opinion up, and we won't have any problem admitting a mistake.
We are rationally tolerant. The big emphasis is on the word RATIONALLY. We welcome opinions that are backed up with logically consistent reasoning and which are not founded on ridiculous premises. We have no tolerance whatsoever for someone stating their opinion as fact and refusing to provide reasoning or logically consistent evidence to back it up.
Again, the problem YOU run into with us is that you have formed opinions that you consider to be fact, and you almost always fail to provide evidence or logic to back them up. Neither have I seen you change your opinion on anything, ever, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. Contrast with myself, I have opposed both a more lenient stance on drugs and a more lenient stance on gun-control. RedImperator and Glocksman respectively have convinced me that my earlier opinions have been ill-informed and based partially on misconceptions and ignorance of the facts on these two issues. I've yet to see you have such a change of heart, or even a smaller concession out of you here. You refuse to admit even the possibility that you might be wrong.
Axis Kast wrote:Edi wrote:Your problem, Kast, is that you consider anybody who does not agree with your Republican drone mentality as a left-wingnut.
No. I just consider all the people you named above wing-nuts, period.
And you have what evidence to back this opinion up? As usual, nothing. You just state your opinion as fact and expect everyone to accept iit as The Truth.
Axis Kast wrote:Edi wrote:Trying to hold any kind of meaningful discussion with you is an exercise in futility, because you always distort and strawman everything we say out of context and lie like there's no tomorrow.
Coming from the likes of you, that’s just priceless.
The only thing I will give you is that you have a lot of balls to make this accusation. Especially against me, given the
first link of your record in the Shit List thread. That thread alone should establish which one of has more credibility and which one is a dishonest obfuscator. Never mind all the threads where Degan and Vympel have caught you in blatant lies.
Find evidence of me lying, or shut the fuck up. We have plenty of evidence for you being a liar, so it comes as no surprise to anyone that you would dishonestly try to accuse others of the very things you constantly do.