Kurgan wrote:But, that's also accepting a figure of 'only' 2 billion for an earth-like core planet in Star Wars. Granted this isn't Coruscant (multiple trillions), but 2 billion is far too low (our primitive earth has 3x that). Let's say they instead have a more realistic figure like a few hundred billion or even a trillion.
Can't scale up without a very good cause, pal. Remember, as someone else said, the Aldies would want to bump up the population as much as possible, while crushing the Imperial DS (and Byss) populations down as far as possible. It is entirely feasible to have a planet with only a few billion people. The only reason we bumped up Coruscant's population is after a close look.
On a side note, I never understood why they couldn't have used more droids on the Death Star. But then perhaps Lucas will explain that as some kind of "anti-droid bias" coming out of the Clone Wars. But we see canonical examples of droids there, so it's not like this is a Butlerian Jihad type thing. Still, the absence of heavy automation seems impossible on a station the size of either Death Star.
There is automation. Just that there is still place for a lot of men.
On another side note, if you did want to really argue that the Death Star had more people on it than Alderaan (doubtful), one could still argue that destroying the Death Star is morally permissable in war, because of the fact that the Death Star can kill more than just one planet, and sooner or later there will be a planet with more people on it than the DS, or simply the accumulation of planets will far outweigh any deaths taking out the station would cause.
But if you want the Full-War Clause, then Alderaan is merely an act of Strategic Bombing of a Munitions site which unfortunately, due to the "hard" nature of the target, produced a lot of collateral damage. While in Full War, of course the Rebels blowing up the DS is legitimate, but you already thought that whether this is Full War or not, so that doesn't help you much. But that also legitimizes the Empire's blowing up Alderaan as a Enemy Strategic Target that fakes being part of them, so that's a net gain for us.
Why wait for that to happen? The Rebellion was growing, "more starsystems will slip through your fingers," etc. Unless the galaxy all of a sudden decides to bend over and like it, lots of people are going to die because of the Empire's new 'order'. Even in peacetime the DeathStar is going to do "drive by's" through the galaxy to sustain the fear level, so even then, more suffering will happen if the station isn't stopped.
Honestly, if the Death Star blew up Alderaan, then blew up Yavin, breaking the back of the Rebel Alliance, I find it hard to believe those Rebels won't quiet down.
And in Tarkin's viewpoint, this is clearly what he expects to happen, so this should be the viewpoint by which his actions are judged. IN his mind at least:
A) Death of Alderaan ... the last two billion
B) Allow Galactic Civil War, producing trillions of casualties.
The Empire doesn't get that while yes, rule by fear requires the constant threat of violence and acts of violence to maintain control (after all they deliberately abolished the Senate and adopted, per on screen dialouge and events rule by fear instead), if you make your citizens more afraid of living with you than of any potential enemies, they will try to take you out.
Honestly, considering the reliability of that fucking Senate, abolishing it is a matter of time. Remember how the RSB admits that its Bail Organa Senator is giving away funds that are supposed to go to Imperial soldiers to the Rebels? Senator Mon Mothma, leader of the Rebel movement? Senator Leia Organa, spy of the Alliance, liar to Tarkin? The Senate is obviously becoming a tool for the Rebels to use official status to become Enemies of the State. Honestly, it doesn't have to the Emperor. I
would have abolished that stupid Senate.
And is not a constant state of Civil War, in a Hyperdrive-fought war (thus no frontlines) also a constant source of Fear?
So what if the Empire made the laws, the laws can be unjust, unless you're arguing that morality = law (and vice versa) in which case yes, all revolutions and rebellions are immoral. Of course that would mean that the Empire's revolution would also be immoral, even though it was bloodless (well okay, even then it wasn't).
No, the laws can be unjust. I don't like High Human Culture either. But the Empire obviously would think they are Just and therefore Enforce them. One needs to keep
that in mind, that's all, and not take Two Points off, once for making the Law and the other the attempt to Enforce it.
Basically Alderaan's justified destruction is being argued on Osama Bin Laden logic. Alderaan is a democracy, therefore if their government or society supports the Rebellion financially, they must all be equally guilty,
Of course they are.
and thus all worthy of death.
Treason is punishable by Death, remember? Giving funds to the Rebels is
not treason?
Therefore wholesale slaughter of civilians is justified. For some of you out there, this is also GWB logic. Either you're with us (the State) or against us (with the terrorists/rebels/whatevers).
But if they are giving funds to the Rebels, they are not exactly a Neutral Fence-sitter, are they? Also, the situation is a little different this time. The government should be able to expect its citizens to be at least minimally loyal. Obeying the law and not helping out the terrorists is a minimum, don't you think?
I'd say when that many lives are at stake, yes, negotiation and diplomacy should be tried.
Oh, so you negotiate with terrorists?
In any case, we know what these particular terrorists will demand, do you? These ones are not after cash. This bunch is after the fall of the government proper. Since a government proper would never accept that, what's the point?
Oh, I've got you, you must be thinking, why didn't the Rebels try to negotiate with the Death Star? Well maybe they did, we don't know because Tarkin never answered. And is Luke in his X-Wing supposed to somehow contact the Death Star during the battle and demand surrender? We saw how Jabba took it, this situation would be even more laughable.
Well, since he really is doing nothing but flying straight, he
could have the time to do so. Seriously, however, since he's a junior flier, that demand of surrender is not his to make. If someone is going to demand surrender, it will be the guys back at Yavin base. Since they can talk with their own fighters, they can hail the Death Star on an Imp freq. Naturally, they never did that. But then, Leia's probably not thinking such things at that moment, understandably.
So why is the situation different with Alderaan you ask? Well, for one, Alderaan didn't have a planet crushing superlaser pointed at the Death Star. And unlike the Death Star, Alderaan isn't a military target. If a nuke is pointed at a city, and you destroy the facility that the nuke is in, civilians and all, is it a defensive measure? Or is it murder (to prevent the worse evil of the slaughter of the civilians in the city)?
It is a munitions dump being converted into a recruiting and perhaps later training post as well.
There's the question of options. The Rebellion didn't have a lot of options. Obey the Empire or Die.
The fate of every armed Rebellion. Go on.
The Empire on the other hand had the vast infastructure of the Galaxy and the Sith Powers of the Dark Emperor Palpatine. They could vary their level of Force.
What other level of Force can reach a planet protected by that monster of a planetary shield.
They could even choose benevolence (pardon the planet in exchange for pledges of loyalty and opening of their archives or something along those lines, as an example).
Pledges of loyalty? Don't make me laugh. The fucking Aldies offered them once, to the point of sending Senators. Senators that spied and diverted funds to the Rebels. Honestly, Alderaan's credibility for these pledges is in the dirt, thanks to the Organa family.
They could even have held Princess Leia for ransom.
Ransom? Of what? Money? The Empire has all the money. The surrender of the Rebellion? Leia is valuable, but not
that valuable.
Or they could park themselves in orbit around Alderaan and make their demands to the planet (hell, they don't need a DeathStar for that, three ISD's will do in a pinch). Think!
Three ISDs cannot enforce their will on that planetary shield. Even as they threaten, the Aldies would buckle down for a long blockade and commence wire transfers to everyone they can reach.
And any possible negotiations were kind of cut short as the Aldies raised their middle fingers and their shield. Fortunately for the Empire, they had the Death Star. Unfortunately for them, they then got it blown up, so they lost that Deterrent effect, looked like idiots ... etc.
If they were honestly going by some axiom that all "traitor planets" must be wiped out, they would going to slaughter trillions more with that infernal station. Maybe the deaths of the military onboard (heck, throw in hypothetical conscripts and civilians onboard too) was worth it in sheer numbers.
Not in Tarkin, the Decider of this Action's mind. He really thinks the Rebellion would quiet down. Hardly illogical given the new stakes of this game. So this could easily be the
last two billion.
And don't tell me that if the Rebellion was crushed they wouldn't stop using it. Eventually the fear of the Empire will die down and they'll need to make another demonstration to "renew" their scary social contract.
Prove that one. I really doubt any government would dare do so, at least not for the next hundred years. The Force used for Deterrence continues to exist, so does the Fear/Awe/Respect that force generates. Did the threat of Deterrence somehow diminish between the US and the Soviet Union just because the nukes had been there sitting for awhile.
So no attempt at negotiation (Tarkin's "deal" [lie] to Leia was a foregone conclusion even if you count that),
Considering the demands of the Group Leia was in, Negotiation from the Government viewpoint is pointless, for they don't have even halfway acceptable demands. They aren't only calling for one clause. They are calling for the Emperor to resign. Really, how many Emperors can choke that one down.
instead they blow up the whole planet as a demonstration. It's clear to me now that the issue is simply rule by fear.
Rule by fear is the only option for those who cannot Respect or are not naturally Law-Abiding.
You kill some random person (call them bad in the back of your mind if it makes pulling the trigger easier) and then say "don't let that happen to you" to everyone else.
They are bad, from the Imperial POV.
But then if there's nothing a person can do ('stay loyal, no thoughtcrime against big brother and you'll be okay...'), then they start thinking, hmmm, maybe if we all rush the guy with the gun, sure some of us will get shot, but it will be worth it to be rid of him. As I see it, the Empire caused the Rebellion by their switch to rule by fear. I'll take a corrupt democracy over rule by fear anyday. Who needs external threats when your own government may kill you & your family/friends/neighbors as a 'demonstration' or 'example.'
OR they start thinking. Big Brother ain't all that bad. I think I'd just learn to be Good.
With all this Imperial apologist BS, I'm shocked that there hasn't been a claim that Alderaan was secretly building their own Death Star, and that the DS was actually a nursery for orphans (yes, I read the joke site).
This is SDN. Even the so-called extremists are very rational by standards anywhere else