Fear for humanity...

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Zac Naloen
Sith Acolyte
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Joined: 2003-07-24 04:32pm
Location: United Kingdom

Post by Zac Naloen »

Chavs: Ugly mingers that hang around NE and East London in fake burberry, velour tracksuits (often with a word written across their arse), and bling. Oh, the bling...
Agreement on that one.
Charvas: No idea
Same as Chavs.
Scallies: A resident of one of those towns oop norf. I cannae remember which one, but I think it's Durham.
Townies: Sporty scum that think white trainers are respectable daily footwear. Can fight better than chavs and will start a fight more readily. But at least they don't bling.
Pikeys: An offensive term for gypsies.

This one is complicated as far as i've been able to work out these two are one in the same in the modern lexicon of teenagers in southern britain. The reason for two names as far as i can tell : -

townies have a habit if stealing. pikeys have a habit of stealing. To "pike" something is to steal it. Therefore townies became pikies.

Thats what i've worked out.

The most humourous thing. everyone of these groups pick on the "rockers" and the "skaters" both these sub groups could own them in most situations bar those were they are severely out numbered.
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