Agent Fisher wrote:Rogue 9 wrote:Cal Wright wrote:I think the hoopla about the Warthog and not being able to fire the gun comes form the solo status of the player. There were only a few times in campaign that I had a marine to jump in and gun.
Take better care of your Marines. I never had a shortage, mainly because I didn't use them as meat shields and took pains to get as many out alive as possible.

And while you don't want to tie up a third player in the passenger's seat in multiplayer, having a gunner multiplies the Warthog's usefulness greatly, and thus justifies the added risk of putting two players in the same (wildly maneuvering, if the driver is competent) place.
YAY!! Another HALO player that doesnt use marines as glorified ammo and grenade holders.
I did that with Orignal Half-Life, once I somehow got every barney possible; even the one who you are supposed to find dead next to a scientist trying to revive him (by some stairs).
I've always felt a certain admiration for NPC's in FPS's that want to help you, it's just so rare IMO.
One of my biggest qualms with halo is how generally useless the marines are compared to you, the super soldier. You'd think they'd at least get shield generators or something.
On the subject of this post - My friend got Halo 2 to work on his xbox, and he was definatly displeased with it, he didn't play much of the campaign because of the french, and he didn't like the feel of the "new" multiplayer.
I'll have to give it a try myself, I've got that ps/2 adapter for the xbox coming in the mail, so I can play mouse/keyboard and acutally not suck.
Oh, and he said they turned off auto-aim, which I suppose is important when you use such an awful controller.