Kazuaki Shimazaki wrote:OK, whatever. See my reply to Stofsk.
Meh. I'll read it at a later time.
Unfortunately, from their position on the droids, we can see morally, this is not the case. (Non-SoDwise, I suppose it is because the authors are 20th century people).
I know, but it doesn't change the fact that it disturbs me.
I'm sure lots of humans rather like High Human Culture. The important thing here is to recognize the root of the Imperial racism, and it is not a disease that started with Palpy. It is a disease that has afflicted the SW galaxy for a long time.
It also definitely did not disappear with the NR. In fact, even in those of the Provisional Council, who proclaim that they are for "species equality", it is often nothing more than a thin superficial sheet, easily broken at the smallest tests (see Solo Command).
What? This is news to me. I've never seen any instances in the PT or the OT or in any of the books I've read (although admittedly a small amount) that suggest humans in general were FOR the "High Human Culture." You will have to provide lots of quotes.
So, killing traitors is an atrocity? Doubt it.
If in combat, no. If they have not had a fair chance to represent themselves in some sort of trial, yes.
Killing civvies is an atrocity? If that's so, plenty of American and British strategic bombing teams have a lot to answer for.
Those are unintentional killings. The American and British militaries do all they can to avoide civilian casualties. You cannot argue the Empire takes steps to avoid civilian casualties. They did not even attempt to warn Alderaan that they would all die unless they lowered their shields and surrendered. They didn't even
try to pound the shields down with the thousands of HTLs on its surface. They didn't take
any steps that would spare the lives of innocents.
Your argument is on two hinges, basically:
1) The Emperor used the Dark Side to Control the Senate: I really doubt he could exert so much Force as to control anyone so close to the Jedi, even though he's erected a screen so his normal energies won't be detected like a beacon.
Dooku said to Obi-Wan that the Senate was under control of a Sith Lord. And it seems to be validated by Thrawn's theory of Palpatine being able to control his entire military force. In fact, the ability is a proven power by Jorrus C'baoth's (sp?) influence over the Imperial soldiers in HttE. And he wasn't even in the same league as Palpatine. So to doubt Palpatine's ability to control the Senators' minds is plain and simple foolishness.
As for influence, any politician is going to use any means in his book to get others to go his way, and if available, that means the Force.
Which is still illegal. For example, bribing corrupt Senators is still illegal even though it might be common among politicians. Certainly controlling their minds is illegal as well. Probably more so, since the Senators aren't even
aware of the fact that they are being manipulated. And this is a red herring. Just because "everyone else does it" doesn't make it right.
Politician is never a Saintly job, and it really is little more heinous than "gifts, advantages and deals that just circumvent those pesky anti-corruption laws"
I repeat a previous post a
third time, in which you
still did not directly answer despite my request that you do so:
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:No. Just stop now. Please.
The "typical politician" doesn't have Dark Side Force powers with which to manipulate the entire legislative body into complying with his/her demands, and doesn't directly control the enemy into waging war against his/her own government in order to increase his/her own power in said government. In fact, there was no previous enemy. The politician would have had to CREATE the enemy to complete the analogy.
And how does this apply to Palpatine? It doesn't. He never accepted bribes. I am accusing him of controlling the Senators' minds, thus changing their judgement in granting him emergency powers and the whole bit, leading to his ascension in power up to the point where he was able to declare himself Emperor and rule with an iron fist. It would effectively be like some nut politician in America somehow hypnotizing all of the government officials into making Constitutional Amendments that make this nut politician Emperor. Would you still say that it's a legitimate government, even though all of the government officials were under the direct control of a single individual which did not represent the interests of the people as a whole?
2) The Emperor got his apprentice Dooku to make this Separatist Alliance: OK, conceded on that one.
Concession accepted.
But nobody found out, so as far as those guys are concerned, the Emperor is legitimate.
If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make sound? Yes it does. The Empire was created illegitimately, therefore it is an illegitimate government whether you like it or not. Just because very little knew it at the time does not change the fact. Concession accepted.
You answered the "legal" part of the question, but you failed to answer the "moral" part of the question. You did not say whether or not morally Palpatine was wrong in doing what he did.
Besides, if a government has to start out perfectly legally, I don't think the US government, born in the fires of an arrogantly self-imposed Declaration of Independence and the Rebel Alliance's New Republic are that legitimate either.
Oh, so you still claim the Empire is legitimate only because the people didn't realize what was going on behind the scenes, and yet it's perfectly alright to say the New Republic and the United States of America were illegitimate? Oh, the hypocrisy.
What's equally important is the recognition of authority. If you think the government is illegitimate, you don't send Senators. Recognition is an important sign of legitimacy. Got that? Very simple.
They needed Senators in order to have
some scrap of power left to fight the Empire.
Doesn't matter. They pledged their loyalty to the Imperial government. And they broke it. Honestly, that doesn't speak well of them no matter what the cause.
He pledged his loyalty to the Republic government. And he broke it. Honestly, that doesn't speak well of him no matter what the cause.
Love how your own arguments come right back at you? At this point you will
have to decide which is more advantageous to your position:
1. Admit that even though one pledges loyalty to a government and doesn't really mean it, that that person
is still supposed to respect and obey the laws of said government.
2. Admit that even though one pledges loyalty to a government and doesn't really mean it, that that person
isn't supposed to respect and obey the laws of said government.
The choice is yours.
But it is a natural consequence of the 1st law.
Fuck that. Good laws also should be taken into account that way as well. If both are taken into account the way I said before, then it's fair.
So when a government official uses his position to spy for the Soviet Union because he likes Communism, the US government is not supposed to feel pissed?
No, the analogy is wrong. It would be a government official using his position to spy for a resistance group trying to bring down the government for overthrowing their previous form of government without the consent of the people.
Of course she does. She's taking advantage of it, like a corrupt governor skimming off taxes.
Tax evasion? She's using her position for her political goals, not because of greed or petty shit.
I guess the Princess treason mostly sealed that decision. Still hardly has to give them another eason.
The princess was treacherous. Death to all of the people on her home planet, for surely they were responsible for her treachery!
You got the order wrong. They were disloyal, so the Empire comes to blow them up, and to the very end, they don't see the error.
It wasn't meant to be in any specific order. Even if they were disloyal first, although the Empire was illegitimately formed thus being disloyal to the people, they had the right to defend themselves from an imminent attack.
Nice way for totally proving the treason to the Empire.
Raising your shields to try to protect your planet from destruction does not equal treason. Especially since the government they are defending themselves from was created by treasonous acts against the people.
Considering the puny power of TLs versus the SL, I'm not holding any of my breath.
Do you mean that the TLs wouldn't be able to bring down the shields by saying "not holding my breath"? It has been known that ISDs can take down planetary shields over a long period of time. Surely the thousands of HTLs on the surface of the DS could have taken down the shields in a much quicker time period than a fleet of ISDs.
And that event was that huge asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs I think. In any case, you need more precision than one in a trillion with SL.
I still think the Empire should have at least tried it.
Because it is not that low powered. Alderaan's shield is 1E37, right? That means a tenth of the time to fire. Which means at least a few hours, counting time to dissipate the heat in the chamber, recharge any capacitator... etc. If you fail, the shield will dissipate the energy and you'd have to start virtually from Step 0.
If it took the DS a day to recharge from a full-powered blast, then it'd only take 2.4 hours to recharge from a shot the tenth of its full-power blast. And you wouldn't have killed many more innocents in the process. It's worth it from any humanitarian standpoint. It's not as though the Alderaanians are going anywhere with that shield up. And the minute they let down their shields to let ships escape, the planetary shields go down from HTL bombardments and leaves the entire planet vulnerable to precision strikes or a BDZ.
Excuse me while I stop strangling myself from laughter at the prospects of the Bothans (or Rebel Intelligence at large) accurately calculating such a complex calculation when it had been proven those dolts can't measure, or draw an accurate sketch of a starship.
Sadly, not only is the standard state of morality in the GFFA at large (not just Imp era) somewhat inferior to our own, so is their apparently ability to accurately measure evidence.
I don't know what that example refers to, but given the advanced nature of SW tech, I wouldn't be surprised if they would simply let droids or computers do the calculations for them. If Wong could create a simple planetary destruction calculator, I'm sure SW tech could....
maybe equal it's precision.
They can leak information, but it will be suspected of as being disinformation, perhaps even computer generated.
No it
wouldn't. They were arguably the best and most reliable source of information the Rebels
had. Bothans were noted to be among the best spies in the galaxy. Period.
Blowing up a "real" planet will convince them. Just like Hiroshima and Alderaan.
When you have sensors that can detect whether or not a planet is in existence anymore, it becomes MUCH harder to cover up the disappearance of a planet than the destruction an atomic bomb caused on a Japanese-controlled island circa WWII. In order for Japanese citizens to have been able to find out the amount of destruction the bomb caused on an island, they would have had to actually go out to the island and see it for themselves, which would be impossible to do. The Japanese would have it locked up tight. You can't blockade open space from thousands of ships coming to see if a planet is there, unless you use Interdictors. But then the Empire
wanted to display their power, right? So they would make available any means of proving the destruction of a planet. And the Rebels also
wanted to expose the sheer evil of the Empire for constructing such a weapon of mass destruction.
Remember also that this is meant for the planetary governments too, not all of which have quite that extensive a network. I doubt the Rebel Alliance would be telling them the bad news of this planet-killing thing that would penetrate the tender shields they thought were adequate...
Why not? It would swing them over and give them more of a reason to join the Rebel Alliance to try to destroy it.
If they conmitted acts worthy of it...
And what sort of acts do famous people commit in our society that would be worthy of death?