It can recognise it, but can't page it properly, so it can get it's knickers in a knot.The Shadow wrote:Odd. I read in MSDN that 32 bit OSes support upto 4 gig RAM.White Haven wrote:Quick note, 98 will /run/ with a gig, but it'll only ever make use of 512MB, so that extra half-gig is being completely wasted.Sokartawi wrote: I had 2GB a year ago or something but found out win98 can't start with it, so I pulled it out and use only 1GB now which works fine, and used the other GB to get another PC together.
512MB is the most you can practicably use in a Windows 98 machine, but then the only remaining application of Win98 is to play TIE Fighter Collector's Edition, which won't work on XP with 3D acceleration.