Their mansions are probably on Alderaan to begin with. And what are they going to do? Take up arms and revolt? Oh yeah, they're Goody-Two-Shoe pacifist who wouldn't dream of revolution.Illuminatus Primus wrote:Because goofy rich liberals (most extreme environmentalist included here) don't care at all about their Malibu mansions and careers. Nope, not at all.
Since when did I do that? Hmmm? You don't power one of the most powerful electric fences on the planet using a 12 volt car battery now, do you?Since you guys insist that the shields, except Byss and Coruscant, must be kept down due to power constraints.
Sounds like a false dilemma. Why would Alderaan have to keep it's shield up 24/7 just because they had it? Especially if they were trying to keep it's presence hidden?Alternatively, if you're now abandoning you're baseless "the shield raising is obviously an intentionally and popularly hostile action which necessitates total annhiliation!" thesis
Please point out example of open deployment of orbital nightcloaks previous to the taking of Coruscant by the Alliance.and now saying the shield may be kept up for a long time, than, as TISB describes, the Empire can simply deploy orbital nightcloaks, starving the planet of EM and killing the harvest. If they open the shield to try and shoot down the sats, they risk the generators being shot by the Imperials in orbit.
So if Saddam had been funding and providing materials to the people behind 9/11 (or similar), and taking advantage of the problems which comes up as a result of these people, what would you call it?Lord of the Farce wrote:Too bad that guy wasn't in the Alliance. Oh, technicalities!
I mean, it's not like we know that Vader had previously interrogated Leia for an indefinite period of time.I didn't see any plausible scene cuts where "and no defenses, either!" could have slipped through.
Oh, wait...
WHO THE FUCK IS TRYING TO SAY THAT THE EMPIRE IS ALL SQUEAKY CLEAN AND SMELLING OF ROSES? Care to try to put more words into my mouth just because I'm trying to see beyond the black-and-white of a situation?More likely, but antiethical to your Goodie Imp position, Vader was coming up with a sorry-ass refutation to the Princess' claim by citing static defenses as equivalent to offensive weaponry.
Except, of course, for the Rebels letting loose dangerous criminals - that even the Empire wanted to lock up and throw away the key - on Coruscant. So you can stick that into the same place where you pulled "you have no evidence, like usual" from.In other words, you have no evidence, like usual.