Graeme Dice wrote:Are they a tyrannical dictatorship? Nope. Looks like they're a success.
I never knew until now that your sole definition of a successful government is totally by whether it happens to be a "tyrannical dictatorship." Never mind that it failed to handle an enemy that shouldn't even have made the Galactic News until half the galaxy was conquered and destroyed, no. As long as it is not a tyrannical dicatiorship, it is a success. Sigh...
The "country" that the are acting against is not their legitimate government, so its hardly treason.
Yet they have recognized it as such.
Of course I am.
Just as I suspected ... our worldview is too different for continued discussion.
Except, of course, that you're trying to ignore that it's better to die a free man than live a slave.
The average man in the Empire is hardly a slave.
They don't when the government they are fighting is clearly an oppressive, tyrannical and illegal government.
Find me a government that thinks of itself as "oppressive, tyrannical and illegal." It is unrealistic to expect any government to go light on treasonous people, and while standards on what defines treason varies, stealing government data, blowing up government depots and killing governmental personnel counts in most places.
Which does not make it moral or legal. Thanks for conceding the point.
Realpolitk however, does imply it is not so wrong in practice as to make it an atrocity.
We know that the Emperor was capable of, and fully willing to control the minds of vast groups of people. That he chose not to control everyone does not mean that you can ignore the canon evidence that he used his force powers to get himself into power.
I agree that he influenced, but he apparently did not control.
Glad to see that you actually support the various tyrannical regimes here on Earth, and that you are so willing to blame the victims.
Just that they should not complain when it does happen. See here. Government sets rule: "Rebel and Die." You Rebel because you think the government's evil. Government naturally has no choice but to live up to its word. Rebel says "See, Empire Evil - they kill me because I Rebel!"
Here we go. Kaz thinks that it isn't an atrocity to torture people to death for resisting an illegoitimite and oppressive government. China must really love people like you.
from the viewpoint of the government, certainly that's so. You don't find many governments sympathetic to treasonous people.
And, of course, the proper thing to do is to murder them all instead of arresting them. Like I said, you obviously support the use of tanks to crush protesters in Tianamen square.
1) In both cases, the emphasis was on dispersing them, not on killing them.
2) Only a very relative few died in both cases.
3) Honestly, while Tinammen Square is a tragedy, like Alderaan and Ghorman, I just can't help but feel those people have overstayed their welcome. You've made your point, so why don't you leave? Dammit, you are getting into everyone elses' way (Ghorman more so than Tinammen). For Ghorman, purely going by the majority's interests (unless you think letting the economy die from its trade routes being blocked is in the Ghorman people's overall interest), the minority would have to give ... one way or another.
4) When you protest, you are not really trying to
confront the government. You are trying to show you have an interest in public welfare and are determined enough to sit out there in the blazing sun and let the government notice. You are hoping when the government sees how determined you are, it'd realize it is a problem and fix it. You don't show that by taking actions that wreck your planet's economy in the process.
And of course, the fact that they hapen to be organized protesters means that the government has the right to kill them without recourse.
They are clearly defying Orders (and valid ones - we don't want you to block the trade of people that just want to get on with their lives, is that order so immmoral in itself?) Tarkin presumably took several days to arrive from Start of Incident, so probably any "gentle" methods they could dream up have been tried already, and perhaps a few more violent ones.
Ahhh yes, the slaves are supposed to be happy because they are better off than other slaves. It's also nice to see that you're now making up imaginary stories about the wookies being "re-evaluated as non-sentient", when they were quite clearly being used for construction work
The Imperial law apparently says that if an animal is rated "non-sentient", it may be "domesticated", which in principle is OK (we think it is OK to have dogs after all). Of course, the Empire did take the chance to "re-evaluate" many species to be non-sentient, which I personally disapprove. Of course, the SW people as a whole have a kind of wierd, arbitrary concept of what is sentience (see the advanced droids). And with that kind of concept makes it easy to extend it to a few other species. If you can think of a few arbitrary differences to say Species 1 is not sentient, a few others can be used to justify the ideas Species 2 is not.
In any case, one should not immediately brand people as slaves just because they don't have all the rights we do. By that measure, women would be slaves before they were allowed to vote, and all the peasants under a monarchy would be slaves.
Public order is not a universal good
Really. How does it do anybody any "universal good" when you sit on the frigging landing pads and disrupt your home planet's trade? At the very least, you guys do your frigging protests somewhere else!
Yep. More blaming the victims. Rapists must love to get you on their juries.
Blaming the victims? Hardly. I'm just pointing out they signed an agreement and they broke it (not the case with a rapist). And whether the government is democratic or autocratic, one cannot expect anything good to come out of it.
Wrong. The Empire had no legitimacy because it was not accountable to its population. The leaders were not elected. It brutally suppressed dissent. In short, your delusion that the Empire was a legitimate government is no different than pretending that a gang that rules part of a city is a legitimate government.
Oh, so your idea of legitimacy is not based on recognition, but merely on how democratic a country is. I hate to break it to you, but we still think of China as legitimate, as we did the old Soviet Union.
Ahhh, but you see, the Empire is the _good guys_. That's why the Emperor and Darth Vader _kill_ people for fun
They aren't a shining white. If there was an election, I won't be voting for them the next time. However, I just doubt whether it was worth all the lives, only to get something like the NR.