I oppose Gay marriage, but I support Civil Unions
Which looks to the average person as an obvious attempt to pander to voth sides of the issue instead of picking one position. You're trying to appease both sides of the crowd which you simply cannot do when you're already considered a flip-flopper.
I oppose abortion but I support a woman's right to choose to have an abortion
Something that doesn't make sense even to pro-choicers. I once had an argument with a pro-choicer when I stated that:
The person I was talking to acted like I was speaking Chinese. I got heat from her, not because she disagreed with my position, but because in her mind it was not logically consistent.If a woman is a victim of rape she has a moral obligation to the life within her, but she should have the legal right to an abortion if she chooses to.
How can you say something is wrong, but support it being legal? The question the majority of people would ask.
My faith guides my life, but it wont dictate my policies
The mainstream would ask, "How can you claim to be a man of faith, yet then turn around and say it won't influence your policies? Your just going to turn it on and off?"
It's sad that the majority of people are so stupid that they can't comprehend these "complex" arguments and positions. They see it as flip flopping simply because they are too stupid and braindead to comprehend any thing that isn't "yes or no".