Stravo wrote:Why engage so damned close though?
Looks fantastic and now the dreadnought is well and truly canon.
Probably to capture that "Master and Commander" feel.
Various points:
1.) Venators appear to have between 3-4 twin-barreled "heavy turrets" per side. In some images it appears to be 3, but others seem to show four.
2.) In addition to the twin turrets.. the trenches also appear to be designed to mount guns. Note that visbile blue "flashes" that appear from the visible dorasal turrets appear in the trenches, although those seem to be single mounts. I'd estimate anouther half dozen to a dozen there.
3.) VEnators are firing blue bolts, not green. What the fuck? Also, isnt it a bad idea to be firing beam weapons in an atmosphere?
4.) Those turrets seem to have a pretty high rate of fire - the dorasal turrets fire 2 twin bursts within 6-8 frames... The "trench' guns I estimate fire 3 shots in 12 frames
5.) That bloody new Jedi STarfighter is fucking tiny. I estimate based on the head in the cockpit its no more than 5-6 meters in width, and most of that is just thin wings! That other fighter.. the Clone trooper one I think.. is a bit larger.. but its still far smaller than an X-wing.
6.) I think that in some shots the capital ships are missing at less than a hundred meters distance. :/