Spoken by characters. The Jedi would want to ascribe their supernatural powers to some higher destiny.Knife wrote:" "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship."
The Force is more than just the midacloreans (sp?). Its everywhere. And the Force is the defacto god/religeon of the SW universe. Considering that the Jedi 'worship' it and use it for supernatural purposes. Is it a coincidence that the Jedi are very Monk like?
With the introduction of the Unifying and Living Force philociphies, you get a bigger picture of their religion. And the Unifying Force is shown as the Force the oversee's and binds the galaxy together. REF. NJO.
Sure it has been shown.It has never been shown that the metochlorin count is the thing that gives you Force powers. It could be just as well that the Metochlorin count is just an indicator or a side effect or just somehting that happens in a Force user rather than the cause.
And on general religion, I agree with you, but the Force has measurable effects that show that this particular religion is atleast in part real. Perhaps not the Jedi interpertation of it, but it DOES exsist.
Cause - High Midichlorin Count
Effect - Yoda, Vader (with appropriate training to harness the powers)
The higher the midichlorin count, the more powers the person can potentially have given the right training.
The effects "The Force" has are through the powers of the wielders. Why is it necessary to introduce something external to explain this?
Very well I can't prove that "Balance in the Force" was planted by Palpatine. But "Balance in the Force" being a bullshit prophecy is consistent with my hypothesis.Prove it.
Precognition doesn't have to mean that The Force is external. Other superheroes in different universes can see somewhat into the future.Again, the metochlorins aren't necessarily explained as that, it could be that they're just a sign, or side effect or an indicator rather than the cause.
And since the Force is shown to have an effect in the SW universe (if for anything else than just showing Palpatine the future and so either setting him up for a fall or allowing him to conqurer and let his own stupidity let him fall) it just cannot be explained as coincidence.
Why do you need to introduce an external entity like "The Force" to explain the superpowers?