You didn't do that with the rest, why bother now?JME2 wrote:I was editing it to make sure it look suitable for presentation.
Star Trek/Star Wars: The Best of Both Worlds
Moderator: LadyTevar
- Dishonest Resident Borg Fan-Whore
- Posts: 4206
- Joined: 2002-08-08 03:56am
- Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Alright, here it is!
Disclaimer: Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry and owned by Paramount Pictures. Stat Wars created by George Lucas and owned by Twentieth Century Fox and Lucasfilm. I own the story and any original characters/species. No copyright infringement is intended.
Star Trek/Star Wars: The Best of Both Worlds: Part XIX
“Diplomacy means the art of nearly deceiving all your friends, but not quite deceiving all your enemies."
-- Kofi Busia --
* I’m putting this chapter up in response to the election. With everyone’s nerves frayed from months of bitter campaigning, I know everyone needs a little pick-me-up and I hope this helps to accomplish that.AyelborneAyelborneAyelborne
Other than that, as always, enjoy!
Location: Naboo Royal Cruiser Gray Spirit
Hyperspace, That Galaxy Far, Far Away
“We will be dropping out hyperspace in three point six standard hours, Captain Picard.”
“Thank you, JE-19, wasn’t it?”
“Yes sir. If you require anything in that time, simply signal me.”
As the Cybot Galactica-produced protocol-droid departed, Jean-Luc Picard stared once more at the plush quarters that he had been given by Queen Quital. If there was one thing that Naboo prided themselves on other than their pacifist views, it was their attention to detail and style in everything for their architecture to their ships. Even after several days of seeing it, Picard was still amazed at the care that had gone into building the Naboo Royal Cruiser.
As Admiral Krey’fey had correctly predicted, the Ralroost had been in no shape to make the trip to Coruscant and so it had fallen to General bel Iblis to ferry not only and Fey’lya, but the Federation delegation back to the Federation Council. Shesh had departed Earth almost immediately after the incident Grey‘si’s office, though less out of loss of pride then, per Fey’lya’s orders, to prepare Coruscant for the arrival of the Federation delegation.
Or rather, they would have as soon as they had cleared the Naboo terminus of the wormhole, had the Crix Madine’s hyperdrive motivator not shorted out.
Republic engineers had carefully poured over the technological components and the rest of cruiser, but had been unable to find anything that indicated sabotage. They had concluded it was more likely it due to the damage that bel Iblis’ ship had endured from the second Yuuzhan Vong attack on Earth. The General had not been happy about this and had muttered that this sort of thing never happened with his old flagship, the Old Republic Katana-class Dreadnaught Peregrine.
In any event, the Star Destroyer Mon Mothma or the Millennium Falcon or another ship could had easily ferried them back, but Fey’lya, though weak and unable to speak for great stretches of time, had ordered General Antilles to keep the Sixth Fleet in position to defend Naboo and the wormhole. Then, in another turnaround from her previous model of behavior, Quital had offered to transport them in the Naboo Royal Cruiser, her presence at Coruscant also necessary to re-solidify its relationship with the galaxy that it had cut itself off from.
And so, they were now in route to Coruscant, en route to this strange, new galaxy’s capital world. Over the last month, the Federation and Picard had received the first visitors from unknown space and welcomed them to Earth. Now, it was the Republic’s turn to receive and welcome Picard and his team to Coruscant.
Picard’s team had been assembled as quickly as it could. Several of the team members were from his own staff. He had wanted Will to oversee the repairs to the Enterprise and Worf was still recovering from the injuries he had sustained; they had proven to be far greater than on an initial glance and was a testament to Worf‘s reputation as a fighter to have kept fighting even in that condition.
So the selection from the flagship had included Data and Deanna Troi. The Republic would be most anxious to meet the Soongian android that had taken down Tsavong Lah. Deanna would as always act as his guide and conscience -- as well as attempting to glean a better idea of what Shesh would throw at them in the political arena.
As trying as it would have been for all parties involved -- including Shesh, he thought wryly -- Picard also wished that Lwaxana had been assigned to the mission. But the elder Troi was on assignment elsewhere, dispatched to the First Federation in an attempt to discern their position on the Republic and Yuuzhan Vong and to see if their formidable fleet of Fesarius-class ships could be brought to bear in the conflict that the Alpha Quadrant soon be involved in.
For the medical benefits that could be ascertained by an alliance, he had chosen, though not out of any disrespect to Beverley, the Voyager EMH. Both Leia Organa and her brother had explained that the Republic’s usage of holographic technology was similarly confined to the arts and entertainment, though they had more emphasis on the military aspects rather than the medical uses.
The technological representative was obviously not Geordi; like Riker, Picard had needed laForge back on the Enterprise-E. Instead, original Enterprise engineer Captain Montgomery Scott had taken Geordi’s place. He was most anxious to see Republic technology operating at is source and had taken a liking to Anakin Solo, thought the Solo‘s younger child was remaining at Earth for the moment. Again, Picard thought with some amusement that if elements in the Republic thought that the Federation was soft, they hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting an angry Scotsman. Rounding out the team was Commander Elias Vaughn and was Alexander Munro, deemed fit to travel despite the shoulder wound.
Picard hoped it would be enough.
The Yuuzhan Vong had to be stopped for the sake of both galaxies, he knew that all too well and it wasn’t simply because of the warnings from Q and the Stranger. The Yuuzhan Vong were ruthless, fanatic, and a threat to the very ideals and culture that both governments represented. They could finish off the Republic’s galaxy and move onto the Milky Way or vice-versa, especially considering the Borg’s role in the formation of Vong culture.
Yet, he had spent part of the journey examining holographic recordings of many of the Republic’s larger, heavier battles from the more recent years, from the ground battles of Geonosis and Hoth. The New Republic was without a doubt militarily superior to the Federation. So what could they offer their foreign counterparts in a war that was but the first act in a fight for creation itself?
He just had to hope that his team could convince the Republic Senate to see beyond political corruption and special-interest that the fate of both galaxies lay in the hands of a few.
Location: Starfleet Intelligence
Earth, Sol System, Alpha Quadrant
As communications officer aboard the original Federation starship Enterprise and its sister ship, the Enterprise-A, Nyota Uhura had always been more adept at trying to identify a starship based on its communications rather than physical shape. However, with her presence on the bridge during many of the crucial moments in twenty-third century Starfleet history, she had been able to discern and learn the basic configurations of ship designs based on their builders.
But she had little to no idea of who it was that had built the mysterious ship that had decimated Tsavong Lah’s fleet. She was however certain that it was not a Republic ship for several reasons.
The design, as she had told Grey’si, Picard, and the others days earlier, showed a variety of influences, all of which were primarily unique to the Milky Way Galaxy. The irregular shapes were borrowed from the ships operated by the Breen Confederacy and the Son'a Solidarity and the overall structure resembles the Jem'Hadar battleship.
It was the final piece that had her interested as she sat at her desk, focusing on the image captured by Federation sensor logs and Republic holocams during the final moments of the Yuuzhan Vong’s second attack on the United Federation of Planets. Was it a Jem’Hadar cruiser or something meant to look like one?
While the Dominion fleet had pulled out of Alpha Quadrant following the signing of the cease-fire aboard Deep Space Nine four years previously, there were rumors that some Dominion elements, despite their loyalty to the Founders, had not heeded the surrender and still lingered in the remains of Cardassian space. The Enterprise-E had, three years earlier, investigated the Badlands, but had found nothing.
While she was tempted to contact the station and speak to Odo, she knew they would have their hands full once the Unimatrix Zero Diamond arrived. There was however one person she knew of that would probably know, someone who even after four years was still in Federation custody, the result of the war-crimes tribunal and to whom she could get access to, someone who would have known the exact fleet numbers in operation by the Dominion at the end of 2375.
The Female Founder.
Location: Reman Warbird Scimitar
Kamino System, That Galaxy Far, Far Away
Thousands upon thousands of light years away, the mystery ship that had dominated Admiral Uhura’s mind for the better part of the last few days roared out of transwarp speeds, towards a patch of space beyond the Outer Rim, south of the Rishi Maze, and beyond the swath of devastation cut by the Yuuzhan Vong’s two years of jihad and conquest.
A gray, dull world now filled the central viewscreen aboard the flagship of the latest Romulan Praetor, who sat eagerly poised on the edge of his chair of command. Shinzon had seen few planets, most of them during the one year that the Romulan Star Empire had been allied with the Federation against the Dominion and has sent him and his Reman brothers on suicide mission after suicide mission.
The ones other than that had been primarily the planet he detested more than any other: Romulus. But that could all change. With the tap of a button, he could eradicate the entire planetary population and not regret it. The Romulan race was guilty of far too many crimes, But, the planet, like Remus, truly belong to the Remans. The entire system was theirs by birthright.
They would take back their homes and worlds, but that could only happen if he could overcome his genetic breakdown. And he was certain that if the Republic’s technology was superior to that of the Milky Way galaxy, then cloning could potentially also be of greater help to him than simply Romulan cloning techniques.
“Prepare to drop cloak. Raise shields”
He had come too far and wasn’t prepared to take chances with strange, new life forms. So, he wasn’t exactly surprised when moments after the order to decloak had been giving and the Reman Warbird stood revealed in all of its might, the first shots hit the Scimitar’s underbelly.
Location: Deep Space Nine
Bajoran Sector, Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy
Many, many light years away, another vessel also disengaged its transwarp drive and reverted to real space. Sufficiently repaired following the damage that it had taken when the Fusion Cube had been attacked, Diamond 24601TH-X85 switched to its impulse engines. In its sights lay the dark jewel of the Denorias Belt, the former mining station Terok Nor, now known through this galaxy and its newly contacted counterpart as Deep Space Nine.
Or the former base of the man that Luke Skywalker had encountered three times since contact with the Milky Way Galaxy, the Starfleet Captain and Bajoran Prophet known as Benjamin Lafayette Sisko. He starred at the rotating cube that served as the Borg equivalent of a view screen, glimpsing at Deep Space Nine. Former Borg drones were working in the background, Artoo assisting them in completing repair tasks that Regeneration had been unable to accomplish.
The first space station that the then-teenaged Luke had ever set eyes upon had been the original Death Star, shortly after Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin had used the station’s superlaser to destroy Alderaan. But whereas the Death Star had been obviously spherical in design, Deep Space Nine was different, a result of alien engineering and sharp, tri-themed design ethics that characterized the Cardassian mindset.
From his position, Luke could see the replacement Defiant moored to its usual docking berth, the damage from its foray into the Gamma Quadrant shortly before the attack on Earth still evident, but mostly repaired. He had seen several of the ships in action against the Yuuzhan Vong and though they had been built primarily to fight against the Borg Collective, he had a feeling they would have a major role to play.
If Picard can pull it off.
Luke sighed inwardly. He had never been of a mind that focused too heavily on the future, even with his experiences. Even from his days on Tatooine, he had been focused less on what Ben’s journals, Yoda’s lessons, and his own digging referred to as the Unifying Force and more on the Living Force. The former was defined as being more future-oriented and concerned with the consequences of actions -- even seemingly right actions. The latter had more to do with being mindful of the present.
He had hope in Picard, despite having known him less than two months. The man was a natural leader and as Leia had said to him during that dinner, his ability at unifying those around him and his bond with the Enterprise senior staff. But he was faced with quite a task, one that he would not be along for, but Leia would.
Leia had privately remarked to him several times within the last year, that she could not, at various instances, understand why a generation of politicians and civil servants who had grown up under Palaptine’s tyranny and oppression seemed so intent on repeating the gross mistakes that had characterized the Old Republic’s final decades and that had led to Palpatine‘s ascension.
Luke had in turn pointed out to her that aside from the restrictions of freedom, this was also a group of people who had been raised within the corruption of the Sith Lord’s New Order, corruption that had been kept in line through Palpatine and by extensions, servants such as Darth Vader. With Palpatine’s deaths at Endor and later Onderon, the order that had kept that corruption in check had vanished. And with that leader gone, it had served as an example for unchecked greed and corruption.
Luke thought back again on Leia’s description of the meeting that she, Gavin Darklighter, the late Camassi Senator Elegos A'Kla, and Admiral Krey’Fey had had with Borsk and his cronies following their narrow escape from Dantooine nearly two years earlier. Traest had threatened to take the New Republic Navy into the Unknown Regions and carve out a safe haven while the Yuuzhan Vong razed the rest of the galaxy unless Borsk allowed the military to its job and not play political games.
And it had worked up until Ithor had been destroyed, the Jedi and military blamed for the disaster and used as an excuse to allow the Senate to micro-manage the entire war to their own political goals and agendas. But it could get worse -- and given the direness of their present situation, that was saying something -- if Borsk died, which he likely would according to the prognosis of both EMH‘s and 21B medical droids.
If Fey’lya died, then what little control he had exhibited over the Senate would die with him and there would be chaos the likes of which hadn’t been seen in a generation. He was very much afraid that these Senators and whoever might ascend would, given their actions thus far, loot the New Republic as the Yuuzhan Vong overran the galaxy.
Needless to say, Luke felt more comfortable leaving the situation in Leia’s hands. She was far more skilled in the political arena than he ever would. He felt better knowing that Picard’s team had his sister backing him up in the political arena that was the Galactic Senate, but he hoped it would enough, especially against the likes of people like Viqi Shesh.
From behind him, Axum emerged into the central command center and turned towards the Diamond‘s helmsman.
“We have received docking instructions.”
“Then let’s do it.”
Location: The Quintessence
Somewhere in the Universe…
“The key to victory against the Merging on your temporal and spatial plain lies within your own understanding the Yuuzhan Vong and in the world where you first encountered them.”
Vergere was surprised for a moment. There was a world she never thought she would hear again from a non-Yuuzhan Vong warrior.
“Zonama Sekot.”
Unconsciously, memories began to flow through the Fosh Jedi’s mind of the world she had last seen fifty years previously.
Zonama Sekot, the world unlike any that had ever been encountered during the time of the Galactic Republic. Zonama Sekot, the world where the very air was charged with the purest aspects of the life energy exhibited by the Force and where ships were crafted by natural methods. Zonama Sekot, the first world of the Republic’s galaxy to suffer the Yuuzhan Vong’s manifest destiny and where Vergere’s actions to save the world may very well have been the cause of the current state of the continuing invasion
The Stranger nodded slowly.
“That is correct.”
Against all of the principles of the old Jedi Order that Thracia Cho had schooled her in a lifetime ago, excitement coursed through Vergere’s body. When she had left all those years ago aboard Zho Krazhmir’s task force, the planet’s subsequent jump into hyperspace and her inability to sense it had convinced her that she would never see the world of absolute paradise again. But, if this Stranger, this god was telling her of Zonama Sekot…
“Then the planet still lives?
He nodded.
“It does, indeed. Zonama Sekot is -- ”
The Stranger trailed off, his eyes slowly widening. At the same time, the danger aspect of Vergere’s Force abilities began tingling with a ferocity that she hadn’t felt in years. She turned around --
-- and her eyes quickly widened as she joined in with the distress and disbelief exhibited not only by the Stranger, but by Q and the others.
The Quintessence’s fire pit, their link to the outside universe, and purveyor of stars, planets, and individuals, was changing form. The flames continued their dance, but they were growing, changing shape and encompassing the room until what had been a simple campfire had become a towering inferno.
Q could scarcely recall times when he had been as disconcerted as he was, but he was determined not to let it show and quickly switched to what some would term his default setting: his flippant nature.
“Stranger, if you’re tying to pull a Guy Fawke’s Day on us, then --”
“Q, this is not my doing.”
Q blinked.
“Excuse me, what did you say?”
“This is not my doing.”
Well, deep down, Q had known that; he just wanted confirmation from the horse’s mouth -- or if he wanted to be frank in his opinion of the Stranger, it was the horse’s a--
The thought died with him. The fire pit suddenly exploded, engulfing the entire meeting hall of the Quintessence in flame and light as everything went mercifully black.
Location: Worldship Citadel
Intergalactic Void, That Galaxy Far, Far Away
There was saying that ran through both galaxies and, one way or another, had the basic message of “In space, no one can hear you scream.” As any droid could tell you, that was due to the vacuum’s lack of a medium such as oxygen through which sound could travel and be transmitted. However, could also be said of the thousands, no, millions of Yuuzhan Vong who were manning the vast armada of Yuuzhan Vong ships gathered in the Intergalactic Void.
Sacrifices and battle exercises were being carried out as usual, but there was a general silence in regards towards the daily life aboard the living vessels. For days now, word had traveled up the Occupation corridor of the defeat of their armada which would have created a stepping stone towards the eradication of the Unclean, of those who had driven the Yuuzhan Vong from paradise. Worse still, Tsavong Lah had been bested in hand to hand combat by a droid.
No place was more silent than the chamber of command aboard the Citadel, Shimmra’s private coffer. Gathered among him were the elite of Yuuzhan Vong society: High Preist Jakan and his subordinate Harrar, Master Shaper Ch’Gang Hool, and High Prefect Yoog Skell. Representing the warrior caste was Nas Choka.
Shimmra was silent atop his throne, a floating dovin basal cushion that allowed the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong race to hover above the gathered audience and further add to his appearance and status as a conduit to the Yuuzhan Vong’s pantheon of gods. His familiar and pet, the Onimi, was nowhere to be found -- a wise move on his part given that the Shamed One was a speak of truths that few dared to utter in the presence of Shimrra and with the thoughts on everyone’s mind, none of them wished to be on the receiving end of their master’s fury.
“Why have we failed,” he asked suddenly, his voice booming across all corners of the chamber, amplified by the acoustics of the coffer. “Have we not sacrificed infidel upon infidel, unbelievers and heretics? Have our agents not stirred discourse and chaps through the infidel’s ranks? Why is it then that we have failed in our first major engagement of a second infidel galaxy, the galaxy that houses those that drove the Yuuzhan Vong from Paradise millennia ago?
The Supreme Overlord fell silent, letting his words sink into the minds of those gathered before him before continuing.
“The Gods have given us a chance to inflict great war upon those that have always been our true enemy, our ultimate foe. But we have failed. Let me be clear on my next point, on the one responsible for this defeat: Tsavong Lah. There will be no attempts made to rescue the Warmaster. If Tsavong Lah has not already committed suicide, then he soon will. He had dishonored us by allowing defeat to be inflicted upon our forces and I am not so lenient as my predecessor was.”
Nas Choka and his entourage were silent, though there was a flicker of anger on some of the younger warrior’s faces at such a broad insult being labeled against the virtual leader of the warrior caste.
“And so, I have conversed with the Gods and they had told me thus. For the next phase of our holy quest, we will not launch any glorious attack the Unlcean and their Delta Quadrant until our subjugation of the original infidel galaxy is complete and until we have earned the gods’ blessings once again. Our revenge will wait for another day, but will be complete. On that day, the Yuuzhan Vong will have not only claimed their deserved home, but vengeance against those that took it from us!”
“Do-ro’ik vong pratte,” cried the assembled warriors. All were alive in their cheer save for one -- Nas Choka. Shimrra saw this of course, but said nothing for a moment, waiting for the warriors .
“Supreme Commander, you may speak.”
“August Lord, which warrior do you seek fit to place this honor upon?”
Shimrra nodded, knowing Nas Choka well. The Supreme Commander had once upon time allied with Shimmra’s domain and had overthrown the previous Supreme Overlord, Quoreal. He had done it not out of personal glory -- though that had been a benefit -- but more out of a desire to undo the damage that Quoreal had seemed intent with visiting on their people.
“You are not undeserving of the position, Supreme Commander. Your victories in Hutt space have given our people great victories and your engagement in the what the infidels termed ‘Sector 001’ was a confirmation from the gods that the our true enemy still lives. But you are still needed on the front lines. For the next phase of our war, we must utilize one of our people’s greatest resources in order to complete our subjugation of the infidels and do so in a way that will have the gods give us blessing to pursue the Unclean.”
Shimmra raised his long, clawed hand towards the membrane that marked the entrance to his coffer. The membrane parted, revealing a new occupant standing in the doorway. He was a tall, skinny Yuuzahn Vong, though not as impressive as Shimmra himself. He appeared to be scarred even more heavily than Shimmra. What also made him unique was not only did he know wear the cloak of command from the horns implanted in his shoulders, but his vondumm crab armor seemed different, almost as if to enhance his movements. But why would the Shapers do such a thing, unless…
A collective gasp arouse through the gathered Yuuzhan Vong and this time, Nas Choka was certainly among them as he finally recognized the figure before them. It was one who had held the rank of Warmaster until his son had overthrown them, who had taught the next generation of Yuuzhan Vong the keys and strategies to fighting against the infidels. Shimmra grinned with pleasure as he announced the visitor.
“Enter Czulkang Lah, new Warmaster of the Yuuzhan Vong.”
Location: Romulan Warbird Decius
Romulan Star Empire, Beta Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy
As the head of the Romulan Tal Shiar, Chairman Koval had access to items of data and technology that only a select few in the Romulan Star Empire had similar access to. This included everything from fleet movements to specific communication protocols, protocols that allowed him to tap into signals from outside of Romulan space that, thanks to Federation arrays on the border of the Neutral Zone, normally did not reach Romulan space.
Using these access codes, he had been able to call up the Federation’s New Bureau’s coverage of the running battle of Sector 001, of the Yuuzzhan Vong’s second and far more powerful attack on the Federation’s doorstep, and their ultimate destruction. The image of the Yuuzhan Vong formation crumbling began to fade as he shut down the transmission and turned to face his audience
The gathering was small, consisting of Admiral Tomalakand the captains of the few war birds that they had been able to rally to their cause. As Koval had feared, very few had chosen to go against Shinzon; unlike the Senate, he had been willing to listen to the whims of the Romulan military, a rift that while long a part of Romulan politics, had been widened by the Dominion War.
The gathering was small, consisting of Tomalak and the captains of the Romulan Warbirds that had joined them. As Koval had feared, very few had chosen to aid their cause, but they would have to make the best of their situation.
“Well, as I correctly speculated, the Senate was but a taste of what is to come. A full frontal assualt is now completely out of a question; he could kill us all within a few seconds with a fully charged thalaron weapon.’
“A weapon that would never have fallen into his hands if you hadn’t developed it,”
muttered one of the Centurions in the rear. Koval paid no attention him, but made a mental note to keep an eye on that one, C’tel he believed. He instead continued
“So, as I explained to the admiral a week earlier, we have now determined the breadth of the board that we have been forced to play upon. We know which military figures are directly allied with him and who we can trust. All that remains is his exact whereabouts.
“Yes, we were curious about that. Why would he be in Sector 001?”
Koval let out a hint of a smile.
“I was anticipating that someone would pose that question. I can tell you it was not to do the Federation, at least not at first.”
He placed a set of calculations upon the view screen.
“Taking estimates based off on top of the line engine technology that we believe went into the construction of the Scimitar, he could not have reached Earth right after the first word of the second attack as quickly as he did. And I believe I know why.”
The calculations were replaced by genetic figures and images of Shinzon and Federation Captain
“As many of you now know, Shinzon was an attempt by the previous head of the Tal Shiar and an earlier administration to infiltrate Starfleet and replace Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who at the time had been chosen to captain the Enterprise-D. The plan was aborted, but Shinzon was not killed, the result of an odd combination of compassion and sadism on the part of my late predecessor.
Shinzon’s DNA strand now dominated the stream, key areas highlighted.
“I have examined Shinzon’s DNA records and consulting with the Decius’ CMO, I believe I have discovered why he journeyed to Sector 001.”
“But why?”
“Because he’s dying.”
Murmurs went around the table, delaying his response.
“Shinzon was engineered to rapidly age in order to successfully replace Picard as quickly as possible. But when the plan was aborted, the modifications were never activated. His genetic structure is breaking down. Even activating them at this point would do little good.”
There was a feeling of renewed hope in the gathered Romulan commanders.
“How long does he have?”
“I’m not certain, nor is the doctor. But we do know this. It’s accelerating. He has perhaps a few weeks, possibly less than that.”
“Can he be saved?”
“Only through complete genetic transfusion of the only available donor -- Jean-Luc Picard.”
Everyone began smiling as they saw where Koval was going with this,
“He was in Sector 001 because of Picard.”
“Exactly. But in the confusion of battle, he missed his chance. And because Picard is now on his way to Coruscant. Shinzon may be attempting chase, but there’s no way in the hells that he could get their by conventional warp drive. So either he‘s insane and his crew are dedicated to following him or he has something else in mind. Either way, I do believe that Shinzon is no longer even in this galaxy.”
“Meaning we have a chance.”
“What about the Republic? Do they pose a threat to us?”
“Not yet. But we will worry about that later. Shinzon is the priority. With the Scimitar gone, we will have to work quickly. His allies on Romulus and in our military will no doubt wonder now if he’s trustworthy -- destroying the fleet that threatened the Federation won’t exactly help his case since he had promised military action against Starfleet.”
“So how do we convince them of that?”
“I will be returning to Romulus in secret to do just that. If we can get them on our side, then we can learn the full capabilities of the Scimitar, how to detect it, and finally, what other plans he had in mind. Gentlemen, until then, I recommend that our combined fleet be scattered lest we be stumbled upon.”
“Agreed,” replied Tomalak, as did the other centurions and admirals present.
As the meeting began to wind down, the former Chairman smiled. With his plan and revelations, the fight to reclaim the Romulan Star Empire had just entered the next phase, one he hoped would be fruitful.
Location: Ferenginar
Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy
As the Lady Luck cleared the atmosphere cleared the Ferengi homeworld, the man who had once upon a time been the Baron Administrator of Bespin’s productive Cloud City, leaned back in his seat and smiled at his large-eared, orange skinned companion.
“Well, that was a productive visit, wouldn’t you say?”
Quark matched Calrissian’s lopsided grin with a glare.
Their meeting had gone according to plan -- at least until they had entered the atmosphere. Rom had been engrossed with the data coming through on his private wall view screen of Earth under siege by the Yuuzhan Vong. He had actually cheered with the alien fleet had disintegrated like a pair on over-cooked tube grubs.
It had been the first time Quark had been home since Rom had taken over the mantle of Grand Nagus four years earlier, after his insufferable moogie had convinced Zekk to have Rom take over the position. He had of course, kept his eye on events from afar, but had not expected things to be so…clean!
The Ferenginar of his youth was gone. In its place was a continuation of Zek’s later policies. Free health care, senior benefits, environmental laws, and more and more of that strange and bizarre combination of the Federation’s socialist and communist qualities. He had practically wanted to scream and knew quite well that he had been correct with his vow aboard Deep Space Nine mere days before the end of the Dominion War.
“This establishment will be the last outpost, of what made Ferenginar great!”
That hadn’t exactly made much of a dent in Rom’s feelings toward him. If anything, it reaffirmed his desire to help his brother in a way that would please both of them, hence his appointment to the office of Ferengi Envoy to the Smuggler’s Alliance.
“Look, I don’t know what in the frinx my idiot brother was thinking! I‘m not a envoy. I‘m a frinxing barkeeper.”
“But you’re also a Ferengi and a businessman by nature.”
“The former applies to Rom, not the latter. He’s never had the lobes for business. What makes him think that this scheme’s going to work?”
“As I see it, you’re brother wants to do what’s best for his species, not himself. I’ve only met a handful of people in my lifetime that I could say the same of. You should be proud of him.
Quark sighed.
“Besides, how does that Rule of Acquisition go? Never let family stand in the way of profit?”
“Rule of Acquisition # Six; how did you know that?”
“I’ve done some reading up on your rules. I must say they’re interesting. But seriously Quark, if we can makes this work, you’ll help a lot of people in both galaxies.”
“And make a profit at the same time.”
“A slice of profits.”
“Yes, Quark.”
“A large slice of the profits.”
“Whatever floats your bantha, Quark.”
Whatever remain of Quark’s glare vanished and a smile crossed his face.
It was good to be a Ferengi.
Location: Csilla
Unknown Regions, That Galaxy Far, Far Away.
“..And the attack basically disintegrated after that. We lost Hilic‘tria and Weth’fend, but are unharmed over all. With the level of close quarters melee, it could have been far worse.”
Baron Soontir Fel sat back in the plus chair, focused on the quarter-sized holographic transmission of his son. Less than two weeks had passed since he had dispatched Jag into unknown space, to learn about the new ally that the Republic was courting -- or vice-versa in many ways, especially considering the behavior of Viqi Shesh during the initial meetings.
Figured, though; with their stuck-up nature and overall arrogance, the Kuati were among the most unpleasant and annoying groups of people in the galaxy. No wonder Palpatine had courted them during his glory days, he thought with an inward smile. He had met Palpatine once and he still held the record of being one of the few, perhaps the only man to actually scare Fel deep into his bones. There had just been something about the former Senator from Naboo-turned-Chancellor-turned-Emperor’s nature, his voice…
But that was a thought on the past that was best reserved for another time.
“You’ve done well Jag, very well indeed.”
“Thank you, sir. What are your orders concerning the Squadron and the next phase of the mission?”
Fel mused on this for a moment. The first-hand information that Jag had gathered on the Federation was important, but there was still much to gain. On the other hand, he had no wish for the Vong to use the Chiss’ inspection of the Federation as an excuse to enter the Unknown Regions -- though if they did, he and his fellow members of the Phlanax would be ready.
He came to a decision.
“Continue to gather information, specifically now in regards to the local powers and species. Report back to me on any pressing developments.”
The holographic figure bowed and the transmission ended.
Location: Deep Space Nine
Bajoran System, Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy.
A Starfleet security detachment stood posed next to the Cardassian Airlock as Odo, Kira, and Chakotay emerged from around the corner of the adjacent hallway. The airlock shuddered for a moment before rolling aside
Chakotay recognized Axum from the lingering Borg elements upon his face as well as his former captain’s -- and Seven’s -- descriptions from their time within Unimatrix Zero. Behind him were two robed figures, a man and a woman. Kira was the first to speak.
“On behalf of the United Federation of Planets and the Bajoran government, I welcome to Deep Space Nine.”
The robed man nodded.
“Thank you. I am Luke Skywalker. This is my wife, Mara Jade and our Astromech, Artoo-Detoo.”
“Ah, yes, we spoke earlier. I’ve forwarded your request to my government. We should have a response to your request to visit the planet’s surface soon.”
“Thank you Colonel Kira.
It was now Axum’s turn as he faced Odo, struggling to form words.
“Constable, if you would,” remarked Odo. Kira allowed a hint of a smile. Four years of living with the Great Link had not changed her lover’s dislike of being addressed by the Dominion’s officers as Founder.
“Constable, on behalf of Unimatrix Zero, I apologize for the damage that these rogue elements have inflicted on the Dominion."
Odo didn’t look too convinced, but it was hard to tell, both gazing at his face and through the Force. He wondered; could Changelings be Force sensitive as well, to possess the ability to wield the mystical energy field? Or were they like the others in this galaxy? So many mysteries contained within this galaxy, so little time to solve them and by doing so, find a way through with the Force could save them all.
With the sudden departure of Quark, the official bar and gaming establishment of Deep Space Nine had suffered. It wasn’t as bad as it could be if Morn had been away on business, but Quark was the one who helped keep the bar going. But business was still good, in many ways better, similar to the occasions that the Ferengi had been forced to leave Rom in charge.
From the top level, a simple Bajoran man who spent his time scribbling calculations and astronomical predictions based off of ancient scrolls, sat in his chair, silently eating his meal and sipping his raktajino. His contacts in the government had alerted him to the request that had been made on the half of the alien visitor, the Jedi and --
Ah. There, beyond the docking ring of the promenade, emerged the main members of the administrative staff, and not one, but two Jedi. The man smiled, plying with his hasperat soufflé. His calculations and predictions were correct. Everything would soon come into play.
Location: I.K.S. Gorkon
Earth, Sol System, Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy
“And parry!”
Alexander ducked as Anakin brought his blade down, missing the son of Worf. Of course, it was not as if he could actually hurt him. The blade’s power settings had been adjusted by the younger Solo to low-levels, where it could remain solid, but enough to block an object, not cut through it -- the it being a bat’leth in this case.
From the corner stood Worf, leaning on a cane and silently watching the movements. He knew that Anakin was going easy on his biological son, but he was obvious about it. It was interesting though, to see a Jedi performing basic combat techniques, given that his previous exchanges had been rushed and against Yuuzhan Vong. He had been impressed and had asked Anakin if he would be interesting in seeing life aboard a Klingon ship, the Gorkon -- and in term having met his biological son, assigned by Martok to the new ship.
With Han, Jacen, and Jaina involved in assisting Federation repair teams understand Republic technology. He would have joined them, but he had jumped at Worf’s offer. Anakin had in turn been fascinated by the Klingon‘s culture, their warrior traditions, and their spirituality. Aside from their forehead bumps, their lack of midi-chlorians, and a slightly odd smell, they could very well be the Jedi of this galaxy.
Uncle Luke had journeyed to Bajor to attempt to seek the answer from a well-documented well of Force energy. But Anakin felt it could be solved by basic interaction and pondering.
Both Alexander and Anakin looked up as Worf came forward, moving slowly to take care of the injuries he had suffered from the Yuuzhan Vong attack.
“Good, Physical reaction and adaptation, good agility.
Before Worf could continue with his play-by-play analysis of their practice duel, Worf’s communicator beeped.
“Worf here.”
“Commander Worf, please report to the bridge now.”
It was the voice of Captain Klag. The two Klingons and one human Jedi looked at each other.
Though he was normally hot-headed, Drex was outright silent, instantly alerting Worf that something was wrong as he, his son, and the young Jedi entered the Gorkon’s bridge.
“What is it?”
“The Gorkon just received a priority transmission and we’ve been ordered to return back into the Empire.
“What’s happened?
“The Chancellor was presiding over a meeting of the High Council to discuss the Empire’s position on the Yuuzhan Vong and what could be done with our limited resources when there was an…accident.
Dread began to fill Worf’s soul.
“Go on.“
Klag sighed.
“Martok was shot; we don‘t know who the sniper was. And he’s not expected to live.
Location: Naboo Royal Cruiser Gray Spirit
Coruscant System, That Galaxy Far, Far Away
When the United Federation of Planets had been formed in the Earth year of 2161, one of the goals had been the sharing of ideas and culture across the cosmos. But never had the singing races would imagine that four humans, an android, a Betazed, and a hologram would share one single, collective exclamation.
From their times on a variety of ships, from three Enterprises to the Voyager, the Federation team had more or less seen and experienced it all. But the sight of the immense cityscape of Coruscant, it’s twinkling array of lights, immeasurable lines of traffic, and its very existence proved that there was still time, even in their day and age, to see new lives and new civilizations the likes of which they had only imagined.
From behind them, at the edge of the cockpit, Leia Organa Solo and Queen Quital simply smiled.
“You haven’t seen anything yet.
Location: The Quintessence
Somewhere in the Universe…
There were occasions where one regained consciousness and instantly wished they hadn’t, because oblivion was certainly a far better alternative to the truth. This was one of those times, thought Q as he came to.
The Quintessence’s meeting chamber was a wreckage of its former self. The pillars were blackened and cracked, the chairs of the representatives laying in pieces across the floor. The source of the current cosmetic re-decoration, the fire pit, was all but out save for a few glowing embers.
Q rubbed the back of his beck as he rose and did a quick head count. Everyone was there: Sisko, Ayelborne, M -- he noted with a slight frown --, the Stranger, Ver…
The Fosh Jedi that had journeyed to the alien world of Zonama Sekot, who had spent fifty of her years living alongside the alien Yuuzhan Vong, and who had been summoned by the Stranger to bear witness to the Stranger and the plans of the Quintessence, was gone.
The Stranger was the first to speak, his tone weary and angry.
“Our opponent has played his hand. He has deprived us of our primary tool, our own emissary.”
There was silence. Q finally spoke.
“Is she dead?”
Uncertainty filled the Stranger’s face.
“I…I don’t know.”
“Can we still win without Vergere‘s assistance?”
The Stranger was silent.
“I don’t know, Q. I don’t know.”
His eyes continued starring into the extinguished fire pit, uncertain of the hand that the cosmos had dealt the Quintessence.
End Act I…
* Well, that’s a wrap folks -- at least in regards to the first Act of The Best of Both Worlds, which I will now refer to for the first time as Across the Stars. Now, we are truly ready to move into the second Act of my little epic, Force and Counterforce, and then once it concludes, onto the grand finale, A Time to Every Purpose.
* Again, it’s getting interesting, isn’t it? Certain plot threads and bits that seemed inconsequential and irrelevant earlier in the story are making sense now, aren’t they. And once again, just wait until you see what I have planned up my sleeve…
* For anyone noticing, the fact that this first Act is 19 installments long, the exact same as the New Jedi Order, I can assure you that it was entirely accidental.
* The reason for the Gray Spirit’s name will be revealed in good time.
Disclaimer: Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry and owned by Paramount Pictures. Stat Wars created by George Lucas and owned by Twentieth Century Fox and Lucasfilm. I own the story and any original characters/species. No copyright infringement is intended.
Star Trek/Star Wars: The Best of Both Worlds: Part XIX
“Diplomacy means the art of nearly deceiving all your friends, but not quite deceiving all your enemies."
-- Kofi Busia --
* I’m putting this chapter up in response to the election. With everyone’s nerves frayed from months of bitter campaigning, I know everyone needs a little pick-me-up and I hope this helps to accomplish that.AyelborneAyelborneAyelborne
Other than that, as always, enjoy!
Location: Naboo Royal Cruiser Gray Spirit
Hyperspace, That Galaxy Far, Far Away
“We will be dropping out hyperspace in three point six standard hours, Captain Picard.”
“Thank you, JE-19, wasn’t it?”
“Yes sir. If you require anything in that time, simply signal me.”
As the Cybot Galactica-produced protocol-droid departed, Jean-Luc Picard stared once more at the plush quarters that he had been given by Queen Quital. If there was one thing that Naboo prided themselves on other than their pacifist views, it was their attention to detail and style in everything for their architecture to their ships. Even after several days of seeing it, Picard was still amazed at the care that had gone into building the Naboo Royal Cruiser.
As Admiral Krey’fey had correctly predicted, the Ralroost had been in no shape to make the trip to Coruscant and so it had fallen to General bel Iblis to ferry not only and Fey’lya, but the Federation delegation back to the Federation Council. Shesh had departed Earth almost immediately after the incident Grey‘si’s office, though less out of loss of pride then, per Fey’lya’s orders, to prepare Coruscant for the arrival of the Federation delegation.
Or rather, they would have as soon as they had cleared the Naboo terminus of the wormhole, had the Crix Madine’s hyperdrive motivator not shorted out.
Republic engineers had carefully poured over the technological components and the rest of cruiser, but had been unable to find anything that indicated sabotage. They had concluded it was more likely it due to the damage that bel Iblis’ ship had endured from the second Yuuzhan Vong attack on Earth. The General had not been happy about this and had muttered that this sort of thing never happened with his old flagship, the Old Republic Katana-class Dreadnaught Peregrine.
In any event, the Star Destroyer Mon Mothma or the Millennium Falcon or another ship could had easily ferried them back, but Fey’lya, though weak and unable to speak for great stretches of time, had ordered General Antilles to keep the Sixth Fleet in position to defend Naboo and the wormhole. Then, in another turnaround from her previous model of behavior, Quital had offered to transport them in the Naboo Royal Cruiser, her presence at Coruscant also necessary to re-solidify its relationship with the galaxy that it had cut itself off from.
And so, they were now in route to Coruscant, en route to this strange, new galaxy’s capital world. Over the last month, the Federation and Picard had received the first visitors from unknown space and welcomed them to Earth. Now, it was the Republic’s turn to receive and welcome Picard and his team to Coruscant.
Picard’s team had been assembled as quickly as it could. Several of the team members were from his own staff. He had wanted Will to oversee the repairs to the Enterprise and Worf was still recovering from the injuries he had sustained; they had proven to be far greater than on an initial glance and was a testament to Worf‘s reputation as a fighter to have kept fighting even in that condition.
So the selection from the flagship had included Data and Deanna Troi. The Republic would be most anxious to meet the Soongian android that had taken down Tsavong Lah. Deanna would as always act as his guide and conscience -- as well as attempting to glean a better idea of what Shesh would throw at them in the political arena.
As trying as it would have been for all parties involved -- including Shesh, he thought wryly -- Picard also wished that Lwaxana had been assigned to the mission. But the elder Troi was on assignment elsewhere, dispatched to the First Federation in an attempt to discern their position on the Republic and Yuuzhan Vong and to see if their formidable fleet of Fesarius-class ships could be brought to bear in the conflict that the Alpha Quadrant soon be involved in.
For the medical benefits that could be ascertained by an alliance, he had chosen, though not out of any disrespect to Beverley, the Voyager EMH. Both Leia Organa and her brother had explained that the Republic’s usage of holographic technology was similarly confined to the arts and entertainment, though they had more emphasis on the military aspects rather than the medical uses.
The technological representative was obviously not Geordi; like Riker, Picard had needed laForge back on the Enterprise-E. Instead, original Enterprise engineer Captain Montgomery Scott had taken Geordi’s place. He was most anxious to see Republic technology operating at is source and had taken a liking to Anakin Solo, thought the Solo‘s younger child was remaining at Earth for the moment. Again, Picard thought with some amusement that if elements in the Republic thought that the Federation was soft, they hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting an angry Scotsman. Rounding out the team was Commander Elias Vaughn and was Alexander Munro, deemed fit to travel despite the shoulder wound.
Picard hoped it would be enough.
The Yuuzhan Vong had to be stopped for the sake of both galaxies, he knew that all too well and it wasn’t simply because of the warnings from Q and the Stranger. The Yuuzhan Vong were ruthless, fanatic, and a threat to the very ideals and culture that both governments represented. They could finish off the Republic’s galaxy and move onto the Milky Way or vice-versa, especially considering the Borg’s role in the formation of Vong culture.
Yet, he had spent part of the journey examining holographic recordings of many of the Republic’s larger, heavier battles from the more recent years, from the ground battles of Geonosis and Hoth. The New Republic was without a doubt militarily superior to the Federation. So what could they offer their foreign counterparts in a war that was but the first act in a fight for creation itself?
He just had to hope that his team could convince the Republic Senate to see beyond political corruption and special-interest that the fate of both galaxies lay in the hands of a few.
Location: Starfleet Intelligence
Earth, Sol System, Alpha Quadrant
As communications officer aboard the original Federation starship Enterprise and its sister ship, the Enterprise-A, Nyota Uhura had always been more adept at trying to identify a starship based on its communications rather than physical shape. However, with her presence on the bridge during many of the crucial moments in twenty-third century Starfleet history, she had been able to discern and learn the basic configurations of ship designs based on their builders.
But she had little to no idea of who it was that had built the mysterious ship that had decimated Tsavong Lah’s fleet. She was however certain that it was not a Republic ship for several reasons.
The design, as she had told Grey’si, Picard, and the others days earlier, showed a variety of influences, all of which were primarily unique to the Milky Way Galaxy. The irregular shapes were borrowed from the ships operated by the Breen Confederacy and the Son'a Solidarity and the overall structure resembles the Jem'Hadar battleship.
It was the final piece that had her interested as she sat at her desk, focusing on the image captured by Federation sensor logs and Republic holocams during the final moments of the Yuuzhan Vong’s second attack on the United Federation of Planets. Was it a Jem’Hadar cruiser or something meant to look like one?
While the Dominion fleet had pulled out of Alpha Quadrant following the signing of the cease-fire aboard Deep Space Nine four years previously, there were rumors that some Dominion elements, despite their loyalty to the Founders, had not heeded the surrender and still lingered in the remains of Cardassian space. The Enterprise-E had, three years earlier, investigated the Badlands, but had found nothing.
While she was tempted to contact the station and speak to Odo, she knew they would have their hands full once the Unimatrix Zero Diamond arrived. There was however one person she knew of that would probably know, someone who even after four years was still in Federation custody, the result of the war-crimes tribunal and to whom she could get access to, someone who would have known the exact fleet numbers in operation by the Dominion at the end of 2375.
The Female Founder.
Location: Reman Warbird Scimitar
Kamino System, That Galaxy Far, Far Away
Thousands upon thousands of light years away, the mystery ship that had dominated Admiral Uhura’s mind for the better part of the last few days roared out of transwarp speeds, towards a patch of space beyond the Outer Rim, south of the Rishi Maze, and beyond the swath of devastation cut by the Yuuzhan Vong’s two years of jihad and conquest.
A gray, dull world now filled the central viewscreen aboard the flagship of the latest Romulan Praetor, who sat eagerly poised on the edge of his chair of command. Shinzon had seen few planets, most of them during the one year that the Romulan Star Empire had been allied with the Federation against the Dominion and has sent him and his Reman brothers on suicide mission after suicide mission.
The ones other than that had been primarily the planet he detested more than any other: Romulus. But that could all change. With the tap of a button, he could eradicate the entire planetary population and not regret it. The Romulan race was guilty of far too many crimes, But, the planet, like Remus, truly belong to the Remans. The entire system was theirs by birthright.
They would take back their homes and worlds, but that could only happen if he could overcome his genetic breakdown. And he was certain that if the Republic’s technology was superior to that of the Milky Way galaxy, then cloning could potentially also be of greater help to him than simply Romulan cloning techniques.
“Prepare to drop cloak. Raise shields”
He had come too far and wasn’t prepared to take chances with strange, new life forms. So, he wasn’t exactly surprised when moments after the order to decloak had been giving and the Reman Warbird stood revealed in all of its might, the first shots hit the Scimitar’s underbelly.
Location: Deep Space Nine
Bajoran Sector, Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy
Many, many light years away, another vessel also disengaged its transwarp drive and reverted to real space. Sufficiently repaired following the damage that it had taken when the Fusion Cube had been attacked, Diamond 24601TH-X85 switched to its impulse engines. In its sights lay the dark jewel of the Denorias Belt, the former mining station Terok Nor, now known through this galaxy and its newly contacted counterpart as Deep Space Nine.
Or the former base of the man that Luke Skywalker had encountered three times since contact with the Milky Way Galaxy, the Starfleet Captain and Bajoran Prophet known as Benjamin Lafayette Sisko. He starred at the rotating cube that served as the Borg equivalent of a view screen, glimpsing at Deep Space Nine. Former Borg drones were working in the background, Artoo assisting them in completing repair tasks that Regeneration had been unable to accomplish.
The first space station that the then-teenaged Luke had ever set eyes upon had been the original Death Star, shortly after Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin had used the station’s superlaser to destroy Alderaan. But whereas the Death Star had been obviously spherical in design, Deep Space Nine was different, a result of alien engineering and sharp, tri-themed design ethics that characterized the Cardassian mindset.
From his position, Luke could see the replacement Defiant moored to its usual docking berth, the damage from its foray into the Gamma Quadrant shortly before the attack on Earth still evident, but mostly repaired. He had seen several of the ships in action against the Yuuzhan Vong and though they had been built primarily to fight against the Borg Collective, he had a feeling they would have a major role to play.
If Picard can pull it off.
Luke sighed inwardly. He had never been of a mind that focused too heavily on the future, even with his experiences. Even from his days on Tatooine, he had been focused less on what Ben’s journals, Yoda’s lessons, and his own digging referred to as the Unifying Force and more on the Living Force. The former was defined as being more future-oriented and concerned with the consequences of actions -- even seemingly right actions. The latter had more to do with being mindful of the present.
He had hope in Picard, despite having known him less than two months. The man was a natural leader and as Leia had said to him during that dinner, his ability at unifying those around him and his bond with the Enterprise senior staff. But he was faced with quite a task, one that he would not be along for, but Leia would.
Leia had privately remarked to him several times within the last year, that she could not, at various instances, understand why a generation of politicians and civil servants who had grown up under Palaptine’s tyranny and oppression seemed so intent on repeating the gross mistakes that had characterized the Old Republic’s final decades and that had led to Palpatine‘s ascension.
Luke had in turn pointed out to her that aside from the restrictions of freedom, this was also a group of people who had been raised within the corruption of the Sith Lord’s New Order, corruption that had been kept in line through Palpatine and by extensions, servants such as Darth Vader. With Palpatine’s deaths at Endor and later Onderon, the order that had kept that corruption in check had vanished. And with that leader gone, it had served as an example for unchecked greed and corruption.
Luke thought back again on Leia’s description of the meeting that she, Gavin Darklighter, the late Camassi Senator Elegos A'Kla, and Admiral Krey’Fey had had with Borsk and his cronies following their narrow escape from Dantooine nearly two years earlier. Traest had threatened to take the New Republic Navy into the Unknown Regions and carve out a safe haven while the Yuuzhan Vong razed the rest of the galaxy unless Borsk allowed the military to its job and not play political games.
And it had worked up until Ithor had been destroyed, the Jedi and military blamed for the disaster and used as an excuse to allow the Senate to micro-manage the entire war to their own political goals and agendas. But it could get worse -- and given the direness of their present situation, that was saying something -- if Borsk died, which he likely would according to the prognosis of both EMH‘s and 21B medical droids.
If Fey’lya died, then what little control he had exhibited over the Senate would die with him and there would be chaos the likes of which hadn’t been seen in a generation. He was very much afraid that these Senators and whoever might ascend would, given their actions thus far, loot the New Republic as the Yuuzhan Vong overran the galaxy.
Needless to say, Luke felt more comfortable leaving the situation in Leia’s hands. She was far more skilled in the political arena than he ever would. He felt better knowing that Picard’s team had his sister backing him up in the political arena that was the Galactic Senate, but he hoped it would enough, especially against the likes of people like Viqi Shesh.
From behind him, Axum emerged into the central command center and turned towards the Diamond‘s helmsman.
“We have received docking instructions.”
“Then let’s do it.”
Location: The Quintessence
Somewhere in the Universe…
“The key to victory against the Merging on your temporal and spatial plain lies within your own understanding the Yuuzhan Vong and in the world where you first encountered them.”
Vergere was surprised for a moment. There was a world she never thought she would hear again from a non-Yuuzhan Vong warrior.
“Zonama Sekot.”
Unconsciously, memories began to flow through the Fosh Jedi’s mind of the world she had last seen fifty years previously.
Zonama Sekot, the world unlike any that had ever been encountered during the time of the Galactic Republic. Zonama Sekot, the world where the very air was charged with the purest aspects of the life energy exhibited by the Force and where ships were crafted by natural methods. Zonama Sekot, the first world of the Republic’s galaxy to suffer the Yuuzhan Vong’s manifest destiny and where Vergere’s actions to save the world may very well have been the cause of the current state of the continuing invasion
The Stranger nodded slowly.
“That is correct.”
Against all of the principles of the old Jedi Order that Thracia Cho had schooled her in a lifetime ago, excitement coursed through Vergere’s body. When she had left all those years ago aboard Zho Krazhmir’s task force, the planet’s subsequent jump into hyperspace and her inability to sense it had convinced her that she would never see the world of absolute paradise again. But, if this Stranger, this god was telling her of Zonama Sekot…
“Then the planet still lives?
He nodded.
“It does, indeed. Zonama Sekot is -- ”
The Stranger trailed off, his eyes slowly widening. At the same time, the danger aspect of Vergere’s Force abilities began tingling with a ferocity that she hadn’t felt in years. She turned around --
-- and her eyes quickly widened as she joined in with the distress and disbelief exhibited not only by the Stranger, but by Q and the others.
The Quintessence’s fire pit, their link to the outside universe, and purveyor of stars, planets, and individuals, was changing form. The flames continued their dance, but they were growing, changing shape and encompassing the room until what had been a simple campfire had become a towering inferno.
Q could scarcely recall times when he had been as disconcerted as he was, but he was determined not to let it show and quickly switched to what some would term his default setting: his flippant nature.
“Stranger, if you’re tying to pull a Guy Fawke’s Day on us, then --”
“Q, this is not my doing.”
Q blinked.
“Excuse me, what did you say?”
“This is not my doing.”
Well, deep down, Q had known that; he just wanted confirmation from the horse’s mouth -- or if he wanted to be frank in his opinion of the Stranger, it was the horse’s a--
The thought died with him. The fire pit suddenly exploded, engulfing the entire meeting hall of the Quintessence in flame and light as everything went mercifully black.
Location: Worldship Citadel
Intergalactic Void, That Galaxy Far, Far Away
There was saying that ran through both galaxies and, one way or another, had the basic message of “In space, no one can hear you scream.” As any droid could tell you, that was due to the vacuum’s lack of a medium such as oxygen through which sound could travel and be transmitted. However, could also be said of the thousands, no, millions of Yuuzhan Vong who were manning the vast armada of Yuuzhan Vong ships gathered in the Intergalactic Void.
Sacrifices and battle exercises were being carried out as usual, but there was a general silence in regards towards the daily life aboard the living vessels. For days now, word had traveled up the Occupation corridor of the defeat of their armada which would have created a stepping stone towards the eradication of the Unclean, of those who had driven the Yuuzhan Vong from paradise. Worse still, Tsavong Lah had been bested in hand to hand combat by a droid.
No place was more silent than the chamber of command aboard the Citadel, Shimmra’s private coffer. Gathered among him were the elite of Yuuzhan Vong society: High Preist Jakan and his subordinate Harrar, Master Shaper Ch’Gang Hool, and High Prefect Yoog Skell. Representing the warrior caste was Nas Choka.
Shimmra was silent atop his throne, a floating dovin basal cushion that allowed the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong race to hover above the gathered audience and further add to his appearance and status as a conduit to the Yuuzhan Vong’s pantheon of gods. His familiar and pet, the Onimi, was nowhere to be found -- a wise move on his part given that the Shamed One was a speak of truths that few dared to utter in the presence of Shimrra and with the thoughts on everyone’s mind, none of them wished to be on the receiving end of their master’s fury.
“Why have we failed,” he asked suddenly, his voice booming across all corners of the chamber, amplified by the acoustics of the coffer. “Have we not sacrificed infidel upon infidel, unbelievers and heretics? Have our agents not stirred discourse and chaps through the infidel’s ranks? Why is it then that we have failed in our first major engagement of a second infidel galaxy, the galaxy that houses those that drove the Yuuzhan Vong from Paradise millennia ago?
The Supreme Overlord fell silent, letting his words sink into the minds of those gathered before him before continuing.
“The Gods have given us a chance to inflict great war upon those that have always been our true enemy, our ultimate foe. But we have failed. Let me be clear on my next point, on the one responsible for this defeat: Tsavong Lah. There will be no attempts made to rescue the Warmaster. If Tsavong Lah has not already committed suicide, then he soon will. He had dishonored us by allowing defeat to be inflicted upon our forces and I am not so lenient as my predecessor was.”
Nas Choka and his entourage were silent, though there was a flicker of anger on some of the younger warrior’s faces at such a broad insult being labeled against the virtual leader of the warrior caste.
“And so, I have conversed with the Gods and they had told me thus. For the next phase of our holy quest, we will not launch any glorious attack the Unlcean and their Delta Quadrant until our subjugation of the original infidel galaxy is complete and until we have earned the gods’ blessings once again. Our revenge will wait for another day, but will be complete. On that day, the Yuuzhan Vong will have not only claimed their deserved home, but vengeance against those that took it from us!”
“Do-ro’ik vong pratte,” cried the assembled warriors. All were alive in their cheer save for one -- Nas Choka. Shimrra saw this of course, but said nothing for a moment, waiting for the warriors .
“Supreme Commander, you may speak.”
“August Lord, which warrior do you seek fit to place this honor upon?”
Shimrra nodded, knowing Nas Choka well. The Supreme Commander had once upon time allied with Shimmra’s domain and had overthrown the previous Supreme Overlord, Quoreal. He had done it not out of personal glory -- though that had been a benefit -- but more out of a desire to undo the damage that Quoreal had seemed intent with visiting on their people.
“You are not undeserving of the position, Supreme Commander. Your victories in Hutt space have given our people great victories and your engagement in the what the infidels termed ‘Sector 001’ was a confirmation from the gods that the our true enemy still lives. But you are still needed on the front lines. For the next phase of our war, we must utilize one of our people’s greatest resources in order to complete our subjugation of the infidels and do so in a way that will have the gods give us blessing to pursue the Unclean.”
Shimmra raised his long, clawed hand towards the membrane that marked the entrance to his coffer. The membrane parted, revealing a new occupant standing in the doorway. He was a tall, skinny Yuuzahn Vong, though not as impressive as Shimmra himself. He appeared to be scarred even more heavily than Shimmra. What also made him unique was not only did he know wear the cloak of command from the horns implanted in his shoulders, but his vondumm crab armor seemed different, almost as if to enhance his movements. But why would the Shapers do such a thing, unless…
A collective gasp arouse through the gathered Yuuzhan Vong and this time, Nas Choka was certainly among them as he finally recognized the figure before them. It was one who had held the rank of Warmaster until his son had overthrown them, who had taught the next generation of Yuuzhan Vong the keys and strategies to fighting against the infidels. Shimmra grinned with pleasure as he announced the visitor.
“Enter Czulkang Lah, new Warmaster of the Yuuzhan Vong.”
Location: Romulan Warbird Decius
Romulan Star Empire, Beta Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy
As the head of the Romulan Tal Shiar, Chairman Koval had access to items of data and technology that only a select few in the Romulan Star Empire had similar access to. This included everything from fleet movements to specific communication protocols, protocols that allowed him to tap into signals from outside of Romulan space that, thanks to Federation arrays on the border of the Neutral Zone, normally did not reach Romulan space.
Using these access codes, he had been able to call up the Federation’s New Bureau’s coverage of the running battle of Sector 001, of the Yuuzzhan Vong’s second and far more powerful attack on the Federation’s doorstep, and their ultimate destruction. The image of the Yuuzhan Vong formation crumbling began to fade as he shut down the transmission and turned to face his audience
The gathering was small, consisting of Admiral Tomalakand the captains of the few war birds that they had been able to rally to their cause. As Koval had feared, very few had chosen to go against Shinzon; unlike the Senate, he had been willing to listen to the whims of the Romulan military, a rift that while long a part of Romulan politics, had been widened by the Dominion War.
The gathering was small, consisting of Tomalak and the captains of the Romulan Warbirds that had joined them. As Koval had feared, very few had chosen to aid their cause, but they would have to make the best of their situation.
“Well, as I correctly speculated, the Senate was but a taste of what is to come. A full frontal assualt is now completely out of a question; he could kill us all within a few seconds with a fully charged thalaron weapon.’
“A weapon that would never have fallen into his hands if you hadn’t developed it,”
muttered one of the Centurions in the rear. Koval paid no attention him, but made a mental note to keep an eye on that one, C’tel he believed. He instead continued
“So, as I explained to the admiral a week earlier, we have now determined the breadth of the board that we have been forced to play upon. We know which military figures are directly allied with him and who we can trust. All that remains is his exact whereabouts.
“Yes, we were curious about that. Why would he be in Sector 001?”
Koval let out a hint of a smile.
“I was anticipating that someone would pose that question. I can tell you it was not to do the Federation, at least not at first.”
He placed a set of calculations upon the view screen.
“Taking estimates based off on top of the line engine technology that we believe went into the construction of the Scimitar, he could not have reached Earth right after the first word of the second attack as quickly as he did. And I believe I know why.”
The calculations were replaced by genetic figures and images of Shinzon and Federation Captain
“As many of you now know, Shinzon was an attempt by the previous head of the Tal Shiar and an earlier administration to infiltrate Starfleet and replace Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who at the time had been chosen to captain the Enterprise-D. The plan was aborted, but Shinzon was not killed, the result of an odd combination of compassion and sadism on the part of my late predecessor.
Shinzon’s DNA strand now dominated the stream, key areas highlighted.
“I have examined Shinzon’s DNA records and consulting with the Decius’ CMO, I believe I have discovered why he journeyed to Sector 001.”
“But why?”
“Because he’s dying.”
Murmurs went around the table, delaying his response.
“Shinzon was engineered to rapidly age in order to successfully replace Picard as quickly as possible. But when the plan was aborted, the modifications were never activated. His genetic structure is breaking down. Even activating them at this point would do little good.”
There was a feeling of renewed hope in the gathered Romulan commanders.
“How long does he have?”
“I’m not certain, nor is the doctor. But we do know this. It’s accelerating. He has perhaps a few weeks, possibly less than that.”
“Can he be saved?”
“Only through complete genetic transfusion of the only available donor -- Jean-Luc Picard.”
Everyone began smiling as they saw where Koval was going with this,
“He was in Sector 001 because of Picard.”
“Exactly. But in the confusion of battle, he missed his chance. And because Picard is now on his way to Coruscant. Shinzon may be attempting chase, but there’s no way in the hells that he could get their by conventional warp drive. So either he‘s insane and his crew are dedicated to following him or he has something else in mind. Either way, I do believe that Shinzon is no longer even in this galaxy.”
“Meaning we have a chance.”
“What about the Republic? Do they pose a threat to us?”
“Not yet. But we will worry about that later. Shinzon is the priority. With the Scimitar gone, we will have to work quickly. His allies on Romulus and in our military will no doubt wonder now if he’s trustworthy -- destroying the fleet that threatened the Federation won’t exactly help his case since he had promised military action against Starfleet.”
“So how do we convince them of that?”
“I will be returning to Romulus in secret to do just that. If we can get them on our side, then we can learn the full capabilities of the Scimitar, how to detect it, and finally, what other plans he had in mind. Gentlemen, until then, I recommend that our combined fleet be scattered lest we be stumbled upon.”
“Agreed,” replied Tomalak, as did the other centurions and admirals present.
As the meeting began to wind down, the former Chairman smiled. With his plan and revelations, the fight to reclaim the Romulan Star Empire had just entered the next phase, one he hoped would be fruitful.
Location: Ferenginar
Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy
As the Lady Luck cleared the atmosphere cleared the Ferengi homeworld, the man who had once upon a time been the Baron Administrator of Bespin’s productive Cloud City, leaned back in his seat and smiled at his large-eared, orange skinned companion.
“Well, that was a productive visit, wouldn’t you say?”
Quark matched Calrissian’s lopsided grin with a glare.
Their meeting had gone according to plan -- at least until they had entered the atmosphere. Rom had been engrossed with the data coming through on his private wall view screen of Earth under siege by the Yuuzhan Vong. He had actually cheered with the alien fleet had disintegrated like a pair on over-cooked tube grubs.
It had been the first time Quark had been home since Rom had taken over the mantle of Grand Nagus four years earlier, after his insufferable moogie had convinced Zekk to have Rom take over the position. He had of course, kept his eye on events from afar, but had not expected things to be so…clean!
The Ferenginar of his youth was gone. In its place was a continuation of Zek’s later policies. Free health care, senior benefits, environmental laws, and more and more of that strange and bizarre combination of the Federation’s socialist and communist qualities. He had practically wanted to scream and knew quite well that he had been correct with his vow aboard Deep Space Nine mere days before the end of the Dominion War.
“This establishment will be the last outpost, of what made Ferenginar great!”
That hadn’t exactly made much of a dent in Rom’s feelings toward him. If anything, it reaffirmed his desire to help his brother in a way that would please both of them, hence his appointment to the office of Ferengi Envoy to the Smuggler’s Alliance.
“Look, I don’t know what in the frinx my idiot brother was thinking! I‘m not a envoy. I‘m a frinxing barkeeper.”
“But you’re also a Ferengi and a businessman by nature.”
“The former applies to Rom, not the latter. He’s never had the lobes for business. What makes him think that this scheme’s going to work?”
“As I see it, you’re brother wants to do what’s best for his species, not himself. I’ve only met a handful of people in my lifetime that I could say the same of. You should be proud of him.
Quark sighed.
“Besides, how does that Rule of Acquisition go? Never let family stand in the way of profit?”
“Rule of Acquisition # Six; how did you know that?”
“I’ve done some reading up on your rules. I must say they’re interesting. But seriously Quark, if we can makes this work, you’ll help a lot of people in both galaxies.”
“And make a profit at the same time.”
“A slice of profits.”
“Yes, Quark.”
“A large slice of the profits.”
“Whatever floats your bantha, Quark.”
Whatever remain of Quark’s glare vanished and a smile crossed his face.
It was good to be a Ferengi.
Location: Csilla
Unknown Regions, That Galaxy Far, Far Away.
“..And the attack basically disintegrated after that. We lost Hilic‘tria and Weth’fend, but are unharmed over all. With the level of close quarters melee, it could have been far worse.”
Baron Soontir Fel sat back in the plus chair, focused on the quarter-sized holographic transmission of his son. Less than two weeks had passed since he had dispatched Jag into unknown space, to learn about the new ally that the Republic was courting -- or vice-versa in many ways, especially considering the behavior of Viqi Shesh during the initial meetings.
Figured, though; with their stuck-up nature and overall arrogance, the Kuati were among the most unpleasant and annoying groups of people in the galaxy. No wonder Palpatine had courted them during his glory days, he thought with an inward smile. He had met Palpatine once and he still held the record of being one of the few, perhaps the only man to actually scare Fel deep into his bones. There had just been something about the former Senator from Naboo-turned-Chancellor-turned-Emperor’s nature, his voice…
But that was a thought on the past that was best reserved for another time.
“You’ve done well Jag, very well indeed.”
“Thank you, sir. What are your orders concerning the Squadron and the next phase of the mission?”
Fel mused on this for a moment. The first-hand information that Jag had gathered on the Federation was important, but there was still much to gain. On the other hand, he had no wish for the Vong to use the Chiss’ inspection of the Federation as an excuse to enter the Unknown Regions -- though if they did, he and his fellow members of the Phlanax would be ready.
He came to a decision.
“Continue to gather information, specifically now in regards to the local powers and species. Report back to me on any pressing developments.”
The holographic figure bowed and the transmission ended.
Location: Deep Space Nine
Bajoran System, Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy.
A Starfleet security detachment stood posed next to the Cardassian Airlock as Odo, Kira, and Chakotay emerged from around the corner of the adjacent hallway. The airlock shuddered for a moment before rolling aside
Chakotay recognized Axum from the lingering Borg elements upon his face as well as his former captain’s -- and Seven’s -- descriptions from their time within Unimatrix Zero. Behind him were two robed figures, a man and a woman. Kira was the first to speak.
“On behalf of the United Federation of Planets and the Bajoran government, I welcome to Deep Space Nine.”
The robed man nodded.
“Thank you. I am Luke Skywalker. This is my wife, Mara Jade and our Astromech, Artoo-Detoo.”
“Ah, yes, we spoke earlier. I’ve forwarded your request to my government. We should have a response to your request to visit the planet’s surface soon.”
“Thank you Colonel Kira.
It was now Axum’s turn as he faced Odo, struggling to form words.
“Constable, if you would,” remarked Odo. Kira allowed a hint of a smile. Four years of living with the Great Link had not changed her lover’s dislike of being addressed by the Dominion’s officers as Founder.
“Constable, on behalf of Unimatrix Zero, I apologize for the damage that these rogue elements have inflicted on the Dominion."
Odo didn’t look too convinced, but it was hard to tell, both gazing at his face and through the Force. He wondered; could Changelings be Force sensitive as well, to possess the ability to wield the mystical energy field? Or were they like the others in this galaxy? So many mysteries contained within this galaxy, so little time to solve them and by doing so, find a way through with the Force could save them all.
With the sudden departure of Quark, the official bar and gaming establishment of Deep Space Nine had suffered. It wasn’t as bad as it could be if Morn had been away on business, but Quark was the one who helped keep the bar going. But business was still good, in many ways better, similar to the occasions that the Ferengi had been forced to leave Rom in charge.
From the top level, a simple Bajoran man who spent his time scribbling calculations and astronomical predictions based off of ancient scrolls, sat in his chair, silently eating his meal and sipping his raktajino. His contacts in the government had alerted him to the request that had been made on the half of the alien visitor, the Jedi and --
Ah. There, beyond the docking ring of the promenade, emerged the main members of the administrative staff, and not one, but two Jedi. The man smiled, plying with his hasperat soufflé. His calculations and predictions were correct. Everything would soon come into play.
Location: I.K.S. Gorkon
Earth, Sol System, Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy
“And parry!”
Alexander ducked as Anakin brought his blade down, missing the son of Worf. Of course, it was not as if he could actually hurt him. The blade’s power settings had been adjusted by the younger Solo to low-levels, where it could remain solid, but enough to block an object, not cut through it -- the it being a bat’leth in this case.
From the corner stood Worf, leaning on a cane and silently watching the movements. He knew that Anakin was going easy on his biological son, but he was obvious about it. It was interesting though, to see a Jedi performing basic combat techniques, given that his previous exchanges had been rushed and against Yuuzhan Vong. He had been impressed and had asked Anakin if he would be interesting in seeing life aboard a Klingon ship, the Gorkon -- and in term having met his biological son, assigned by Martok to the new ship.
With Han, Jacen, and Jaina involved in assisting Federation repair teams understand Republic technology. He would have joined them, but he had jumped at Worf’s offer. Anakin had in turn been fascinated by the Klingon‘s culture, their warrior traditions, and their spirituality. Aside from their forehead bumps, their lack of midi-chlorians, and a slightly odd smell, they could very well be the Jedi of this galaxy.
Uncle Luke had journeyed to Bajor to attempt to seek the answer from a well-documented well of Force energy. But Anakin felt it could be solved by basic interaction and pondering.
Both Alexander and Anakin looked up as Worf came forward, moving slowly to take care of the injuries he had suffered from the Yuuzhan Vong attack.
“Good, Physical reaction and adaptation, good agility.
Before Worf could continue with his play-by-play analysis of their practice duel, Worf’s communicator beeped.
“Worf here.”
“Commander Worf, please report to the bridge now.”
It was the voice of Captain Klag. The two Klingons and one human Jedi looked at each other.
Though he was normally hot-headed, Drex was outright silent, instantly alerting Worf that something was wrong as he, his son, and the young Jedi entered the Gorkon’s bridge.
“What is it?”
“The Gorkon just received a priority transmission and we’ve been ordered to return back into the Empire.
“What’s happened?
“The Chancellor was presiding over a meeting of the High Council to discuss the Empire’s position on the Yuuzhan Vong and what could be done with our limited resources when there was an…accident.
Dread began to fill Worf’s soul.
“Go on.“
Klag sighed.
“Martok was shot; we don‘t know who the sniper was. And he’s not expected to live.
Location: Naboo Royal Cruiser Gray Spirit
Coruscant System, That Galaxy Far, Far Away
When the United Federation of Planets had been formed in the Earth year of 2161, one of the goals had been the sharing of ideas and culture across the cosmos. But never had the singing races would imagine that four humans, an android, a Betazed, and a hologram would share one single, collective exclamation.
From their times on a variety of ships, from three Enterprises to the Voyager, the Federation team had more or less seen and experienced it all. But the sight of the immense cityscape of Coruscant, it’s twinkling array of lights, immeasurable lines of traffic, and its very existence proved that there was still time, even in their day and age, to see new lives and new civilizations the likes of which they had only imagined.
From behind them, at the edge of the cockpit, Leia Organa Solo and Queen Quital simply smiled.
“You haven’t seen anything yet.
Location: The Quintessence
Somewhere in the Universe…
There were occasions where one regained consciousness and instantly wished they hadn’t, because oblivion was certainly a far better alternative to the truth. This was one of those times, thought Q as he came to.
The Quintessence’s meeting chamber was a wreckage of its former self. The pillars were blackened and cracked, the chairs of the representatives laying in pieces across the floor. The source of the current cosmetic re-decoration, the fire pit, was all but out save for a few glowing embers.
Q rubbed the back of his beck as he rose and did a quick head count. Everyone was there: Sisko, Ayelborne, M -- he noted with a slight frown --, the Stranger, Ver…
The Fosh Jedi that had journeyed to the alien world of Zonama Sekot, who had spent fifty of her years living alongside the alien Yuuzhan Vong, and who had been summoned by the Stranger to bear witness to the Stranger and the plans of the Quintessence, was gone.
The Stranger was the first to speak, his tone weary and angry.
“Our opponent has played his hand. He has deprived us of our primary tool, our own emissary.”
There was silence. Q finally spoke.
“Is she dead?”
Uncertainty filled the Stranger’s face.
“I…I don’t know.”
“Can we still win without Vergere‘s assistance?”
The Stranger was silent.
“I don’t know, Q. I don’t know.”
His eyes continued starring into the extinguished fire pit, uncertain of the hand that the cosmos had dealt the Quintessence.
End Act I…
* Well, that’s a wrap folks -- at least in regards to the first Act of The Best of Both Worlds, which I will now refer to for the first time as Across the Stars. Now, we are truly ready to move into the second Act of my little epic, Force and Counterforce, and then once it concludes, onto the grand finale, A Time to Every Purpose.
* Again, it’s getting interesting, isn’t it? Certain plot threads and bits that seemed inconsequential and irrelevant earlier in the story are making sense now, aren’t they. And once again, just wait until you see what I have planned up my sleeve…
* For anyone noticing, the fact that this first Act is 19 installments long, the exact same as the New Jedi Order, I can assure you that it was entirely accidental.
* The reason for the Gray Spirit’s name will be revealed in good time.
Last edited by JME2 on 2004-11-08 01:34pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Pathetic Attention Whore
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- Emperor's Hand
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- Prozac the Robert
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It's so nice to forget about my life for a little while to focus on the lives of fictional characters.
No conscience. No law. No stopping them....
....well, maybe a Happy Meal would do it.
Ka Anor needs test subjects!
I still think Furlings look like tribbles
....well, maybe a Happy Meal would do it.
Ka Anor needs test subjects!
I still think Furlings look like tribbles
There's nothing wrong with doing that. I intentionally upped the writing schedule to get Chapter 19 out in order to produce this kind of effect in the aftermath of the Election., And I'm glad to see it's having its intended effect.Agent R wrote:It's so nice to forget about my life for a little while to focus on the lives of fictional characters.
- Dishonest Resident Borg Fan-Whore
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- Emperor's Hand
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8 dyas is hardly a long break between Chapters Walper.Robert Walper wrote:I regret to inform everyone that due to JME2's delays at submitting another BOBW chapter, he had a little accident with one of the beasts I had intented to use to threaten him with:
I told him not to get too close...did he listen? I guess the image answers that...
*Blasts Walper with IMOD*
*Dunks JME2 into Bacta tank with a liquid proof laptop to write with*
Thank you.Crazedwraith wrote:8 dyas is hardly a long break between Chapters Walper.Robert Walper wrote:I regret to inform everyone that due to JME2's delays at submitting another BOBW chapter, he had a little accident with one of the beasts I had intented to use to threaten him with:
I told him not to get too close...did he listen? I guess the image answers that...
*Blasts Walper with IMOD*
*Dunks JME2 into Bacta tank with a liquid proof laptop to write with*
Anyway, I'm aiming for an update before Thanksgiving, but understand that I'm also trying to add more chapters to Yesterdays and Tomorrrows. Thanks for your continued patience, however limited it might be...
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11950
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- Location: Cheshire, England
For us evil Pommies for don't know when your colonial idoit's have your holidays....when is that?JME2 wrote:Thank you.Crazedwraith wrote:8 dyas is hardly a long break between Chapters Walper.Robert Walper wrote:I regret to inform everyone that due to JME2's delays at submitting another BOBW chapter, he had a little accident with one of the beasts I had intented to use to threaten him with:
I told him not to get too close...did he listen? I guess the image answers that...
*Blasts Walper with IMOD*
*Dunks JME2 into Bacta tank with a liquid proof laptop to write with*
Anyway, I'm aiming for an update before Thanksgiving, but understand that I'm also trying to add more chapters to Yesterdays and Tomorrrows. Thanks for your continued patience, however limited it might be...
Didn't we have this same problem last year?Crazedwraith wrote:For us evil Pommies for don't know when your colonial idoit's have your holidays....when is that?JME2 wrote:Thank you.Crazedwraith wrote: 8 dyas is hardly a long break between Chapters Walper.
*Blasts Walper with IMOD*
*Dunks JME2 into Bacta tank with a liquid proof laptop to write with*
Anyway, I'm aiming for an update before Thanksgiving, but understand that I'm also trying to add more chapters to Yesterdays and Tomorrrows. Thanks for your continued patience, however limited it might be...
Anyway, I'm aiming before next Thursday, but due to preperations, I can't promise anything.
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11950
- Joined: 2003-04-10 03:45pm
- Location: Cheshire, England
I thought i was having Deja Vu. Well it's not my fault you still use silly national references on an international board. Anyhoo I think I might have used the wrong slang, were we pommies to the yankees and limies to the austraians or the other way around?JME2 wrote:Didn't we have this same problem last year?Crazedwraith wrote:For us evil Pommies for don't know when your colonial idoit's have your holidays....when is that?JME2 wrote: Thank you.
Anyway, I'm aiming for an update before Thanksgiving, but understand that I'm also trying to add more chapters to Yesterdays and Tomorrrows. Thanks for your continued patience, however limited it might be...
Anyway, I'm aiming before next Thursday, but due to preperations, I can't promise anything.
- DarkSilver
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pommies tot he aussies, limies to usCrazedwraith wrote:*snip*
I thought i was having Deja Vu. Well it's not my fault you still use silly national references on an international board. Anyhoo I think I might have used the wrong slang, were we pommies to the yankees and limies to the austraians or the other way around?
frigging limies
-injects new Nanoprobes into Walper-
don't shoot the Borg freak....not yet anyway....
We can always use him to force JME2's continued writing... (just read it btw, great stuff, really enjoying it)
*watches as several Borg surronded JME2 and that echoing Borg voice is heard from seemingly nowhere*
Eating is Irrelevant
Sleeping is Irrelevant
There is only the Fanfic
Wha about me?
You are Irrelevant
XBL: Darek Silver | Wii Friend: 5602 6414 0598 0225
LibriumArcana - Roleplaying, Fiction, Irreverence
Trekker (TOS, TNG/DS9-Era) | Warsie (semi-movie purist) | B5'er | TransFan
Cult of Vin Diesel: While it is well known that James Earl Jones performed the voice of Darth Vader, it is less appreciated that Vin Diesel performs the voice of James Earl Jones.
LibriumArcana - Roleplaying, Fiction, Irreverence
Trekker (TOS, TNG/DS9-Era) | Warsie (semi-movie purist) | B5'er | TransFan
Cult of Vin Diesel: While it is well known that James Earl Jones performed the voice of Darth Vader, it is less appreciated that Vin Diesel performs the voice of James Earl Jones.
- DarkSilver
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- Posts: 1606
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Borg:JME2 wrote:No I'm not. Without me, you wouldn't get your less-addictive, but still enjoyable alternative to Starcrossed, as DarthDavid cracked back on page 2...DarkSilver wrote:Borg: You are Irrelevant
You are Irrelavent
only the Fanfic Matters
(heh, but I am still eagerly awaiting the next chapter....)
XBL: Darek Silver | Wii Friend: 5602 6414 0598 0225
LibriumArcana - Roleplaying, Fiction, Irreverence
Trekker (TOS, TNG/DS9-Era) | Warsie (semi-movie purist) | B5'er | TransFan
Cult of Vin Diesel: While it is well known that James Earl Jones performed the voice of Darth Vader, it is less appreciated that Vin Diesel performs the voice of James Earl Jones.
LibriumArcana - Roleplaying, Fiction, Irreverence
Trekker (TOS, TNG/DS9-Era) | Warsie (semi-movie purist) | B5'er | TransFan
Cult of Vin Diesel: While it is well known that James Earl Jones performed the voice of Darth Vader, it is less appreciated that Vin Diesel performs the voice of James Earl Jones.
- Emperor's Hand
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- Joined: 2003-04-10 03:45pm
- Location: Cheshire, England
- Dishonest Resident Borg Fan-Whore
- Posts: 4206
- Joined: 2002-08-08 03:56am
- Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11950
- Joined: 2003-04-10 03:45pm
- Location: Cheshire, England
Yah know, I think I better up JME2's security a remmebr the lat time you 'encouraged him' I seem to recall having to lead a gater rebellion....Robert Walper wrote:I'm formulating a new bodily harm threat stradegy. He'll type faster, or suffer the consequences.Crazedwraith wrote:Thursday has come and past JME2, I want that Chapter not excuses....JME2 wrote: Anyway, I'm aiming before next Thursday, but due to preperations, I can't promise anything.
And thats such a bother don'tcha think?
- Dishonest Resident Borg Fan-Whore
- Posts: 4206
- Joined: 2002-08-08 03:56am
- Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Damnit, his apologetic nature is making me feel sorry for him...JME2 wrote:As happens every year, the Thanksgiving season screwed up my schedule. Add into the fact that I have been almost a week without real computer access and I apologize for the delay. I will resume work on it when I can, but real-life will still be somewhat hectic these next few weeks. Sorry, guys.
*puts away knives, lightsabre, torture instruments, man eating monsters*
Ok, we'll be a little bit more patience...*pats keys to Rancor cage* a point.
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11950
- Joined: 2003-04-10 03:45pm
- Location: Cheshire, England
Prods Zat gun in Walpers back. I would take your hand away from those keys Robert i wiuldn't liek to 'accidently' pump three zat shots into you know would I?Robert Walper wrote:Damnit, his apologetic nature is making me feel sorry for him...JME2 wrote:As happens every year, the Thanksgiving season screwed up my schedule. Add into the fact that I have been almost a week without real computer access and I apologize for the delay. I will resume work on it when I can, but real-life will still be somewhat hectic these next few weeks. Sorry, guys.
*puts away knives, lightsabre, torture instruments, man eating monsters*
Ok, we'll be a little bit more patience...*pats keys to Rancor cage* a point.
And JME2 no worries I was just asking to check you will still with us...