I have no idea who Sokartawi is. Get him/her to join in on this debateSo this guy got titled in less than a day, but with Sokartawi, who was just as insulting (only to soldiers instead of transsexuals, a choice in each case), took that huge ass shitstorm?

Intolerant?I said nothing about any punishment or discrimination. I just think he has issuesYes, Bruc Lee is being a bit of an intolerant git. But was he that much worse? I don't see it.

He has issues because he hacked his own penis offOh, and yes Ahmed has issues, or he/she wouldn't have returned to Kuwait after a sex change operation and expect to fit in. Hell, he/she can't even drive a car or show his/her face in public anymore. Ahmed should have moved to Canada or the Netherlands where he/she could experience rights while still living in a vibrant muslim community.

ps where did my cool pic go? WooooooooooOOOOAAAAAAAHHH!