JLU/Secret of Blue Water: Yesterdays and Tomorrows

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Post by JME2 »

If you think he kicks ass now, just wait until we get further along. Since I am following the series-continuity (To be blunt, I'm re-telling the story of Nadia, albeit with Justice League characters as part of the action), there are two major engagements with the Neo-Atlanteans that are going to make Batman fans cackle with delight now that the Dark Knight is going up against them...

Until then, because I couldn't resist, three more Batman vs. Gargoyle teaser posters :) :

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v329/ ... sGar1b.jpg


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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Those posters are good! :shock: But the first one rocks, because it doesn't make Gargoyle look like he's about to cry and it also makes Bats look EVIL!

Mmm...maybe you should be a little bit more descriptive. Specially when Batman starts kicking ass.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by JME2 »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:Mmm...maybe you should be a little bit more descriptive. Specially when Batman starts kicking ass.
Believe me, I intend to. :twisted:

But, of course this the Justice League vs. Neo-Atlantis, not Batman vs. Neo-Atlantis, so Diana will get her fair share of action too -- starting with defusing the fallout in the next chapter when Batman discovers who it is that Nemo has in the Nautilus' sickbay... 8)

In addition, I'll start cranking out Diana vs. Nadia posters (They're both strong-headed, femminist, and get annoyed by their male counterparts :lol: )
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Feh. Batman could take the entire Nadia-verse by himself 8)
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by JME2 »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:Feh. Batman could take the entire Nadia-verse by himself 8)
Possibly. But with this fic, I'm of the mindset that while he could, even he's going to have trouble against some of Gargoyle's own toys (ex. Episode 21 -- I won't spoil it, but for those who have seen the series, you know what I'm talking about). That's why, like Chewie to Han, it's good to have a six foot flying Amazon watching your back... :twisted: 8)
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Post by JME2 »

Well, after the delays caused by Thanksgiving, I'm back on track and it's time for another chapter!
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Post by JME2 »

Disclaimer: Batman created by Bob Kane, Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, Wonder Woman created by William Moulton Marston. All three are owned by DC Comics. Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water created by Hayo Miyazaki, based upon characters created by Jules Verne, and owned by Gainax. I own the story and any original characters/species. No copyright infringement is intended.

Justice League/ Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water: Yesterdays and Tomorrows

Synopsis: A Justice League/Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water crossover; During a battle with Morgaine Le Fay, Batman and Wonder Woman are, through the witch's magic, thrown back through time and space to an alternate 1889, just as Jean and Nadia's adventures are beginning. What effect will the two Leaguers have in the fight against Gargoyle and the Neo-Atlantean movement?



Chapter V -- Aboard the Nautilus, Part 1


"I have long hypothesized that there are an infinite number of parallel dimensions, each containing its own planet Earth. Each Earth occupies the same location in space, but vibrates at a different speed."

-Tom Turbine, 'Legends'-


It could be said that there were three things that the mechanic Sanson cared about in his life. First and foremost was his continued loyalty to Ms. Granva, all the more remarkable in that even after her family’s fortune had dwindled away thanks to the swindler Gonzales, he, like Hanson, had stayed at her side all these years.

Second on the list was his love of machines, of the cogs and gears and oil and the magic that they could produce. Both of these cares combined into his third life-long care, the Gratan. It was like the child he had never had -- and given his lack of luck in the field of romance, it was more likely that he never would -- and he cared for it as devoutly as he served Grandis.

Thus, it was no surprise to those that knew him well that the sight of water seeping through the riveted floor of the contraption would send him into a panic. He lifted himself out of the hatch and faced the children and the brooding, shadowy outline of Gotham City’s champion.

“We’re taking on water and we’re going to need help. I don’t suppose you have anything in that belt of yours?”

Batman glanced at him and then thought for a moment, his eyes focusing on the Nautilus, a solution that would be beneficial to both of them forming in his finely honed mind.

“Do you have a radio or any kind of wireless communication?”


From the observation deck of the Nautilus, less than a kilometer away, another dark and brooding figure observed the island and the continued ravaging of the interior by the fiery inferno. Nemo’s gaze was however fixated more on the sky and the fading silhouette of the Calcharodon. As much as he desired to go after his old nemesis, it was simply not feasible. They were out of range of the aerial depth charges and the Nautilus was in no shape to go after them. Their vessel was good, but not that good and even they had suffered damage from the explosion of the Tower and their emergency dive.

No, Gargoyle would have to wait another day.


He didn’t bother turning around, but knew that it was Electra, approaching him from the main hatch.

“Captain, the Radio station just intercepted an S.O.S message from that bizarre looking craft.”

He considered this, then nodded.

“Read it.”


She cleared her throat and read the message to her captain.

“Yoo-hoo, please save us. Pretty please, love Grandis’. That’s what it says.”


Nemo hesitated for a long moment before coming to a decision.

“Bring them aboard.”

“Are you sure about that, sir?”

The voicing of her thoughts was simply a voicing of one of Nemo’s main rules. The Nautilius tried to limit the number of individuals from the outside that came aboard their vessel in order to keep their cause and conflict secret from the rest of the world. They just wouldn’t have been able to comprehend and understand the horror that their foe could inflict.”

“I am. They put up a good fight against the Neo-Atlanteans and Gargoyle. We should reward them for that.”

“Aye sir.”


“I’ll be back for you shortly.”

The door to their quarters swished shut, leaving Jean and Nadia and Marie and King alone to themselves.

The Nautilus had towed the Gratan into the main hanger, where they had been greeted by a masked Electra who had been, to say the least, surprised to see Jean and Nadia so soon after they had departed.

Marie was playing with King, Jean taking in once again the scientific and technological wonders of the Nautilus, and Nadia was silent, still trying to take in everything that had happened in the last two hours.

“Why did you think Bat-man ask for separate quarters?”

Jean just shrugged.

“He struck me as the kind of person who likes spending time alone. I mean, look at how he kept to himself right after we escaped from the island”

But despite his observation, the cogs of Jean’s mind, the scientific and analytical procedures that marked his thought processes were still in motion in regards to their masked rescuer, of his talents and abilities, and his very person.

Just like the Nautilus, he wanted to crack the shell that was the Batman.


Though life aboard the Nautilus was far from ordinary, the events of the last several days had been enough to surprise even the ship’s first officer. Consider that the following had happened with less than forty-eight hours: A costumed -- and she was scantily clad enough to cause Electra to wonder if using the term costumed was overly generous on her part -- woman had fallen from the sky, Gargoyle had attempted to unleash another Tower of Babel, and the children they had rescued less than a week before had been caught up in it, along with another costumed individual, this one with a motif of a bat.

Electra couldn’t helped but have a feeling in the pit of her stomach that the woman lying in the sickbay and this ‘Bat-man’ were related, especially. But she had not brought that up, though she wondered if the ‘Bat-man’ -- who while physically impressive was as emotionless as even Nemo from what she had been able to briefly discern when she had appeared in the main loading bay

She switched off from the observation on the children’s rooms and instead focused on their next set of guests. The pilots of that strange craft were fiddling with the door, but they couldn’t break through; the technology of the Nautilus was too advanced for them to simply pick the lock. She switched now towards the monitor of their final guest, the “Bat-man” --

-- and her mouth dropped wide open.

The costumed survivor from the island was gone.


When Bruce Wayne had set out on his ten-year sojourn across the globe, he had been determined to learn every possible skill that would assist in the implementation of the Plan and had therefore sought out those that could teach him such skills. One such instructor had been the magician Zatara, a disciple of Harry Houdini himself who, along with his daughter Zatanna, had taught Bruce the art of escape artistry.

In that time, Zatara’s lessons had served him well, both in the defense of Gotham City and the rest of the planet, and quite recently, in his escape from his ‘quarters’ aboard this Nautilus. Call him cynical -- which Alfred, Dick, and his teammates did on a regular basis -- but he had a rather hard time believing that any area where one was locked in and not spoken to for hours on end could be called anything other than ‘quarters’.

So, with his trusty utility belt in hand, he had set himself to the task of bypassing the door’s security system. It had not been easy for a variety of reasons. First, the waves from the destruction of the island citadel had no doubt done minor, if not significant, damage to his specialized LCD palm pilot and tech. Secondly, even if they had worked, it would have been impossible to make it work with this system.

The latter disturbed him because of his initial examination of the door. The Dark Knight was faced with once again, yet another oddity. Submarines were feasible at this point in time; the launch of the Confederate sub Hunley and the sinking of the Housatonic in Charleston harbor in 1864 proved that. There was just one major difference. This Nautilus was to the Hunley what a simple motor-car was to the Javelin-7-class craft that WayneTech had built for the League.

And that was another thing that disturbed him, this name of Nautilus. He had, as a child, read Jules Verne’s tales of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas and The Mysterious Island and so knew of the legendary submarine. Normally, he would not have considered that significant; several early submarines that the Hunley had preceded had been named Nautilus. But when Jean had been speaking to Nadia while they had watched the fire from the Gratan, he had inadvertently let slip a key detail.

He had used the name Nemo to describe the skipper of this Nautilus.

So, what did it mean?

Perhaps this was simply a man who had a serious problem with his role model and fantasy hero and had had the resources to build such a craft and take on the name. The year according to Jean was 1889 and while it was possible that the boy was lying -- and with a degree of confidence, Batman was certain he wasn’t; he was too bubbly and enthusiastic to strike him as the lying type, though the concealment of the existence of the Nautilus during his questioning the day before was working against his favor -- that would mean that Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas had been written less than two decades before.

So, it was possible that someone had grown up with what some considered one of the quintessential works of science-fiction and had wanted to assume the identity of his hero. He had encountered instances like this, most notably with Jervis Tetch, AKA the Mad Hatter. But then, that theory had several holes, namely that the technology in Gargoyle’s fortress and on board the Nautilus was far too advanced for 1889. In addition, he had, while they were waiting in the loading bay, quietly and indiscreetly questioned Grandis and her two assistants. The year was, as they had said, 1889.

He was becoming more and more certain that this was indeed 1889, but not the one of his world. In short, what was it? If he hadn’t known that he had been struck by Morgaine Le Fay, he would have been considering a variety of different scenarios, among them: Was it a dream-world, such as the one that the Mad Hatter had once fashioned for him and that the insane John Dee AKA Dr. Destiny had repeated? Perhaps an hallucination brought on by drugs similar to those crafted by ex-Professor Jonathan Crane, AKA the Scarecrow?

No, it was very likely an alternate 1889; their encounters with the Justice Guild and the Justice Lords had proven the existence of alternate dimensions and Jean having never heard of Gotham City worked in that theory’s favor . But that in turn led to several more questions. Even if he was a visitor from another world, was he even justified in possibly altering their own future? And just as importantly, how in the hell was he going to get home?

Clicking his boot heels three times certainly wasn’t going to help, as he decided that these were questions best left to another moment, especially when he sunk into the shadows of the Nautilus’ corridors, attempting to avoid groups of crewmembers coming off duty.

In addition, there was another thought forming in the back of his mind regarding the reaction of that woman -- Electra, Jean had called her -- to his very presence. A look of what could cvonsittute at slight recognition of sorts. Perhaps it was due to an encounter with figures like Jonah Hex or Ra’s al Ghul or Sin Tzu-- if such figures existed in this world -- or stories of such heroes and villains -- again, if they existed. Perhaps another example of a Verne-esque scenario at work here or even --

A beeping from his utility belt brought him out of his thoughts. It was his Justice League tracker, a device the League had utilized to track its members via their communicators. The beeping meant that another Leaguer was within tracking distance.

But that couldn‘t be? He was on the only Justice League member on this entire ship and possibly reality. It had to be malfunction caused by the exposure to the elements.

Or was it?

He tended to expect the unexpected, after all.


Minutes later, he had, after careful maneuvering through the corridors, tracked the signal back to its source, the ship’s sickbay. The doctor and nurse on duty became alarmed at the visit of the masked crime fighter walking through the doors as if he owned the place.

“What are you doing? Who are you?”

But he failed to hear any of the words coming out of the doctor’s mouth. His gaze was drawn towards the bed on the wall and its occupant.

Diana of Themyscira, AKA Wonder Woman


Electra stood outside Jean and Nadia’s quarters, a stressed look upon her face. Behind her were Grandis and her cohorts, now under Electra’s escort.

“Your friend seems to have let himself out of his quarters?”

“Friend? Oh, you mean Batman? I mean, what‘s the harm of having him out?”

Electra raised her eyebrow, causing Jean to blush slightly in embarrassment.

“Jean, this is serious. Until I can find him, I’m going to have to confine both of your groups into one room. I -- ”

There was a sound of running feet coming from around the corridor. It was Nursce Ecolai, a look of hysterics and fear upon her face.

“Thank god I found you. He’s gone berserk!”


“Someone you brought on board, dressed up like a giant bat!”

Electra and Jean starred at each other and then proceeded to run like hell in the direction of Sickbay, Nadia and the others hurrying to catch up.

Electra cursed at herself mentally. Their security precautions were extensive. How in the hell had he slipped out of his quarters without being detected? Could he be a Neo-Atlantean agent, sent by Gargoyle to infiltrate and destroy his sole opponent from within?

She doubted that Gargoyle would have blown up an entire facility in order to sneak and agent aboard their craft, but that man…no, man was too humane. That monster’s wickedness and cunning had shown no bounds in all of the years that they had fought against him; he might very well have done such a thing.

“I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding,” Jean said as they passed through the sickbay doors --

-- and saw Batman holding the Nautilus’ CMO by his neck to the wall, calmly interrogating him as if he were questioning a punk in one of Gotham City’s many alleyways.

“I’ll ask you again: What did you do to her?”

He was pointing with his right hand to one of the sickbay beds, to the woman that the Nautilus had fished from the seas shortly before they had detected the energy signature from the Tower of Babel. So, Elecrtra had been correct with her hunch about a possible connection between the two.

“N-nothing. She fell from the sky shortly before the attack on the island.”

It was the truth, but it didn’t look like he believed it, as Electra decided that it was time to end this.

“Put him down. Now!”

Electra had pulled her gun, training it on the Dark Knight --

-- and less than a moment later, the firearm flew out of her hand, a batarang pinned to the outer casing. A look that mixed surprise and shock flashed across her face. She had barely seen his arm move. How in the hell could anyone move that fast? Thoughts of Gargoyle and Atlantean genetic experimentation came to her mind as she her mind raced furiously, tying to decide what they could do when --

“That’s enough!!”


Captain Nemo had seen much anger in his lifetime. He could see seeds of it being sown in those he knew, particularly in Electra and vowed to keep an eye on them. But the fury exhibited by this ‘Bat-man’ was frightening and incredible at the sane tine. So controlled, so efficient, so with purpose.

The Dark Knight kept his hold on the Doctor, but instead glanced at the newest entry into the sickbay.

“Captain Nemo, I presume?”

The Captain was silent for a long moment. Then he spoke.

“I can only infer based on that you have scarred one of my crewmembers and are currently harassing my doctor that the woman we found and have treated to the best of our care is known to you.”

“She is indeed,” a cool, yet slightly weary feminine voice replied. All eyes turned slowly towards the source of the voice. Diana had risen from the hospital bed that she had lay in . She was still bruised and bandaged across her face, but otherwise alright.

She glanced at her injuries, then at her folded clothing and breastplate, and then at the situation being played out in front of her. She couldn’t help but sigh. She knew her fellow Leaguer well enough to guess how this had turned out.

“I apologize for my comrade’s behavior; he doesn’t trust anyone.”

“A wise policy,” noted the Captain. “Now, will he please put my doctor down?”

Diana nodded and glanced once more at the Dark Knight.

“Put him down, Br --”

Batman gave her a look that would have caused a Gotham criminal to lose control over their bladder. Even if this was an alternate 1889, he wasn’t exactly in the position or the mood to divulge his ‘civilian’ identity until he had a full idea of their situation -- something that wouldn‘t be possible through simply observation. No, he would have to speak with this Captain and his crew.

He released his hold on the CMO, then starred back at Wonder Woman.



It was Electra, ironically, who broke the long and awkward silence.

“Who are you people? Where in the hell did you come from?”

Diana responded before Batman could stop her. He of course wanted to open a discussion, but rather one under his supervision. Call him a control freak, but it was simply how he liked to do this, both in and out of Gotham.

“I am Princess Diana of Themyscira, also known as Wonder Woman. My associate is Br --”

The glare came back on, causing Diana to correct herself.

“-- Batman. We’re --”

“--I’ll take it from here,” Batman cut him. Diana sighed, but allowed him to continue, in part because she was so tired and that Batman seemed to have a greater grasp on what was going on than her. While she tired to follow Amazonian doctrines of peace during her exile in Patriarch’s World, the violent aspects of her behavior had come out, especially when she was exhausted.

Better to build an olive bridge with these people with Batman, as unsound as it might have seemed.

Nemo nodded, sitting down on one of the sickbay’s beds.

“I’d like to hear it then.”

And so the Dark Knight began his narrative.


To be continued…

* Everyone who was complaining about Diana’s virtual absence since the first chapter can now rest easy (and stop emailing me too, while we’re at it -- I kid, I kid!).

* Batman’s time with Zatarra can be seen in the BTAS episode “Zatanna”.

* I couldn’t resist throwing in the references to the Hunley and the Housatonic. Naval archeology, you see, is one of my favorite interests/hobbies, dating back to my checking out from my school’s library of the book Exploring the Titanic. Since that time, I’ve collected numerous books on shipwrecks, met Titanic discoverer Dr. Robert Ballard himself, and participated in attempts to preserve shipwrecks which are historically significant. It’s not often that I get to go into my hobbies and non-DC/pop-culture knowledge in my stories, so this was a fun treat for me in writing this chapter. My love of the ocean also probably explains why I got interested in Nadia in the first place.

* The encounters with the Justice Guild and Justice Lords can be found in the episodes “Legends” and “A Better World”.

* The bit of Jonah Hex and Ra’s makes reference to the BTAS episode “Showdown”, also set in the late nineteenth century.

* Sin Tzu was the villain introduced in the animated video-game Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu. Based on his backstory as presented in the novelization, he’s been active for several centuries.
Last edited by JME2 on 2005-04-17 03:52am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by frigidmagi »

I like... Write More.
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Shroom Man 777
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Awesome, really spiffy stuff. Somehow every chapter seems to have Batman kicking ass. This is a Batman story, not a JL one. And I love it.


"Thus, it was no surprise to those that knew him well that the sight of water seeping through the riveted floor of the contraption ."

There's something missing there.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by JME2 »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:Awesome, really spiffy stuff. Somehow every chapter seems to have Batman kicking ass. This is a Batman story, not a JL one. And I love it.


"Thus, it was no surprise to those that knew him well that the sight of water seeping through the riveted floor of the contraption ."

There's something missing there.

And I am going to mke an effort not to let Batman dominate the story too heavily (though it's difficult to not have fun when the Dark Knight's kicking ass :twisted: )

The fact of the matter is, the Dark Knight is best utilized for critical thinking and deduction for the story. Diana will be more in the role of bonding with Jean and Nadia, though Bats will find common ground with them whether he wants to or not.
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Post by JME2 »

Ahah! Yes. I've been promising them for a while and they're finally ready! Behold, the first of the long-awaited Diana/Nadia posters for Justice League/Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water -- Yesterdays and Tomorrows:



If I had to pick my personal favorite, it's the first one (and here's a fun fact I didn't notice until I was doing these; Nadia is in fact an anagram of Diana. Well, I found it amusing at least :lol: ).
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Nice work. But their different artistic styles really contrast each other, and that could be a bad thing. Why not try the Diana pics taken from the comics?
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Post by JME2 »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:Nice work. But their different artistic styles really contrast each other, and that could be a bad thing. Why not try the Diana pics taken from the comics?
Eh, I wanted to use the Timm-style since we are using the Timm-Batman and Wonder Woman. As always, I am working towards finding a better way to integrate the two better. Thanks for your inupt!
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Post by JME2 »

Well, what we have here is a clear example of what happens when you don't say "Enough is enough." Spending the afternoon writing the newest chapter of The Best of Both Worlds wasn't enough for me. I just had to write another chapter of Yesterdays and Tomorrows, too. Ah, the joy of getting bit by the writing bug. But still, it's also a pleasure to write of subarmines and pricnesses and vigilnates kicking megalomaniac/Atlantean a**. So, without further adieu, I give you the continuation of Yesterdays and Tomorrows. Enjoy. :)


Disclaimer: Batman created by Bob Kane, Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, Wonder Woman created by William Moulton Marston. All three are owned by DC Comics. Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water created by Hayo Miyazaki, based upon characters created by Jules Verne, and owned by Gainax. I own the story and any original characters/species. No copyright infringement is intended.

Justice League/ Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water: Yesterdays and Tomorrows

Synopsis: A Justice League/Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water crossover; During a battle with Morgaine Le Fay, Batman and Wonder Woman are, through the witch's magic, thrown back through time and space to an alternate 1889, just as Jean and Nadia's adventures are beginning. What effect will the two Leaguers have in the fight against Gargoyle and the Neo-Atlantean movement?



Chapter VI -- Aboard the Nautilus, Part 2


As was typical of ships and their commanders, the captain’s quarters contained memorabilia and artifacts collected during his voyages throughout the seas and oceans and from his career. Nemo’s cabin onboard the Nautilus was no exception to this. Normally, he would take refuge and limited delight in the displays and literature that presided along with him within the confines of the cabin.

But not tonight.

He was lost in thought, pondering several items. The first was the narrative supplied to them from the costumed survivors. And what a narrative it had been. It had seemed like a dream, an unfathomable possibility and impossibility. They had been audience to a tale of two worlds, of magic and science, and perhaps most importantly, a world without Gargoyle or Neo-Atlantis.

Well, that was not entirely accurate.

Atlantis, from what the Batman’s companion had stated, existed in their world as well, but it had never been a dominant world power. Instead, it was an ancient city sunk beneath the waves in combat against extra-dimensional beings called the Old Ones. And their ruler, who they called ‘Aqua-man’, while occasionally aiding their League, was content to rule the waves beneath their surface.

Nemo couldn’t help but wonder what this monarch’s reaction would have been in regards to Neo-Atlantis had he also been pulled into this world

He also couldn’t help but dwell on what they had said of their Justice League. A group of beings with imaginable abilities and powers banding together to promote peace and justice -- such a concept was unbelievable and hard to embrace given how Gargoyle showed, as Lord Acton had phrased, how absolute power could corrupt an individual.

And speaking of individuals…

With his cabin perched above the aft tail fin of the Nautilus’ hull, Nemo was granted an impressive view of the forward half of his mighty submarine. The deck was all but deserted, save for one individual: the Bat-man. He had been meditating for a time, the sea air apparently soothing to him. But he was now engaged in the execution of practice moves. Controlled punches and kicks, stylized jumps and acrobatic leaps from one end of the forward bow to the other. Despite himself, he was entranced by the almost ballet-like style of his guest‘s movements.

The elite of Old Tartessos and the Royal Guards had been trained in basic physical combat, but never anything like this. The style was completely different. Still, that hadn’t stopped his first officer from privately confiding that she thought he was Neo-Atlantean agent. Nemo could see that that was false. This man had been gifted with incredible physical prowess and his movements spoke to Nemo’s eye as the result of years of training and discipline.

No, the Bat-Man was a born fighter and not the product of Atlantean training.

But the Amazon…

Even if they were truly from another world, then there was no reason to bring that up at this point in time. Just as the Batman had refused to give his real name or remove his mask, the Captain too had secrets that would not easily divulge. Perhaps she was what she said she was, but it was too early to be certain.

She had had as powerful and commanding a presence as himself -- though even he had to admit, with some wry amusement, that it was not so much her voice and presence that enraptured her audience and those around her. But that was as far as that thought went. Thoughts of another strong, dark-haired woman from his past replaced those of the Amazon…


Within the rear hanger, Hanson and Sanson were perched above the silent form of the Gratan. Despite his desire to both escort Ms. Granva and explore the Nautilus, he was also anxious to restore his mechanical brainchild to full operating potential. The main damage had been more along the lines of the hull plating caused by the explosion, but they were tied to vital systems. Given the water damage, he was being forced to remove the cables and make certain that they were still usable before reinstalling them or else the Gratan would short out when they started her up.

But while Sanson provided minor assistance, he was more inclined to simply lounge about and talk. He was simply more skilled at showing off his vanity and strength then assisting in complicated repairs. His attention however was focused slightly on the claw marks left by the Batman’s specialized gauntlets during their escape from the island fortress.

“Do you really believe that they’re really from another Earth just like ours?”

“I’m sure of it. Personally, I’d love to see this Javelin-7 and Watchtower that the Princess spoke of.”

“Hmm. Didn’t he say they had been recently been destroyed?”

“Or something like that. But a mechanic can hope, can’t he?”

“I suppose so.”

Sanson decided to change the subject away from their costumed comrades.

“To be honest, I’m more concerned about Ms. Granva.”


“Well, think about it. She spent half the time gazing at both Nemo and Princess Diana.”

“So? I’ve seen her looking at people like that before. Maybe she was just as enraptured by their tale was the rest of us.”

“Old chum, it’s the way she was starring that you and I know all too well.”

Hanson nearly dropped his wrench and looked up at the ex-chauffeur, his eyes widening.

“You think she’s fallen in love with Diana?”

Sanson slapped his forehead; almost falling off the dorsal hull.

“Good god man, no! I meant Nemo. Captain Nemo!”

“Oh. That actually makes a lot more sense considering what happened with Gon-”

Sanson held up his finger in a warning symbol and Hanson followed his advice. Neither of them liked to discuss what happened with that gambler and the emotional damage he had inflicted on Ms. Granva. If they ever encountered him again, Sanson was intent on giving that scoundrel a piece of his mind -- not to mention a mean right hook.

“Anyway, my point is that you remember how she can get around men she’s attracted to.”

“Yeah. So?”

“So, the sooner you the get the Gratan repaired, the sooner we can get her away from Nemo.”

Hanson looked sullen at Sansons’s suggestion.


“Well what, Hanson?”

“Well, it’s just that there’s so much to learn here from the science and technology of this ship.”

Under normal circumstances, Sanson would normally poke slight fun at Hanson’s love of technology. But not today. He went silent, thinking about his partner’s statement. But the thought was less on the technological marvels of this Nautilus and more on one of the Bat-man. He too had never seen someone -- other than himself of course -- move that fast or hit that hard.

Perhaps each of them could indeed learn something new from the Nautilus.


Due to the lateness of the hour, King, Marie, and Jean had quickly fallen asleep within the comfortably heated confines of their cabin. But Nadia had not. She lay on the cot, Marie breathing at her side softly, thinking nonstop.

Jean had kept talking about this new world, about the Batman’s tools and Wonder Woman -- it just went on and on. Thank gods Jean had quieted down. Nadia had never claimed to have mastered the art of the conversation, but she did have occasionally eloquent responses, usually beginning with the words, “Shut up!”

She hated many things, from technology to violence and despite the fact that he had rescued her, the incident with the Nautilus doctor did not work in his favor. In short, like Electra, she didn’t like this Bat-man at all. Jean could, but that was fine -- for as brilliant as he could bew in the month that she had known him, he was still an idiot in her book.

As for the Princess -- well, she didn’t now; she hadn‘t seemed violent, but Nadia had leaned well from her time in the circus that appearances could be deceiving.


In his mind’s eyes, he saw her as clearly as if it had been yesterday. Flowing black hair as black as night, that smile that could melt his heart -- the memories went on and on.

So, he shut that thought out. His ghosts and past actions haunted him like any other man, but now they were in full swing for the first time in a long, long time. And it was not due to simply the presence of these strange visitors from another time and place. No, it was far more complicated due to an introduction made by Electra after the Bat-man had concluded his narrative.

He had been shocked silent at the introduction made by Electra after the narrative had concluded and he had ordered everyone, crewmembers and guests alike, to get some sleep. It couldn’t have been, he told himself.

But it was.

He looked down at his lap, at the ancient, ornamental box that he kept locked up in his safe and removed sparingly, if at all. Contained within its cushioned interior was a large, blue gemstone, one with a missing piece that would just about match, say a necklace-sized stone.


Though the Wayne Family had been a part of Gotham City since its founding, their presence in Wayne Manor only went back a hundred and fifty years to the time of his ancestors Solomon and Joshua Wayne, who had purchases it from a Gotham-based railroad tycoon.

Why they had purchased the Manor remained somewhat of a mystery. Perhaps it had been because they intended to use the caves beneath the home as a stop on the Underground Railroad. Or perhaps it had simply been an ideal spot to begin the real-estate career that had built the Wayne fortune into what it was by the time their current descendent began to utilize it for his quest.

Bruce believed in both explanations, though as a child he had favored the latter. He had grown up with the sea air and it was one of the few happy memories he had of his childhood. It was also one of the few things that brought him comfort during the darker times of his ongoing war on Gotham’s crime.

That was in part why he had chosen to perform his nightly exercises on deck; it helped put him in a better state of mind as well as the fact that there was more space. As per his guidelines, all of his personally-trained protégées maintained a highly complex and vigorous workout plan in order to stay in shape for the harsher, more physical aspects of their defense of Gotham City.

Under normal circumstances, he might even be sparring with Diana -- she had proven an excellent opponent thus far, allowing him to gain insight into combat styles not seen in many, many centuries.

But not tonight.

Partly because of her injuries and partly because he needed the time to himself, he was alone here on deck, plotting out the next stage of his investigation. The narrative had gone decently, though Batman was certain that more questions would follow in the days to come. His conversation with Nemo had been an instance of quid pro quo.

Of course, he had no doubt that Nemo was concealing some items of information, but then again, so was he. He wasn’t quite ready to trust him and the Commander of the Nautilus certainly wasn’t either -- for example, he had withheld the Jules Verne connection; no need to bring that up yet, if at all. The shock of learning there was another world out there had been enough for one night, yet he couldn’t help but wonder what Nemo would think if he learned that in the League’s world, the Captain and his submarine were the products of a nineteenth-century French wr --

Gotham’s Dark Knight came out of his thought process, the sound of an organ cutting into them like a batarang through air. The haunting melody was coming from the conning tower that rose out of the ship‘s stern. For a moment, just a brief moment, he was reminded of his father, but for what reason he couldn‘t quite name.

He shook it off and continued his exercises. A little more physical exertion, a few hours of sleep, and he would be ready to continue his investigations and explorations of this submarine. He had solved hundreds of cases throughout his career and though he was not prone to overconfidence, he too felt that he could and would solve the mysteries presented by this timeline.


Like Batman’s training programs, the Amazon way of life was for not for the faint-hearted. Amazons trained from a young age on the art of Grecian combat, to defend themselves, and of course, the Amazonian equivalent of “Take a licking, but keep on ticking.” That could also describe the reaction of the Nautilus’ CMO to her healing, especially considering how a fall form that height would have killed any mere mortal..

Amazons were rapid healers, but it still took time to recover from injuries like the one she had sustained. Another day or two and she should be full healed. Yet, she was not prone to lying still. She needed to exert herself, to move her muscles. So, she had asked him wearily yet kindly for a chance to move about, if just a little bit.

Despite what had happened with Batman’s interrogation -- and he had admitted that he had simply over-reacted to the potential loss of a teammate, something that the Captain had seemed to understand -- he had relented. As she moved slowly and cautiously, she thought back on what had occurred after the narrative.

Batman had asked for some privacy to speak alone with her to bring her up to speed on what happened since leFay’s energies had rebounded. It was an interesting tale and she was curious about this world, just as her companion was -- but more out of interest in learning about the threat that had tried to kill them until they could receive a pick-up.

Hopefully, if Etrigan and the others hadn’t been whisked way to other strange times and places, they could hopefully begun mounting a search for them ASAP. But if their encounters with the Lords and the Guild had been any indication, the multiverse was vast and uncharted.

They mighty very well have to seek out the talents of some of their Earth’s other magicians, perhaps Dr. Fate or Zatanna, in order to find them. But there was nothing to do about it and so until them, it would appear that they would be involved in this fight for a while.

She enjoyed a good fight; it was simply in her nature as much as --

She stopped in her tracks as he noticed that another nocturnal presence was up and about this evening.

But it wasn’t Batman.

Instead, it was the girl that he had rescued from the island, Nadia, she believed. Diana had gotten much of an impression from the children or their adult companions from the narrative in sickbay, so she didn’t know what to think of her. However, she was certain that the tears streaming down her eye and autopilot-esque movements were not part of her normal behavior.

She was moving in the direction of the organ music that had been playing for the last few minutes. Diana hadn’t really paid it any heed; Her attention had been focused in putting one leg in front of the other. Besides, despite her exile, she still preferred Amazonian dance and music in comparison to the horrible grating sounds and singing being marketed by jerks like Flash’s sleazy ex-manager, Artie Bauman.

Unfortunately, despite the speed which she was moving, she was still faster than Diana in her present condition and Diana had to hobble on after her. By the time she had rounded the quarter, she saw that they had yet another face up and about. It was the first officer, Electra, if she once again recalled correctly. She had her hands on Nadia’s shoulders, listening to Nadia speak.

“When, when I heard this music. I thought I heard my mother calling.”

Electra shook her head.

“Please Nadia, wake up. Captain Nemo is the one playing that music. Now, go back to bed.”

That seemed to wake Nadia out of her trance.

“Captain Nemo?”

Electra nodded.

“Yes. That hatch leads to his cabin. But no one is ever allowed to enter there. That goes for you too, ” she added, noticing Diana walking slowly up the corridor.

“I wouldn’t think of it.”

However, Diana had a feeling that if Batman was as zealous as he was when he had questioned the Nautilus’ doctor, then that wasn’t going to matter to him. And given their present situation, with a way home not an option, that could be a bad thing. She’d have to talk to him about that in the morning.

“And just what are you doing out of sickbay?”

“You doctor gave me permission to stretch my legs. I’m not used to being bed-ridden.”

After what had happened with Batman in sickbay, she clearly wasn’t thrilled with the idea of another costumed character up and about. But she said nothing. Instead, both women were now focused on Nadia as she closed her eyes and began to cradle the blue jewel around her neck, almost as if praying to it.

Though Diana too hadn’t fully mastered the art of the conversation since coming to Patriarch’s World, even she knew that this was not the time to say anything. Gazing upon Nadia, she couldn’t help but wonder.

Had this girl lost her mother?

Perhaps there was something that she and this Nadia did have in common after all.


To be continued…


* As promised, Aquaman and Atlantis have finally been addressed.

* The ancient Atlantis incident can be seen in the episode “The Terror Beyond”.

* Wayne Manor’s origin in the Timm-verse has never been given, so I utilized elements of the comics history here.

* Flash’s time with Artie Bauman can be found in “Eclipsed”.
Last edited by JME2 on 2005-04-17 04:03am, edited 2 times in total.
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Shroom Man 777
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Nifty and spiffy. I like this. Now I await the asskicking Batman's bound to unleash upon everybody :D
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Post by JME2 »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:Nifty and spiffy. I like this. Now I await the asskicking Batman's bound to unleash upon everybody :D
Be careful what you wish for. :twisted:

Anyway, there will be indeed be conflict between the Leaguers and the Nautilus crew; the seeds for that have been laid in this and the previous chapter, especially between Batman and Electra. Between Nemo's XO and the Dark Knight, it's going to slowly build until finally all hell breaks loose during the events of Nadia episodes 21/22. But the seeds have also been laid for Bats/Wondy to bond with Jean and Nadia in their own respective ways; that will become important when we reach the events of episodes 12/13 and 15/16 (again, Nadia fans know what I'm speaking of, but I'm not going to spoil it).

And of course, there will be lost of little fun items along the way. I'm really enjoying writing this and thank everyoen for their continued interest in the project. :)
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Post by JME2 »

I curse once more at the writing bug. After all, this is now the third chapter I've churned out within the course of one week. But I just can't stop myself! And besides, I'm having too much fun, as always, in writing this -- especially now that we're in the Nautilus phase of the series.


Disclaimer: Batman created by Bob Kane, Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, Wonder Woman created by William Moulton Marston. All three are owned by DC Comics. Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water created by Hayo Miyazaki, based upon characters created by Jules Verne, and owned by Gainax. I own the story and any original characters/species. No copyright infringement is intended.

Justice League/ Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water: Yesterdays and Tomorrows

Synopsis: A Justice League/Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water crossover; During a battle with Morgaine Le Fay, Batman and Wonder Woman are, through the witch's magic, thrown back through time and space to an alternate 1889, just as Jean and Nadia's adventures are beginning. What effect will the two Leaguers have in the fight against Gargoyle and the Neo-Atlantean movement?



Chapter VII -- The Minefield, Part 1


As it had had happened ever since the creation of the Solar System, the blazing orb of the sun crept once more over the edge of the horizon, the first signs of sunlight reflecting off of the Nautilus‘ hull. Normally, this was one of Electra’s favorite parts of the day; it always had been that was since she was a little girl when the sun had crept over the mountains that surrounded Old Tartessos.

But this morning, her attention was focused on her commander, on his seemingly impassive form on the main deck of their all-purpose submarine.

“You knew. You knew who she was all along.”


She had known this conversation was going to happen the moment they had left sickbay after the narrative of the costumed guests had concluded and he had set his eyes on the girl. After she had escorted Nadia and Diana from the vicinity of the Captain’s quarters, she hd barely been able to sleep, trying to prepare for this.

“Hmm. I see.”

She chose her next words carefully.

“ I also know that this matter is none of my affair, Captain.”

Nemo remained silent for a long moment before nodding slowly.

“That’s correct. You may go.”


He continued to stare out at the rising sun long after his first officer had headed for the bridge to check on the repair status of the Nautilus.


As nutritionists had long remarked, breakfast was the most important meal of the day. For the Dark Knight that was, well, not exactly a foreign concept. He had something resembling it each and every morning after roughly three hours after coming in from his patrols of Gotham City. He had, if a case needed his every waking moment, opted for efficiency in the form of ready-made instant meals. Alfred Pennyworth, ever the culinary artist, had not been amused by such a prospect, but respected the wishes of his employer.

Presently, however, he was sharing that rare breakfast with his only other familiar companion currently in this reality, Diana of Themyscira. Unlike Diana, Batman was still clothed in his costume. Diana was in the process of speaking to him about it.

“You know, you could take that off.”

Batman just glared at her.

“Alright. I’m just saying Br- Batman that we’re going to have to establish some kind of level of trust with this crew until we can get picked-up.”


“Hmm, what?”

“Diana, we have an number of issues to deal with involving this ship and her Captain. The biggest priority is that I’m going to need access to some kind of foundry or workshop.”


He held up the latest generation of his utility belt, the compartment flaps unlocked to reveal the crime-fighting arsenal contained within.

“I used up about a quarter of my arsenal when we fought Le Fay and later when we escaped from the island. If we’re going to be drawn into this war, I’m going to need to replenish and modify what I --”

Batman trailed off as the sickbay door open. Instinctively, he reached for a batarang from the open compartment, drawing a look of annoyance from Diana.”

“Oh, will you stop it? These people are not dangerous.”

Considering that he had seen the Captain of this vessel ram his submarine through a Garfish-class submarine like a hot knife through butter less than forty-eight hours earlier, Batman would have easily countered such a statement if his attention had not been divided -- a rarity in his life -- by the guest arriving through the doors.

It was Jean Coq Raltique, but not in the bright, chipper mood that he had had when Batman had first spotted him in the bushes of the island. He wished he could have said something to put the boy at ease. That was more of Clark’s strength than his.


“Captain Nemo’s ordered Nadia and I to change quarters. Grandis is to move in with her and I‘m supposed to be with Hanson and Sanson.”


This came from Diana, not Batman -- who was tempted to shut out the conversation and instead focus on finding a way to replenish his arsenal, but the detective in him wanted to hear this out.

“She -- Ms. Electra -- said something about living together not being proper.”

“And that’s what’s troubling you,” asked Diana. Jean shook his head.

“Yes and no. Well, then I looked at Nadia and she, she just got all made for no reason. I mean, I know she’s moody, but I’m just not used to it.”

Considering what he had been put through when he had made the decisions to raise and train both Dick Grayson and Tim Drake, Batman had a rather good idea as to where on Nadia’s person Jean had been looking at, but he said nothing. Either way, this situation sounded to him like a typical late nineteenth-century, Victorian attitude.

“Oh,” he added, “Electra said that also applies to both of you, too.”

Batman and Diana starred at each other. Diana went slightly red, but began laughing softly at the expression on Batman’s face. Jean looked confused.

“What is it?”

“It’d nothing Jean,” she said, ignoring the second helping of The Glare that the Dark Knight was giving her this morning.

“Well, I’d better go find Hanson and Sanson.”

As he headed out, Diana couldn’t help but smile again at her less-than-amused companion.


Within the sanctum of the bridge, the Sonar Officer, one Echo, frowned at what his displays were recording.

“Captain Nemo?”


“I’m detecting an airborne object approaching from the stern.”


“Twelve kilometers and closing fast, sir. Approximately twenty-seven knots, headed in a northeasterly route. It could be Gargoyle’s airship.”

Electra shook her head in puzzlement.

“But why would he come back in this direction?”

Nemo considered this for a moment, trying to understand Gargoyle as he knew him. The island fortress had been destroyed from the Tower of Babel’s explosion, it’s facilities burned to ash along with the tower and the Garfish. With the time it had taken to repair the Nautilus, he should have been long gone, headed for one of his many auxiliary compounds.

So Electra was correct: Why was he coming back in the direction of the Nautilus?

“He has his own reasons,” he said at last.


Like the Dark Knight’s first squire -- though she had no way of knowing that -- Nadia had grown up in the circus and though used to the cramped, confining aspects of traveling, she was more comfortable within the large, open space of the tent and the center ring.

So, she, Marie, and King had come on deck just as the Nautilus mighty engines had started up, propelling the vessel across the sparkling water. The trio had given one last look to the dying embers of the inferno that had consumed the Neo-Atlatean fortress. Marie had waved and called out good-bye to her mother and father, both taken from this life by Gargoyle’s foot soldiers shortly before Jean’s plane had been shot down over the island.

While she felt for Marie’s loss, however, her mind was elsewhere.

Maybe it was simply that even though she had apologized for their month-long pursuit, she wasn’t quite ready to trust Grandis Granva. Maybe it was Jean’s horrible act in their quarters that had stirred anew the arguments between them. Maybe it was even the arrival of a second costumed figure in addition to that violent Bat-man, one that had shown what appeared to be genuine concern for Nadia during the incident with the organ playing last night -- and the unexplained memories of her mother that that had brought out.

Or maybe it was all three of these; she wasn’t too certain. She sighed, catching the little girl’s attention.

“What’s wrong, Nadia?”

“I don’t know Marie. I guess it’s just that so much has happened in the last few days.”

“Oh,” replied Marie, not fully comprehending what Nadia was trying to say -- which wasn’t surprising since she was only six years of age -- but she wanted to try to cheer up her new friend. But Nadia had slipped back into her thoughts and so Marie began to play with King.


“It’s within visual range,” announced Echo.

“Shall we track it?” Electra asked. Nemo considered his options for a moment.

“First Helsman, bring her about one hundred and eighty degrees. Prepare for rapid submersion.”

“Aye sir.”


“All hands, prepare to dive,” boomed Electra’s voice from the ship wide intercom.

Batman gazed up as the alarms began sounding throughout the submarine, his interest piqued and instinctive battle-ready protocols going into affect. Diana of course, noticed the change and though still tired and aching from her healing injuries, had to make a point.

“Before you get up, please don‘t do anything stupid. We need to build trust with them, Batman.”

He said nothing, causing the Amazon to sigh.

“Alright, go. I won’t stop you.”

He leaned in, a smirk on his face.

“You’re not in any position to do so.”

For that comment, she gave him the Amazonian equivalent of his Glare, but by the time her faced had formed the expression, the Dark Knight had performed his customary, twelve year running vanishing act and was gone.

“Men,” she muttered.


Nadia, Marie, and King were all so immersed in the sight of the strange craft approaching the stern of the Nautilus that they almost didn’t hear the Nautilus crewmember throw open the main hatch.

“Didn’t you hear the call? The ship’s about to dive. Do you three want to drown?!”

Nadia shook her head.

“No. Come on Marie; we’d better hurry.”


“Tanks are viable. Pressure normal. All systems are go,” announced Electra as the red lights on her display panel switched to green, indicating that the Nautilus was now once again beneath the waves.

“Dive angle at twenty-five degrees. Depth is thirty meters,” noted the helmsman.

“Return ship to level position. Maintain minimum speed.”


The Nautilus’ master and commander then turned to the sonar station.

“Deploy detector unit,” ordered Nemo.


Atop the aft conning tower and behind Nemo’s quarters, hull plates swished open to reveal a buoy-type object that quickly ascended to the surface, bursting atop the waves and activating, linked to the Nautilus by a single, heavily protected cable.


“We have attained visual contact,” announced the operations officer from the forward station.

The viewing portal flicked to life, displaying the readouts presently coming through the detector unit. Their target was in plain sight, the Calcharodon quickly moving closer and closer towards --

“That’s the sky over the Le Mer Staraits, sir. This poses a problem Captain; the reefs there will be impenetrable for the ship.”

“Sir,” Echo said suddenly, “the Airship is increasing her speed. We’re falling behind, sir.”

“Captain, what are your orders?”

Nemo was silent, again weighing his options.

“If we go around them, then we’ll lose Gargoyle. Use the undersea passage, First Helmsman.”



“Oh, hello there.”

Still confined to bed -- though her injuries were close to healing that she would likely be able to move without the level of difficulty she had faced last night -- Diana had been studying her costume, inspecting it for any damage it might have sustained during her fall from the heavens. There wasn’t even a scratch or discoloring. Hesphaestus had done his job well.

And so, she had been absorbed in the inspection when the doors opened, admitting Nadia's lion cub to the room. Diana held out her hand to King in a friendly gesture.

The lion cub sniffed her hand cautiously for a moment and then began rubbing his head against it, clearly liking Diana. She in turn had always liked animals, both during her childhood and after she had left Themyscira to fight the alien Imperium. In fact, before Jason Blood had come to Wayne Manor’s doorstop, she had been meaning to ask Kal for a visit to the alien zoo he kept in his Antarctic Fortress as a means of coping with Shayera Hol’s betrayal of the League.

A moment later, Nadia and Marie ran through the door, startled to see King and the Amazon princess reacting so well. King rubbed his head once more against Diana’s hand and then walked towards Nadia.

“King got frightened when we dove. We‘ve chased him halfway across the ship.”

“He’s been fine. I’ve always liked animals, especially cats.”

Despite this, there was a brief awkward silence between them for a moment, Diana taking it upon herself to break it

“Your friend Jean was looking for you earlier. He was pretty upset at having gotten you angry.”

What appeared to be a slight look of disgust and annoyance flashed across Nadia’s face for a brief moment at the mention of Jean. Bur she said nothing, instead realizing the absence of another individual.

“Hey, where’s your friend?”

Diana sighed wearily.

“Up and about. He’s not one to stay still at a time like this. And neither am I if these were normal circumstances,” she groaned as she shifted position, her few remaining aches and pains plaguing her.

“I’m somewhat amazed that you’re alright. The kind of fall that the doctor described would have killed me or anyone else.

Diana smiled.

“I’m an Amazon. Rapid healing is part of who we are.”


Nadia’s gaze then turned towards Diana’s garments.

“What about this armor? Is that a typical Amazonian garb?”

Diana shook her head.

“No, that was gift from Athena, a indicator of my position as Princess of Themyscira.”

Marie was playing with King and so hadn’t caught the meaning of Diana’s simple statement. Nadia on the other hand had, her eyes widening in disbelief and curiosity. She may have grown up in the circus, but she had learned a few things during the company’ tour of Greece.

“Athena? As in the Greek goddess Athenea?!”

But before Diana could indeed acknowledge for the African circus performer her relationship with the Olympians, they were suddenly all thrown across the sickbay as the Nautilus’ engines shut down without warning.


The situation on the bridge tensed as the Nautilus barely came to a stop in time, the forward hull nearly contacting with the metallic objects blocking their path at the end of the passage beneath the Straits, objects that Echo hadn’t spotted until it had almost been too late.

“What are those?”

“Mechanical mines,” replied a wearied Nemo.

“He laid a trap for us,” commented Electra, her anger rising once again towards the self-proclaimed leader of Neo-Atlantis and the cunning he had so often exhibited in their ongoing war.

“Hmm. Now, put her into full-reverse. Straight rudder.”

“Aye, full reverse,” repeated the helmsman as he pulled back on the Nautilus‘ steering apparatus.


Jena had been preparing to head out with Sanson and Hanson when the order to dive began. They had remained still and quiet until the Nautilus had shut down her engines in order to avoid the mines. Now, they were confused once again as the motions of the ship indicated reversal of the engines.

“Now what are they doing,” Sanson wondered aloud. Grandis, however, had a worried look upon her face.

“I have a very bad feeling about this, boys” Grandis said quietly and nervously.


Two decks above Grandis’ quarters, Batman shared a similar sentiment. He had parked himself in the shadows surrounding the corridor leading to the bridge. A simple placement upon the bridge door of one of his many technological gadgets and he had been kept informed of everything that had transpired since the ship had dived beneath the waves. He knew that this was a delicate operation and had no wish to endanger them all by interrupting the bridge‘s activity ;even he wasn‘t that foolish.

However, he didn’t like this at all. There was something about this stratagem that seemed odd to a strategist such as himself. Why lead them through only one minefield? If this Gargoyle had been as intelligent as he had perceived him during the assault on the castle and if Batman had been in plotting out this plan, then he would have placed mines…

Oh no.


“Lord Gargoyle, we have finished deploying all of the mines.”

The Calcharodon was maintaining position above the Straits, but had doubled back to the opening as soon as the Nautilus had proceeded through. Ripples continue to spread outward from where the airship had deployed its stock of experimental mines, developed primarily to take down cargo ships, but also for use against Nemo and the Nautilus

From the front, plus cabin of the airship, the Neo-Atlantean Lord nodded to his aide, a smile forming beneath the elaborate, ornate Atlantean mask.

“Good. I hope they were surprised by my gift. Receive it with an open heart, and perish, my dear friends.”


They had almost completely cleared the undersea passage when the bridge’s aft hatch -- the one leading into the ship, not the outer hull -- flew open, revealing Gotham’s Defender. Electra was les than thrilled to be gazing into the eyes of the Dark Knight, especially considering the situation they were now in.

“What are you dong here?! Civilians are not allowed on the bridge during battle!”

Batman paid her no heed, instead focusing on the chair of command and is occupant.

“Stop the ship. He’s laid another trap.”

Before Electra could respond, Echo suddenly wheeled around

“He’s right! I’m detecting mines from our stern, captain!”

Nemo wasted not time.

“Emergency stop. Power to bow!”

“Full stop! Full Power to Bow,” yelled the Chief Engineer into the intercom on his panel that connected to Main Engineering and the ship’s particle-annihilation engine. As before, crewmembers, boy inventors, “reformed” criminals, and Amazonian warriors were thrown about the Nautilus came to a screeching, sudden halt.

The crewmembers aboard the bridge slowly raised themselves back up into their chairs. Captain Nemo, however was looking at the Dark Knight.

“How did you know?”

“It’s what I would have done if I had been in your enemy’s position, ” Batman explained.

Nemo nodded at the explanation provided by Gotham’s champion, then turned his attention back to his senior staff.


“We’re blocked in. All exit routes are completely impassable.”

“And our diving suits can’t withstand the pressure at a depth this great,” continued Electra.

The chief engineer nodded in response to Elecrta‘s statement, knowing quite well the strengths and weaknesses of their equipment; it was his job, after all.

“That’s correct. And the space is too small for the work pod to deploy.”

“We could push them back with our jet-propulsion,” suggested the helmsman. Interesting, noted the Batman, filing away this statement for future examination

“But the sudden pressure might only serve to detonate them.”

Nemo sighed in complete frustration at the predicament they faced, that he had gotten them into.

“He has us.”


To be continued…


* Since Batman had already demonstrated his talents during the assault on the island and in the escape from his quarters aboard the Nautilus, readers have asked if Diana would get a similar chance to show off her abilities to Nemo and his crew. This chapter is meant to set up that opportunity, the payoff coming in the next installment.

* Echo, Electra, and Nemo are the only members of the Nautilus’ senior staff that were given names during the series. I know it’s awkward, but I’m reluctant to create names for them -- at least for now.

* Hesphaestus was revealed as having forged Diana’s costume in “Hawk and Dove”.

* Despite “Hawk and Dove”, there’s never been a clear explanation for the origin of Diana’s costume, specifically in regards to “Secret Origins” where the Amazons didn’t give chase after she borrowed it from Athena’s Temple. I’m therefore going with the theory poised by the Justice League Watchtower website, that it was a gift from Athena that she had every right to.

* Just to clear up any possible confusion, the Nautilus’ diving suits can function past the depth of 30 meters. Although I didn’t mention it, the undersea passage was at a depth of about three-hundred meters.
Last edited by JME2 on 2005-04-17 04:04am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Awesome. Lovely. Some missing parts though.
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shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
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Post by LadyTevar »

Other than the little slips where the paragraphs were cut mid-sentence, great job!
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Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by JME2 »


When this is completed down the road, I'll iron out these little problems. Thanks as always for your continued interest in the project.
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Post by Trogdor »

Great chapter. I've never even seen Blue Water and I'm getting into this.

Didn't Hephestus say something about WW's armor belonging to Diana's mother. Some comment about her not filling it out as well as Diana did? That would make it fall under the category of family heirloom, I guess
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

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Post by JME2 »

Trogdor wrote:I've never even seen Blue Water and I'm getting into this.
You just made my day with that comment. Let me explain why.

One of my main incentives for this project is that while Nadia is one of the most popular animes of all time, it's not that well known outside of Japan. With this project, I hope to change that and help get people interested through this story.

That and as Shroom could tell you, it's great fun to have Gargoyle being forced to deal with a certain Dark Knight. :twisted:
Trogdor wrote:Didn't Hephestus say something about WW's armor belonging to Diana's mother. Some comment about her not filling it out as well as Diana did? That would make it fall under the category of family heirloom, I guess
(Does raspberry to self)

This is what happens when you don't watch Hawk and Dove in four months. I'm trying to stay true to the continuity of the Timm-verse, but it isn't always easy and I ocassionally mess up as with the above.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Oh, and for the record, I too known jack shit about Nadia. But this Gargoyle guy sounds like your typical evil anime bad guy, and its fun to have these fellows get beaten senseless by The Batman (note, capitalize the T in The when talking about The Batman. always).
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by JME2 »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:Oh, and for the record, I too known jack shit about Nadia. But this Gargoyle guy sounds like your typical evil anime bad guy, and its fun to have these fellows get beaten senseless by The Batman (note, capitalize the T in The when talking about The Batman. always).
You just reminded me. I have a "Making of" chapter in the works (Just a little something I've been putting together alongside The Best of Both Worlds). Let me give you an excerpt from the section on everyone's favorite Neo-Atlantean Lord:

Lord Gargoyle
Like Bruce Timm said of Darkseid prior to the airing of “Twilight“, Gargoyle’s got class, baby.

Gargoyle is one of the more unusual anime villains. He's not an over-the-top monster foe like many an anime [or Batman] villain, but a cruel, calculating, misanthropic fiend with an infatuation with world conquest. He's also manipulative, sarcastic, and very deadly. He’s got class and composure suited all around him, from his plush quarters onboard the airship Chalcaradon to the use of the harpsichord in his personal theme music. He’s very much the Ra’s al Ghul of The Secret of Blue Water and my kind of villain

So, I relished the opportunity to pit him against my kind of hero -- the Dark Knight.

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Post by Trogdor »

JME2 wrote:
Trogdor wrote:I've never even seen Blue Water and I'm getting into this.
You just made my day with that comment.
Glad to have made one of my favorite fic writers happy. :)
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
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