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Post by Grendel »

Darth Wong wrote:
Grendel wrote:
Why should you be glad that an organization with idiotic rules is now harshly (and inconsistently) enforcing them?
I am glad that the organization is finally starting to enforce their rules, even if they are being applied unequally. Why? Because it is a good start towards the equal application of their rules.
That is fucking stupid. It's like saying that random punishment of the citizenry is a good start toward a system of justice.
Except those who are punised aren't just punished at random. The way you are presenting it here, it seems like those who are punished are just minding their own business and doing nothing wrong then are suddenly smacked with a fine. That isn't the case. Those who are punished are punished because they broke the rules.

In short, random punishment of the citizenry isn't a good start towards a justice system, however punishing some of the criminals is.
THEN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU SUPPORT THE FCC CLAMPING DOWN FOR THE ENTIRE GODDAMNED NATION? Don't give me this smarmy wise-ass "you need to pay attention" bullshit when you keep contradicting yourself, asshole.
Of course. The louder you yell the more correct you are. I beg your forgiveness. :wink:
Hey look, an asshole who focuses on style over substance, totally ignoring the point!
Hey..... You're the one who is trying to hammer a pont across by yelling. Perhaps if you yell a little bit louder I might finally understand your point. By the way... nice dropping the rest of my post in an effort to avoid pointing out that I did go on to answer your questions after belittling your response.
Once more: you claim that you support local standards while simultaneously defending the indiscriminate use of a nationwide federal-level jackhammer. Can you say "self-contradicting sophistic bullshit artist"? And the fact that you retort with these smarmy evasions and "you need to pay attention" bullshit remarks when it's patently obvious that it's impossible to correctly state your position SINCE YOU SIMULTANEOUSLY TAKE BOTH SIDES OF THE ISSUE is just another proof that you're either trolling or an idiot.
I said it before and I'll say it again; the current system is broken but something is better than nothing. I believe that it is only proper to work within the current system until a new one can be put into place; one that offers more opportunity for local control. That means that for the time being, broadcast stations ought to follow the guidelines as best as they can otherwise they risk the punishement of Heir Powell.
I support the FCC right now because it is all there is and all we have and until a better system is created I will continue to support it. I will, however, continue to support an evolvement towards a more localized system that judges based on standards from community to community instead of trying to set one blanket set of guidelines for an entire country.

In a choice between under-regulation and over-regulation, I will choose over-regulation any day, at least when it comes to the FCC.
When in doubt, err on the side of less freedom and more injustice? What country are you from, anyway? America or Saudi Arabia?
Oh yes! Yes! I must be an evil freedom-hating bastard. How else could I be marching in lock step behind the FCC?

Now... remind me again exactly which freedoms are being infringed upon, because the last time I heard, both broadcasting and listening to broadcasts were still privelages; not rights. Of course, I might have missed a new amendment or something.
I'm pointing out how childish the opposition viewpoint is by mocking it, you fucking idiot.
Hmmm. Could have fooled me. If you really want to continue arguing, then come back when you can discuss shit like an adult instead of a screaming 2 year old.
Oh look, more of your worthless "style over substance" evasions of the point. If you can't address the point, just attack the manner in which your opponent makes it, eh?

News flash, fucktard: the logical consistency of a position is not bolstered by maintaining an atmosphere of decorum, nor is it destroyed by using dirty words. In fact, the only people who treat such stylistic issues as summaries of the content of an argument are, themselves, children.

In short, let me summarize your post for you: "Mr. Wong used the F-word, so I win! Nyaaa nyaaa!" Grow the fuck up, you worthless little cloying shitstain.
Um... what point? All I read was you getting agitated at the introduction of a differing opinion and blathering on pointlessly about how stupid I am and what a moron I must be. Any point you were trying to make was lost in your piss-poor delivery. I would further state that what a person says is as important as how it was said. And what is more; not liking my responses is not tantamount to me ignoring your points. It indicates nothing more than my disagreement.

Anyway... if you can't address me with at least some modicum of respect, then just shut the fuck up before you say something else that betrays your immaturity. :roll:
Lo! I am Grendel!
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Post by Grendel »

Gandalf wrote:
Grendel wrote:
Gandalf wrote: Or you could check the TV guide, or watch for when they advertise the upcoming programs. If you're offended by stuff that's the way to go.
If you get TV guide. There's always the version in the newspaper, I guess, but both cost money and according to my philosophy, money should be paid to seek stuff out; not to avoid it. Besides, one doesn't always know what is going to be patently and blatantly offensive until it happens. Even more is that sometimes such offensiveness comes in the form of advertising.
Guides may cost money, but checking the Upcoming Programs in the ads costs nothing. And if you're desperate, most have the guides up on their website.

As for the ads, you can always just change the channel.
Changing the channel solves nothing, though, if the same shit is on every other channel! It would be different if I could change from CBS to NBC with the confidence that I wouldn't have to put up with ads for Viagra or jokes about bodily functions, but I can't! It is inescapeable these days! Unless I want to spend the rest of my life listenting to NPR or watching PBS or *shudder* religious programming, there is no place I can go where I am not confronted with sexuality, toilet humor or other subjects I might find objectionable.

What are those people suppossed to do? Turn off the TV or the radio? That's all fine and dandy, but couldn't the same arguement be made for people who don't want to be exposed to what they deem "moralistic" radio?

IMHO, the best thing to do is divide the public bandwidth into 2 different categories: one would keep a rather strict regulation and the other would allow more leeway. That way, either side would be reasonably certain to have what they want without treading on each other's rights.
Lo! I am Grendel!
Ruler of the moors and devourer of men!

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Post by Gandalf »

Grendel wrote:What are those people suppossed to do? Turn off the TV or the radio? That's all fine and dandy, but couldn't the same arguement be made for people who don't want to be exposed to what they deem "moralistic" radio?
Know what I do if there's something "moralistic" on the radio or TV that I on't like?

I listen to another station. If there's something bad there, I change again. If I can't find anything good, I turn the TV off. If people don't watch offensive programming, it gets cancelled. Simple no?

Back in the day, Happy Days was the victim of censors. Folks working at the TV station thought that Fonzie's leather jacket was too "criminal". But people got used to it, and we got a cultural icon. The Simpsons caught hell in it's earlier seasons. But we got used to it, and it became the longest running cartoon of all time. Now even Eminem is getting some widespread acceptance. One could liken it to evolution.

See what I'm saying?
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist

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Post by Grendel »

Gandalf wrote:
Grendel wrote:What are those people suppossed to do? Turn off the TV or the radio? That's all fine and dandy, but couldn't the same arguement be made for people who don't want to be exposed to what they deem "moralistic" radio?
Know what I do if there's something "moralistic" on the radio or TV that I on't like?

I listen to another station. If there's something bad there, I change again. If I can't find anything good, I turn the TV off. If people don't watch offensive programming, it gets cancelled. Simple no?

Back in the day, Happy Days was the victim of censors. Folks working at the TV station thought that Fonzie's leather jacket was too "criminal". But people got used to it, and we got a cultural icon. The Simpsons caught hell in it's earlier seasons. But we got used to it, and it became the longest running cartoon of all time. Now even Eminem is getting some widespread acceptance. One could liken it to evolution.

See what I'm saying?
And I turn it off, too. Sadly enough, I find myself either turning it off more and more often or throwing in old episodes of B5 or DS9 to pass the time between desireable programming. However I have a rather stroing stomach when it comes to raunch. I, myself, love nothing more than a foul-mouthed insult comedian or watching people get blowed up real good! :D

However I am considerate enough to know that there are people out there who disagree. I know that most people don't enjoy the level of... um... "intensity" that I do and I want to make sure that those people have places to to go and things to enjoy. Given that my tastes can range from the edgy to the reserved and that even I have problems with some of the shit I see and hear these days, I empathise with those others.

I see little reason why the airwaves can't be shared, but as it stands right now I would rather see programming geared to the higest common denominator by being forced to be relatively clean. That way people like me who don't mind watching bodies ripped limb from limb or seeing titties dance across the screen can still seek it out while others can enjoy their programming as well without having to worry about being suddenly accausted with shit they either don't want to or are not equipped to deal with.
Lo! I am Grendel!
Ruler of the moors and devourer of men!

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Post by White Haven »

And look how well evolution goes over in, say, Georgia? :roll:

Grendel, you say that people who 'seek things out' should have to pay. Well, in this case, both parties are seeking something out, one is seeking a program that doesn't pander to whiny little twits, and one is seeking a program laundered of any possible offense. By your own logic, they should both have to pay money to get what they're seeking. To extend it a step further, it is indeed free to avoid either...turn the damn set off.

The core of why I find censorship of this sort (and all sorts, for that matter0 amusing is that I heard more cursing and sexually-explicit language in junior high than most any network would even imagine airing in their worst fever-dreams. When a thirteen-year-old kid is walking down the hall and hears someone going on about 'I'll have you on my dick before the end of the year, girl' to someone else, people getting up in arms about the word 'fuck' being played on the air look like bloody loons.
Chronological Incontinence: Time warps around the poster. The thread topic winks out of existence and reappears in 1d10 posts.

Out of Context Theatre, this week starring Darth Nostril.
-'If you really want to fuck with these idiots tell them that there is a vaccine for chemtrails.'

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Post by Gandalf »

Grendel wrote:And I turn it off, too. Sadly enough, I find myself either turning it off more and more often or throwing in old episodes of B5 or DS9 to pass the time between desireable programming. However I have a rather stroing stomach when it comes to raunch. I, myself, love nothing more than a foul-mouthed insult comedian or watching people get blowed up real good! :D

However I am considerate enough to know that there are people out there who disagree. I know that most people don't enjoy the level of... um... "intensity" that I do and I want to make sure that those people have places to to go and things to enjoy. Given that my tastes can range from the edgy to the reserved and that even I have problems with some of the shit I see and hear these days, I empathise with those others.
Then they can turn it off. It's not hard.
I see little reason why the airwaves can't be shared, but as it stands right now I would rather see programming geared to the higest common denominator by being forced to be relatively clean.
How does one determine the highest common denominator in your view?
That way people like me who don't mind watching bodies ripped limb from limb or seeing titties dance across the screen can still seek it out while others can enjoy their programming as well without having to worry about being suddenly accausted with shit they either don't want to or are not equipped to deal with.
Do you not have programming times in your country? Much censoring before 6PM, after that a bit is allowed, then after 9 it's all go. Works fine here.

And if you're not equipped to watch TV, don't.
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist

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Post by Grendel »

White Haven wrote:And look how well evolution goes over in, say, Georgia? :roll:

Grendel, you say that people who 'seek things out' should have to pay. Well, in this case, both parties are seeking something out, one is seeking a program that doesn't pander to whiny little twits, and one is seeking a program laundered of any possible offense. By your own logic, they should both have to pay money to get what they're seeking. To extend it a step further, it is indeed free to avoid either...turn the damn set off.
That is why I think we need to seek a happy medium. I am sure that there is more than enough grounds for compromise so that most people on either side of the arguement can be satisfied.
The core of why I find censorship of this sort (and all sorts, for that matter) amusing is that I heard more cursing and sexually-explicit language in junior high than most any network would even imagine airing in their worst fever-dreams. When a thirteen-year-old kid is walking down the hall and hears someone going on about 'I'll have you on my dick before the end of the year, girl' to someone else, people getting up in arms about the word 'fuck' being played on the air look like bloody loons.
See... when I think of censorship, I think of the suppression of ideas, not words. Words are arbitrary and quite often replaceable. I do agree that it does seem a little silly to get up in arms over words that most kids know by the time they're out of 3rd grade. However, I think it's more appropriate that I be foreced to seek it out rather than to force others to avoid it.
Lo! I am Grendel!
Ruler of the moors and devourer of men!

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Post by White Haven »

Your average kid is quite literally 'forced to seek it out' if their parents can't afford private school. Guy I knew in high school got the back of his skull beaten in with a wrench in the school parking lot, and my old high school now has something like 6-8 permanently-stationed police officers, including a mounted unit, to contain the escalating levels of student violence and gangs. So...remind me how a bit of cursing and movie violence in a 2D, clearly non-real medium is supposed to be something to care about? I dunno, maybe having a classmate miss most of the rest of the school year getting put back together skewed my thoughts on priorities, I dunno. Put some of the energy the FCC uses for OMG! TEH DIRTY WORD! into something useful and see what comes out of it.
Chronological Incontinence: Time warps around the poster. The thread topic winks out of existence and reappears in 1d10 posts.

Out of Context Theatre, this week starring Darth Nostril.
-'If you really want to fuck with these idiots tell them that there is a vaccine for chemtrails.'

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Post by Darth Wong »

Grendel wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:That is fucking stupid. It's like saying that random punishment of the citizenry is a good start toward a system of justice.
Except those who are punised aren't just punished at random. The way you are presenting it here, it seems like those who are punished are just minding their own business and doing nothing wrong then are suddenly smacked with a fine. That isn't the case. Those who are punished are punished because they broke the rules.
What fucking part of "subjective standard" do you not understand, dipshit? It is impossible to be sure whether you're breaking a rule if it is subjective defined, so the net effect is that everyone overcompensates for fear of what is effectively arbitrary and random punishment.
Hey..... You're the one who is trying to hammer a pont across by yelling. Perhaps if you yell a little bit louder I might finally understand your point. By the way... nice dropping the rest of my post in an effort to avoid pointing out that I did go on to answer your questions after belittling your response.
And now you resort to outright lying. What point of yours did I ignore, you lying asshole? Meanwhile you're still ignoring my point: you claim that you support local standards which vary from region to region while simultaneously claiming that it's a good thing if a federal-level commission starts hammering people with a nationwide subjective standard.
something is better than nothing.
Prove it.
When in doubt, err on the side of less freedom and more injustice? What country are you from, anyway? America or Saudi Arabia?
Oh yes! Yes! I must be an evil freedom-hating bastard. How else could I be marching in lock step behind the FCC?
Mockery does not refute the point, asshole.
Now... remind me again exactly which freedoms are being infringed upon, because the last time I heard, both broadcasting and listening to broadcasts were still privelages; not rights. Of course, I might have missed a new amendment or something.
Hey shithead, freedoms and rights aren't the same word either. The fact is that you are removing freedoms with no particular justification other than your say-so.
News flash, fucktard: the logical consistency of a position is not bolstered by maintaining an atmosphere of decorum, nor is it destroyed by using dirty words. In fact, the only people who treat such stylistic issues as summaries of the content of an argument are, themselves, children.

In short, let me summarize your post for you: "Mr. Wong used the F-word, so I win! Nyaaa nyaaa!" Grow the fuck up, you worthless little cloying shitstain.
Um... what point? All I read was you getting agitated at the introduction of a differing opinion and blathering on pointlessly about how stupid I am and what a moron I must be. Any point you were trying to make was lost in your piss-poor delivery. I would further state that what a person says is as important as how it was said. And what is more; not liking my responses is not tantamount to me ignoring your points. It indicates nothing more than my disagreement.
In short, you refuse to acknowledge my point that your position is self-contradictory and your entire argument is based upon the totally unsupported premise that some kind of enforcement, even a subjective one, is always better than none.
Anyway... if you can't address me with at least some modicum of respect, then just shut the fuck up before you say something else that betrays your immaturity. :roll:
If you continue to ignore my points in favour of this "style over substance" bullshit, then you WILL shut the fuck up, one way or another. I'm tired of the way you keep repeating your "something is always better than nothing" mantra as if it's a fact.
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Post by Grendel »

Darth Wong wrote: What fucking part of "subjective standard" do you not understand, dipshit? It is impossible to be sure whether you're breaking a rule if it is subjective defined, so the net effect is that everyone overcompensates for fear of what is effectively arbitrary and random punishment.
The standards themselves are subjective on purpose. They are that way to allow the FCC leeway when judging conduct on a region by region basis. The enforcement of those standards is also subjective on purpose to allow more drastic punishment in cases that warrant it and for more meager punishments in other cases which are of lesser consequence. I like that idea because it, by default, should mean that what is obscene in Xenia, Ohio, is judged seperately from what is allowed in San Fransisco, Ca. If that is not being done the way that it should be, then those in charge are in the wrong and ought to be dealt with appropriately.

So big fucking deal… in the meantime as a result broadcasters nationwide are steering clear of what might possibly be considered illegal behaviour for fear of the consequences. I really fail to see a problem here. If I am dissatisfied with the lack of edgy content I'll buy sattelite or a Doug Stanhope CD. :D
And now you resort to outright lying. What point of yours did I ignore, you lying asshole?
I was looking back at the wrong post which led to your response. You didn't omit any of the post to which you referenced and for accusing you of doing so, I apologize. However lying requires intent to deceive, which wasn't the case. Calling me a liar was a premature knee-jerk assumption. Don't do it again.
Meanwhile you're still ignoring my point: you claim that you support local standards which vary from region to region while simultaneously claiming that it's a good thing if a federal-level commission starts hammering people with a nationwide subjective standard.
A person can support something with the recognition that it simultaneously need to be changed and not be contradictory or hypocritical. Until the power of the FCC to regulate the content of commercial programming is broken up down to a state or county level, the current system is the only alternative and that is why I support it.

But what the hell do you think the goal of such a subjective standard is, anyway? It is to allow leeway for regional differences of what is considered “indecent”. I am thrilled that the FCC is now hammering home those standards because it is forcing broadcasters to stop and think about the shit they throw out there for public consumption. It is a step towards holding them to the same decency standards that you or I are subject to in almost every town in America. I am thrilled because, in my opinion, it is the right thing to do. Further, if the goal of such regulation is to prevent indecency from being broadcast, then it is better to err on the side of caution IMHO. That way, the risk of such indecencies being broadcast is less which is the goal of these FCC regs. Why do I think this is good? Because I do subscribe to the theory that a saturation of garbage programming flowing unchecked into our society is bad.

You may disagree with my opinion, but that doesn't make you any more right than I am. That is why they're called opinions you stupd twat.

Prove it.
Prove what? My opinion? Exactly how can I prove an opinion?
Mockery does not refute the point, asshole.
No. Of course it doesn't, Pot. :P
Hey shithead, freedoms and rights aren't the same word either. The fact is that you are removing freedoms with no particular justification other than your say-so.
Broadcasters never had the right or freedom to broadcast whatever they wanted and thus, by default, you never had the freedom to listen to it. IIRC, SCOTUS ruled back in the 70's that the FCC has the power to limit "indecent" speech. What you're calling a freedom has, in fact, been a privelage that some people have taken advantage of. Now, as a result, everyone is paying the price for the actions of a few.
News flash, fucktard: the logical consistency of a position is not bolstered by maintaining an atmosphere of decorum, nor is it destroyed by using dirty words. In fact, the only people who treat such stylistic issues as summaries of the content of an argument are, themselves, children.
I disagree. If you conduct yourself politely then others will be more receptive to what you have to say. If you’re standoffish, then they’ll shut you right out and it’ll never matter how right you may be; you’ll never convince that person of it. Thus, how something is said is as important as what is said, if your goal is to convince others that you are correct. If, on the other hand, you wish nothing more than to continue your verbal masturbation, you’ve conducted yourself brilliantly. :roll:
In short, let me summarize your post for you: "Mr. Wong used the F-word, so I win! Nyaaa nyaaa!" Grow the fuck up, you worthless little cloying shitstain. If you continue to ignore my points in favour of this "style over substance" bullshit, then you WILL shut the fuck up, one way or another. I'm tired of the way you keep repeating your "something is always better than nothing" mantra as if it's a fact.
Are you sure your name isn’t “Dick Wong?” What the fuck is the matter with you? Now that you're older Daddy doesn't touch you anymore and you've grown crotchety because you miss it so much? Perhaps you're just a whiny bitch and it's your time of the month. Maybe someone should give you a good skullfucking and drop a load in there to plant a little seed of open-fucking-mindedness towards other peoples’ goddamned fucking opinions!!!. Whatever the case is you limp-dicked, cocksucking, shit-eating son of a bitch , please remind me to slap the shit out of your momma next time I see her down on the corner for not spackling her snatch shut or shoving a coathanger up her cunt before you spewed forth into the world you pathetic waste of fucking life.
Lo! I am Grendel!
Ruler of the moors and devourer of men!

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Post by pellaeons_scion »

How curious, in one breath your advocating politeness:
I disagree. If you conduct yourself politely then others will be more receptive to what you have to say.
And in the other you come out with a quite vitriolic post, a personal attack even, that does nothing to help your case in the slightest. I'll tell you, the last part basically invalidated anything you said. I believe one of the rules of debating is attack the argument, not the person.
You fail. I forsee a poll in HOS soon for you
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Post by pellaeons_scion »

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Doesn't the very idea of the FCC contravene this? And Im also trying to work out when it became important to fight AGAINST the freedom of speech, something thats integral to your countries founding priniciples.

You seem to be so strongly advocating the restrictions on media on this idea of indecency. Tell me whats more indecent, a pair of tits shown on tv, or a body blown apart by gunfire, or bloody patients in some makeshift hospital in a warzone? Or how about, someone using foul language on one radio show, compared to a vicious pro-lifer rant advocating the death of doctors.

Please tell me whats worse, please tell me why that those things, that you consider indecent should be taken off the airwaves, meanwhile this other stuff, which has NO rating and rarely a disclaimer can be allowed to be shown or aired.
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Post by Grendel »

pellaeons_scion wrote:How curious, in one breath your advocating politeness:
I disagree. If you conduct yourself politely then others will be more receptive to what you have to say.
And in the other you come out with a quite vitriolic post, a personal attack even, that does nothing to help your case in the slightest. I'll tell you, the last part basically invalidated anything you said. I believe one of the rules of debating is attack the argument, not the person.
You fail. I forsee a poll in HOS soon for you
What is HOS?

I think that anyone who examines my conduct in whole will realize that my malice is limited only to Dick Wang and not towards anyone else. I gave him every opportunity to show some respect and he threw it right back in my face and there comes a point when a man can only stomach so many insults. I reached my limit.

At any rate, I apologize to everyone else.
pellaeons_scion wrote:
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Doesn't the very idea of the FCC contravene this? And Im also trying to work out when it became important to fight AGAINST the freedom of speech, something thats integral to your countries founding priniciples.

You seem to be so strongly advocating the restrictions on media on this idea of indecency. Tell me whats more indecent, a pair of tits shown on tv, or a body blown apart by gunfire, or bloody patients in some makeshift hospital in a warzone? Or how about, someone using foul language on one radio show, compared to a vicious pro-lifer rant advocating the death of doctors.

Please tell me whats worse, please tell me why that those things, that you consider indecent should be taken off the airwaves, meanwhile this other stuff, which has NO rating and rarely a disclaimer can be allowed to be shown or aired.
Does the FCC contravene the First Amendment? I think it does do a point, yes. However it has been stated time and again in ruling after ruling that the First Amendment isn't absolute; that there are certain types of speech that are not protected. Probably the most famous is the following example is that one cannot yell "fire" in a crowded theater when there is no fire. A SCotUS ruling in 1978 (FCC vs. Pacifica Foundation) gives authority to the FCC to administer decency standards using the opinion that "indecent" material is not protected speech. ... ifica.html

Now, what is indecent varies from community to community. Personally, I believe that a body ripped limb from limb is more objectionable than a few four letter words. I further believe that the rantings of some pro-lifer nut advocating the deaths of abortion doctors is every bit as obscene as graphic depictions of sex. Unfortunately it seems as though gratuitous violence is more acceptable in more parts of this country than is gratuitous nudity or foul language. I find that unfortunate. What is more is that any individual is held responsible for what he says. FCC regulations attempt to hold companies to the same standards as individuals. It makes those companies aware that there are consequences for their actions.

Listen... I am not the setter of the standards nor do I believe that it should be any small group of people should be setting the standards for the rest of the country when it comes to FCC regulations. I would prefer elected officials in each state or district be the ones who are in charge; but they're not. Neither am I entirely satisfied with the way the FCC has conducted itself. However I believe that some control is better than none and if the FCC is going to use federal laws to enforce local standards then I can live with that for now, but I will continue to support reform for the FCC.
Lo! I am Grendel!
Ruler of the moors and devourer of men!

Um... has anyone seen my arm about?
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Darth Wong
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Post by Darth Wong »

Grendel wrote:The standards themselves are subjective on purpose. They are that way to allow the FCC leeway when judging conduct on a region by region basis.
More bullshit. The FCC makes federal-level judgements, not regional ones.
The enforcement of those standards is also subjective on purpose to allow more drastic punishment in cases that warrant it and for more meager punishments in other cases which are of lesser consequence.
In other words, anything goes. Put basically unrestricted, arbitrary power in the hands of the FCC. And why? Because you say it's a good idea: a mantra which you repeat at every opportunity without justifying it.
I was looking back at the wrong post which led to your response. You didn't omit any of the post to which you referenced and for accusing you of doing so, I apologize. However lying requires intent to deceive, which wasn't the case. Calling me a liar was a premature knee-jerk assumption. Don't do it again.
Don't give me orders, asshole. You lied, and even now you're making excuses.
A person can support something with the recognition that it simultaneously need to be changed and not be contradictory or hypocritical. Until the power of the FCC to regulate the content of commercial programming is broken up down to a state or county level, the current system is the only alternative and that is why I support it.
More bullshit. Television stations are already influenced rather heavily by regional public support, due to the effect of advertising dollars. The idea that without the FCC's heavy-handed interference they would have no interest whatsoever in the wishes of their viewers and advertisers is so fucking idiotic that mere words cannot describe its stupidity.
<snip yet another repetition of "it's good because I say so">

You may disagree with my opinion, but that doesn't make you any more right than I am. That is why they're called opinions you stupd twat.
I see, you are now resorting to the "one opinion is just as good as any other" bullshit argument, because your actual logical argument has been shredded to pieces. Pathetic. Grow a brain, fucktard.
Prove what? My opinion? Exactly how can I prove an opinion?
That's exactly the point; you have no logical arguments; just opinions. Hence, they are worthless; you cannot justify your bullshit with the Constitution, you cannot justify it with any recognized system of ethical philosophy, you cannot justify it at all. All you can do is say "it's my opinion". Well too bad, but that's not an argument. It's not even a sorry-assed excuse for an argument. It's just the pathetic bleatings of an imbecile who is too stubborn, arrogant, and ignorant to realize that he's gotten in over his mottled little head.
<snip long-winded defense of "style over substance" fallacy>
It's called a fallacy for a reason, moron. It proves nothing whatsoever, except that you are not capable of thinking logically.
Are you sure your name isn’t “Dick Wong?” What the fuck is the matter with you? Now that you're older Daddy doesn't touch you anymore and you've grown crotchety because you miss it so much? Perhaps you're just a whiny bitch and it's your time of the month. Maybe someone should give you a good skullfucking and drop a load in there to plant a little seed of open-fucking-mindedness towards other peoples’ goddamned fucking opinions!!!. Whatever the case is you limp-dicked, cocksucking, shit-eating son of a bitch , please remind me to slap the shit out of your momma next time I see her down on the corner for not spackling her snatch shut or shoving a coathanger up her cunt before you spewed forth into the world you pathetic waste of fucking life.
Oh wow, you can trash-talk like a snot-nosed street gangsta. How impressive! Not surprising that this is how you choose to flame, given your demonstrated infantile level of sub-simian intelligence. Oooooh, Mr. Grendel knows how to use "yo' momma" flames! :roll:

Face facts, dipshit: you can't argue your way out of a paper bag. When push comes to shove, all you have is "it's my opinion" and "yo' momma". Where did you learn to argue? From Eminem?

PS. I'll give you one more chance to make a logical argument instead of a mindless "this is my opinion" post, which increasingly appears to be all that you are capable of.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

"I do not believe Russian Roulette is a stupid act" - Embracer of Darkness

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Post by Grendel »

Darth Wong wrote: More bullshit. The FCC makes federal-level judgements, not regional ones.
That those judgments come from the federal level does not by default mean that they are devoid of local standards. The FCC makes judgments at the federal level based on their rules and how said rules pertain to local standards of decency. Surely this accounts for much of the subjectivity that you decry.
In other words, anything goes. Put basically unrestricted, arbitrary power in the hands of the FCC. And why? Because you say it's a good idea: a mantra which you repeat at every opportunity without justifying it.
No. Anything does not go. The FCC is warranted by the federal government with rules approved by the Supreme Court of the United States to regulate commercial frequencies for "indecent" content. The court specifically stated in a 1978 ruling (FCC vs. Pacifica Foundation - ... ifica.html - ) that the FCC does have the authority to enforce local decency standards at a federal level. In that ruling Justice Stevens wrote; "...Of all forms of communication, broadcasting has the most limited First Amendment protection. Among the reasons for specially treating indecent broadcasting is the uniquely pervasive presence that medium of expression occupies in the lives of our people. Broadcasts extend into the privacy of the home and it is impossible completely to avoid [728] those that are patently offensive. Broadcasting, moreover, is uniquely accessible to children. Pp. 748-750."

I must agree.

Exposure to a modicum of such behavior is rarely harmful. In the past, an individual must actively choose to seek out such subjects, however broadcast offers a unique medium by which to saturate our lives and presents the most risk to the fabric of society. Daily exposure to vulgarities, violence and sexuality desensitizes us to such behaviour and study after study has shown a real impact on our children. These children, desensitized to violence, language and sexuality are statistically more likely to participate in such behavior later in life. These individuals become problems that society must deal with. They become violent, they’re unable to form meaningful relationships with others, they’re unable to hold down jobs or function normally in society and the rest of us end up paying the price.

As a subscriber to the “Social Contract” theory, I believe that as society becomes coarser, maintaining that contract becomes more difficult as the lubricating platitudes that society requires to function begin to break down. It is therefore my opinion that degrading our standards beyond where they are today does absolutely nothing towards adding value to our society. Allowing more foul language, more violence, more sexuality on television or radio does nothing to add to the value of our culture and I would argue that it actually stands to damage our society.

There are those who argue “But it’s only a word” or “There is so much worse that people are exposed to every day. Compared to that some of the words are very minor” and I agree. However we cannot justify bad behaviour or low standards by pointing out worse behaviour or lower standards. That only serves to compare all behaviour to the most base behaviour imaginable. Imagine a rapist being able to use “Hey, at least I didn’t rape a 12 year old” or a pedophile being able to say “Hey, at least I didn’t kill the kid” as justifications for lower sentences. We wouldn’t let out standards slide in those instances and, though the differences between murder and pedophilia when compared to television language, sexuality, and violence are readily apparent, they are still valid examples of why you should not justify bad behaviour by pointing to worse behaviour.
Don't give me orders, asshole. You lied, and even now you're making excuses.
I'll give any order I like. As I said, lying requires intent. Mistakes are not lies and what I made was a mistake, so I was not lying. I was wrong and for that I apologized. So don’t call me a liar unless you can prove intent.
More bullshit. Television stations are already influenced rather heavily by regional public support, due to the effect of advertising dollars. The idea that without the FCC's heavy-handed interference they would have no interest whatsoever in the wishes of their viewers and advertisers is so fucking idiotic that mere words cannot describe its stupidity.
<snip yet another repetition of "it's good because I say so">
Respectable companies with their own sets of standards who pull ads from broadcasts with objectionable materials are an example of the part of the system that works. However there are other companies whose standards are lower than others. Such companies either use questionable content in their own advertising and/ or subscribe to the philosophy that any exposure is good exposure. They therefore cannot be trusted to do the right thing.

Now, part of the Pacifica decision was based on a level of “zapability” where programming can suddenly divert from one standard to another. The 2004 Superbowl Halftime Show is just that example. Family friendly programming was suddenly made very adult by asshole “musicians” wearing ponchos made out of the flag, bumping and grinding all over the stage, and tearing each other’s clothes off. The whole program was made even more objectionable by a peppering of erectile dysfunction ads. Respectable advertisers didn’t have the ability to pull their ads and for others, the ads were themselves the issue. Again, I know that people are exposed to worse every day, but I still maintain that bad behaviour should not be justified by worse behaviour.

That serves as an example of why, IMHO, regulation is indeed required.
I see, you are now resorting to the "one opinion is just as good as any other" bullshit argument, because your actual logical argument has been shredded to pieces. Pathetic. Grow a brain, fucktard.
No argument here. Just another one of those beliefs of mine that you're are so fond of. :roll:
Prove what? My opinion? Exactly how can I prove an opinion?
That's exactly the point; you have no logical arguments; just opinions. Hence, they are worthless; you cannot justify your bullshit with the Constitution, you cannot justify it with any recognized system of ethical philosophy, you cannot justify it at all. All you can do is say "it's my opinion". Well too bad, but that's not an argument. It's not even a sorry-assed excuse for an argument. It's just the pathetic bleatings of an imbecile who is too stubborn, arrogant, and ignorant to realize that he's gotten in over his mottled little head.

<snip long-winded defense of "style over substance" fallacy>
It's called a fallacy for a reason, moron. It proves nothing whatsoever, except that you are not capable of thinking logically.
The way an argument is presented can either lead the listener to curiosity or turn him off entirely. If you turn that listener off, then you'll have an infinitely more difficult time convincing him that your position has merit, even if you disagree.

Are you more or less likely to consider what someone has to say after he insults you?
Are you sure your name isn’t “Dick Wong?” What the fuck is the matter with you? Now that you're older Daddy doesn't touch you anymore and you've grown crotchety because you miss it so much? Perhaps you're just a whiny bitch and it's your time of the month. Maybe someone should give you a good skullfucking and drop a load in there to plant a little seed of open-fucking-mindedness towards other peoples’ goddamned fucking opinions!!!. Whatever the case is you limp-dicked, cocksucking, shit-eating son of a bitch , please remind me to slap the shit out of your momma next time I see her down on the corner for not spackling her snatch shut or shoving a coathanger up her cunt before you spewed forth into the world you pathetic waste of fucking life.
Oh wow, you can trash-talk like a snot-nosed street gangsta. How impressive! Not surprising that this is how you choose to flame, given your demonstrated infantile level of sub-simian intelligence. Oooooh, Mr. Grendel knows how to use "yo' momma" flames! :roll:

Face facts, dipshit: you can't argue your way out of a paper bag. When push comes to shove, all you have is "it's my opinion" and "yo' momma". Where did you learn to argue? From Eminem?
Heh... I thought that by trying to sink to your level of name calling and insulting that I might have a better idea of the type of person I was dealing with. Perhaps I ought to have sunk a little lower.
PS. I'll give you one more chance to make a logical argument instead of a mindless "this is my opinion" post, which increasingly appears to be all that you are capable of.
Oh, thank you. Thank you for your generosity. May I kiss your ring, too? :roll:
Lo! I am Grendel!
Ruler of the moors and devourer of men!

Um... has anyone seen my arm about?
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Post by Lord Poe »

Just ban this trolling cocksucker, Mike. Why waste time with pieces of shit like this that have Darkstar level delusions by cutting and pasting paragraphs into his messages?

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Post by Grendel »

Lord Poe wrote:Just ban this trolling cocksucker, Mike. Why waste time with pieces of shit like this that have Darkstar level delusions by cutting and pasting paragraphs into his messages?
I'm not trolling, and the quote from a cited source is far from delusional the last time I checked.
Lo! I am Grendel!
Ruler of the moors and devourer of men!

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Post by Lord Poe »

Grendel wrote:I'm not trolling, and the quote from a cited source is far from delusional the last time I checked.
You are trolling, Dipshit. Repeating yourself without arguing the point before you is trolling.

"Brian, if I parked a supertanker in Central Park, painted it neon orange, and set it on fire, it would be less obvious than your stupidity." --RedImperator
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Post by Grendel »

Lord Poe wrote:
Grendel wrote:I'm not trolling, and the quote from a cited source is far from delusional the last time I checked.
You are trolling, Dipshit. Repeating yourself without arguing the point before you is trolling.

I have been arguing the point. When the same question is asked over and over again, do you expect a different response each time? Then, when I finally take a moment to further explain why my opinion is as it is, you call it;
Lord Poe wrote:Darkstar level delusions by cutting and pasting paragraphs into his messages?
Do you have a stick up your ass, or is it just me?
Lo! I am Grendel!
Ruler of the moors and devourer of men!

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Post by Lord Poe »

Grendel wrote:I have been arguing the point.
Then that must mean you have nothing further to say. Turn your radio off and be done with it, Miss Manners.
Do you have a stick up your ass, or is it just me?
It must be you; I usually don't stick things up my ass, so I can't share that recreational activity with you.

"Brian, if I parked a supertanker in Central Park, painted it neon orange, and set it on fire, it would be less obvious than your stupidity." --RedImperator
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Darth Wong
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Post by Darth Wong »

Grendel wrote:The FCC makes judgments at the federal level based on their rules and how said rules pertain to local standards of decency.
Yet again, you repeat your mindless mantra that it is possible to harmonize a single federal-level ruling with varying regional standards. That's only true if every region has the same local standards, you idiot.
Surely this accounts for much of the subjectivity that you decry.
Yet again you demonstrate your stupidity. The subjective nature of the FCC's rules is not "accounted for" in any way, shape, or form by your blather. It's still subjective.
No. Anything does not go. The FCC is warranted by the federal government with rules approved by the Supreme Court of the United States to regulate commercial frequencies for "indecent" content.
And "indecent" is defined in a subjective manner, fucktard. I grow tired of repeating myself. Do you not understand what "subjective" means?
The court specifically stated in a 1978 ruling (FCC vs. Pacifica Foundation - ... ifica.html - ) that the FCC does have the authority to enforce local decency standards at a federal level. In that ruling Justice Stevens wrote; "...Of all forms of communication, broadcasting has the most limited First Amendment protection. Among the reasons for specially treating indecent broadcasting is the uniquely pervasive presence that medium of expression occupies in the lives of our people. Broadcasts extend into the privacy of the home and it is impossible completely to avoid [728] those that are patently offensive. Broadcasting, moreover, is uniquely accessible to children. Pp. 748-750."

I must agree.
Appealing to a federal court decision in order to justify that decision? That's circular logic, you idiot. You're saying that they made the right decision because they said they did. Your infantile level of debating may impress your fellow third-graders, but it doesn't work in the real world.
Exposure to a modicum of such behavior is rarely harmful. In the past, an individual must actively choose to seek out such subjects, however broadcast offers a unique medium by which to saturate our lives and presents the most risk to the fabric of society. Daily exposure to vulgarities, violence and sexuality desensitizes us to such behaviour and study after study has shown a real impact on our children. These children, desensitized to violence, language and sexuality are statistically more likely to participate in such behavior later in life. These individuals become problems that society must deal with. They become violent, they’re unable to form meaningful relationships with others, they’re unable to hold down jobs or function normally in society and the rest of us end up paying the price.
Yes brother, preach it! Tell us how two seconds of Janet Jackson's titty is going to cause the downfall of society! And preach it without a shred of evidence, based solely on your say-so!
As a subscriber to the “Social Contract” theory, I believe that as society becomes coarser, maintaining that contract becomes more difficult as the lubricating platitudes that society requires to function begin to break down. It is therefore my opinion that degrading our standards beyond where they are today does absolutely nothing towards adding value to our society. Allowing more foul language, more violence, more sexuality on television or radio does nothing to add to the value of our culture and I would argue that it actually stands to damage our society.
Hey fucktard, didn't I tell you to start arguing in some manner other than appealing to your own goddamned unsupported opinion?
There are those who argue “But it’s only a word” or “There is so much worse that people are exposed to every day. Compared to that some of the words are very minor” and I agree. However we cannot justify bad behaviour or low standards by pointing out worse behaviour or lower standards. That only serves to compare all behaviour to the most base behaviour imaginable. Imagine a rapist being able to use “Hey, at least I didn’t rape a 12 year old” or a pedophile being able to say “Hey, at least I didn’t kill the kid” as justifications for lower sentences. We wouldn’t let out standards slide in those instances and, though the differences between murder and pedophilia when compared to television language, sexuality, and violence are readily apparent, they are still valid examples of why you should not justify bad behaviour by pointing to worse behaviour.
First you have to justify your claim that the behaviour in question is bad, you idiot. And "indecency" is not harmful. You are casually mixing televised depiction of violence (which is permitted by the FCC, up to and including depictions of murder) into a debate about the FCC's indecency crackdown on foul language and titty shots. That's what we call "changing the subject", you asshole.
Don't give me orders, asshole. You lied, and even now you're making excuses.
I'll give any order I like. As I said, lying requires intent. Mistakes are not lies and what I made was a mistake, so I was not lying. I was wrong and for that I apologized. So don’t call me a liar unless you can prove intent.
I will call you whatever the fuck I want, troll. I gave you an opportunity to try and justify your argument instead of mindlessly repeating your opinion like the trolling moron that you are, and I see you have chosen to reject that opportunity. Grow the fuck up, idiot. You can't justify anything by saying "I believe" and "my opinion", no matter how many goddamned times you say it.
More bullshit. Television stations are already influenced rather heavily by regional public support, due to the effect of advertising dollars. The idea that without the FCC's heavy-handed interference they would have no interest whatsoever in the wishes of their viewers and advertisers is so fucking idiotic that mere words cannot describe its stupidity.
Respectable companies with their own sets of standards who pull ads from broadcasts with objectionable materials are an example of the part of the system that works.
That's not part of "the system", you idiot. That is The People exerting their own will directly, without the FCC acting as Nanny to do it for them.
However there are other companies whose standards are lower than others. Such companies either use questionable content in their own advertising and/ or subscribe to the philosophy that any exposure is good exposure. They therefore cannot be trusted to do the right thing.
They can be trusted to do what the public wants, because advertisers aren't stupid, unlike you. You base your entire argument upon "local standards" which are set by The People and those who give them what they want, and then you claim that Nanny needs to step in for them when they won't know what's good for them. You're really not accustomed to this "defend your position" thing, are you? You can't even keep your arguments straight.
Now, part of the Pacifica decision was based on a level of “zapability” where programming can suddenly divert from one standard to another. The 2004 Superbowl Halftime Show is just that example. Family friendly programming was suddenly made very adult by asshole “musicians” wearing ponchos made out of the flag, bumping and grinding all over the stage, and tearing each other’s clothes off. The whole program was made even more objectionable by a peppering of erectile dysfunction ads. Respectable advertisers didn’t have the ability to pull their ads and for others, the ads were themselves the issue. Again, I know that people are exposed to worse every day, but I still maintain that bad behaviour should not be justified by worse behaviour.
Prove that anyone was harmed by any of this. Oh yeah, you can't. All you're doing is REPEATING YOURSELF. Your whole argument is just endless repetitions of a single opinion, for fuck's sake.
That serves as an example of why, IMHO, regulation is indeed required.
Wow. Another repetition of your opinion in lieu of an argument. What a shock.
Face facts, dipshit: you can't argue your way out of a paper bag. When push comes to shove, all you have is "it's my opinion" and "yo' momma". Where did you learn to argue? From Eminem?
Heh... I thought that by trying to sink to your level of name calling and insulting that I might have a better idea of the type of person I was dealing with. Perhaps I ought to have sunk a little lower.
You obviously don't recognize the distinction between mindless generic trash-talk and pointing out the deficiencies in your opponent's argument and intellect. Of course, the reason you fail to identify this distinction is obvious: you're an idiot.
PS. I'll give you one more chance to make a logical argument instead of a mindless "this is my opinion" post, which increasingly appears to be all that you are capable of.
Oh, thank you. Thank you for your generosity. May I kiss your ring, too? :roll:
In other words, you simply refuse to justify any of your opinions. All you plan to do is continue saying "I believe" and "it's my opinion" over and over and over ad nauseum, along with the usual "it's bad for society because it's my opinion that it hurts society" bullshit, which is really nothing more than yet another opinion since you don't provide a shred of evidence (indeed, you don't even try to stay on topic, choosing to change the subject from foul language and titty shots to televised violence). There are only two possible interpretations of your behaviour at this point:
  1. Since you obviously aren't even trying to satisfy my demand that you provide some logical justification for your claims, you're just trolling, as some others have suggested.
  2. You're actually so incredibly stupid that you honestly believe you have been putting forth an actual argument, even though you have never presented a shred of evidence for any of your claims.
Either way, I won't lose any sleep over your disappearance from this forum. Goodbye, moron. I gave you a chance, and you chose to ignore me and continue repeating unsupported opinions as if they were facts.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

"I do not believe Russian Roulette is a stupid act" - Embracer of Darkness

"Viagra commercials appear to save lives" - tharkûn on US health care.
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