Favorite/least favorite SW Ships in X-Wing-Series Games

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Post by Thunderfire »

Andras wrote: Gunships are easy to kill with the X
Only human(x) vs AI(Gun). Guns win AI vs AI
and human vs human is a slaughter. X-Wings
just suck hard vs heavy fighters in the games.
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Post by consequences »

No Imperial pilots match the sheer awesome incompetence of those in Rogue Leader, especially in the first mission. What the hell did they think they were shooting at anyway?
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Post by The Dark »

My favorites/least favorites in X-Wing, TF, and XvT:


1: A-Wing. Sure, it requires power management, but as long as you don't run up against an Avenger or Defender, nothing the Imps have can really touch you. Eyeballs and Squints are both slower, and Duces are just sitting ducks unless there's a full (competent) squadron of them against one of you.

2: TIE Interceptor. Fast and maneuverable, I've taken out TIE Avengers in an Interceptor and gotten a Z-95 to shoot itself with a concussion missile (once-in-a-lifetime occurence, saved my Imperial ass from being shot down).

3: TIE Avenger. Fast and protected, with missiles to take out targets at long range. Doesn't respond as well to me as an A-Wing for some reason.

4: Gunboat. The best of the bombers.

Least Favorite:

1: Y-Wing. Slow and unmaneuverable. A deathtrap.

2: B-Wing. Not much of an improvement over the Y-Wing. Slightly quicker, but the guns are horribly placed. Great at picking away at cap ships, dead in most dogfights.

3: TIE Bomber. Slow and undergunned. Good armor, but without shields it really doesn't make much difference.

4: TIE Fighter. Decent speed, good maneuverability, but outclassed by the X-Wing or A-Wing. Undergunned and shieldless, with little armor. Would be an eggshell with a sledgehammer if it had a sledgehammer.
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

X-wing. It killed the Death Star. 'Nuff said.
TIE Defender. That thing just plain looks cool, and it's a beauty to fly.
A-wing. Gotta love the Ackbar Slash, starfighter style.
Y-wing. Slow, unmaneuverable. Can't hit jack shit.
TIE Bomber. What the fuck? 6 hit kill, no maneuverability, and shitty complement of warheads?
Missile boat. Out of missiles, out of luck.
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Post by Kuja »

Like: A-wing. See you on the other side of the map...sucker!

Dislike: TIE/Int. One freaking missile and it goes down. Even a speeder can take two. :roll:
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Post by Cal Wright »

In the X-Wing series there's only two fighters I like. The x-Wing and the TIE Interceptor. The others don't feel different so to say. Maybe weaker lasers, take more or less damage. Other than that i can't really feel anything different unless I'm in an X or a squint. Now in the Rogue Squadron universe, it's still going to be the X-Wing but there you can feel a lot more diffrences personally. However, in that game versus the XWing series the Y-Wing is actually a desent craft and is challenging to fly.

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Post by Thunderfire »

DG_Cal_Wright wrote: However, in that game versus the XWing series the Y-Wing is actually a desent craft and is challenging to fly.
The Y-Wing is quite good in the X-Wing series too. Its firepower
and durability is good enough to equal it's speed and manuverability
disadvantage. A human piloted Y-Wing can be a tough nut to crack
- especially if he has a human wingman who watches his back.
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Post by Alyeska »

Thunderfire wrote:
DG_Cal_Wright wrote: However, in that game versus the XWing series the Y-Wing is actually a desent craft and is challenging to fly.
The Y-Wing is quite good in the X-Wing series too. Its firepower
and durability is good enough to equal it's speed and manuverability
disadvantage. A human piloted Y-Wing can be a tough nut to crack
- especially if he has a human wingman who watches his back.
Yet the B-Wing outclasses the Y-Wing in every respect. More guns, more missiles, more shields, faster...

The Y-Wing is good only in the hands of human players or in LARGE numbers.
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Post by CmdrWilkens »

Alyeska wrote:Yet the B-Wing outclasses the Y-Wing in every respect. More guns, more missiles, more shields, faster...
Not every respect, the weapons PLACEMENT on the B-Wing is horrendous. Its virtually impossible to accurately engage close range targets and long-range ones aren't that much better.
The Y-Wing is good only in the hands of human players or in LARGE numbers.
Now this is certainly true.
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Post by Thunderfire »

Alyeska wrote:
The Y-Wing is good only in the hands of human players or in LARGE numbers.
Well thats true for nearly any fighter in the games. Still the Y-Wing
will beat most XWA fighters in a 6 vs 6(Ai pilots) fight.
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Post by weemadando »

Top 3-
1. TIE Interceptor... Speed and four lasers. Plus there is NO WAY anyone can accuse you of being a cheese.

2. TIE Defender... Superior fighter in every way to every other fighter in the games.

3. A-Wing... Speed AND shields. Hurrah.

Bottom 3-
1. Y-Wing... Just crap.

2. Z-95... Just as crap, but marginally speedier.

3. Any of the independant fighters from XW:A.

B-Wing... Its nice, but a touch slow and without enough armour to justify that slowness.
Gun Boat... If you have nothing else, this is the bomb.
TIE Fighter... Average, very very average.
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Post by EmperorMing »

Tie Defender and the Missile Gunboat are my top fighters.

Bottom feeder would be the Tie Bomber and Tie fighter...

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Post by The Dark »

Oh, forgot another candidate for bottom-feeder, even though its non-pilotable in the games I have: beware the awesome might of the T-Wing! Yes, with the speed of an X-Wing, the weaponry of a missileless A-Wing, and the shields of a ST shuttle, it's the T-Wing. POS.
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by EmperorMing »

The Dark wrote:Oh, forgot another candidate for bottom-feeder, even though its non-pilotable in the games I have: beware the awesome might of the T-Wing! Yes, with the speed of an X-Wing, the weaponry of a missileless A-Wing, and the shields of a ST shuttle, it's the T-Wing. POS.
Who came up with that piece of shit? I would rather have the starchaser...

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Post by Neko_Oni »


1. TIE Advanced/Interceptor - fast, agile, lots of guns, fast, fun, did I mention fast?
2. A-Wing - Slightly less gunny, slightly less speed, but shields.
3. Assault Gunboat - Gunny, missiley, kinda fast, kinda turny. Best of the bombers.

Least Favourite

3. Any of the bleh fighter, Planetary, Preybird, Cloakshape etc.
2. Y-Wing - slow, crappy shields, can't stand bombers on the whole.
and finally
1. Missile Boat - 1 laser, lots of warheads. Don't like warheads.
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Post by starfury »


this is the supra fighter :roll:
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Post by Alyeska »

When you hack the game and set it so you can fly the non flyable ships, there is some nice stuff. The Lambda shuttle isn't to bad, has nice speed. The Escort Shuttle really kicks ass, 3 forward guns and 3 turreted guns, they combine to a nice 6 forward guns. The other shuttles and transports work out nicely.

I also tried making the Zero-G troopers flyable, well they have no horizontal axis control...

You want some real fun though, grab a Marauder Corvette. That thing will tear through freighters and light capships like no tomorow.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

You want some real fun though, grab a Marauder Corvette.
I really hate that ship. It's just a plain copy of the ferengi marauder.

My favorite is the glorious TIE Interceptor. Owns every other dogfighter, but you might die soon...
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Post by RadiO »

I dug the System Patrol Craft in XWA, right up until I discovered it's got fuck all for shields. Agile for a capital ship, good armament, paper-thin defenses. Damn.
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Post by Vendetta »


X-Wing - no, it's not the best, but it's the iconic fighter, the one that killed the Death Star, Four lasers are enough for anyone, the shields give you a few extra seconds, and you've got enough manoeuverability to take on an AI in anything. Against humans you need to be better than them if they take a T/A, but othrewise yo should be okay.

A-Wing - Favourite interceptor. Less dogfighting power than the T/I or T/A, but it's nippy enough, and shields make it a good match for most TIEs, also a good hunter of the heavy types.

Assault Gunboat - A truly superior heavy fighter, the Gun is a good Capship killer, and is good enough to take on other medium/heavy fighters with some ease.

Dislike - TIE Bomber. Flying joke. Worse than the Y-Wing. Only redeeming feature is the laser position on the XWAUpgrade version.

B-Wing. Shit as a dogfighter, good bomber, but near-useless in a furball. Trying to take on a T/A in one of these is a good way to spell suicide.
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Post by The Dark »


X-Wing - no, it's not the best, but it's the iconic fighter, the one that killed the Death Star, Four lasers are enough for anyone, the shields give you a few extra seconds, and you've got enough manoeuverability to take on an AI in anything. Against humans you need to be better than them if they take a T/A, but othrewise yo should be okay.

A-Wing - Favourite interceptor. Less dogfighting power than the T/I or T/A, but it's nippy enough, and shields make it a good match for most TIEs, also a good hunter of the heavy types.

Assault Gunboat - A truly superior heavy fighter, the Gun is a good Capship killer, and is good enough to take on other medium/heavy fighters with some ease.

Dislike - TIE Bomber. Flying joke. Worse than the Y-Wing. Only redeeming feature is the laser position on the XWAUpgrade version.

B-Wing. Shit as a dogfighter, good bomber, but near-useless in a furball. Trying to take on a T/A in one of these is a good way to spell suicide.[/quote]
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by CmdrWilkens »

Alyeska wrote:When you hack the game and set it so you can fly the non flyable ships, there is some nice stuff. The Lambda shuttle isn't to bad, has nice speed. The Escort Shuttle really kicks ass, 3 forward guns and 3 turreted guns, they combine to a nice 6 forward guns. The other shuttles and transports work out nicely.

I also tried making the Zero-G troopers flyable, well they have no horizontal axis control...

You want some real fun though, grab a Marauder Corvette. That thing will tear through freighters and light capships like no tomorow.
Plus its still a bitch when up agianst fighters. Unless you mount a concentrated atack it just has too many guns, especially for a ship that size.
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Post by SpacedTeddyBear »

My top three is:
X-wing: Let's face it, you can't beat a classic. It has decent speed shields and firepower. If I want more speed and want to kill things too, I'd take the recharge level on the lasers down a notch.
Tie-Adv: Same comments.
Tie-Def: What can I say about it. It's got guns, lots of guns. And it's faster that a cheetah on crack. I'd only fly this thing if I set the simulater on a 3-1 disadvantage.

Bottom three:
Y-wing: This is as slow and maneuverable as a pregnant yak. It's a Starwars version of the WWII Avenger bomber. ( or was it the Devestator?)
Tie-Bomber: Same as the Y-wing, just without shields.
Z-95: If it gets hit with a missle, it's basically screwed.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Think of the Z-95 as an expert's version of the X-wing. I never liked it, though.
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Post by Sparkticus »

Top Three

1 - Tie Defender: Ok, it's a cheating whores ship, but it kicks arse.
2 - Missile Boat: Even more of a cheating whores ship, but it's fast, manouverable and very heavily armed. In XWA I believe it is meant to carry a light TL as opposed to a standard starfighter laser cannon.
3 - B-Wing: Good speed and manouvering, a shitload of guns. This thing can make a corvette captain pack his dacks just on its own...

Bottom Three

1 - Y-Wing: Ewww...
2 - Z-95: "I'M HI..."
3 - Tie Bomber: Let's make a ship that's really big, really slow, shieldless, handles like a pig and give it a hull not much stronger than an Inteceptor's. Yeah! Sounds like a great idea!
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