THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote: PreCrsis Superman was practically omnipotent, PreC. Supes would laugh at him.

Pre-Crisis Superman

If you insist to include this laughable figure, I will simply include Goku after he fused with Shenron and the Dragon Balls at the end of GT. You still lose.
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:Wrong you forget that if Doomsday is defeated, that being no matter how powerful that being can make himself, that being:
1. Can't kill Doomsday
2. DD has Offesive and Defensive countermeasures that are specially atunned to that beings physiology, powers, and abilities.
Goku can summond all the power he wants. If he could defeat DD, them all the power he can summond ain't gonna do a damn thing. As for the disintergrating of DDs body, the quote said that it might have stopped him, it's unknown if it would have stopped him for all time.
1) Yes, Doomsday can be killed. He was killed by that silly pure energy dude before he was imprisoned and sent to Earth. He was also killed by Superman.
2)He has "offensive and defensive countermeasures" against Superman, not Goku.
3)And after Goku rips Doomsday a new hole, one Genki Dama would lay waste to his body and send him into oblivion. That is how they killed Doomsday at the end of Hunter/Prey. His body was consumed by Entrophy and thus, no more Doomsday regeneration.
4) It is apparent that you do not know the exact quote, and neither do I. However, what I do recall is something along the lines (and I paraphrase) "...if they would have destroyed the body, it would have ended right there...." Besides, Doomsday cannot regenerate if there is nothing left to do so! He hasn't come back from the end of time eh?
Doomsday for one thing, Imperiex, the Cyborg (who has all of Supes powers but also is pure energy),I'll list more later.

And all of these feeble creatures were beaten by Superman and we have already established that Goku would put the Smack down on Superman himself.