There is no canon issues to be dealt considering Dragon Ball. Toriyama ended his manga after the Buu Saga and allowed Dragon Ball to continue. GT is just as "canon" as the rest. Toriyama, TOEI, nor Funanimation never has stated that he does not recognize GT and I have never seen any fan sites of DBZ making that claim either.Yogi wrote:WTH is Mystic SSJ? After getting the Mystic powerup, Gohan doesn't go SSJ, unless you count the craptacular Dragonball GT which IS NOT CANON!King Cosmos wrote:At most, Mystic SSJ is equal to that of SSJ3. Keep in mind you are comparing Gotenks SSJ3 and not Goku SSJ3.
They mystic form of Gohan surpasses that of SSJ2. I guess people could argue that the Mystic form of a Sayin-jin is not a true form of a SS. Some people might even do the same with SSJ4. But we scoff at that minute group of blashphemers.
General fan concensus? A simple Google search for DBZ power levels will show that Mystic Gohan is at most just as strong as SSJ3 Goku. So it would be SSJ3 Goku >= Mystic Gohan > Super Buu > Kid Buu. Goku's Genki Dama killed Kid Buu at the end.[/i]Second, it's hard to tell who is stronger between SSJ3 Goku and Mystic Gohan. General fan concensus states that Mystic Gohan is stronger, by the argument Mystic Gohan > Super Buu > Kid Buu > SSJ3 Goku. Personally, I think that Kid Buu > Super Buu, making it a bit harder to tell. However, he can definetly outlast Goku.