1: fuckwits with brights on all the time, that's when i move the mirror just right and watch'em almost go ditch-witching.
2: people who sing along with TV, radio, or whatever else.
3: people doing 10 under on any road... i'm not impatient, but i seriously hate going below the speed limit (or 15 over

4: fuckwit pricks with improperly tuned car stereos cranked all the way up... *shudder*
5: glaspacks and "cherry bomb" exhausts (i sooo want to shoot these fuckwits)
6: tailgating SUVs with soccermoms at the helm who don't know how to drive a small car, let alone one of those damned things.
7: people who do the "type R" thing to their computers... (let's pay $3500 on a comp, it's got an ancient proc in it, 256mb ram, a 40gb hdd, and a shit video card, but by damn it has lights in it.)
8: those people who think hugging the damn yellow line is the way to drive...if you're like me and autodrive all the time, you know that you end up doing the same damn thing...
9: fuckers who cut down street signs and don't tell you, so you miss your turn....into your own neighborhood...
10: Bible thumpers/fundies
11: people who bitch at me for not holding the silverware properly, once and for all: I PHYSICALLY CANNOT, I CAN'T CONTROL THE LEFT HAND ENOUGH TO USE THE DAMNED KNIFE, SO I USE IT FOR STABBING THE FOOD, DEAL WITH IT.
ok, rant done.