Pet Peeves

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Pet Peeves

Post by haas mark »

What are your biggest pet peeves?

My top three are as follows:
  1. When someone acts childish, ie., taking something way out of proportion and whining about it until I point out to them what is wrong. I'm an honest guy, I'll do that for ya.
  1. When someone chews with their mouth open. I don't find it particularly "disgusting," just annoying.
  1. When someone can't hold silverware properly. It bugs me to no end if someone doesn't hold their silverware properly. Dunno why, it just does. | lunar sun |

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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I don't like it when people sing ot themselves. I find it annoying and immature. Even more annoying when they sing out loud.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

People singing along with TV shows, movies or the radio. I hate that.
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Post by EmperorMing »

Slow drivers in the fast lane.

Lack of turn signal usage.

Other drivers not paying attention.


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Post by Crayz9000 »

EmperorMing wrote:Slow drivers in the fast lane.

Lack of turn signal usage.

Other drivers not paying attention.

There's nothing more annoying than someone coming up from behind at over 100 and suddenly cutting over just as you try to get out of his way, virtually causing an accident...
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Post by Mr Bean »

Slow drivers in the fast lane.

Lack of turn signal usage.
Thats my Number 2 and 3 with Number 1 being....


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Post by Stormbringer »

Mr Bean wrote:
Slow drivers in the fast lane.

Lack of turn signal usage.
Thats my Number 2 and 3 with Number 1 being....

Amen to that Bean! I have that happens to me all the time. It fucking pisses me off!
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Post by Larz »

1. People who try to pass judgement on me or trys to make me out as something I am not.

2. NM driving (everything stupid thing one can think of rolled into one driver)

3. People who work on being ignorant and trying to make themselves out as something they are not.

Basically, society=pet peeve... and some would wonder why I'm so bitter
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Post by Hyperion »

1: fuckwits with brights on all the time, that's when i move the mirror just right and watch'em almost go ditch-witching. :D

2: people who sing along with TV, radio, or whatever else.

3: people doing 10 under on any road... i'm not impatient, but i seriously hate going below the speed limit (or 15 over :D)

4: fuckwit pricks with improperly tuned car stereos cranked all the way up... *shudder*

5: glaspacks and "cherry bomb" exhausts (i sooo want to shoot these fuckwits)

6: tailgating SUVs with soccermoms at the helm who don't know how to drive a small car, let alone one of those damned things.

7: people who do the "type R" thing to their computers... (let's pay $3500 on a comp, it's got an ancient proc in it, 256mb ram, a 40gb hdd, and a shit video card, but by damn it has lights in it.)

8: those people who think hugging the damn yellow line is the way to drive...if you're like me and autodrive all the time, you know that you end up doing the same damn thing...

9: fuckers who cut down street signs and don't tell you, so you miss your turn....into your own neighborhood...

10: Bible thumpers/fundies

11: people who bitch at me for not holding the silverware properly, once and for all: I PHYSICALLY CANNOT, I CAN'T CONTROL THE LEFT HAND ENOUGH TO USE THE DAMNED KNIFE, SO I USE IT FOR STABBING THE FOOD, DEAL WITH IT. :D

ok, rant done. :D
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Post by haas mark »

Hyperion wrote:11: people who bitch at me for not holding the silverware properly, once and for all: I PHYSICALLY CANNOT, I CAN'T CONTROL THE LEFT HAND ENOUGH TO USE THE DAMNED KNIFE, SO I USE IT FOR STABBING THE FOOD, DEAL WITH IT. :D
Sorry about that...I wouldn't personally care about that so much as those that WON'T hold it right.... | lunar sun |

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Post by Mark S »

People who do not flush.
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Post by punkgothhippie »

my biggest pet pieve would have to be...drunk people... and stupid people cause they are both inferior creatures...someone should take those sorts out back and shoot em...but hey they do make good comedy material so i guess they have there place in the world too :roll:
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Post by aerius »

Sea Skimmer wrote:People singing along with TV shows, movies or the radio. I hate that.
You should see what people do on the subway here. I've seen people singing along with their walkmans and doing dance club moves. I've seen a few people listening to their walkmans and playing air-drums on their backpacks, and one weirdo was doing an excellent Jimi Hendrix imitation on his imaginary air guitar.

My pet peeve, having to deal with complete fucking morons of every kind on a daily basis...and people wonder why I'm rather hostile sometimes. I consider it a small miracle that I haven't beaten anyone over the head with a ball bat yet.
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Post by haas mark »

aerius wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote:People singing along with TV shows, movies or the radio. I hate that.
You should see what people do on the subway here. I've seen people singing along with their walkmans and doing dance club moves. I've seen a few people listening to their walkmans and playing air-drums on their backpacks, and one weirdo was doing an excellent Jimi Hendrix imitation on his imaginary air guitar.

My pet peeve, having to deal with complete fucking morons of every kind on a daily basis...and people wonder why I'm rather hostile sometimes. I consider it a small miracle that I haven't beaten anyone over the head with a ball bat yet.
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Post by Zaia »

People who don't listen--I can't STAAAAAAAAAAAAND that! Especially if they're 'friends' of mine and I've listened to THEM gripe, moan, complain, bitch, vent, worry, lament, etc. about their lives. When it gets to be my turn, and they cut me off to talk more about themselves--ARGH! Hate that.

People who pass in the shoulder, especially when there's a traffic back-up. Like they are just that much more important than everyone else. They're too good to wait. :evil: Whatever! Utter shite.

People who don't use turn signals/indicators. People who don't pull all the way up to use the front pump at the gas station. People who don't hold the door for other people. Little things that make you either thoughtful or thoughtless.

Lack of empathy. This one doesn't bother me as much as it used to, because I've grown accustomed to people only thinking of themselves, but... It bothers me when people act according to what they want to do and never bother to think how they would feel if someone treated them the way they treat others.

Aerius, is it you who has the avatar that looks like it could be Sarah McLaughlin? And might in fact be her? If it is her, yay. She rocks. If not, then--errr, oops. :D
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Post by Crayz9000 »

Mr Bean wrote:
Slow drivers in the fast lane.

Lack of turn signal usage.
Thats my Number 2 and 3 with Number 1 being....

It is somewhat evened when you're driving a 4WD Suburban yourself :D

I've found that an effective strategy for getting rid of tailgaters is to speed up, slow down, speed up, slow down, and basically act like you're drunk until they get fed up and pass.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

1. When I buy a Coke at the resteraunt and its flat. There is a resteraunt down the street from me and they have bubbly soda. Good for you guys!

2. Coworkers who think you will build them a PC for free when you are NOT their friend.

3. My mom when she smacks while eating.
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