Emphasis mine.I've been thinking. Should we set up more VS forums, such as ST+SW vs Halo, or something like that? Not only would it provide a lot more options for debate, but it would give both sides a place to cool off and actually anylize something without wanting to rip each others heads off, and maybe even allow the two sides to agree on something.
Also, we may just take down the main site for now, since it is way to vague, it was merely meant to be a placeholder so we could get the forum up (warsies, please don't take this as a concession, since all I want is for us to be able to agree on something without wanting to kill eachother). So, what do you think?
Dispite his disclaimer, that looks a hell of a lot like a concession to me. Unless of course, he refurbishes his articles by cutting and pasting from Dorkstar's site directly.