Aus. Gov't bans 259 handguns...

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Aus. Gov't bans 259 handguns...

Post by MKSheppard » ... 23794.html

Government puts 259 guns on banned list

November 8 2002
By Phillip Hudson
Political Correspondent

The Federal Government has revealed a list of 259 types of handguns it wants to ban, including

Smith & Wesson 357 revolvers, the Beretta Tomcat, Colt pistols and the Glock pistol.

Sporting shooters said last night a preliminary look at the list, released by Justice Minister Chris Ellison, indicated some competitive shooters would have to give up weapons but it broadly supported the ban.

However, the National Coalition for Gun Control said the list failed to live up to Prime Minister John Howard's pledge to crack down on semi-automatic handguns.

Senator Ellison also released the list of 12 world shooting sporting events that would be exempt from the crackdown.

The events were selected after consulting sporting shooters, elite athletes and gun dealers and aimed to protect legitimate sporting shooters.

The 259 banned guns were selected after
the exempt events were chosen. The government said it was not a final list. It has been given to state police ministers and to a police minister's council working group for further advice.

Senator Ellison said the government believed the guns on the list "fall outside of any legitimate sporting activity".

The National Coalition for Gun Control's co- chairman, Roland Browne, said the American-produced Shooters Bible listed 330 semi-automatic handgun models, meaning the government would be leaving some lethal weapons in the community.

"There are about 80 models in about 250 different configurations missing from this list," he said.

"This list falls well short of what the Prime Minister proposed because it doesn't include a ban on all semi-automatic handguns. People wanting to shoot competitively ought to be satisfied with single- shot guns. That is the position in Australia with rifles after the 1996 firearms agreement."

Atlanta Olympic Games shooting gold medallist Russell Mark said last night he supported the list as a "move in the right direction".

But Mr Mark, an Australian Olympic Committee athlete representative, said the technical details would be crucial.

He said more detail was needed, for example, about the Smith & Wesson model 686 because there were many different types of that model with differing barrel size and other features. He said it was a gun used by competitive shooters.

"The government needs to specify the barrel size of the gun and other technical details," he said.

Sporting Shooters Association executive director Gary Fleetwood said the group wanted a closer look at the details and required more information about technical specifications, but broadly supported the government list of guns to be banned.

Victoria Amateur Pistol Association secretary Eddie Evans said the list made no sense because it included weapons regularly used in international and national competitions while also failing to include identical weapons made by alternative manufacturers.

"Whoever put this list together does not know what they're doing," he said.


Please note this quote:

"People wanting to shoot competitively ought to be satisfied with single- shot guns. That is the position in Australia with rifles after the 1996 firearms agreement."


Please excuse me while I book passage to Australia so I can beat this
stupid fuck to death with a blunt object....
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Re: Aus. Gov't bans 259 handguns...

Post by Sea Skimmer »

MKSheppard wrote: ... 23794.html

Government puts 259 guns on banned list

November 8 2002
By Phillip Hudson
Political Correspondent

The Federal Government has revealed a list of 259 types of handguns it wants to ban, including

Smith & Wesson 357 revolvers, the Beretta Tomcat, Colt pistols and the Glock pistol.

Sporting shooters said last night a preliminary look at the list, released by Justice Minister Chris Ellison, indicated some competitive shooters would have to give up weapons but it broadly supported the ban.

However, the National Coalition for Gun Control said the list failed to live up to Prime Minister John Howard's pledge to crack down on semi-automatic handguns.

Senator Ellison also released the list of 12 world shooting sporting events that would be exempt from the crackdown.

The events were selected after consulting sporting shooters, elite athletes and gun dealers and aimed to protect legitimate sporting shooters.

The 259 banned guns were selected after
the exempt events were chosen. The government said it was not a final list. It has been given to state police ministers and to a police minister's council working group for further advice.

Senator Ellison said the government believed the guns on the list "fall outside of any legitimate sporting activity".

The National Coalition for Gun Control's co- chairman, Roland Browne, said the American-produced Shooters Bible listed 330 semi-automatic handgun models, meaning the government would be leaving some lethal weapons in the community.

"There are about 80 models in about 250 different configurations missing from this list," he said.

"This list falls well short of what the Prime Minister proposed because it doesn't include a ban on all semi-automatic handguns. People wanting to shoot competitively ought to be satisfied with single- shot guns. That is the position in Australia with rifles after the 1996 firearms agreement."

Atlanta Olympic Games shooting gold medallist Russell Mark said last night he supported the list as a "move in the right direction".

But Mr Mark, an Australian Olympic Committee athlete representative, said the technical details would be crucial.

He said more detail was needed, for example, about the Smith & Wesson model 686 because there were many different types of that model with differing barrel size and other features. He said it was a gun used by competitive shooters.

"The government needs to specify the barrel size of the gun and other technical details," he said.

Sporting Shooters Association executive director Gary Fleetwood said the group wanted a closer look at the details and required more information about technical specifications, but broadly supported the government list of guns to be banned.

Victoria Amateur Pistol Association secretary Eddie Evans said the list made no sense because it included weapons regularly used in international and national competitions while also failing to include identical weapons made by alternative manufacturers.

"Whoever put this list together does not know what they're doing," he said.


Please note this quote:

"People wanting to shoot competitively ought to be satisfied with single- shot guns. That is the position in Australia with rifles after the 1996 firearms agreement."


Please excuse me while I book passage to Australia so I can beat this
stupid fuck to death with a blunt object....
Preferably an AK stock.
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Post by weemadando »


Look at the PROPOSED legislation...

Whats so bad about it? It restricts access to firearms to those who need to have access.

Sure criminals will still be able to get guns on the black market, but the fact remains that the majority of guns used in offenses in Australia PRIOR to the 1996 crackdown were registered to the person who commited them. Who in most cases merely owned a gun. Because they could.

I think its a good idea to ban/restrict many of the firearms available on the market. As BackBerner put it: "Does a farmer really need a concealed weapon to cull animals?... You could walk into the paddock with a BAZOOKA on your shoulder and they'd just keep on eating. So why the hell would you need a glock in an ankle holster?"

Why do civilians need to be armed? Make a decent reason. The right to bear arms is not protected in Australia (as it allegedly is in America) so I know that you can't use that excuse. Fighting crime? Vigilanteism is illegal and we have the police for that kind of thing. So come up with a real reason why the general public should be able to carry semi-auto handguns...
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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

D'oh never mind. Misread the post.
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Post by Knife »

weemadando wrote:Hey...

Look at the PROPOSED legislation...

Whats so bad about it? It restricts access to firearms to those who need to have access.

Sure criminals will still be able to get guns on the black market, but the fact remains that the majority of guns used in offenses in Australia PRIOR to the 1996 crackdown were registered to the person who commited them. Who in most cases merely owned a gun. Because they could.

I think its a good idea to ban/restrict many of the firearms available on the market. As BackBerner put it: "Does a farmer really need a concealed weapon to cull animals?... You could walk into the paddock with a BAZOOKA on your shoulder and they'd just keep on eating. So why the hell would you need a glock in an ankle holster?"

Why do civilians need to be armed? Make a decent reason. The right to bear arms is not protected in Australia (as it allegedly is in America) so I know that you can't use that excuse. Fighting crime? Vigilanteism is illegal and we have the police for that kind of thing. So come up with a real reason why the general public should be able to carry semi-auto handguns...
Ah, but you could have use a gun to shoot that spider. :D :lol:
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

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Post by weemadando »

Knife wrote:
weemadando wrote:Hey...

Look at the PROPOSED legislation...

Whats so bad about it? It restricts access to firearms to those who need to have access.

Sure criminals will still be able to get guns on the black market, but the fact remains that the majority of guns used in offenses in Australia PRIOR to the 1996 crackdown were registered to the person who commited them. Who in most cases merely owned a gun. Because they could.

I think its a good idea to ban/restrict many of the firearms available on the market. As BackBerner put it: "Does a farmer really need a concealed weapon to cull animals?... You could walk into the paddock with a BAZOOKA on your shoulder and they'd just keep on eating. So why the hell would you need a glock in an ankle holster?"

Why do civilians need to be armed? Make a decent reason. The right to bear arms is not protected in Australia (as it allegedly is in America) so I know that you can't use that excuse. Fighting crime? Vigilanteism is illegal and we have the police for that kind of thing. So come up with a real reason why the general public should be able to carry semi-auto handguns...
Ah, but you could have use a gun to shoot that spider. :D :lol:
I'm thinking of just moving out anything valuable and getting some home-made napalm. Thats right. 20 hours into the search and still no sign. Time to call in an arc-light.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Intresting, where is this list BTW, $20 say they left the .44 Magnum and Desert Eagle off the List

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Post by salm »

good approach
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

I would understand it if they banned the .50 cal Desert Eagle, but THIS????
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Post by Mr Bean »

There's the old list, I can't find the new one even on the Goverment Website and I strongly want to beat the head in of the writer of the story for not fucking linking the new list

Thats just idioitc to write a story then not link your fucking sources

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Post by Vympel »

weemadando wrote: You could walk into the paddock with a BAZOOKA on your shoulder and they'd just keep on eating.
*Mental picture* .... :twisted:

Ok ... Bazooka? Honestly, wtf? Which soldier looked at this thing and said ... yup, that there's a bazooka!

The Germans had it right:

Panzerfaust: Tank/Armored Fist
Panzerschreck: Tank/Armored terror

The Russians also knew what they were doing

RPG: Reakitivny Propatankoviy Granatomet. Or Rocket Propelled Grenade.

But BAZOOKA? WTF is a Bazooka?
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Post by Guest »

I believe gun control is desirable in certain circumstances. For example, convicted felons of violent crimes should not be able to buy guns. I also believe certain types of weapons, such as machine guns should be prohibited. However, I believe law-abiding citizens should have the right to purchase firearms.
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Post by salm »

Vympel wrote:
weemadando wrote: You could walk into the paddock with a BAZOOKA on your shoulder and they'd just keep on eating.
*Mental picture* .... :twisted:

Ok ... Bazooka? Honestly, wtf? Which soldier looked at this thing and said ... yup, that there's a bazooka!

The Germans had it right:

Panzerfaust: Tank/Armored Fist
Panzerschreck: Tank/Armored terror

The Russians also knew what they were doing

RPG: Reakitivny Propatankoviy Granatomet. Or Rocket Propelled Grenade.

But BAZOOKA? WTF is a Bazooka?
a bazzooka is a trombone like instrument invented by Bob Burns

check this link for further information:
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Post by ElBlanco »

Why do civilians need to be armed? Make a decent reason.

In your own words.
Sure criminals will still be able to get guns on the black market,
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

I believe gun control is desirable in certain circumstances. For example, convicted felons of violent crimes should not be able to buy guns. I also believe certain types of weapons, such as machine guns should be prohibited. However, I believe law-abiding citizens should have the right to purchase firearms.
I agree, I dont see any reason why a farmer should not have a shotgun, or I cant own a .22 for target shooting.
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Post by MKSheppard »

TrailerParkJawa wrote: I agree, I dont see any reason why a farmer should not have a shotgun, or I cant own a .22 for target shooting.
But what about hunting? .22LR is not allowed for need large
caliber rounds like the .308 Winchester, 30'06, .270 Winchester, etc etc

And those rounds all can penetrate bulletproof vests and car doors....
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Post by weemadando »

ElBlanco wrote:
Why do civilians need to be armed? Make a decent reason.

In your own words.
Sure criminals will still be able to get guns on the black market,
False dilemma. I resolved this in my post. I reiterate for those of you whose mental function is not yet capable of reading more than a single sentence at a stretch.

Vigilanteism is illegal.

We have police for dealing with armed criminals.

Anyhow, when was the last time a crime was prevented in the US by a gun-toting civilian without creating further problems?
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