-grins- That is so me. Great job, GR. A few slight spelling errors here and there (mostly just plural/singular agreement) but nothing major. Looking forward to more; thanks for PMing me and letting me know.His work brought fame across the galaxy and the holos had labeled him as charming, witty and touched with a bit of madness. Right now he questioned the charm and wit and truly wanted a bit more of that so called madness.
Endless Night(revised)
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Hot Pants à la Zaia | BotM Lord Monkey Mod OOK!
Formerly verilon
R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero, 09 October 1967 - 13 November 2005
Hot Pants à la Zaia | BotM Lord Monkey Mod OOK!
Formerly verilon
R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero, 09 October 1967 - 13 November 2005
- Ghost Rider
- Spirit of Vengeance
- Posts: 27779
- Joined: 2002-09-24 01:48pm
- Location: DC...looking up from the gutters to the stars
Across the galaxy the Indomitable cruised lazily and for the life of him Captain Korr did not understand why. The bridge itself was abuzz with the usual activities that preoccupied a Star Destroyer, but with extra vigor, since Admiral Valdemar had decide to take a personal tour of sort. The usual hum of conversation and noise that occupied the bridge crew was lessened and at some points absent. Sitting on a single chair that looked outside the main window and overlooked the bridge crew, Valdemar was in his own universe or that’s the appearance he gave. Korr did note that there were none of his usual black garbed guards nearby, or none that he could see for himself.
What irritated him was that the destination would’ve taken barely half a day at most, but the admiral insisted on a much slower speed. Korr just mentally told himself he would be told all things in time and turned to face the admiral who had his hands pursed against his lips, as if waiting for something. He did not notice that he paced just within view of the admiral as he said his silent musings.
“Yes, captain?” Valdemar answered.
“I am curious of certain aspects of your current orders and were devising…”
“You are questioning why such a slow approach and have thought of the possibility that I have withheld something to you.” Valdemar answered with no rise in tone. His red eyes continued to stare out into the myriad lightshow that Hyperspace allowed the viewer.
“I would never be so bold.” Korr apologized.
“Do not fret captain, as I stated before I did not want a sycophant.” Valdemar said. “But please for the sake of such, express your concerns.”
Korr pressed a finger to his lips to give some weight to the matter. He at this juncture only knew of the resources at hand. Approximately four sectors worth of vessels and troops, more then what the Renamant had been reduced to, but hardly galaxy shaking. Over the years he was continually amazed how much that the Renamant gave up.
The event that triggered the most recent capitulation by his nation was a mere hundred years ago. A being who claimed to be yet in a number of innumerable Sith lords, acquired a decent amount of Renamant hardware and then went on what most look to be a complete terror scheme. The Jedi were mired by there own troubles and the Alliance could not agree which general to send. No real sense of targets and no such conquest, millions of lives were killed, many billions more injured and a few star systems suffered, until decisive action was taken. The part that always saddened him was that this tragedy could have been swiftly resolved with decisive action, but the Alliance were confused who should take action since he raided the Corellians, the Hapans, and a few other notable systems.
What sickened him of the event is that it was immediately thought as the fault of the Renamant. The Senate came down with such force and vigor, it was disgusting. Sanctions were approved at frightening speed, and blame was swiftly appropriated to particulars. In the immediate years, the Renamant which had maintained a relative low profile in the realm of galactic politics were the newest whipping boy. Thus the ruling council in some way to appease the Alliance lowered their forces to a level that could barely fend off raiders, in some desperate measure to insure said events would never repeat. The very fact the moffs capitulated so quickly disgusted him, they were the victims but because of the history that predated everyone here by nearly a thousand years, they simply just listened and obeyed like cattle. Still the admiral had been confident that what little resources they had would do or gave that particular impression. The battle they had witnessed demonstrated the tactics of the Alliance but something bothered him. He would not have another chance to assert the nagging thought.
“I’m curious as to what assures you of your goal?” Korr said with consideration. He looked at his commander with a steely gaze.
“Simple, soon events will take place that will weaken bonds of the Alliance has on control of the galaxy even more so.” Valdemar confidently said.
“I am not sure I follow.” Korr said with a frown.
Valdemar smiled. He pressed a small button and behind them a small tri-pronged base came from the ground. With a flash of blue light a miniature hologram of the Hapan star system appeared, amazingly what appeared to be detailed battle group icons as well. Korr looked at the object intently as the admiral got up and walked to the opposite of the hologram.
“As you know full well, this is what is considered the Hapan Confederacy; only considered this because of their current government of a monarchy. They are usually matriarchal rulers, but at this time a true rarity, a patriarch by rather unknown means.” Valdemar explained as he magnified a planet and the hyperspace lanes that were adjacent to it.
“Unknown as to how the current chosen king was even known to be Hapan royalty. He was for the longest time a Jedi, and then suddenly the former queen passed away and gave the throne to an unknown heir.”
“A Jedi?” Korr asked with suspicion. “I had heard while tolerated and even at one point the major consideration for any heir to the throne in the past seven hundred years. The Hapans had become even more suspicious of any Jedi, when the last one went rampant.”
“Correct, my good captain. Still this one is a former member of the Jedi Council, a member of extremely high standing…but lacking in terms of overall power to the general Hapan populace.”
“Hmmm, then perhaps a forging of an alliance with them is of a possibility?”
Valdemar raised a single eyebrow; no other emotion crossed his face. Korr took a moment meeting his superior’s eerie red eyes and thought upon the silence.
“Something like that.” Valdemar said, again with no emotion. He then gestured at the globe in front of him. The hologram shimmered and changed to a different perspective. It now encompassed the borders of both the Hapan Confederacy and the Bothan Republic. Demarcations of disputed zones were clearly marked, in particular Isolder74, which also had a deep red line cutting through it. Korr noted this and looked at his commander who without glancing up, spoke. “That particular line is one of the five most used hyperspace trade lanes in the entire Alliance. In fact it’s been in dispute for approximately seven months, and events are coming to a full head that will determine whether the Hapans will still be in control of that particular area.”
“If I may say sir, that’s absurd to think the Bothans have the ability to take it any other way then through a trade agreement!” Korr exclaimed.
“Are you so sure?” Valdemar said with an eyebrow raised.
“Sir, they would have to ramp up production by at least triple in the past fifteen years to accomplish this. That and the Alliance would have sent some inquiries upon one of the most prominent members building such a heavy military force. It just simply is not feasible.”
“Why would say that given their spy net is the premier in the entire galaxy?”
“Perhaps, but sir…the feat seems completely unfeasible, to me.” Korr shrugged.
“It is feasible and has been done, and on a greater level then even what you expected. In the time since the Great Vong wars, the Bothans have literally become one of the predominant powers. One thing of note is that not only did their star go ascendant, it never faltered, unlike the Renamant. They have a great deal of leeway in all affairs and their spy network has effectively covered up one of the largest naval build ups since the time of the New Order.” Valdemar explained.
“Interesting then, because why then go through political channels? I understand not rile up the Hapans in a potentially bloody interstellar war, but if their forces are as vast as you indicate, they are the obvious victors.”
“Then what would their reason be? The Alliance may be an immense bureaucracy but they do not take kindly to any shift in galactic power, certainly nothing this vast. So their only recourse it to first pursue a diplomatic means and when it obviously fails, pursue a military.” Valdemar said as he gestured to the map.
“Obviously fails, sir?” Korr said.
“I have through a confident and assured source that the leader of this expedition if one Ro’btr Scotta’der.” Valdemar said with a smile.
“What?” Korr said as he for a second lost his footing. As he regained himself he weighed in the situation. In command of possibly a few sector groups’ worth of vessels is their most incompetent commander ever. His record spoke for itself, in fact the only reason he was never brought to any charges by the Bothans let alone the Alliance was because of his connections and family. “Why…of course he would fail!”
“Now you begin to understand their objectives.” Valdemar said as he continued to look at the hologram, noting silently fleet movements.
“Wouldn’t the Alliance suspect something?”
“Perhaps, but to what end?” Valdemar said as he weighed his second. “That the Bothans placed an incompetent in command?”
“Given this particular commander is dumber then usual, and these negotiations being what they are, and especially what the two sides have been threatening. This would seem to easily be a set up for any sort of military options.”
“Perhaps if one closely examined who and what the situation was, as it stands the Senate’s view of it is that the Bothans are following procedure.” Valdemar answered, he pressed an icon and another smaller display opened next to him. “I believe you can assess the problem?”
“Yes, but I still don’t see the risk being that rewarding.” Korr said dejectedly.
“You don’t?” Valdemar asked. He had yet to take his eyes away from the display but cocked a single eyebrow from the statement. “Control of one of the most heavily used Hyperspace passages. The only thing at risk is a minor bit of warfare? How can you not see the advantages the Bothans have placed before themselves to insure victory?”
“It’s just I do not see…”
Korr stiffened at the response. He adjusted his shirt and stood straighter, looking directly at his commander, who for his part was continually staring at the star map. Valdemar took no notice, and then calmly depressed a hidden switch and the hologram fizzled.
“Something I noticed with entire Renamant. The moffs I discussed this plan with thought of success as a small possibility. In fact these neutered commanders believed that this would further drive them back, even after we were given resources by our mysterious benefactor. We have more then enough ships to easily defend our paltry part of the galaxy, in fact if we do not involve ourselves into galactic politics and affairs we are doomed to stagnation. Your statement is nearly verbatim to what they gave me, and do you know what I told them?”
Korr shook his head, muted by the accusations laid before him.
“We will die.”
“Surely you’re joking?” Korr asked nervously.
“No.” Valdemar said as an aide silently handed him a small datapad. He nodded the aide away and suddenly the ship had left hyperspace and sat serenely in real space. “Do you truly want to know why the Renamant never raised itself, even when we had a perfect chance nearly a thousand years ago?”
“Yes, I do.” Korr said as he returned a steely glance.
“It is very simple, really. We never allied ourselves with anyone but the most fickle of positions.” Valdemar said as he walked towards the other end of the bridge to the lifts, Korr followed closely behind. “What I proposed to the moffs was a proposition in the upcoming war that we side with a beneficial and appreciative ally.”
Korr nodded as they entered the lift. “Forgive me if I don’t see this happening as you unfold it, but you have my loyalty and the command of the fleet.”
“You will, my good captain, you will.” Valdemar said as the doors shut with a hiss.
Derith walked into the docking area after getting the couple extra tools he figured he needed. The smell of the place was always a mixture of bad fuels and mung, and the sight wasn’t that much better. Still sights and smell said nothing of a pilot’s capability, but he still wished a more orderly environment. As he strode forward through the bay, he patted his inside pocket. Silently complimenting on his fortuitous foresight to pack a few slice units, these things were always helpful in dissuading things that were outside the influence of the Force.
From across the docking area, a small figure was waving anxiously towards him. “Over here!”
Derith stopped as the figure began to run up to him. He cocked his head a bit and reached out with his senses, sensing no danger from the source ahead, he continued forward. Still he felt something on the edge of the area, something that would constitute as a problem, as a small creature passed quickly by him. With that he appropriately adjusted his belt.
“Do I know you?” Derith asked as the bouncy Twi’lek girl came to a halt in front of him.
“No, of course not, silly…we just met!” she said as she swayed her head back and forth. “Oh that’s right, Crimson said I was supposed to meet you out here!”
“And?” Derith said with a hint of a smile. The young blue skinned Twi’lek put a single finger to her lips, nodding her head while chewing on her lower lip a bit. Then she perked up her head, and took Derith’s hand.
“And, take you to the ship.” She said smiling as she led him into Docking Bay 94. The entire docking bay like most other was literally a giant stone well with a ramp way, even on Coruscant. Some had more elaborate design, but in this area, rarely. The area around the docking bay was in pretty bad shape. Derith noticed bits of stone were cracking and the service bays were in bad order. Still as long as the craft worked, the shape of where she was sitting mattered little to him. Then he gazed at the ship as the small girl stood beside him with a grin on her face that was from ear to ear.
“This…is the ship?” Derith asked. He continued to stare around to insure himself that this was Docking Bay 94. The craft in front of him was a large freighter class, he presumed YT-2800, perhaps 2900. The older models always confused him a bit, but the problem was it was heavily modified if such. The body itself was an ellipsoid; more like it was half of one with three prongs jutting forward from the center. The cockpit jutted at an angle from the body of the ship along the right side of the vessel. Vessel also was perhaps too strong of a word; the object was a mish mash of battered plates, mixed with discarded components that no other ship would deem remotely usable. Trying to contemplate the amount he was paying to board this ship made him question his sanity, literally it was held by either the Force or magical fairies.
“What a piece of junk.” Derith whispered under his breath. The small Twi’lek crooked her head to the side as she observed him. Derith continued to walk slowly forward, continuing to appraise the ship.
“Hey she may not look like it, but she’s got it where it counts.” The Twi’lek commented as she crinkled her nose. Then as she said that statement, Crimson appeared and shook her head.
“Yeah, she may not look like much, but the Millennium Falcon has gotten a few personal modifications, she’s faster then anything in the galaxy.” Crimson replied as she walked up to the pair. “Now if you and Lindar, would kindly board her…we can get moving.”
Lindar bobbed her head as she smirked at Derith’s direction. For his part he just looked at the ship and hoped the Corellian woman was on the mark with her boisterous claim. To him this thing could not lift off the platform let alone fly. Still, it would make the perfect ship for any sort of undercover work. Lindar happily walked onto the ship’s ramp; with Derith following closely behind.
Outside, a small hooded figure turned to see Derith and Lindar stride into the docking bay. It scuttled down to the entrance and up to several men, each of them were lightly covered in shiny black carapace armor from head to toe, with a red sunburst insignia on their shoulders. The small creature tugged on the leader’s arm as the man gazed down at him through his reflective visor.
“Ko Hoohah!” the little creature exclaimed as he pointed down the hall. With that the leader nodded and motioned to his men, dropping a small bag into the creature’s hands as they ran. At the end of the hallway, one of them looked at the door and inside the helmet smiled. One of the other soldiers raised his forefinger in the air as the leader looked at the door and nodded in agreement. The soldier took out a small black box with two tubular protrusions on each side and sealed the device onto the door. Raising his hand in the air, the rest scattered like shadows in the light as the device counted slowly down to zero.
Inside Derith stopped and leaned closer to Crimson. “You are about the have a small problem.”
“And how would know this?” Crimson asked as she folded her arms across her chest.
Derith smirked as an explosion ripped through the hanger. Crimson quickly twisted her head to see the glint of black steel storming out of the haze and smoke. She could see gun barrels taking aim when she shoved Derith up the ramp and fired first, hitting one armored figure squarely in the head. With that sound, Lindar yelped as she ducked her head and ran into the ship. “2K-AD, I could use some help here!” Crimson yelled over her comlink.
“Query: Mistress, do you wish for me to deploy light or heavy guns?”
“Right now, I don’t really care!” She said while hiding next to the landing gantry as burst of super charged plasma exploded around her.
Inside the ship, Lindar look at the open control panel with some concern. She fiddled with a couple of the wires and scratched the back of her head.
“Something not finished?” Derith asked as he gazed at the mess, over Lindar’s shoulder.
“Sorta.” Lindar said as she poked her head into the mess of wires. “You think we’ll need the hyperdrive working?”
At that moment, Crimson slammed the landing ramp close, and rushed past them without a glance. “2K-AD...shields up, now!”
“Maybe.” Derith said as he followed Crimson to the cockpit. Inside the cockpit was no less chaotic then the outside of the ship with the men firing at it. A cacophony of light and sound from a dozen control panels erupted in Derith’s eyes as Raine slid easily into her seat. To her left the droid meticulously and relentlessly pressed a variety of switches that ignited the engines. A low hum became a mighty roar as it freed itself from gravity’s hold.
Outside the three remaining men saw the engines come to life and the ship lift itself effortlessly off the ground. One of them cut his hand across his throat. The other two nodded and left the docking area, as the remainder pressed a button on his wrist and lowered his head to it.
“Captain, they’re away.” The trooper said as he watched the ship go into Coruscant’s orange sky. “Send everything you got.”
Derith eased into his chair as they lifted beyond the horizon into space. Coruscant even here was a jumble of ships and freighters entering and exiting. It was even more chaotic and had more activity then below, with the lights of thousands of freighters illuminating brighter then even the star the planet orbited around. Crimson expertly glided the Falcon between two freighters, when her display, a red light beeped incessantly.
“Pursuers?” Derith asked as he looked at the threat display board.
“Let’s just say, I’m not particularly loved by Black Sun.” Crimson grimaced as she flipped a couple more switches.
“Statement: four Star-Burst pursuers from the surface.”
“Even Black Sun agents aren’t nuts enough to shot at us in civilian lanes.” Crimson smirked, as a blast of plasma exploded in front of her. She jerked the ship to avoid the tracer fire and the large boxy ship off to the ship’s starboard bow.
“Statement: I believe they are.” The droid corrected as he tapped another few buttons.
“Accidentally kill one Vigo...” She whispered as she flipped the com button. “Lindar! How’s the hyperdrive looking?”
“Ummm, could I get back to you?” The voice squeaked as loud burst of static accompanied it.
“Well I think I can get something cobbled together, you just have to make sure, no really hard jolts, okay?”
“No guarantees!” With that Crimson flipped the com off, and looked out as two Frigates hypered in and more fire poured out of her pursuers. “I have a bad feeling about this.”
Across the galaxy the Indomitable cruised lazily and for the life of him Captain Korr did not understand why. The bridge itself was abuzz with the usual activities that preoccupied a Star Destroyer, but with extra vigor, since Admiral Valdemar had decide to take a personal tour of sort. The usual hum of conversation and noise that occupied the bridge crew was lessened and at some points absent. Sitting on a single chair that looked outside the main window and overlooked the bridge crew, Valdemar was in his own universe or that’s the appearance he gave. Korr did note that there were none of his usual black garbed guards nearby, or none that he could see for himself.
What irritated him was that the destination would’ve taken barely half a day at most, but the admiral insisted on a much slower speed. Korr just mentally told himself he would be told all things in time and turned to face the admiral who had his hands pursed against his lips, as if waiting for something. He did not notice that he paced just within view of the admiral as he said his silent musings.
“Yes, captain?” Valdemar answered.
“I am curious of certain aspects of your current orders and were devising…”
“You are questioning why such a slow approach and have thought of the possibility that I have withheld something to you.” Valdemar answered with no rise in tone. His red eyes continued to stare out into the myriad lightshow that Hyperspace allowed the viewer.
“I would never be so bold.” Korr apologized.
“Do not fret captain, as I stated before I did not want a sycophant.” Valdemar said. “But please for the sake of such, express your concerns.”
Korr pressed a finger to his lips to give some weight to the matter. He at this juncture only knew of the resources at hand. Approximately four sectors worth of vessels and troops, more then what the Renamant had been reduced to, but hardly galaxy shaking. Over the years he was continually amazed how much that the Renamant gave up.
The event that triggered the most recent capitulation by his nation was a mere hundred years ago. A being who claimed to be yet in a number of innumerable Sith lords, acquired a decent amount of Renamant hardware and then went on what most look to be a complete terror scheme. The Jedi were mired by there own troubles and the Alliance could not agree which general to send. No real sense of targets and no such conquest, millions of lives were killed, many billions more injured and a few star systems suffered, until decisive action was taken. The part that always saddened him was that this tragedy could have been swiftly resolved with decisive action, but the Alliance were confused who should take action since he raided the Corellians, the Hapans, and a few other notable systems.
What sickened him of the event is that it was immediately thought as the fault of the Renamant. The Senate came down with such force and vigor, it was disgusting. Sanctions were approved at frightening speed, and blame was swiftly appropriated to particulars. In the immediate years, the Renamant which had maintained a relative low profile in the realm of galactic politics were the newest whipping boy. Thus the ruling council in some way to appease the Alliance lowered their forces to a level that could barely fend off raiders, in some desperate measure to insure said events would never repeat. The very fact the moffs capitulated so quickly disgusted him, they were the victims but because of the history that predated everyone here by nearly a thousand years, they simply just listened and obeyed like cattle. Still the admiral had been confident that what little resources they had would do or gave that particular impression. The battle they had witnessed demonstrated the tactics of the Alliance but something bothered him. He would not have another chance to assert the nagging thought.
“I’m curious as to what assures you of your goal?” Korr said with consideration. He looked at his commander with a steely gaze.
“Simple, soon events will take place that will weaken bonds of the Alliance has on control of the galaxy even more so.” Valdemar confidently said.
“I am not sure I follow.” Korr said with a frown.
Valdemar smiled. He pressed a small button and behind them a small tri-pronged base came from the ground. With a flash of blue light a miniature hologram of the Hapan star system appeared, amazingly what appeared to be detailed battle group icons as well. Korr looked at the object intently as the admiral got up and walked to the opposite of the hologram.
“As you know full well, this is what is considered the Hapan Confederacy; only considered this because of their current government of a monarchy. They are usually matriarchal rulers, but at this time a true rarity, a patriarch by rather unknown means.” Valdemar explained as he magnified a planet and the hyperspace lanes that were adjacent to it.
“Unknown as to how the current chosen king was even known to be Hapan royalty. He was for the longest time a Jedi, and then suddenly the former queen passed away and gave the throne to an unknown heir.”
“A Jedi?” Korr asked with suspicion. “I had heard while tolerated and even at one point the major consideration for any heir to the throne in the past seven hundred years. The Hapans had become even more suspicious of any Jedi, when the last one went rampant.”
“Correct, my good captain. Still this one is a former member of the Jedi Council, a member of extremely high standing…but lacking in terms of overall power to the general Hapan populace.”
“Hmmm, then perhaps a forging of an alliance with them is of a possibility?”
Valdemar raised a single eyebrow; no other emotion crossed his face. Korr took a moment meeting his superior’s eerie red eyes and thought upon the silence.
“Something like that.” Valdemar said, again with no emotion. He then gestured at the globe in front of him. The hologram shimmered and changed to a different perspective. It now encompassed the borders of both the Hapan Confederacy and the Bothan Republic. Demarcations of disputed zones were clearly marked, in particular Isolder74, which also had a deep red line cutting through it. Korr noted this and looked at his commander who without glancing up, spoke. “That particular line is one of the five most used hyperspace trade lanes in the entire Alliance. In fact it’s been in dispute for approximately seven months, and events are coming to a full head that will determine whether the Hapans will still be in control of that particular area.”
“If I may say sir, that’s absurd to think the Bothans have the ability to take it any other way then through a trade agreement!” Korr exclaimed.
“Are you so sure?” Valdemar said with an eyebrow raised.
“Sir, they would have to ramp up production by at least triple in the past fifteen years to accomplish this. That and the Alliance would have sent some inquiries upon one of the most prominent members building such a heavy military force. It just simply is not feasible.”
“Why would say that given their spy net is the premier in the entire galaxy?”
“Perhaps, but sir…the feat seems completely unfeasible, to me.” Korr shrugged.
“It is feasible and has been done, and on a greater level then even what you expected. In the time since the Great Vong wars, the Bothans have literally become one of the predominant powers. One thing of note is that not only did their star go ascendant, it never faltered, unlike the Renamant. They have a great deal of leeway in all affairs and their spy network has effectively covered up one of the largest naval build ups since the time of the New Order.” Valdemar explained.
“Interesting then, because why then go through political channels? I understand not rile up the Hapans in a potentially bloody interstellar war, but if their forces are as vast as you indicate, they are the obvious victors.”
“Then what would their reason be? The Alliance may be an immense bureaucracy but they do not take kindly to any shift in galactic power, certainly nothing this vast. So their only recourse it to first pursue a diplomatic means and when it obviously fails, pursue a military.” Valdemar said as he gestured to the map.
“Obviously fails, sir?” Korr said.
“I have through a confident and assured source that the leader of this expedition if one Ro’btr Scotta’der.” Valdemar said with a smile.
“What?” Korr said as he for a second lost his footing. As he regained himself he weighed in the situation. In command of possibly a few sector groups’ worth of vessels is their most incompetent commander ever. His record spoke for itself, in fact the only reason he was never brought to any charges by the Bothans let alone the Alliance was because of his connections and family. “Why…of course he would fail!”
“Now you begin to understand their objectives.” Valdemar said as he continued to look at the hologram, noting silently fleet movements.
“Wouldn’t the Alliance suspect something?”
“Perhaps, but to what end?” Valdemar said as he weighed his second. “That the Bothans placed an incompetent in command?”
“Given this particular commander is dumber then usual, and these negotiations being what they are, and especially what the two sides have been threatening. This would seem to easily be a set up for any sort of military options.”
“Perhaps if one closely examined who and what the situation was, as it stands the Senate’s view of it is that the Bothans are following procedure.” Valdemar answered, he pressed an icon and another smaller display opened next to him. “I believe you can assess the problem?”
“Yes, but I still don’t see the risk being that rewarding.” Korr said dejectedly.
“You don’t?” Valdemar asked. He had yet to take his eyes away from the display but cocked a single eyebrow from the statement. “Control of one of the most heavily used Hyperspace passages. The only thing at risk is a minor bit of warfare? How can you not see the advantages the Bothans have placed before themselves to insure victory?”
“It’s just I do not see…”
Korr stiffened at the response. He adjusted his shirt and stood straighter, looking directly at his commander, who for his part was continually staring at the star map. Valdemar took no notice, and then calmly depressed a hidden switch and the hologram fizzled.
“Something I noticed with entire Renamant. The moffs I discussed this plan with thought of success as a small possibility. In fact these neutered commanders believed that this would further drive them back, even after we were given resources by our mysterious benefactor. We have more then enough ships to easily defend our paltry part of the galaxy, in fact if we do not involve ourselves into galactic politics and affairs we are doomed to stagnation. Your statement is nearly verbatim to what they gave me, and do you know what I told them?”
Korr shook his head, muted by the accusations laid before him.
“We will die.”
“Surely you’re joking?” Korr asked nervously.
“No.” Valdemar said as an aide silently handed him a small datapad. He nodded the aide away and suddenly the ship had left hyperspace and sat serenely in real space. “Do you truly want to know why the Renamant never raised itself, even when we had a perfect chance nearly a thousand years ago?”
“Yes, I do.” Korr said as he returned a steely glance.
“It is very simple, really. We never allied ourselves with anyone but the most fickle of positions.” Valdemar said as he walked towards the other end of the bridge to the lifts, Korr followed closely behind. “What I proposed to the moffs was a proposition in the upcoming war that we side with a beneficial and appreciative ally.”
Korr nodded as they entered the lift. “Forgive me if I don’t see this happening as you unfold it, but you have my loyalty and the command of the fleet.”
“You will, my good captain, you will.” Valdemar said as the doors shut with a hiss.
Derith walked into the docking area after getting the couple extra tools he figured he needed. The smell of the place was always a mixture of bad fuels and mung, and the sight wasn’t that much better. Still sights and smell said nothing of a pilot’s capability, but he still wished a more orderly environment. As he strode forward through the bay, he patted his inside pocket. Silently complimenting on his fortuitous foresight to pack a few slice units, these things were always helpful in dissuading things that were outside the influence of the Force.
From across the docking area, a small figure was waving anxiously towards him. “Over here!”
Derith stopped as the figure began to run up to him. He cocked his head a bit and reached out with his senses, sensing no danger from the source ahead, he continued forward. Still he felt something on the edge of the area, something that would constitute as a problem, as a small creature passed quickly by him. With that he appropriately adjusted his belt.
“Do I know you?” Derith asked as the bouncy Twi’lek girl came to a halt in front of him.
“No, of course not, silly…we just met!” she said as she swayed her head back and forth. “Oh that’s right, Crimson said I was supposed to meet you out here!”
“And?” Derith said with a hint of a smile. The young blue skinned Twi’lek put a single finger to her lips, nodding her head while chewing on her lower lip a bit. Then she perked up her head, and took Derith’s hand.
“And, take you to the ship.” She said smiling as she led him into Docking Bay 94. The entire docking bay like most other was literally a giant stone well with a ramp way, even on Coruscant. Some had more elaborate design, but in this area, rarely. The area around the docking bay was in pretty bad shape. Derith noticed bits of stone were cracking and the service bays were in bad order. Still as long as the craft worked, the shape of where she was sitting mattered little to him. Then he gazed at the ship as the small girl stood beside him with a grin on her face that was from ear to ear.
“This…is the ship?” Derith asked. He continued to stare around to insure himself that this was Docking Bay 94. The craft in front of him was a large freighter class, he presumed YT-2800, perhaps 2900. The older models always confused him a bit, but the problem was it was heavily modified if such. The body itself was an ellipsoid; more like it was half of one with three prongs jutting forward from the center. The cockpit jutted at an angle from the body of the ship along the right side of the vessel. Vessel also was perhaps too strong of a word; the object was a mish mash of battered plates, mixed with discarded components that no other ship would deem remotely usable. Trying to contemplate the amount he was paying to board this ship made him question his sanity, literally it was held by either the Force or magical fairies.
“What a piece of junk.” Derith whispered under his breath. The small Twi’lek crooked her head to the side as she observed him. Derith continued to walk slowly forward, continuing to appraise the ship.
“Hey she may not look like it, but she’s got it where it counts.” The Twi’lek commented as she crinkled her nose. Then as she said that statement, Crimson appeared and shook her head.
“Yeah, she may not look like much, but the Millennium Falcon has gotten a few personal modifications, she’s faster then anything in the galaxy.” Crimson replied as she walked up to the pair. “Now if you and Lindar, would kindly board her…we can get moving.”
Lindar bobbed her head as she smirked at Derith’s direction. For his part he just looked at the ship and hoped the Corellian woman was on the mark with her boisterous claim. To him this thing could not lift off the platform let alone fly. Still, it would make the perfect ship for any sort of undercover work. Lindar happily walked onto the ship’s ramp; with Derith following closely behind.
Outside, a small hooded figure turned to see Derith and Lindar stride into the docking bay. It scuttled down to the entrance and up to several men, each of them were lightly covered in shiny black carapace armor from head to toe, with a red sunburst insignia on their shoulders. The small creature tugged on the leader’s arm as the man gazed down at him through his reflective visor.
“Ko Hoohah!” the little creature exclaimed as he pointed down the hall. With that the leader nodded and motioned to his men, dropping a small bag into the creature’s hands as they ran. At the end of the hallway, one of them looked at the door and inside the helmet smiled. One of the other soldiers raised his forefinger in the air as the leader looked at the door and nodded in agreement. The soldier took out a small black box with two tubular protrusions on each side and sealed the device onto the door. Raising his hand in the air, the rest scattered like shadows in the light as the device counted slowly down to zero.
Inside Derith stopped and leaned closer to Crimson. “You are about the have a small problem.”
“And how would know this?” Crimson asked as she folded her arms across her chest.
Derith smirked as an explosion ripped through the hanger. Crimson quickly twisted her head to see the glint of black steel storming out of the haze and smoke. She could see gun barrels taking aim when she shoved Derith up the ramp and fired first, hitting one armored figure squarely in the head. With that sound, Lindar yelped as she ducked her head and ran into the ship. “2K-AD, I could use some help here!” Crimson yelled over her comlink.
“Query: Mistress, do you wish for me to deploy light or heavy guns?”
“Right now, I don’t really care!” She said while hiding next to the landing gantry as burst of super charged plasma exploded around her.
Inside the ship, Lindar look at the open control panel with some concern. She fiddled with a couple of the wires and scratched the back of her head.
“Something not finished?” Derith asked as he gazed at the mess, over Lindar’s shoulder.
“Sorta.” Lindar said as she poked her head into the mess of wires. “You think we’ll need the hyperdrive working?”
At that moment, Crimson slammed the landing ramp close, and rushed past them without a glance. “2K-AD...shields up, now!”
“Maybe.” Derith said as he followed Crimson to the cockpit. Inside the cockpit was no less chaotic then the outside of the ship with the men firing at it. A cacophony of light and sound from a dozen control panels erupted in Derith’s eyes as Raine slid easily into her seat. To her left the droid meticulously and relentlessly pressed a variety of switches that ignited the engines. A low hum became a mighty roar as it freed itself from gravity’s hold.
Outside the three remaining men saw the engines come to life and the ship lift itself effortlessly off the ground. One of them cut his hand across his throat. The other two nodded and left the docking area, as the remainder pressed a button on his wrist and lowered his head to it.
“Captain, they’re away.” The trooper said as he watched the ship go into Coruscant’s orange sky. “Send everything you got.”
Derith eased into his chair as they lifted beyond the horizon into space. Coruscant even here was a jumble of ships and freighters entering and exiting. It was even more chaotic and had more activity then below, with the lights of thousands of freighters illuminating brighter then even the star the planet orbited around. Crimson expertly glided the Falcon between two freighters, when her display, a red light beeped incessantly.
“Pursuers?” Derith asked as he looked at the threat display board.
“Let’s just say, I’m not particularly loved by Black Sun.” Crimson grimaced as she flipped a couple more switches.
“Statement: four Star-Burst pursuers from the surface.”
“Even Black Sun agents aren’t nuts enough to shot at us in civilian lanes.” Crimson smirked, as a blast of plasma exploded in front of her. She jerked the ship to avoid the tracer fire and the large boxy ship off to the ship’s starboard bow.
“Statement: I believe they are.” The droid corrected as he tapped another few buttons.
“Accidentally kill one Vigo...” She whispered as she flipped the com button. “Lindar! How’s the hyperdrive looking?”
“Ummm, could I get back to you?” The voice squeaked as loud burst of static accompanied it.
“Well I think I can get something cobbled together, you just have to make sure, no really hard jolts, okay?”
“No guarantees!” With that Crimson flipped the com off, and looked out as two Frigates hypered in and more fire poured out of her pursuers. “I have a bad feeling about this.”
Last edited by Ghost Rider on 2004-12-16 03:38pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
- haas mark
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Looking good. Will have more to say when I can read through it more thoroughly.
Robert-Conway.com | lunar sun | TotalEnigma.net
Hot Pants à la Zaia | BotM Lord Monkey Mod OOK!
Formerly verilon
R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero, 09 October 1967 - 13 November 2005
Hot Pants à la Zaia | BotM Lord Monkey Mod OOK!
Formerly verilon
R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero, 09 October 1967 - 13 November 2005
- Pathetic Attention Whore
- Posts: 5470
- Joined: 2003-02-17 12:04pm
- Location: Bat Country!
- Emperor's Hand
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- Joined: 2003-04-10 03:45pm
- Location: Cheshire, England
My brothers asked me what I was doing. “I’m reading.” “You laugh out loud while you read?” “Yeah…?”I don’t quite see what their point was. I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard since…well… I don’t know. (Ok…so I laugh every day) heh. But It entertained me for a while*nods* I had to reread a bit…*uncertain if ought to admit why* ok…so I could understand what it meant. But by the time I got to the middle I understood it lots better.*claps* And it’s fun!
I wanna hear more about Verilon! He’s funny!*grins* rather the situation he’s in seems to be. *wonders if it was supposed to be or if maybe was confused* I wanna know more about Valdemar too. That one seems curious…
Oh yeah! *nabs Derith* Mine!
And to conclude… *Baps Kuja* What in the world are you laughing about? *figures probably needs to look up whatever a Twi’lek is…hrmmm*
Anyway...to conclude, I'll catch ya and tell ya anymore*cuts it short and goes to do research now*
I wanna hear more about Verilon! He’s funny!*grins* rather the situation he’s in seems to be. *wonders if it was supposed to be or if maybe was confused* I wanna know more about Valdemar too. That one seems curious…
Oh yeah! *nabs Derith* Mine!
And to conclude… *Baps Kuja* What in the world are you laughing about? *figures probably needs to look up whatever a Twi’lek is…hrmmm*
Anyway...to conclude, I'll catch ya and tell ya anymore*cuts it short and goes to do research now*
the longer i wait,the more i forget.the more i forget, the longer the list of desires grows. for that which is wanted is forbidden. and we all know that forbidden fruit is often the sweetest.Don'tcha wish your g/f was a witch like me?~*~AYVBABTU
- Ghost Rider
- Spirit of Vengeance
- Posts: 27779
- Joined: 2002-09-24 01:48pm
- Location: DC...looking up from the gutters to the stars
Karsus: third planet of the Horuset system.
Connor blew out another sigh as he examined another recording from the tapes he was given. Derith droned on and on in the recording of Karsus weather and historical notes within this particular system. The depth of information was immense as well as boring. The tapes practically read as some bizarre personal journal. On one hand the breadth and scope of knowledge was immense and detailed, the problem was that it was to exacting in detail. Derith explained everything from rocks and ending it with soil samples. He hoped with all he could hope that the next months were at least of some interest; the first three months had taken the better part of the day and was complete boredom, literally the man recorded every hour that nothing happened.
“Can you not tell me about a rock formation that has no bearing to anyone, anywhere in the galaxy?” He muttered to the recording as it detailed an outcropping the camera was recording.
“All right, enough of this.” He muttered to himself. He pressed a few buttons on the console to give him a summary of this month. When he pressed the proper keystrokes he was greeted with an immense amount of blue lines streaking through the screen at absurd speeds. He was straining his mind to register all of it, even as a Jedi.
“Stop!” he yelled and shook his head. Behind him, he heard a little snicker. He quickly turned to see nothing but the empty halls of the archives.
“Oh is your great avenger of the galaxy boring you, Connor?” A husky voice purred over his shoulder. Connor just simply sighed as he turned to see I’Brat standing over him with a hand on her hip.
“I never called him the great avenger of anything.” Connor growled.
“Oh I believe at one point you distinctly called him the Avenger of the Jedi.” She said, pressing a finger against her lips. Connor just scowled as she calmly walked over and slinked into the adjacent chair and entered her pass code. Her screen evolved into a bright blue ball as she inputted more commands, giving her the data read outs of the last three expeditions to the Tarsus system.
“Why are you here, anyway?” Connor asked with a frown crossing his face. “Can’t let me out of your sight for a second?”
“You’re right. I can’t stand not being close to you always.” I’Brat said as she coyly walked up to him, slowly licking a single gloved finger.
“Ummm...pardon?” Connor said leaning back and gripping the armrests of his chair.
“You heard me,” She said as she blew hot air into his ear. “My body just tingles all over whenever I’m close to you.” Connor for his part continued gripping the armrests with white knuckle intensity as small beads of sweat trickled down his forehead, all the while sucking in air at a prodigious rate. For her part I’Brat, noticed a single bead along his ear, and slowly nibbled along his right lobe.
“Shouldn’t we...umm...” Connor sputtered as he bit down hard enough on his lower lip to bleed, holding his breath tenaciously.
“Shouldn’t we what, Connor?” I’Brat purred.
“Shouldn’t you stop teasing him so?” A voice muttered from the shadows of the archive entrance way.
“Maybe I wasn’t teasing.” I’Brat replied defiantly as she slinked off of Connor, who finally let go of his lower lip. He sat in his chair a few seconds regaining his composure as he eyed I’Brat with a glare. For her part she just blew a single kiss as she pressed a few buttons on her console. Zaia just smiled and shook her head as she patted Connor’s shoulder.
“Besides Ibie, I thought you had no feelings for him?” Zaia asked.
“I don’t, it just crossed my mind.” I’Brat said as her console began to analyze the data.
“Ladies, I’m right here.” Connor said as he looked at the two of them.
“Of course, Ibie...you were just straddling him because it’s been so very long.” Zaia said as she inserted a disc onto her console, smiling at the screen.
“Remember?” Connor asked again.
“Is that some sort of challenge?” I’Brat said as she swiveled her chair to face Zaia. Connor for his part just slumped at the keyboard.
“Of course not Ibie, I saw how Ice was looking at you.” Zaia said smiling as she pressed another button.
“Search for keywords in Horuset system, temple or temples.” Connor asked as they continued to ignore him.
“Oh yes, but I don’t rob the cradle like you have.” I’Brat said with a satisfied smirk as she turned to her console.
“-Twelve entries-” The computer intoned.
“Are you implying that Kuja is too young for me?” Zaia said as she swiveled her chair to face I’Brat.
“How many are site locations and have all such cross referenced with most recent entries?” He asked the computer.
“I would never say that about any other teacher, having that particular type of relations with a Padawan.” I’Brat countered.
“-Four-” The computer answered.
“Oh, so I’m suddenly a special case?” Zaia retorted.
“Which planets?” Connor asked as the computer went into a different visual mode. It brought up the Horuset system and its single star, and highlighted two particular planets.
“Zaia, he’s a completely impressionable boy who’s more infatuated that you noticed him then he is a caring and equal partner!” I’Brat said with a huff.
“How many temples are there per planet?” Connor asked as he noted the two highlighted worlds.
“Ibie he is a fully aware adult and can make his own decisions!” Zaia said as she stood up from her chair.
“One on Karsus, classified as minor site. Three of Korriban, two are classified as minor sites, one classified as major.” The computer intoned.
“Connor, would you inform Zaia that I am merely bringing up salient points about said relations and the dangers inherent?” I’Brat exclaimed, folding her arms across her chest.
“Zaia, she’s not picking on you in particular.” Connor said with a monotone voice. “She’s just being obnoxious.”
“Connor, would you kindly tell her, I can make my own choices!” Zaia said as she sat back down in a huff.
“I’Brat, she wants to inform you to stop interfering with her affairs and trying to correct her obvious mistakes.” Connor responded as he punched in a few more buttons. The computer’s inner working came to life as it completed his inputs.
“Are you saying I’m being obnoxious, Connor?” I’Brat asked, as she walked and hovered above Connor narrowing her eyes.
“Pardon, Connor...what obvious mistake are you insinuating?” Zaia growled as she proceeded to mimic I’Brat action.
“ Korriban Entry 7/1/44” The computer answered. Connor for his part looked up finally and saw that both women were glowering at him. “Yes?”
“Did you even hear one word we said?” Zaia said as she stared at Connor.
“Didn’t have too.” With that Connor turned back to the computer screen as it brought up the entry. On the screen Derith was standing on a small hill, noting a pillar with some runes on it.
“It’s so like him, Zaia. More concerned with his little world then listening to his friends.” I’Brat said.
“Typical.” Zaia agreed.
“Right, because this isn’t the exact same argument you two have had since the start of this whole insanity with Kuja.” Connor moaned as the entry began its speech of the weather on Korriban on that day, then switching to the interior of the temple. “Just with different words then the first thirty times.”
“And what does that mean?” I’Brat asked annoyed.
“Meaning every time you two have had this argument it’s been the same thing.” Connor retorted. “In fact the only thing I agree is that Kuja is wrong for Zaia but not for your reasons, I’Brat.”
“And how is he wrong for me, again Connor?” Zaia said with distinct huff.
“Other then the fact he is practically doing it because who you are, rather then knowing you? Nothing really.” Connor answered.
“And you take that as the defining truth?” Zaia said locking eyes with Connor.
“Maybe I don’t know...” Connor began to say as Zaia interjected.
“No, you don’t know enough, and stop trying to make it that Derith did no wrong. He knew what happened and he knows why it happened.” Zaia answered.
“So you’ve told him?” Connor asked.
“Later, after he comes back from yet another mission for his beloved Master Durandal.” Zaia said.
“No, Connor. No if and never say it again that way.” Zaia said holding back her tears.
Connor nodded as he went back to listening to Derith’s report; currently he was noting the structure’s composition. Zaia just shook her head and walked back to her console; I’Brat for her part just sighed. As she was about to walk back to her console, something on the screen caught her eyes.
“Go back to the runes, Connor.” I’Brat said.
“The what?” Connor asked as the image continued its speech.
“The runes...a few minutes back? Or were you so enamored by our arguments you didn’t notice?” I’Brat asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
Connor grumbled a little and typed in the command. Derith was standing by a pillar noting the rune markings.
“Stop there, Connor.” I’Brat commanded as she pressed a couple commands, zooming into the particular pillar. “Odd, those runes are rather unusual.”
“How so?” Connor asked as he stared at them.
“Okay, you see this inverted triangle?” I’Brat pointed to the top rune. “That didn’t exist six thousand years ago during what was noted as the Sith Empire.”
“And? Couldn’t the rune have been made during Darth Bane’s reign?” Connor countered. Zaia walked up and looked at the screen wondering what they were talking of.
“No, it wouldn’t have existed during that era either. Also Bane was never centered on Korriban, more around Dxun.” Zaia noted.
“Hmmm...Let me check something else...ah gotta love his insane attention to detail.” Connor said as he activated another screen. This one sparkled to life with a bunch of equations and numerical factors. “Now that is odd. Alright, ladies...when would say this pillar was written?”
“Palpatine’s era at best, perhaps a bit earlier, why?” Zaia asked.
“Because the materials that made that pillar was not in Palpatine’s era, ever.” Connor said.
“That has to be a mistake.” I’Brat said as she looked at the numbers that flew by the other screen, unable to really discern the meaning.
“I may not know my history as well as you two, but I know my materials and science, so unless you want to claim Palpatine had access to technology centuries better then anything ever and placed them into a pillar there is something odd here. Now for another test, let’s see what he has to say about the temple itself.” Connor noted as he tapped another series of buttons.
The screen changed with the interior of the temple. The immense structure was of a dark gray stone with durasteel supports, having an austere look to it. As the camera that Derith used to record continue to pan, Connor noted there was virtually no runes or anything noting the entrance way. In fact no statues, nothing signifying it beyond any hole in the ground, except a few pillars that extended into the inky darkness. The Temple looked as if it hadn’t seen use in hundreds of years.
“Alright here we are, he’s noting about the columns in the entrance way.” Connor said as he typed another series of command, focusing on any runes and structures of the pillars.
“So what’s so unusual about the materials?” I’Brat asked as the computer whirred.
“It’s odd because Palpatine would never have that configuration of durasteel; it just wasn’t made that way back then.” Connor said as he continued to pounding into the keyboard.
“And?” Zaia interjected.
“Combined with your idea of the runes being something of modern and the composition of the pillar, it should be obvious.” Connor said annoyed.
“What that some twisted cult of Sith could be on Korriban, Connor?” I’Brat said as she curled her lips upward. “This isn’t the first time the Order has not encountered some splinter element.”
“Then why did you note the runes?” Connor said turning to I’Brat, looking up at her.
“Because they were on Korriban, Connor. There has been no noted activity on that planet for more then a few decades, in fact the last time any activity was there, it was a bunch of pirates led by a rogue Jedi.” I’Brat said, closing her eyes.
“Weren’t you involved in...” Connor was saying when Zaia shook her head, cutting him short. “Alright, well here we go.” Then the screen filled with a number of equations of composite materials and comparisons. Connor tapped in a few more commands and he frowned further.
“What?” I’Brat said.
“This...does...not...make...sense.” Connor muttered as he continued to cross reference material.
“What?” Zaia asked with some force.
“Huh? Oh Derith made a note about in this entry of the materials, but he also made a note that it was fresh.” Connor said as he noted the dates that appeared on the screen.
“How can that be, there have been no reports of Sith cults with the last fifty years.” Zaia noted.
“No, there has been one noted recording right, Connor?” I’Brat corrected.
“Possibly, but nothing on this level.” Connor said with some hesitation. “But he was just some wacky cultist, and he’s quite dead.”
“That’s not my point, Connor...” I’Brat said as Connor frowned.
“I know your point, I’Brat.” Connor said with bitterness. “And I’m informing you, he wasn’t the type to start a cult beyond his own stupidity!”
“Look just because you don’t want to think about nearly getting kill...” I’Brat began to say, but with that Connor stood up to his full height, his eyes boring into hers.
“No, it’s not that at all. I’ve nearly been killed many times and this time was different because what happened during the fight, and we will leave it at that!” Connor said, having I’Brat take a step back. With that Connor planted himself in front of the computer.
“Is it something that happened to Derith?” Zaia said, placing her hand onto Connor’s shoulders.
“Later, please.” Connor said waving off any further comments as he continued his search. “And there!” He said excitedly as he pointed to the screen. The two ladies stared at the list of equations with no understanding beyond what it might be, and then back at Connor.
“Okay, hotshot what does any of this stuff mean?” I’Brat said.
Connor slumped his shoulders in exasperation and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “This is proof that this structure was not some ancient stronghold, but a modern building!”
“I’m sure, I would be ecstatic to note a Sith presence in this day and age too.” I’Brat responded with a smirk.
“Okay that part is not particularly good, but this is proof I need to organize an expedition!” Connor said excitedly as he pressed a few more buttons.
“Shouldn’t you finish the entire report?” Zaia said as she noted Connor’s fervor.
“I can do the rest later.” Connor said as he got up with his notes. As he left I’Brat just shook her head.
“Somehow, somewhere I know he’s going to get me killed.” I’Brat said as she settled into her chair and began her research in earnest.
“Why would you say that?” Zaia said with a bit of coyness.
“Let’s see, who are they going to ask to accompany him because of her first hand knowledge of Korriban? Certainly not Wilson.” I’Brat moaned.
“Well, you’ll have some alone time with him.” Zaia said with a smile.
“Yeah, like that’s a perk.” I’Brat muttered.
“Statement: The Starboard shielding is down by 13%. This does not bode well for us, Mistress.” 2K-AD noted as he continued to operate his controls.
“Thank you, I can read the controls 2K-AD!” Crimson exclaimed as another burst of energy exploded in front of her. The last few second were not an improvement since the appearance of the frigates as the commercial lanes began to descend into anarchy. Ships were in complete panic as they deviated off the trade lanes and a few missed each other in close calls. Crimson took all this into account as she dived the ship forward into the chaos.
“Do you think that’s a particularly wise action?” Derith said as he saw more and more ships nearly driving into each other.
“Unless you think you can do better, sit down and be a passenger!” Crimson said as she pressed a few buttons which sent the ship into a twirl, diving between two large freighters as her pursuers took the more cautious path around the ships. Directly ahead of them, no more then a couple hundred meters and closing in was a solid wall of durasteel as another freighter had stumbled into view.
2K-AD squawked a guttural noise.
Crimson didn’t bother to respond to anyone as she pulled the Falcon up in a climb that made Lindar scream over the comm.. For his part Derith just adjusted his cloak slightly.
They missed the collision by centimeters.
“Please let’s not do that again.” Lindar whimpered over the comm, as the Falcon rose above the traffic lanes.
“How soon before we have the Hyperdrive?” Crimson asked as she saw a clearing.
“It’ll be a while...we seem to have a slight problem with the compensators.” Lindar said before the comm system gave out.
“2K-AD go back there and help her with the hyperdrive!” Crimson said as she saw her pursuers had appeared in front of her and closing fast.
“Statement: I be...” 2K-Ad was about to finish as Crimson shot him a viscous look. “Statement: Understood.”
The droid left his seat and headed to the back, with Derith leaning over slightly and staring at the threat display. “We seem to have a bit of a problem, eh?”
“No, no problem...this situation just needs a bit of a woman’s touch.” Crimson said with a smile as she eased the Falcon into another traffic lane deftly evading another freighter.
“Good, then you can inform me when you have found such this woman's touch.” Derith answered.
In the bowels of the ship, the small blue Twi’lek began to pull on the covering for yet another part of the engine. Inside she did not like the odds given since it was at least four months since the ship had a decent overhaul. She hoped they could get to month five, when she felt another rumble and began to pull harder. Above her, she heard the loud footfalls of the droid as it came to the area.
“Down here, 2K-AD!” she yelled over the noises the engine was making.
“Statement: My audio receptors are more then enough to detect the slightest noise from your meatbag vocal chords in this cacophony of commotion and confusion. No reason to yell, Mistress Lindar.”
“Good, now hand me the Hydrospanner!” Lindar said as she felt another thump.
The droid complied easily as he looked inside the engine.
“I really have no idea how we are going to get out of this one.” Lindar muttered.
“Statement: The same way as we always do. Pure luck.”
The two pursuing Starbursts became four and spewed death, indiscriminate now of neutral or enemy.
Derith inside noted this as suddenly the view changed to now facing the space wherein the two frigates were occupying.
“You’re not thinking of doing what I think...” Derith began to say as he slowly got up.
“Yes I am.” Crimson answered as she pressed a few buttons which made the Falcon respond with a roar.
“This is not the wisest course of action.” Derith said as he raised an eyebrow.
“No, but it’ll have them shooting at each other. Now let me drive.” She said with a wolfish grin.
The ship roared into the direction of the oncoming vessels, which responded with a hail of fire, destroying a freighter off the port of the Falcon. The pursuer made some acrobatic maneuvers to avoid the incoming fire as Crimson continued to go forward, weaving between the shots.
Crimson pressed the comm switch on and watched her shield gauge take another fearsome hit.
“Lindar, hon, we need the Hyperdrive now.”
“In a few minutes.” Lindar answered between static bursts.
“In a few minutes we are going to be space particles.” Crimson responded as she pressed a series of controls.
“Okay...ummm...alright I can try one thing, but if doesn’t work, can you ask the nice guy I said goodbye?”
“Anything you say.” Crimson answered, shaking her head.
The fire from the frigates intensified as the closed in, then at the last second, Crimson activated the Hyperdrive. The object whined, sputtered, with Crimson sucking all the air in the cabin. Then in one last burp gave an enormous roar as the stars began to streak and then collapsed into a solid white background.
Crimson sank her head into her knees as Derith looked over her shoulders. She looked back at him with a huge grin.
“There. A woman’s touch.”
“I’m sure.” Derith smirked as he rose and left the cabin. He calmly walked to the main cabin area where the strewn remains of an interesting variety of electrical equipment and tools were scattered about. He closed an open panel when he spied a blue light and sparks coming from blue girl who was poking her head into an open under section of the ship. Half of Lindar’s body was inside with her butt rocking back and forth a bit; an errant arm was trying to reach a wrench of some sort.
Karsus: third planet of the Horuset system.
Connor blew out another sigh as he examined another recording from the tapes he was given. Derith droned on and on in the recording of Karsus weather and historical notes within this particular system. The depth of information was immense as well as boring. The tapes practically read as some bizarre personal journal. On one hand the breadth and scope of knowledge was immense and detailed, the problem was that it was to exacting in detail. Derith explained everything from rocks and ending it with soil samples. He hoped with all he could hope that the next months were at least of some interest; the first three months had taken the better part of the day and was complete boredom, literally the man recorded every hour that nothing happened.
“Can you not tell me about a rock formation that has no bearing to anyone, anywhere in the galaxy?” He muttered to the recording as it detailed an outcropping the camera was recording.
“All right, enough of this.” He muttered to himself. He pressed a few buttons on the console to give him a summary of this month. When he pressed the proper keystrokes he was greeted with an immense amount of blue lines streaking through the screen at absurd speeds. He was straining his mind to register all of it, even as a Jedi.
“Stop!” he yelled and shook his head. Behind him, he heard a little snicker. He quickly turned to see nothing but the empty halls of the archives.
“Oh is your great avenger of the galaxy boring you, Connor?” A husky voice purred over his shoulder. Connor just simply sighed as he turned to see I’Brat standing over him with a hand on her hip.
“I never called him the great avenger of anything.” Connor growled.
“Oh I believe at one point you distinctly called him the Avenger of the Jedi.” She said, pressing a finger against her lips. Connor just scowled as she calmly walked over and slinked into the adjacent chair and entered her pass code. Her screen evolved into a bright blue ball as she inputted more commands, giving her the data read outs of the last three expeditions to the Tarsus system.
“Why are you here, anyway?” Connor asked with a frown crossing his face. “Can’t let me out of your sight for a second?”
“You’re right. I can’t stand not being close to you always.” I’Brat said as she coyly walked up to him, slowly licking a single gloved finger.
“Ummm...pardon?” Connor said leaning back and gripping the armrests of his chair.
“You heard me,” She said as she blew hot air into his ear. “My body just tingles all over whenever I’m close to you.” Connor for his part continued gripping the armrests with white knuckle intensity as small beads of sweat trickled down his forehead, all the while sucking in air at a prodigious rate. For her part I’Brat, noticed a single bead along his ear, and slowly nibbled along his right lobe.
“Shouldn’t we...umm...” Connor sputtered as he bit down hard enough on his lower lip to bleed, holding his breath tenaciously.
“Shouldn’t we what, Connor?” I’Brat purred.
“Shouldn’t you stop teasing him so?” A voice muttered from the shadows of the archive entrance way.
“Maybe I wasn’t teasing.” I’Brat replied defiantly as she slinked off of Connor, who finally let go of his lower lip. He sat in his chair a few seconds regaining his composure as he eyed I’Brat with a glare. For her part she just blew a single kiss as she pressed a few buttons on her console. Zaia just smiled and shook her head as she patted Connor’s shoulder.
“Besides Ibie, I thought you had no feelings for him?” Zaia asked.
“I don’t, it just crossed my mind.” I’Brat said as her console began to analyze the data.
“Ladies, I’m right here.” Connor said as he looked at the two of them.
“Of course, Ibie...you were just straddling him because it’s been so very long.” Zaia said as she inserted a disc onto her console, smiling at the screen.
“Remember?” Connor asked again.
“Is that some sort of challenge?” I’Brat said as she swiveled her chair to face Zaia. Connor for his part just slumped at the keyboard.
“Of course not Ibie, I saw how Ice was looking at you.” Zaia said smiling as she pressed another button.
“Search for keywords in Horuset system, temple or temples.” Connor asked as they continued to ignore him.
“Oh yes, but I don’t rob the cradle like you have.” I’Brat said with a satisfied smirk as she turned to her console.
“-Twelve entries-” The computer intoned.
“Are you implying that Kuja is too young for me?” Zaia said as she swiveled her chair to face I’Brat.
“How many are site locations and have all such cross referenced with most recent entries?” He asked the computer.
“I would never say that about any other teacher, having that particular type of relations with a Padawan.” I’Brat countered.
“-Four-” The computer answered.
“Oh, so I’m suddenly a special case?” Zaia retorted.
“Which planets?” Connor asked as the computer went into a different visual mode. It brought up the Horuset system and its single star, and highlighted two particular planets.
“Zaia, he’s a completely impressionable boy who’s more infatuated that you noticed him then he is a caring and equal partner!” I’Brat said with a huff.
“How many temples are there per planet?” Connor asked as he noted the two highlighted worlds.
“Ibie he is a fully aware adult and can make his own decisions!” Zaia said as she stood up from her chair.
“One on Karsus, classified as minor site. Three of Korriban, two are classified as minor sites, one classified as major.” The computer intoned.
“Connor, would you inform Zaia that I am merely bringing up salient points about said relations and the dangers inherent?” I’Brat exclaimed, folding her arms across her chest.
“Zaia, she’s not picking on you in particular.” Connor said with a monotone voice. “She’s just being obnoxious.”
“Connor, would you kindly tell her, I can make my own choices!” Zaia said as she sat back down in a huff.
“I’Brat, she wants to inform you to stop interfering with her affairs and trying to correct her obvious mistakes.” Connor responded as he punched in a few more buttons. The computer’s inner working came to life as it completed his inputs.
“Are you saying I’m being obnoxious, Connor?” I’Brat asked, as she walked and hovered above Connor narrowing her eyes.
“Pardon, Connor...what obvious mistake are you insinuating?” Zaia growled as she proceeded to mimic I’Brat action.
“ Korriban Entry 7/1/44” The computer answered. Connor for his part looked up finally and saw that both women were glowering at him. “Yes?”
“Did you even hear one word we said?” Zaia said as she stared at Connor.
“Didn’t have too.” With that Connor turned back to the computer screen as it brought up the entry. On the screen Derith was standing on a small hill, noting a pillar with some runes on it.
“It’s so like him, Zaia. More concerned with his little world then listening to his friends.” I’Brat said.
“Typical.” Zaia agreed.
“Right, because this isn’t the exact same argument you two have had since the start of this whole insanity with Kuja.” Connor moaned as the entry began its speech of the weather on Korriban on that day, then switching to the interior of the temple. “Just with different words then the first thirty times.”
“And what does that mean?” I’Brat asked annoyed.
“Meaning every time you two have had this argument it’s been the same thing.” Connor retorted. “In fact the only thing I agree is that Kuja is wrong for Zaia but not for your reasons, I’Brat.”
“And how is he wrong for me, again Connor?” Zaia said with distinct huff.
“Other then the fact he is practically doing it because who you are, rather then knowing you? Nothing really.” Connor answered.
“And you take that as the defining truth?” Zaia said locking eyes with Connor.
“Maybe I don’t know...” Connor began to say as Zaia interjected.
“No, you don’t know enough, and stop trying to make it that Derith did no wrong. He knew what happened and he knows why it happened.” Zaia answered.
“So you’ve told him?” Connor asked.
“Later, after he comes back from yet another mission for his beloved Master Durandal.” Zaia said.
“No, Connor. No if and never say it again that way.” Zaia said holding back her tears.
Connor nodded as he went back to listening to Derith’s report; currently he was noting the structure’s composition. Zaia just shook her head and walked back to her console; I’Brat for her part just sighed. As she was about to walk back to her console, something on the screen caught her eyes.
“Go back to the runes, Connor.” I’Brat said.
“The what?” Connor asked as the image continued its speech.
“The runes...a few minutes back? Or were you so enamored by our arguments you didn’t notice?” I’Brat asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
Connor grumbled a little and typed in the command. Derith was standing by a pillar noting the rune markings.
“Stop there, Connor.” I’Brat commanded as she pressed a couple commands, zooming into the particular pillar. “Odd, those runes are rather unusual.”
“How so?” Connor asked as he stared at them.
“Okay, you see this inverted triangle?” I’Brat pointed to the top rune. “That didn’t exist six thousand years ago during what was noted as the Sith Empire.”
“And? Couldn’t the rune have been made during Darth Bane’s reign?” Connor countered. Zaia walked up and looked at the screen wondering what they were talking of.
“No, it wouldn’t have existed during that era either. Also Bane was never centered on Korriban, more around Dxun.” Zaia noted.
“Hmmm...Let me check something else...ah gotta love his insane attention to detail.” Connor said as he activated another screen. This one sparkled to life with a bunch of equations and numerical factors. “Now that is odd. Alright, ladies...when would say this pillar was written?”
“Palpatine’s era at best, perhaps a bit earlier, why?” Zaia asked.
“Because the materials that made that pillar was not in Palpatine’s era, ever.” Connor said.
“That has to be a mistake.” I’Brat said as she looked at the numbers that flew by the other screen, unable to really discern the meaning.
“I may not know my history as well as you two, but I know my materials and science, so unless you want to claim Palpatine had access to technology centuries better then anything ever and placed them into a pillar there is something odd here. Now for another test, let’s see what he has to say about the temple itself.” Connor noted as he tapped another series of buttons.
The screen changed with the interior of the temple. The immense structure was of a dark gray stone with durasteel supports, having an austere look to it. As the camera that Derith used to record continue to pan, Connor noted there was virtually no runes or anything noting the entrance way. In fact no statues, nothing signifying it beyond any hole in the ground, except a few pillars that extended into the inky darkness. The Temple looked as if it hadn’t seen use in hundreds of years.
“Alright here we are, he’s noting about the columns in the entrance way.” Connor said as he typed another series of command, focusing on any runes and structures of the pillars.
“So what’s so unusual about the materials?” I’Brat asked as the computer whirred.
“It’s odd because Palpatine would never have that configuration of durasteel; it just wasn’t made that way back then.” Connor said as he continued to pounding into the keyboard.
“And?” Zaia interjected.
“Combined with your idea of the runes being something of modern and the composition of the pillar, it should be obvious.” Connor said annoyed.
“What that some twisted cult of Sith could be on Korriban, Connor?” I’Brat said as she curled her lips upward. “This isn’t the first time the Order has not encountered some splinter element.”
“Then why did you note the runes?” Connor said turning to I’Brat, looking up at her.
“Because they were on Korriban, Connor. There has been no noted activity on that planet for more then a few decades, in fact the last time any activity was there, it was a bunch of pirates led by a rogue Jedi.” I’Brat said, closing her eyes.
“Weren’t you involved in...” Connor was saying when Zaia shook her head, cutting him short. “Alright, well here we go.” Then the screen filled with a number of equations of composite materials and comparisons. Connor tapped in a few more commands and he frowned further.
“What?” I’Brat said.
“This...does...not...make...sense.” Connor muttered as he continued to cross reference material.
“What?” Zaia asked with some force.
“Huh? Oh Derith made a note about in this entry of the materials, but he also made a note that it was fresh.” Connor said as he noted the dates that appeared on the screen.
“How can that be, there have been no reports of Sith cults with the last fifty years.” Zaia noted.
“No, there has been one noted recording right, Connor?” I’Brat corrected.
“Possibly, but nothing on this level.” Connor said with some hesitation. “But he was just some wacky cultist, and he’s quite dead.”
“That’s not my point, Connor...” I’Brat said as Connor frowned.
“I know your point, I’Brat.” Connor said with bitterness. “And I’m informing you, he wasn’t the type to start a cult beyond his own stupidity!”
“Look just because you don’t want to think about nearly getting kill...” I’Brat began to say, but with that Connor stood up to his full height, his eyes boring into hers.
“No, it’s not that at all. I’ve nearly been killed many times and this time was different because what happened during the fight, and we will leave it at that!” Connor said, having I’Brat take a step back. With that Connor planted himself in front of the computer.
“Is it something that happened to Derith?” Zaia said, placing her hand onto Connor’s shoulders.
“Later, please.” Connor said waving off any further comments as he continued his search. “And there!” He said excitedly as he pointed to the screen. The two ladies stared at the list of equations with no understanding beyond what it might be, and then back at Connor.
“Okay, hotshot what does any of this stuff mean?” I’Brat said.
Connor slumped his shoulders in exasperation and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “This is proof that this structure was not some ancient stronghold, but a modern building!”
“I’m sure, I would be ecstatic to note a Sith presence in this day and age too.” I’Brat responded with a smirk.
“Okay that part is not particularly good, but this is proof I need to organize an expedition!” Connor said excitedly as he pressed a few more buttons.
“Shouldn’t you finish the entire report?” Zaia said as she noted Connor’s fervor.
“I can do the rest later.” Connor said as he got up with his notes. As he left I’Brat just shook her head.
“Somehow, somewhere I know he’s going to get me killed.” I’Brat said as she settled into her chair and began her research in earnest.
“Why would you say that?” Zaia said with a bit of coyness.
“Let’s see, who are they going to ask to accompany him because of her first hand knowledge of Korriban? Certainly not Wilson.” I’Brat moaned.
“Well, you’ll have some alone time with him.” Zaia said with a smile.
“Yeah, like that’s a perk.” I’Brat muttered.
“Statement: The Starboard shielding is down by 13%. This does not bode well for us, Mistress.” 2K-AD noted as he continued to operate his controls.
“Thank you, I can read the controls 2K-AD!” Crimson exclaimed as another burst of energy exploded in front of her. The last few second were not an improvement since the appearance of the frigates as the commercial lanes began to descend into anarchy. Ships were in complete panic as they deviated off the trade lanes and a few missed each other in close calls. Crimson took all this into account as she dived the ship forward into the chaos.
“Do you think that’s a particularly wise action?” Derith said as he saw more and more ships nearly driving into each other.
“Unless you think you can do better, sit down and be a passenger!” Crimson said as she pressed a few buttons which sent the ship into a twirl, diving between two large freighters as her pursuers took the more cautious path around the ships. Directly ahead of them, no more then a couple hundred meters and closing in was a solid wall of durasteel as another freighter had stumbled into view.
2K-AD squawked a guttural noise.
Crimson didn’t bother to respond to anyone as she pulled the Falcon up in a climb that made Lindar scream over the comm.. For his part Derith just adjusted his cloak slightly.
They missed the collision by centimeters.
“Please let’s not do that again.” Lindar whimpered over the comm, as the Falcon rose above the traffic lanes.
“How soon before we have the Hyperdrive?” Crimson asked as she saw a clearing.
“It’ll be a while...we seem to have a slight problem with the compensators.” Lindar said before the comm system gave out.
“2K-AD go back there and help her with the hyperdrive!” Crimson said as she saw her pursuers had appeared in front of her and closing fast.
“Statement: I be...” 2K-Ad was about to finish as Crimson shot him a viscous look. “Statement: Understood.”
The droid left his seat and headed to the back, with Derith leaning over slightly and staring at the threat display. “We seem to have a bit of a problem, eh?”
“No, no problem...this situation just needs a bit of a woman’s touch.” Crimson said with a smile as she eased the Falcon into another traffic lane deftly evading another freighter.
“Good, then you can inform me when you have found such this woman's touch.” Derith answered.
In the bowels of the ship, the small blue Twi’lek began to pull on the covering for yet another part of the engine. Inside she did not like the odds given since it was at least four months since the ship had a decent overhaul. She hoped they could get to month five, when she felt another rumble and began to pull harder. Above her, she heard the loud footfalls of the droid as it came to the area.
“Down here, 2K-AD!” she yelled over the noises the engine was making.
“Statement: My audio receptors are more then enough to detect the slightest noise from your meatbag vocal chords in this cacophony of commotion and confusion. No reason to yell, Mistress Lindar.”
“Good, now hand me the Hydrospanner!” Lindar said as she felt another thump.
The droid complied easily as he looked inside the engine.
“I really have no idea how we are going to get out of this one.” Lindar muttered.
“Statement: The same way as we always do. Pure luck.”
The two pursuing Starbursts became four and spewed death, indiscriminate now of neutral or enemy.
Derith inside noted this as suddenly the view changed to now facing the space wherein the two frigates were occupying.
“You’re not thinking of doing what I think...” Derith began to say as he slowly got up.
“Yes I am.” Crimson answered as she pressed a few buttons which made the Falcon respond with a roar.
“This is not the wisest course of action.” Derith said as he raised an eyebrow.
“No, but it’ll have them shooting at each other. Now let me drive.” She said with a wolfish grin.
The ship roared into the direction of the oncoming vessels, which responded with a hail of fire, destroying a freighter off the port of the Falcon. The pursuer made some acrobatic maneuvers to avoid the incoming fire as Crimson continued to go forward, weaving between the shots.
Crimson pressed the comm switch on and watched her shield gauge take another fearsome hit.
“Lindar, hon, we need the Hyperdrive now.”
“In a few minutes.” Lindar answered between static bursts.
“In a few minutes we are going to be space particles.” Crimson responded as she pressed a series of controls.
“Okay...ummm...alright I can try one thing, but if doesn’t work, can you ask the nice guy I said goodbye?”
“Anything you say.” Crimson answered, shaking her head.
The fire from the frigates intensified as the closed in, then at the last second, Crimson activated the Hyperdrive. The object whined, sputtered, with Crimson sucking all the air in the cabin. Then in one last burp gave an enormous roar as the stars began to streak and then collapsed into a solid white background.
Crimson sank her head into her knees as Derith looked over her shoulders. She looked back at him with a huge grin.
“There. A woman’s touch.”
“I’m sure.” Derith smirked as he rose and left the cabin. He calmly walked to the main cabin area where the strewn remains of an interesting variety of electrical equipment and tools were scattered about. He closed an open panel when he spied a blue light and sparks coming from blue girl who was poking her head into an open under section of the ship. Half of Lindar’s body was inside with her butt rocking back and forth a bit; an errant arm was trying to reach a wrench of some sort.
Last edited by Ghost Rider on 2004-12-16 03:38pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11950
- Joined: 2003-04-10 03:45pm
- Location: Cheshire, England
Zaia wrote:DAMN IB is a sexy woman. *fans self*
I love you, Z.
Thanks, GR, that rocked.
"I fight with love, and I laugh with rage, you gotta live light enough to see the humour and long enough to see some change" - Ani DiFranco, Pick Yer Nose
"Life 's not a song, life isn't bliss, life is just this: it's living." - Spike, Once More with Feeling
"Life 's not a song, life isn't bliss, life is just this: it's living." - Spike, Once More with Feeling
*looks from Zaia to IB to Cnner, and grins* I needed that!!!!
*claps and point at comp* More please?
*claps and point at comp* More please?
the longer i wait,the more i forget.the more i forget, the longer the list of desires grows. for that which is wanted is forbidden. and we all know that forbidden fruit is often the sweetest.Don'tcha wish your g/f was a witch like me?~*~AYVBABTU
- Ghost Rider
- Spirit of Vengeance
- Posts: 27779
- Joined: 2002-09-24 01:48pm
- Location: DC...looking up from the gutters to the stars
“Hello, anybody up there? Help here?” She asked without looking up. “Please?”
Derith crouched down, picking up the wrench and placed it into her outstretched hand, which promptly disappeared into the crevice. Pulling back his hood he peered into the aperture, he saw what could be counted as the inner workings of this ancient ship. Pipes crisscrossed at absurd angles and wires dangled at ugly and inconsistent angles, it truly was as if the ship was held together by the sheer force of will of the pilot.
“So how did you actually get the hyperdrive to work?” Derith asked as he looked at the convoluted mess.
Lindar stared for a few seconds at him, tilting her head slightly, then thought it about then quickly raised her head into the grate above her. “Owie, owie, owie...well I just mixed a few wires together and determined what would be the optimal cross between the hyperdrive and the main reactor, without shunting off energy from the vital systems.”
“So that’s why we’re still breathing.” Derith noted as he gently rubbed the top of the Twi’lek girl’s head.
“Yeah.” Lindar chirped. “Still, we need massive repairs to the hyperdrive after we finish this jump.”
“Amongst other things.” Derith noted as he looked about. There didn’t seem to be a single part of the ship that didn’t need some sort of overhaul, but he didn’t spy 2K-AD anywhere within the mess. “So where did you slot the droid that was supposed to help you?”
“Ummm...I used parts of him to adjust the Falcon .”
“You did what?” Derith exclaimed, raising an eyebrow, as his eyes continue to sweep the area.
“Oh not that much.” Lindar said as she disappeared again into the bowels of the Falcon. “The rest of him is repairing himself over there.”
Derith looked over to where he saw the droid hunkered down, readjusting itself while to reattaching his leg. Next to the droid was a set of tools and a variety of small bolts and parts that were likely it’s inner workings but Derith made little noted of them. As he closed in he heard a series of indecipherable mumbles.
“So should I be thanking you for the timely jump?” Derith asked with a smirk as the droid continued to repair itself.
“Statement: Yes, meatbag. Mistress Lindar’s use of my actuators could be construed as quick and insightful thinking on her part. For that she deserves a small part of the obvious congratulations for her thoughts. A very small part.” 2K-AD growled as it placed a welding torch onto the small table beside it. It promptly then grabbed another implement and continued repairing.
“It’s not my fault!” Lindar’s voice burst out saying from the below the grilling. “It was either that or become a bunch of free floating atoms!”
Derith turned to look at 2K-AD, the droid for its part looked directly at Derith. “Do you see what meatbag nonsense I must force upon myself? It is not as if in a given situation I would ask of any of you to remove one of your squishy and useless innards to save me from possible doom. If she had only done the appropriate repairs before we left Coruscant, I would not be in this situation.”
“Or perhaps if your mistress didn’t kill a Vigo.” Derith remarked.
“Statement: It was not for an unwarranted reason, and in all likelihood, not the reason they are after us.”
“How so?” Derith said as he grabbed a chair and propped it near the droid’s table. “Given Black Sun’s ideas of who or what a Vigo is. A mere space rat’s life does not amount too much.”
“Well, she technically didn’t do it for the obvious reasons, and she really didn’t kill him...sort of.” Lindar said as she popped her head out of the engine, clutching a small datapad.
“So what did she technically, kind of, sort of do?” Derith asked as Lindar was cleaning her lekku.
2K-AD finally closed the arm panel and adjusted it to test for flexibility. “That particular business is something she will kind of, technically, sort of reveal if she wishes the opportunity or the desire to do so and none of us at this time will reveal or divulge.”
“Perhaps, but I do not want anything to interfere with my mission.” Derith stated as he waved his hand dismissively. “And that came very close to interference with my mission regardless of what she kind of, sort, technically did.”
Lindar rose to her feet, her hands balled to her sides. “Just because she had a mino....” Lindar said as Crimson sauntered in, her smile collapsing upon hearing Lindar.
“Lindar!” Crimson screamed. “It’s none of his business...have you been telling everyone?!”
“Didn’t tell Kernel.” She whimpered.
“You didn’t get the chance, I guess.” Crimson chided. She walked over and patted Lindar’s shoulder and looked into her eyes. “Let’s just try and keep it a secret, okay?”
“Okay!” Lindar said as she bobbed up and down, smiling.
“Statement: Do you see what I have to have to endure, meatbag?” 2K-AD said turning to Derith. “All I wish for is perfection and this is what I must deal with.”
Derith nodded silently and then squinted his eyes as a sharp pain shot through his head. He looked back at 2K-AD with a sense of forbiddance. He shook off the effects and looked at what Crimson was doing. Crimson easily hunkered herself into a chair with a display of the ship current condition and hyperspace position. She looked over the result and emerged with a broad smile. “See, no more trouble. And to think any of you doubted me?”
Derith gave her no notice as he walked over and glanced at the report and shook his head. “You do understand that you are barely outrunning them?”
“Give me a couple of hours, flyboy.” Crimson said with a smirk. “I’ll lose them.”
“Would this be another part of your vaunted feminine touches?” Derith said as he looked down at her with a grin.
Lindar looked down at her datapad as she tried to confirm some suspicions of hers and 2K-AD got up and went towards the cockpit.
“Don’t everyone thank me at once.” Crimson muttered, miffed at the lack of enthusiasm of her announcement. “Anyway, navigation computer calculates we should arrive at Isolder74 at twenty three hundred hours, standard Coruscant time. Well after this little hop and jump, going to need to forge a new registration.”
“Likely more then that according to Lindar.” Derith remarked.
“We are not going into that particular bit with Alye...” Crimson began to say as Lindar shook her head.
“Okay, how bad?”
“We need a complete overhaul.” Lindar answered, slumping her shoulders.
“But, two trips ago...” Crimson protested.
“You blew out the motivator, had to readjust what I could.”
“Had to take some actuators out of 2K-AD just to make this jump viable.”
“No, buts, we need a complete overhaul. This means we are likely going to use most the money this nice man is paying us.”
“He’s not a nice man.” Crimson muttered as she crossed her arms and stared at the readout again. “But fine, fine we’ll get an overhaul.”
Lindar smiled and returned to her readouts, as Derith just shook his head. “A question.”
“If this has anything to do with...” Crimson began to say as Derith raised a single hand halting her words.
“That is your affair and as long as it has no interference with mine, I have no cares what you did with or why you copulated with what.”
“Good, because I don’t feel like telling anyone about that particular incident and there was no copulation with anything.”
“Right, as to my question, it’s simple.” Derith said as he easily entered a chair. “What do you know of what is happening within Isolder74?”
“Other then it’s a trade dispute?”
“There has to be rumors.”
“You’re going to trust rumors?” Crimson said with a smirk as she adjusted her chair.
“Perhaps, the fact is that rumors have a notation of truth in the matter.” Derith offered.
“Okay, as pure rumor goes this whole thing is nothing more then an elaborate set for war.” Crimson said offhand.
“How so?” Derith said as he leaned closer.
“Well, there are a lot of rumors that the Bothans have been for some time assembling a massive fleet.”
“And? Given that the last uprising about forty years ago, many of the larger powers have been consolidating fleets.” Derith remarked.
“More then that, and these are only because I’ve done a couple jobs for them, but they have grabbed almost anything that ships materials to work for them.” Crimson said. “And at massive hikes with benefits of all sorts and even immunity to certain charges.”
“Anything else?” Derith said, cupping his chin.
“Yeah, there are some rather interesting rumors within the Corporate Sector that they have really been purchasing weapons and vehicles.”
“So why the Hapan incursion?”
“Actually that didn’t occur until the Hapans bullied that hyperspace route with the Senate...well the rumors are.” Crimson said as she shrugged.
“Well, it’s odd. There is no build up or even rumors from even the regulars that venture into Hapan territories.”
“None? Is it they don’t suspect or that they are confident this treaty will pan out?”
“Treaty? Given how the rumors are flying about that this is all some giant farce, they should be running scared. Even the Alliance would have troubles getting the Bothans off the Hapans if the rumors are correct.”
“That bad?” Derith said as he leaned back.
“That bad.” Crimson said as she shook her head. “Even stranger still is that the Hapans are just being more and more arrogant as the closer to the ratification of said treaty. That just struck me as odd; they don’t even begin to have a rumored force large enough to fend off the supposed Bothan armada.”
Derith said nothing as he nodded. “We’ll see how everything comes together at Isolder74, now won’t we?”
“We? I’m just delivering you!” Crimson remarked.
“True, but I still need a way to get back.” Derith answered with a cold smile.
“No, wait you said...”
“I’m altering the deal.” Derith said as he walked out of the main cabin area. As he left, Crimson just crossed her arms glaring at him as he left. Lindar perked her head up and watched the two.
“I dunno...how bad could Isolder74 be?” Lindar said as she looked at Crimson grimace.
“They don’t like our kind too much, Lindar.” Crimson remarked as she shook her head.
“Twi’leks or Corellians?”
“Nevermind Lindar, just nevermind.” Crimson groaned.
Across the galaxy a sleek grey vessel tore into Coruscant space with impunity. The ship glinted as it caught the systems primary and was entering the far edges of the mina planet primary lanes of traffic. Its knife edged and arrowhead design was unique in the galaxy and gave it a fearsome line. The colors were immutable and gave it the feel of a predator, which matched the single man working its controls. Beyond the edge of the planet’s terminator, one could see and endless wave of vehicles entering leaving. Though it seemed that a great many of them had been thrown into disarray by some incident unknown to the pilot. Inside a single gloved hand adjusted the controls of his vessel as it entered Coruscant’s orbit. He smiled as he felt the power at his command. It was nothing to the command of the Dark Side but the enjoyment of the vehicle as it silently thrummed under him was a thing he reveled in. As he continued along these thoughts a blue hologram leapt to life behind him.
“Fearghul.” The hologram intoned. The being was in a full cloak and hooded. No indication was given who or what it was within the robes.
The tall man swiveled his chair to a prostrate himself before the hologram. His body was clad all in a deep black that seemed to absorb all light that tried to enter. His face was clean and had the coldest pair of blue eyes, his hair as black as the robes he wore. Under the fabric his muscles tensed, as he waited for any word from the hologram. He stared at the ground keeping all thoughts within himself.
“I have a new mission for you, my apprentice.” The hologram whispered.
Without looking up Fearghul answered “Master?”
The hologram made no movement. “Your mission is simple. The location and the details you need are within your ship when this discussion has ended.”
“Are there Jedi involved?” The Sith lord asked.
“That should...” Fearghul began to smirk as he felt a slight constriction on his throat.
“Do not fail me. This Jedi is different then your other prey.”
“A challenge then?”
“Perhaps, but he is not the mission.” The hologram intoned. “The mission is paramount; the slaying of this Jedi is not.”
“Of course, my master.” Fearghul said. With that the hologram disappeared and he rose. Sliding into his chair, he activated the screen and smiled. Pressing a few buttons he vaulted his vessel into Hyperspace.
The small grey freighter knifed itself out of hyperspace and sped towards the green world of Isolder74 and an immense cluster of wedged shaped vessels sitting in orbit of the planet. The ships were a variety of shapes but the most notable were the enormous wedged vessels that dominated the starscape. The each occupied a portion of the blackness with a swarm of tiny arrowhead vessel circling them as some insect colony. Armament bristling on the ship at every conceivable angle as the small freighter passed close by the fortress vessels.
Crimson and 2K-AD sat side by side at the console, with Crimson grimacing as she saw the fleet. 2K-AD swiftly moved its droid hand over the controls activating the small holoscreen. Within seconds a small being covered in what appeared to be soft fur and red robes that covered his body, the Bothan emissary, Ro’bter An’serdon.
“State the nature of your business.”
Crimson turned her chair to acknowledge Derith, who rose with no pomp. He for his part moved towards the hologram.
“I am here on behalf of both the Jedi Council and Lord Durandal to oversee the signing of the treaty.”
The Bothan wrinkled his nose, and let a snort of disgust out but no other reaction of any sort. “Of course, and you would have the proper codes for this?”
Derith gave a tight smile under his hood. From beneath the robe he produced a small cylinder and inserted it into a slot on the pilot side control panel.
“Hold here as we verify the information.” And with that the hologram dissolved.
Crimson looked at the assembled fleet and silently try to count what she could see. She fixed her eyes on what appeared to be the largest of the vessels and marveled at the thought of such a thing in battle. Her droid companion was just simply attending its duties, then perked his head up.
“Statement: There are two hundred and forty five Imperator class mark three vessel in orbit.”
“I didn’t ask.” Crimson replied.
“I know, but you were counting them and your faulty meatbag eyes would not have counted all of them fast enough thus I decided to it for you, mistress.”
Crimson wrinkled her nose at the statement and just sat back waiting for the go ahead.
“Patience.” Derith remarked. “The code is perfectly legal.”
“Oh so you can read my thoughts to?” Crimson said raising her eyebrow as she looked back at him.
“No, but I can read your attitude.” Derith smiled back.
“Yeah, well this had better work.” Crimson said, and with that the comm system chirped.
“You may proceed.” The voice uttered.
Crimson adjusted herself and flung the ship forward. “Now comes the fun part.”
“Hello, anybody up there? Help here?” She asked without looking up. “Please?”
Derith crouched down, picking up the wrench and placed it into her outstretched hand, which promptly disappeared into the crevice. Pulling back his hood he peered into the aperture, he saw what could be counted as the inner workings of this ancient ship. Pipes crisscrossed at absurd angles and wires dangled at ugly and inconsistent angles, it truly was as if the ship was held together by the sheer force of will of the pilot.
“So how did you actually get the hyperdrive to work?” Derith asked as he looked at the convoluted mess.
Lindar stared for a few seconds at him, tilting her head slightly, then thought it about then quickly raised her head into the grate above her. “Owie, owie, owie...well I just mixed a few wires together and determined what would be the optimal cross between the hyperdrive and the main reactor, without shunting off energy from the vital systems.”
“So that’s why we’re still breathing.” Derith noted as he gently rubbed the top of the Twi’lek girl’s head.
“Yeah.” Lindar chirped. “Still, we need massive repairs to the hyperdrive after we finish this jump.”
“Amongst other things.” Derith noted as he looked about. There didn’t seem to be a single part of the ship that didn’t need some sort of overhaul, but he didn’t spy 2K-AD anywhere within the mess. “So where did you slot the droid that was supposed to help you?”
“Ummm...I used parts of him to adjust the Falcon .”
“You did what?” Derith exclaimed, raising an eyebrow, as his eyes continue to sweep the area.
“Oh not that much.” Lindar said as she disappeared again into the bowels of the Falcon. “The rest of him is repairing himself over there.”
Derith looked over to where he saw the droid hunkered down, readjusting itself while to reattaching his leg. Next to the droid was a set of tools and a variety of small bolts and parts that were likely it’s inner workings but Derith made little noted of them. As he closed in he heard a series of indecipherable mumbles.
“So should I be thanking you for the timely jump?” Derith asked with a smirk as the droid continued to repair itself.
“Statement: Yes, meatbag. Mistress Lindar’s use of my actuators could be construed as quick and insightful thinking on her part. For that she deserves a small part of the obvious congratulations for her thoughts. A very small part.” 2K-AD growled as it placed a welding torch onto the small table beside it. It promptly then grabbed another implement and continued repairing.
“It’s not my fault!” Lindar’s voice burst out saying from the below the grilling. “It was either that or become a bunch of free floating atoms!”
Derith turned to look at 2K-AD, the droid for its part looked directly at Derith. “Do you see what meatbag nonsense I must force upon myself? It is not as if in a given situation I would ask of any of you to remove one of your squishy and useless innards to save me from possible doom. If she had only done the appropriate repairs before we left Coruscant, I would not be in this situation.”
“Or perhaps if your mistress didn’t kill a Vigo.” Derith remarked.
“Statement: It was not for an unwarranted reason, and in all likelihood, not the reason they are after us.”
“How so?” Derith said as he grabbed a chair and propped it near the droid’s table. “Given Black Sun’s ideas of who or what a Vigo is. A mere space rat’s life does not amount too much.”
“Well, she technically didn’t do it for the obvious reasons, and she really didn’t kill him...sort of.” Lindar said as she popped her head out of the engine, clutching a small datapad.
“So what did she technically, kind of, sort of do?” Derith asked as Lindar was cleaning her lekku.
2K-AD finally closed the arm panel and adjusted it to test for flexibility. “That particular business is something she will kind of, technically, sort of reveal if she wishes the opportunity or the desire to do so and none of us at this time will reveal or divulge.”
“Perhaps, but I do not want anything to interfere with my mission.” Derith stated as he waved his hand dismissively. “And that came very close to interference with my mission regardless of what she kind of, sort, technically did.”
Lindar rose to her feet, her hands balled to her sides. “Just because she had a mino....” Lindar said as Crimson sauntered in, her smile collapsing upon hearing Lindar.
“Lindar!” Crimson screamed. “It’s none of his business...have you been telling everyone?!”
“Didn’t tell Kernel.” She whimpered.
“You didn’t get the chance, I guess.” Crimson chided. She walked over and patted Lindar’s shoulder and looked into her eyes. “Let’s just try and keep it a secret, okay?”
“Okay!” Lindar said as she bobbed up and down, smiling.
“Statement: Do you see what I have to have to endure, meatbag?” 2K-AD said turning to Derith. “All I wish for is perfection and this is what I must deal with.”
Derith nodded silently and then squinted his eyes as a sharp pain shot through his head. He looked back at 2K-AD with a sense of forbiddance. He shook off the effects and looked at what Crimson was doing. Crimson easily hunkered herself into a chair with a display of the ship current condition and hyperspace position. She looked over the result and emerged with a broad smile. “See, no more trouble. And to think any of you doubted me?”
Derith gave her no notice as he walked over and glanced at the report and shook his head. “You do understand that you are barely outrunning them?”
“Give me a couple of hours, flyboy.” Crimson said with a smirk. “I’ll lose them.”
“Would this be another part of your vaunted feminine touches?” Derith said as he looked down at her with a grin.
Lindar looked down at her datapad as she tried to confirm some suspicions of hers and 2K-AD got up and went towards the cockpit.
“Don’t everyone thank me at once.” Crimson muttered, miffed at the lack of enthusiasm of her announcement. “Anyway, navigation computer calculates we should arrive at Isolder74 at twenty three hundred hours, standard Coruscant time. Well after this little hop and jump, going to need to forge a new registration.”
“Likely more then that according to Lindar.” Derith remarked.
“We are not going into that particular bit with Alye...” Crimson began to say as Lindar shook her head.
“Okay, how bad?”
“We need a complete overhaul.” Lindar answered, slumping her shoulders.
“But, two trips ago...” Crimson protested.
“You blew out the motivator, had to readjust what I could.”
“Had to take some actuators out of 2K-AD just to make this jump viable.”
“No, buts, we need a complete overhaul. This means we are likely going to use most the money this nice man is paying us.”
“He’s not a nice man.” Crimson muttered as she crossed her arms and stared at the readout again. “But fine, fine we’ll get an overhaul.”
Lindar smiled and returned to her readouts, as Derith just shook his head. “A question.”
“If this has anything to do with...” Crimson began to say as Derith raised a single hand halting her words.
“That is your affair and as long as it has no interference with mine, I have no cares what you did with or why you copulated with what.”
“Good, because I don’t feel like telling anyone about that particular incident and there was no copulation with anything.”
“Right, as to my question, it’s simple.” Derith said as he easily entered a chair. “What do you know of what is happening within Isolder74?”
“Other then it’s a trade dispute?”
“There has to be rumors.”
“You’re going to trust rumors?” Crimson said with a smirk as she adjusted her chair.
“Perhaps, the fact is that rumors have a notation of truth in the matter.” Derith offered.
“Okay, as pure rumor goes this whole thing is nothing more then an elaborate set for war.” Crimson said offhand.
“How so?” Derith said as he leaned closer.
“Well, there are a lot of rumors that the Bothans have been for some time assembling a massive fleet.”
“And? Given that the last uprising about forty years ago, many of the larger powers have been consolidating fleets.” Derith remarked.
“More then that, and these are only because I’ve done a couple jobs for them, but they have grabbed almost anything that ships materials to work for them.” Crimson said. “And at massive hikes with benefits of all sorts and even immunity to certain charges.”
“Anything else?” Derith said, cupping his chin.
“Yeah, there are some rather interesting rumors within the Corporate Sector that they have really been purchasing weapons and vehicles.”
“So why the Hapan incursion?”
“Actually that didn’t occur until the Hapans bullied that hyperspace route with the Senate...well the rumors are.” Crimson said as she shrugged.
“Well, it’s odd. There is no build up or even rumors from even the regulars that venture into Hapan territories.”
“None? Is it they don’t suspect or that they are confident this treaty will pan out?”
“Treaty? Given how the rumors are flying about that this is all some giant farce, they should be running scared. Even the Alliance would have troubles getting the Bothans off the Hapans if the rumors are correct.”
“That bad?” Derith said as he leaned back.
“That bad.” Crimson said as she shook her head. “Even stranger still is that the Hapans are just being more and more arrogant as the closer to the ratification of said treaty. That just struck me as odd; they don’t even begin to have a rumored force large enough to fend off the supposed Bothan armada.”
Derith said nothing as he nodded. “We’ll see how everything comes together at Isolder74, now won’t we?”
“We? I’m just delivering you!” Crimson remarked.
“True, but I still need a way to get back.” Derith answered with a cold smile.
“No, wait you said...”
“I’m altering the deal.” Derith said as he walked out of the main cabin area. As he left, Crimson just crossed her arms glaring at him as he left. Lindar perked her head up and watched the two.
“I dunno...how bad could Isolder74 be?” Lindar said as she looked at Crimson grimace.
“They don’t like our kind too much, Lindar.” Crimson remarked as she shook her head.
“Twi’leks or Corellians?”
“Nevermind Lindar, just nevermind.” Crimson groaned.
Across the galaxy a sleek grey vessel tore into Coruscant space with impunity. The ship glinted as it caught the systems primary and was entering the far edges of the mina planet primary lanes of traffic. Its knife edged and arrowhead design was unique in the galaxy and gave it a fearsome line. The colors were immutable and gave it the feel of a predator, which matched the single man working its controls. Beyond the edge of the planet’s terminator, one could see and endless wave of vehicles entering leaving. Though it seemed that a great many of them had been thrown into disarray by some incident unknown to the pilot. Inside a single gloved hand adjusted the controls of his vessel as it entered Coruscant’s orbit. He smiled as he felt the power at his command. It was nothing to the command of the Dark Side but the enjoyment of the vehicle as it silently thrummed under him was a thing he reveled in. As he continued along these thoughts a blue hologram leapt to life behind him.
“Fearghul.” The hologram intoned. The being was in a full cloak and hooded. No indication was given who or what it was within the robes.
The tall man swiveled his chair to a prostrate himself before the hologram. His body was clad all in a deep black that seemed to absorb all light that tried to enter. His face was clean and had the coldest pair of blue eyes, his hair as black as the robes he wore. Under the fabric his muscles tensed, as he waited for any word from the hologram. He stared at the ground keeping all thoughts within himself.
“I have a new mission for you, my apprentice.” The hologram whispered.
Without looking up Fearghul answered “Master?”
The hologram made no movement. “Your mission is simple. The location and the details you need are within your ship when this discussion has ended.”
“Are there Jedi involved?” The Sith lord asked.
“That should...” Fearghul began to smirk as he felt a slight constriction on his throat.
“Do not fail me. This Jedi is different then your other prey.”
“A challenge then?”
“Perhaps, but he is not the mission.” The hologram intoned. “The mission is paramount; the slaying of this Jedi is not.”
“Of course, my master.” Fearghul said. With that the hologram disappeared and he rose. Sliding into his chair, he activated the screen and smiled. Pressing a few buttons he vaulted his vessel into Hyperspace.
The small grey freighter knifed itself out of hyperspace and sped towards the green world of Isolder74 and an immense cluster of wedged shaped vessels sitting in orbit of the planet. The ships were a variety of shapes but the most notable were the enormous wedged vessels that dominated the starscape. The each occupied a portion of the blackness with a swarm of tiny arrowhead vessel circling them as some insect colony. Armament bristling on the ship at every conceivable angle as the small freighter passed close by the fortress vessels.
Crimson and 2K-AD sat side by side at the console, with Crimson grimacing as she saw the fleet. 2K-AD swiftly moved its droid hand over the controls activating the small holoscreen. Within seconds a small being covered in what appeared to be soft fur and red robes that covered his body, the Bothan emissary, Ro’bter An’serdon.
“State the nature of your business.”
Crimson turned her chair to acknowledge Derith, who rose with no pomp. He for his part moved towards the hologram.
“I am here on behalf of both the Jedi Council and Lord Durandal to oversee the signing of the treaty.”
The Bothan wrinkled his nose, and let a snort of disgust out but no other reaction of any sort. “Of course, and you would have the proper codes for this?”
Derith gave a tight smile under his hood. From beneath the robe he produced a small cylinder and inserted it into a slot on the pilot side control panel.
“Hold here as we verify the information.” And with that the hologram dissolved.
Crimson looked at the assembled fleet and silently try to count what she could see. She fixed her eyes on what appeared to be the largest of the vessels and marveled at the thought of such a thing in battle. Her droid companion was just simply attending its duties, then perked his head up.
“Statement: There are two hundred and forty five Imperator class mark three vessel in orbit.”
“I didn’t ask.” Crimson replied.
“I know, but you were counting them and your faulty meatbag eyes would not have counted all of them fast enough thus I decided to it for you, mistress.”
Crimson wrinkled her nose at the statement and just sat back waiting for the go ahead.
“Patience.” Derith remarked. “The code is perfectly legal.”
“Oh so you can read my thoughts to?” Crimson said raising her eyebrow as she looked back at him.
“No, but I can read your attitude.” Derith smiled back.
“Yeah, well this had better work.” Crimson said, and with that the comm system chirped.
“You may proceed.” The voice uttered.
Crimson adjusted herself and flung the ship forward. “Now comes the fun part.”
Last edited by Ghost Rider on 2004-12-16 03:39pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
I had better be considered as one of those 'five fans' Ghost Rider! You know I can't get internet oftes as I'd like!
Η ζωή, η ζωή εδω τελειώνει!
"Science is one cold-hearted bitch with a 14" strap-on" - Masuka 'Dexter'
"Angela is not the woman you think she is Gabriel, she's done terrible things"
"So have I, and I'm going to do them all to you." - Sylar to Arthur 'Heroes'
*giggles* The droid is great!!!
*applauds* keep writing...squeee~!
*applauds* keep writing...squeee~!
the longer i wait,the more i forget.the more i forget, the longer the list of desires grows. for that which is wanted is forbidden. and we all know that forbidden fruit is often the sweetest.Don'tcha wish your g/f was a witch like me?~*~AYVBABTU
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Awesomeness... Can't wait to see the final product.
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Formerly verilon
R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero, 09 October 1967 - 13 November 2005
Hot Pants à la Zaia | BotM Lord Monkey Mod OOK!
Formerly verilon
R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero, 09 October 1967 - 13 November 2005
- Ghost Rider
- Spirit of Vengeance
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- Joined: 2002-09-24 01:48pm
- Location: DC...looking up from the gutters to the stars
Queen Tevar stood in silence on the balcony overlooking the royal gardens of the palace in the capitol city of Thessa and listened patiently as her captain of their navy explained the situation at hand. She was dressed in an elegant white dress that flowed around her. The only piece of jewelry she had on her was a simple gold chain the gripped her neck. The captain was resplendent in his maroon red dress uniform and medals, his face a worried mass of lines. To all of them the invasion was something completely unexpected, to everyone that didn’t have an ear to the inner court of the Hapan society. Tevar listened serenely but with little interest as the captain reported to her what was the fleet composition that was hovering above their world, poised to strike at any second. Tevar resisted a small smile as her captain ended the report.
“Captain, I understand your misunderstanding of the situation but the Bothans will do no such thing.” Tevar said as she smoothed her dress.
“But, my Lady...” The captain was about to say as another figure made a low clearing noise. “My lord!”
Nitram smiled as he entered the room and nodded to his captain as the man bowed his head low. He was a tall man with a full head of black short hair and a lean face. His outfit was similar to his captain’s with its cut, but instead of an enormous amount of medals on display he had only one medal hanging in the center of his chest, his medal of office as lord of Isolder74. He nodded as his captain raised his head and turned and left the room.
“So I presume that would mean everyone else is still in the dark about this scheme of ours, my dear?” Nitram said as he the doors closed behind the captain.
“Of course, my dear husband...do you presume I would tell anyone of this alliance we made?”
“No, my dear, I would never think that. Think of it as an act of a concerned mind.” He said with a small smile.
She shook her head and continued to gaze outside. Nitram stared in her direction trying to see what he thought she was watching.
“Why is Lord Durandal sending us a Jedi?” She finally said as she turned to him.
“Because he wants to show how beneficent of a lord he is to his people.”
“That’s a pointless gesture, the treaty is a pointless gesture and both the Hapan court and the Bothan know this.” Tevar said, shaking her head “Yet he thinks everyone will be placated if a Jedi watches the treaty being signed?”
“I don’t believe so.” Nitram said as looked at Tevar directly with a small smile.
“How so?”
“I’ve studied some of Durandal’s record as a Jedi Master and if it’s any indication...he’s sending a message here.”
“A message?”
Nitram nodded. “He was never one for just complexities or overblown melodrama. As a Jedi preferred a more succinct action, and this undoubtedly will follow.”
“What do you mean?” Tevar said as she crooked her head. “A single Jedi cannot do anything that would mean much to anyone, especially not the Bothans.”
“You don’t believe so, my dear? Think of what it presents to us, the Bothans and the Senate.”
“I can see to us it would possibly show that he is thinking of using outside assets to defend us, and presenting himself as our new ruler, a worthy one. But what else would you believe it implies?”
“Much like our action that will unfold within the next day, it will show this easily and I will give the man this, it has a cunning all to its own. To us it shows he can still draw upon a resource that no other Hapan ruler can since the era of Tenel Ka. To the Bothans, the message is simple, it shows he could easily shift an army of warriors that the galaxy not only respects and fears but sides with. To the Senate, even more simply, it shows he has still has great sway over the actions of the Jedi if he can make one just stand there and watch for no other reason then to.”
“You seem to place a lot onto this one Jedi.”
“You would too, if you read what this one Jedi was.”
“I would?”
“Remember the incident with the Rodian pirate at Taucet five about a year ago?” Nitram said.
“The story which I had gathered from various sources and our own intelligence network said, this bloodthirsty group was destroyed by one being. I figured this to be an impossibility given the scope of what happened in the span of one month to their organization, but I investigated further since the events took place practically on our doorstep.”
“And your investigations revealed?”
“Barring the insane stories of a variety of degrees of this man being able to hurl fighters with his mind or destroying asteroids, it was always one man of the same description. I would have presumed it was a group, but the description was too similar regardless of the insanity of the tales. Then at the end of my investigations I had seen his handiwork first hand. The carnage was methodical and brutal. I can easily see why some backwater places were considering him as some demon or some other fanciful description. Though his stories are nothing more then cheap folklore that have gained inextricably a galactic notice, the man’s handiwork has an indelible mark all to itself.”
“And this is...monster is what Durandal is sending us?”
“Precisely, he may have no idea of what we are planning, but the presence of this being will allow him the message to everyone he wants to.”
“Perhaps we underestimated our new king after all.”
“Perhaps, but we shall see.” Nitram said as a small cylindrical device hummed lightly. “Ah, and he arrives.”
Tevar smiled as she took her husband’s arm and strode out the room.
The Falcon easily cut through the air as it followed it’s escorts into the docking area. Inside the cockpit Crimson glanced nervously at her escorts and back at her co-pilot. For its part, it made no motion of understanding and continued it’s activity. Behind her though, Derith gave a small wry grin.
“I doubt they will shot you down for any activities you may have done in the past.” Derith said.
“You don’t know the Hapans, like I do.” Crimson said, checking her gauges again. “They have long memories and very deep grudges against pirates of any sort. Always have, always will.”
“Perhaps, but given you are not on piracy mission, they won’t be so trigger happy.”
“I have had friends who have said otherwise.”
“I will give assurances for you, on this mission, it will not happen.”
Crimson smirked and continued to look at the two other vessels and her own controls. Derith for his part simply absorbed the world as it flashed before him. It was a lush planet with much vegetation by the look of the green field below him, a complete contrast to Coruscant or his last few missions. It had fields of green, and forests, and in the horizon what could be either a lake or a sea.
Lindar pointed forward, he saw what was loomed before them. Unlike anything else they had seen. the palace was a gigantic edifice all unto itself. This colossal building carved into the side of a mountain with a vast lake beneath it. It seemed to be carved out of the red stone of the mountain and yet glistened with a life all its own, sitting apart from anything in the surrounding landscape.
Crimson expertly guided the ship to the open landing bay that was at the top of this mountain as her escorts veered off. Waiting for them was an escort of guards and a single woman in white.
“Now we will see if you have any sway her or not, since they are giving us the royal treatment is seems.” Crimson said.
“Query: Do you wish me to arm myself appropriately mistress? I could very easily kill the guards and take the meatbag woman as hostage.” 2K-AD said.
“That won’t be necessary 2K. I think we’ll just throw our friendly Jedi to them.” Crimson said as she looked back at Derith’s smiling face.
“But then how would they repair your hyperdrive?” Derith said.
“What do mean...repair?” Crimson asked as the ship felt the tug of the landing magnetic pads grab them and secure them.
“I need some way off this planet and just sending a signal to the Jedi Council is not exactly the best way of handling things.”
“You know this will cost you extra?” Crimson said with a wide toothy grin.
“Do you want to pay for your Hyperdrive in a Hapan chop shop or do you want me to ask nicely?” Derith said as he got up, adjusted his cloak, and walked to the ramp.
“Ask nicely, please.” Lindar chirped, as Crimson’s smile deteriorated into a growl.
The ramped yawned open as Lady Tevar stood at the edge of the smoke and fumes that emitted from the craft, the troops next to her pulled into a tighter formation and more taunt attention. Only darkness emitted from the exit at first; then footsteps; and finally Derith strode like a black shadow down the ramp.
Derith looked at the assemblage and then gave a small bow at Lady Tevar. Behind him Crimson strode down cautiously with 2K-AD following closely, and finally Lindar skipped down the platform.
“Master Derith, I presume?” Lady Tevar said. “I am Lady Tevar and welcome you and your....companions to Isolder74.”
Derith raised his head from the bow as the other gave a short curt bow. “I have come at the request of Lord Durandal.”
Tevar’s face warmed at the comment. “I am glad to hear our new king is so personal in his treatment of this most difficult of times.”
“He felt it would insure that the Hapans were dealt a fair hand in case of any excessive force brought to bear.”
“One Jedi?” Tevar said as she lead her entourage and Derith’s group towards the palace.
“I am clearly representative of something more then myself, in this case.”
“Obviously, but we do have certain contingencies within the Hapan systems for just this sort of possible military engagement.”
“You truly suspect they will follow through with their supposed threats?” Derith said.
“We suspect many things, but it isn’t my place to discuss them with you, nor in front of your present company.” Tevar said as she gave Derith’s party a small glance. “My husband, Lord Nitram will tell you everything you need to know about our current situation and what is required of you.”
Most of the journey was taken in silence. Derith looked around and noted the scale of the palace on the outside was reflective of its interior as well. The immense arches they were passing through, the enormous hallways that extended into what seemed the sky and the doors that looked to be made for giants of hundreds of meters tall then humans. The tiles before his feet were of a deep black color that seemed to devour light that tried to enter it. The windows that were held within those enormous arches were of a green color to fill one’s mind of the nature of the world. They kept passing through an array of passages that seemed to yawn into eternity. He looked back at his companions and noted that Lindar was feeling the effects of the palace as the lord who first built the place wanted to. She walked in awe of the place and proceeded with less gaiety then she had when she left the ship. Crimson on the other hand was either more successful in hiding her true feelings or just unimpressed by everything. She simply swaggered behind Derith with 2K-AD by her side. As they approached the royal throne room, Derith stopped for a moment and motioned to Lady Tevar.
“I do have one small request which I am sure that you in your powers can grant, my lady.” Derith said.
“Ask and I shall see what I can do.”
“My ship has a small problem with its hyperdrive and requires rather large repairs and...” Derith said as Crimson raised her eyebrows at the request.
“Say no more master Jedi, I will have our finest technicians on it, this night.”
“Thank you, you are too gracious of a host.” Derith said with a bow. He looked at his three companions. “Though I must ask you? Can my servants have quarters of their own for the evening?”
“Easily done.” Tevar said as she clapped her hands and a two large servant approached her and bowed their heads low. “We shall show them every courtesy.” She said as she waved off Derith’s companions and the servants.
“Of course, and I shall of course tell of the splendid treatment I have received to Lord Durandal.”
“You are too kind, master Jedi.” Tevar said as she smiled and opened the oval doors to the throne room.
If the halls of the palace were meant for pummeling the spirit into submission, the throne room was the climax of that particular thought. The inner room ceiling was entirely made of enormous windows of blue hues, bathing the room with its light. Tiles of a green and gold pattern were laid before his feet and reflected a glory of the closest one could assume of divinity in this era. Derith sniffed the air and noted the change; it was utterly antiseptic within the throne area. He nodded at this as he continued forward to the man who sat before him down the long hallway. The throne room was also created in a manner that gave the person walking towards it that the lord of the system was an immense being by the fact it he seemed to dwarf one when they peered down the hall. The throne itself was carved out of a single Corellian ruby and behind the throne black draperies enveloped the master of this area. He noticed that Tevar immediately went to a single step below the throne and observed there was already a court in session with the courtiers and obviously high ranked officials surrounding the area. Awaiting his audience sat Lord Nitram.
Derith stopped ten paces before the throne and looked up, his hood still in place, measuring everything in the room.
Nitram took the offensive. “Why has Lord Durandal decided to send a personal Jedi envoy to such a simple and benign meeting?”
Derith gave a flat smile as he pulled back the hood and bowed his head. “I am here, merely as an observer of events, for both Lord Durandal and the Jedi Order.”
“Is that so, just as a simple arbiter of these events?” Nitram said, raising an eyebrow.
“Hardly, I have no power or the want to acquire it.” Derith said as he smiled.
“We have seen in history that more often then not, what the Jedi say is not always what the Jedi mean.” Nitram countered.
Derith closed his eyes and kept his smile. When he opened his eyes again the warm smile melted and was replaced with a tight feral grin. “I prefer to dispense with this pointless fencing and would prefer if his majesty would just simply say what he wants, instead of cowering behind pretty words.”
Tevar stirred at the words, the rest of the courtiers gave loud gasps and cries at the sheer audacity of the Jedi.
“I believe my wife and court have issues with your tone.” Nitram said as he motioned to the crowd below him.
Derith gave a shrug. “You defer to your court and your wife?”
Tevar scowled and opened her mouth when Nitram made a simple hand wave. “You have a certain audacity I had expected from what I read of your exploits, though you lack a certain diplomatic flair I had imagined from the Jedi.”
“My master always commented diplomacy was just to say pointless and diverting words in friendly tones. I have never seen much use in such gaucheries.”
“Ah, so you feel that gross actions are all you can show us? Then we shall dispense with diplomacy as well. I want to know why he sent you.”
“I told you truthfully, nothing more then an observer, gross actions or otherwise.”
“Hmmm...perhaps. In the next day your actions will speak for themselves. But if I may ask, do you know why you in particular?”
“Simple, Lord Durandal was my master. I was an obvious choice in these events since I would be watching obviously with his thoughts in mind, of how the events are unfolding and what should be reported to him.”
“So, you are nothing more then his personal spy?”
“A spy is one who enters under the pretense of one reason and is in actuality is another reason entirely. I have no pretenses.”
“Granted.” Nitram nodded. “Is there anything we can help you on your observations, since you are here under our lord’s auspices?”
“Just one, I would like to have a full purview of your library.”
“Any particular reason?” Nitram said.
“A simple reason. It will give the full and detailed history of this event as well as any extraneous material leading up to it.
“Ah, a chronicler as well?”
“If it pleases you to think so.” Derith said.
Nitram let a snort and nodded. “Then peruse our library at your leisure. This audience has ended, master Jedi.”
Derith bowed his head and turned to leave. As the door opened and he made his way beyond their closing, the courtiers began talking and mongering amongst themselves. Lady Tevar separated herself from the throng as Nitram watched the crowd mill and crow amongst themselves. She came close to her husband and whispered. “Do you believe that is the end of it?”
“No, but I see now why he chose him. This being is not fooled by kind words or thoughts. He is a weapon that Durandal uses for both bold and gross actions and he demonstrated that amply. We must be very cautious my dear.”
Derith walked unerringly through the halls of the palace as he approached a small corner of the vast estate to wherein the library awaited him. The place was a reflection of the palace in both it’s want of grandeur and enormity, but gave way to a sense of gaudiness. Inside beneath warm orange and yellow lamps were a number of droids floating about on a variety of tasks, all in a myriad of shapes and sizes.
He walked in and went towards the first cubicle he could find. Aside from the droids the place was eerily quiet with only the humming of the screens and droids giving any indication of anything working. There were no signs of dust anywhere, yet the pristine nature belied the warmth of the light that bathe the entire library. He noted one of the cubicles being serviced by a SH-5 service droid.
“Yes, sir?” The droid said as it raised its optical sensor in his direction. Derith ignored the droid as he looked at the console before him. “Sir?”
“Do you have one with a P-209 port?” Derith said without looking up.
Underneath the droid’s bulbous head it lowered a few small tools and parts. In a giant whirl of movement a small extraneous unit was attached to the cube before him. Derith nodded in approval as he sat down and depressed a small blue button which ejected a keypad off to his left side and a keyboard below the cube. The droid activated the viewer and looked at Derith as he punched in a series of commands.
“Sir, can I be of any assistance?”
“Yes, I want the entire history of events from these dates.” Derith said as he entered the numbers onto the keypad on his left.
“That will take a number of hours. Perhaps you could lessen your search to specific terms?”
“No.” Derith said as he continued his tapping on the keyboard.
“Very good.” The droid said. With that it lifted itself off the cube and flew off into the library proper. Derith took no note of its leaving and focused solely on his quest. A blur of blue passed before him and noted that the history of this space lane was certainly no different then the hundreds of others that criss crossed the galaxy. He slipped in one of the three cylinders he had gotten on Coruscant into the port as it began its own search and dump. So far the surface history was reflecting his earlier notions that this was a simple trade dispute and did not reflect the gravity of the situation that Crimson explained. Nothing about this particular hyperspace lane was exceptional or large, except to one corporation in the Bothan system. In fact there was no real purpose behind the warships other then a rattling of sabers, though the person in charge had very high level contacts and relations with the Bothan people. It was noted through out the records he was reading he had prior conflicts of a diplomatic nature with this planet. He did note it was his corporation along that was doing the particular push for a military show of power according to the Hapan databanks. Derith simply grimaced at the ideas that tumbled into his head, and when his initial research complete he would find out why did the Bothans care about apparently a low echelon Hapan system.
Dusk had settled over the planet and the red golden hues of the sun embraced the coming darkness in the horizon. Night was quickly climbing, blackening the sky except a few shining twinkles of crystal. In the encroaching darkness the land stood still.
As the last of the light began to fade, a silver shape caught the briefest glint of the fading light, and the small ship began its final descent in the open field. The knife edged craft gently hugged the land as it began its final descent.
It landed far to the south of the palace. A few animals fled as it began its landing cycle. The ship came to complete rest and sat silently. The aft opened its jaws to the ground below as a small ramp lowered and Darth Fearghul emerged from the red interior. The Sith Lord was adorned in his traditional black robe and cloak garb. A simple outfit held with a collared tunic belted at the waist, and his lightsaber within ease reach, hanging off his side. He walked out a bit from the ship as he took a pair of macrobinoculars and peered through them to see what lay before him.
He saw the palace loom before him and smiled. The structure was sound but had only one entrance, little matter. This meant it also had only one real exit barring the docking bay at the top. This would ensure his prey staying her, or one of his targets. His master warned him of this, but this was the indulgence before the real target and he would savor this. The building was large and undoubtedly guarded, but these were nothing more then a small logic puzzle.
He saw where the likely guard posts were and where he would have to use some degree of stealth. In his dark heart he knew the Jedi had no idea of what lay before him. He lifted his arm and depressed a small button on his forearm control panel he had strapped to it. From the interior came three small black balls, settling in a low floating pattern around him. He pressed in what power level he wanted them at, and as well as what targets they were assigned to attack. As he turned back to the ship the three droids went on their assigned task, and the ship lowered a small one man vehicle.
Darth Fearghul watched as they disappeared from sight, and smiled tightly.
Inside the cavernous library, Derith waited for the last of the information to come in, which the droid deposited before him. He pressed a few more buttons and lifted himself from the chair, noticing that the room had now gone from a warm hue to a dark cold blue black look, only illuminated by a few hover lamps and the screens and datapads that lined the entire place. And for a brief second he felt a cold beckon, he looked to his left and right and then closed his eyes and let his perceptions stretch forth. Nothing except a black echo, from where he could not say but there was something here...searching.
He opened his eyes, pulling his hood tightly over his head and quietly left the confines of the library for the guest quarters.
Inside her quarters, Crimson paced back and forth fitfully. The room was spartan with few chairs and a work area for any light computer usage. Lindar for her part just watched her go back and forth covering the room for what appeared to be the three hundredth time. 2K-Ad for its part just sat in a corner running a constant self diagnostic as he had heard the rant for at least by his calculation the twentieth time.
“His servants?” Crimson said railing at the air.
“Are we?” Lindar said as she looked down at her coveralls. She did notice that not only had they been provided food and clothes, but they were allowed many amenities she would’ve liked on the Falcon. Hot water being easily the highest in that regard, Crimson on the other hand did not feel that way.
“Of course not, but that high and mighty Jedi decided that was his best description of us!” Crimson screamed. “When he comes back I will show him who...”
“Show me what?” Derith asked, smirking, as he emerged from the entrance, pulling back his hood.
“You finally showed up.” Crimson snorted as Lindar clapped happily.
“I distinctly remember...hiring you, not the other way around, and besides no gratitude towards a new hyperdrive and your current quarters?” Derith said as he waved his arms across the room.
“I’ve had better.” Crimson said as she plopped herself into a chair.
“I’m sure, but this time you weren’t running from the law or other notables.”
Crimson glared at him as Derith took a chair and sat in it, and then before opening his mouth, he looked at 2K-AD.
“What?” Crimson said as she looked at her droid.
“Just a second.” Derith said as he walked up and examined the droid closer.
“What?” Lindar and Crimson asked as Derith looked around the droid’s head.
“Does he have a T-831 jammer on him?” Derith asked as he continued his investigation.
“Do I look that incompetent?” Crimson said with her hands on her waist.
Derith turned and raised an eyebrow, Crimson glared back.
“Of course 2K does, silly!” Lindar chirped.
“Good.” Derith said, smiling at Lindar. He grabbed the small datapad out of his cloak. “I want a private holo transmission to Coruscant.”
“So what’s gotten you so riled and anxious?” Crimson asked as she leaned in close, Derith typing away on the datapad.
“Who says I’m riled or anxious?” Derith said, eyes still on the datapad.
“Look, I don’t know how you Jedi get off or wind down but you aren’t the same cool self you were on the Falcon, so something has you all nervous like virgin in his first Zeltron brothel and somehow I doubt it’s my sparkling smile.”
Derith smirked. “No, it would be too hard to explain. And anyway, I’m back because I have a few musings about the Hapan records and especially this treaty, and wanted to be in a private...enough environment.”
“I just think you couldn’t get enough of me.”
“I’d sooner kiss your droid over there.” Derith said looking at her with a mirthless grin. Crimson threw him a baleful glare and laid down on the bed in a huff. Lindar raised an eyebrow and crooked her head to the side, staring at Derith as he raised the computer screen. He typed in a few commands and the Jedi symbol appeared before him.
He felt Lindar still staring at him; Crimson shook her head and whispered in her ear. “It’s a joke, Lindar. He’s just being a conceited bastard.”
“Whatever salves your ego, dear.” Derith answered. Lindar satisfied with the answer bobbed her head up and down and went to cleaning 2K-AD. Derith’s expression gave way into a frown as his eyes passed between the screen and his datapad. “What do you know of a Ro’bter An’serdon?”
“Not that much except, incompetent fool, but with some immense connections within the Bothan Senate and even some apparent connections with maybe the CSA. Why?”
“Because he’s the main proponent of what is happening here.”
“Great, just great.”
“Then this will escalate, regardless of the outcome.”
Crimson sighed and shook her head as she leaned back onto the head rest. “Okay, think of possibly the most incompetent, belligerent insane moron and give him power and reason to dislike you. That is this Bothan to a tee.”
“But you said that Bothans would escalate anyway, how does this one make the difference?”
“Because that fleet out there will be used...it’s not just a rattling of sabers.”
“That would be a poor choice unless provoked or justified, the Alliance would literally declare war to protect the Hapans, and the Bothans would likely suffer immensely in both rank and power. It is completely illogical to place someone who potentially could destroy your work because he threw a tantrum.”
“Logic has nothing to do with this one, and that really is the end of that. He has a group in very high places that have personally overseen that he is allowed to ascend.” Crimson moaned as she rubbed her hands against her temples. “I’ve actually done a couple...contracts for him. And believe me, he’s a moron.”
“And apparently so is most the Bothan government. Though one strange point, the Bothans were not the ones who brought up the dispute.”
“What?” Crimson said, smirking. “That’s impossible.”
“No, they recorded that Nitram himself shoved this dispute into the forefront and purposefully to Ro’bter.”
“Then I don’t know who’s more stupid, Nitram or Ro’bter.”
Derith snorted at the statement. “I believe Ro’bter, whatever is going to happen Nitram is confident that he will in the end win whatever conflict this may bring.”
“Just because he displays it doesn’t mean...”
“No, I don’t mean display. I have never been good at reading one, but they positively exude the fact he would win, him and his wife.”
“So they are blowhards..I keep telling you the build up the Bothans have done...”
“No, this was much more then that, and given he initiated this conflict means he had distinct plans along these lines from the start.”
“But why then?”
“I’ve been starting to investigate along those lines and two disturbing facts have come up.”
“Such as?”
“One, the trade lane was nothing of any great importance except to a small company in the CSA, like you said the Hapans bullied the Senate.”
“And the other?”
“They have an alliance with an unknown third party.”
“How would you know that?” Crimson said looking over his shoulder.
“You can erase many things, but rarely do they erase everything. There are points where outgoing transmissions happened to several point away from Hapan space that have no know other correlation in their record.”
“Could be classified military, and how did you get that information?”
“I have my own ways and I doubt that...the code indicates a holo conference to someone at co-ordinates that match no known record of Hapan military exercise. I also doubt Lady Tevar would do this and not delegate it to a captain or admiral of the fleet.”
“Okay, and this matters to you how?”
“Nothing, but its part of a puzzle I want to find out, because I believe it directly relates to my current assignment.” Derith said, and then perked his head up into the air.
“What is...” Crimson was saying as she suddenly felt a thrust to her stomach forcing her against the head rest. Lindar yelped loudly, as she and 2K were shoved to the far end of the room. Derith for his part was no longer in visible motion as he blurred into the air as three red lances shattered through the door and blasted where he last was sitting.
“2K-AD, emergency protocols, now!” Crimson screamed as the droid came to life. From the smoke and haze of the blasted door, three small black balls hovered into places, assessing situation and began accounting for targets. With Crimson’s scream the farthest left one turned towards her, aiming it’s small protrusion at her.
2K-AD eyes blazed to life and its arms whirred quietly as small guns emerged from its wrists. In the nanoseconds of its life, it assessed the threats and their point of origin. The wall and the table had no tactical advantage what so ever against blaster fire and the three hovering droid had a movement advantage in such small quarters, but he also had no problem with anything blocking any of its shots.
Satisfied that this was the best his situation was going to afford he took aim at the farthest right of the three black hovering sphere, which had yet to take notice of him and was aiming to Mistress Lindar. A single bolt ripped from his small blaster and shredded the main body of the droid, violently reacting with the things power source. The air exploded into flame as the other two droids took notice of their fallen companion. Lindar and Crimson both looked for what minimal cover they could find and dived to the side as blaster fire erupted from the small droids at them. 2K-AD dived as well, trying to minimize damage and scanned furiously for Derith. With no sign he attributed somehow the man had left then suddenly a ball that had appeared in front of him had a spear of rock imbedded into the center of its body.
The other drone took note of this, and turned around with immense speed, and stopped as it stared at Derith. Crimson and Lindar poked their heads up with 2K-AD trying to assess the unusual situation that was occurring. As the droid charged it’s gun, a sputtering noise was heard in it’s bowels, quiet at first but gained intensity as time went on.
Derith for his part took no note of the situation and looked at his companions, seeing they were okay, went over this his computer and shut it down. The droid behind him, sputtered and dropped like a rock onto the marble floor, skittering as it hit the ground.
“What was that?” Crimson said as she looked Lindar over for any injuries.
“That was my jitter as you call it, or more specifically a bit of testing from the one who sent the feeling into me.” Derith said as he began walking out the doorway.
“So what are we to do?”
“Get a new room and lock yourselves in it, and make sure it’s one that has one of the thicker doors.” Derith said as he pulled his cloak tight to him and pulled his hood up.
“And what are you going to do, while we’re trying not to get killed?”
“Ensure it won’t do this again.” Derith said as he left.
“And if it’s more then just one and small army, just get yourself killed? What type of stupid plan is that, flyboy?” Crimson said.
“Nothing I haven’t handled in the past.”
“How will you find us?” Crimson said to him as his shadow receded into the darkness.
“Your cheap perfume is more then enough a marker for me.” Derith answered from outside the smoke and haze.
Crimson let out a low growl from the statement, as Lindar stood next to her. “I think he likes you.” Lindar said with a big grin.
Crimson closed her eyes, shaking her head as they both walked out the door with 2K-AD.
Derith stalked his way through the palace, reaching out with the Force. He felt a slight tug there and here and followed his instincts. He knew in his heart what he was facing and for the briefest of moments reveled in the thought. Shaking those thoughts away he felt the being call to him beneath him, to which he quicken his pace.
Derith had gone down several floors till he reached a power chamber for the palace and entered the small ante room. He calmly walked in as the door opened effortlessly. When he sauntered through the portal, it slammed just as quickly with a thunderous clang. With the door shut behind him, he had no other option then the progress forward into the looming darkness. Something wanted him here, he could feel it.
The ante room itself was a mass of hissing pipes and conduits with steam belching from the floor below him. Derith began his tentative exploration when a small platform leading to light was highlighted before him. He smirked as he stood on the small circular object and let it lead him upwards.
His arms stood at his side as the platform raised him into the bright room. It was bathing in an unnatural orange color and had more steam flowing from the floor and the walls. Suddenly his mind flared to life as he looked up and saw a black shape leapt from the shadows like a giant bird, a red scintillating blade emerged from its body, slicing through the orange haze.
“Die Jedi fool!” the shadow roared.
Queen Tevar stood in silence on the balcony overlooking the royal gardens of the palace in the capitol city of Thessa and listened patiently as her captain of their navy explained the situation at hand. She was dressed in an elegant white dress that flowed around her. The only piece of jewelry she had on her was a simple gold chain the gripped her neck. The captain was resplendent in his maroon red dress uniform and medals, his face a worried mass of lines. To all of them the invasion was something completely unexpected, to everyone that didn’t have an ear to the inner court of the Hapan society. Tevar listened serenely but with little interest as the captain reported to her what was the fleet composition that was hovering above their world, poised to strike at any second. Tevar resisted a small smile as her captain ended the report.
“Captain, I understand your misunderstanding of the situation but the Bothans will do no such thing.” Tevar said as she smoothed her dress.
“But, my Lady...” The captain was about to say as another figure made a low clearing noise. “My lord!”
Nitram smiled as he entered the room and nodded to his captain as the man bowed his head low. He was a tall man with a full head of black short hair and a lean face. His outfit was similar to his captain’s with its cut, but instead of an enormous amount of medals on display he had only one medal hanging in the center of his chest, his medal of office as lord of Isolder74. He nodded as his captain raised his head and turned and left the room.
“So I presume that would mean everyone else is still in the dark about this scheme of ours, my dear?” Nitram said as he the doors closed behind the captain.
“Of course, my dear husband...do you presume I would tell anyone of this alliance we made?”
“No, my dear, I would never think that. Think of it as an act of a concerned mind.” He said with a small smile.
She shook her head and continued to gaze outside. Nitram stared in her direction trying to see what he thought she was watching.
“Why is Lord Durandal sending us a Jedi?” She finally said as she turned to him.
“Because he wants to show how beneficent of a lord he is to his people.”
“That’s a pointless gesture, the treaty is a pointless gesture and both the Hapan court and the Bothan know this.” Tevar said, shaking her head “Yet he thinks everyone will be placated if a Jedi watches the treaty being signed?”
“I don’t believe so.” Nitram said as looked at Tevar directly with a small smile.
“How so?”
“I’ve studied some of Durandal’s record as a Jedi Master and if it’s any indication...he’s sending a message here.”
“A message?”
Nitram nodded. “He was never one for just complexities or overblown melodrama. As a Jedi preferred a more succinct action, and this undoubtedly will follow.”
“What do you mean?” Tevar said as she crooked her head. “A single Jedi cannot do anything that would mean much to anyone, especially not the Bothans.”
“You don’t believe so, my dear? Think of what it presents to us, the Bothans and the Senate.”
“I can see to us it would possibly show that he is thinking of using outside assets to defend us, and presenting himself as our new ruler, a worthy one. But what else would you believe it implies?”
“Much like our action that will unfold within the next day, it will show this easily and I will give the man this, it has a cunning all to its own. To us it shows he can still draw upon a resource that no other Hapan ruler can since the era of Tenel Ka. To the Bothans, the message is simple, it shows he could easily shift an army of warriors that the galaxy not only respects and fears but sides with. To the Senate, even more simply, it shows he has still has great sway over the actions of the Jedi if he can make one just stand there and watch for no other reason then to.”
“You seem to place a lot onto this one Jedi.”
“You would too, if you read what this one Jedi was.”
“I would?”
“Remember the incident with the Rodian pirate at Taucet five about a year ago?” Nitram said.
“The story which I had gathered from various sources and our own intelligence network said, this bloodthirsty group was destroyed by one being. I figured this to be an impossibility given the scope of what happened in the span of one month to their organization, but I investigated further since the events took place practically on our doorstep.”
“And your investigations revealed?”
“Barring the insane stories of a variety of degrees of this man being able to hurl fighters with his mind or destroying asteroids, it was always one man of the same description. I would have presumed it was a group, but the description was too similar regardless of the insanity of the tales. Then at the end of my investigations I had seen his handiwork first hand. The carnage was methodical and brutal. I can easily see why some backwater places were considering him as some demon or some other fanciful description. Though his stories are nothing more then cheap folklore that have gained inextricably a galactic notice, the man’s handiwork has an indelible mark all to itself.”
“And this is...monster is what Durandal is sending us?”
“Precisely, he may have no idea of what we are planning, but the presence of this being will allow him the message to everyone he wants to.”
“Perhaps we underestimated our new king after all.”
“Perhaps, but we shall see.” Nitram said as a small cylindrical device hummed lightly. “Ah, and he arrives.”
Tevar smiled as she took her husband’s arm and strode out the room.
The Falcon easily cut through the air as it followed it’s escorts into the docking area. Inside the cockpit Crimson glanced nervously at her escorts and back at her co-pilot. For its part, it made no motion of understanding and continued it’s activity. Behind her though, Derith gave a small wry grin.
“I doubt they will shot you down for any activities you may have done in the past.” Derith said.
“You don’t know the Hapans, like I do.” Crimson said, checking her gauges again. “They have long memories and very deep grudges against pirates of any sort. Always have, always will.”
“Perhaps, but given you are not on piracy mission, they won’t be so trigger happy.”
“I have had friends who have said otherwise.”
“I will give assurances for you, on this mission, it will not happen.”
Crimson smirked and continued to look at the two other vessels and her own controls. Derith for his part simply absorbed the world as it flashed before him. It was a lush planet with much vegetation by the look of the green field below him, a complete contrast to Coruscant or his last few missions. It had fields of green, and forests, and in the horizon what could be either a lake or a sea.
Lindar pointed forward, he saw what was loomed before them. Unlike anything else they had seen. the palace was a gigantic edifice all unto itself. This colossal building carved into the side of a mountain with a vast lake beneath it. It seemed to be carved out of the red stone of the mountain and yet glistened with a life all its own, sitting apart from anything in the surrounding landscape.
Crimson expertly guided the ship to the open landing bay that was at the top of this mountain as her escorts veered off. Waiting for them was an escort of guards and a single woman in white.
“Now we will see if you have any sway her or not, since they are giving us the royal treatment is seems.” Crimson said.
“Query: Do you wish me to arm myself appropriately mistress? I could very easily kill the guards and take the meatbag woman as hostage.” 2K-AD said.
“That won’t be necessary 2K. I think we’ll just throw our friendly Jedi to them.” Crimson said as she looked back at Derith’s smiling face.
“But then how would they repair your hyperdrive?” Derith said.
“What do mean...repair?” Crimson asked as the ship felt the tug of the landing magnetic pads grab them and secure them.
“I need some way off this planet and just sending a signal to the Jedi Council is not exactly the best way of handling things.”
“You know this will cost you extra?” Crimson said with a wide toothy grin.
“Do you want to pay for your Hyperdrive in a Hapan chop shop or do you want me to ask nicely?” Derith said as he got up, adjusted his cloak, and walked to the ramp.
“Ask nicely, please.” Lindar chirped, as Crimson’s smile deteriorated into a growl.
The ramped yawned open as Lady Tevar stood at the edge of the smoke and fumes that emitted from the craft, the troops next to her pulled into a tighter formation and more taunt attention. Only darkness emitted from the exit at first; then footsteps; and finally Derith strode like a black shadow down the ramp.
Derith looked at the assemblage and then gave a small bow at Lady Tevar. Behind him Crimson strode down cautiously with 2K-AD following closely, and finally Lindar skipped down the platform.
“Master Derith, I presume?” Lady Tevar said. “I am Lady Tevar and welcome you and your....companions to Isolder74.”
Derith raised his head from the bow as the other gave a short curt bow. “I have come at the request of Lord Durandal.”
Tevar’s face warmed at the comment. “I am glad to hear our new king is so personal in his treatment of this most difficult of times.”
“He felt it would insure that the Hapans were dealt a fair hand in case of any excessive force brought to bear.”
“One Jedi?” Tevar said as she lead her entourage and Derith’s group towards the palace.
“I am clearly representative of something more then myself, in this case.”
“Obviously, but we do have certain contingencies within the Hapan systems for just this sort of possible military engagement.”
“You truly suspect they will follow through with their supposed threats?” Derith said.
“We suspect many things, but it isn’t my place to discuss them with you, nor in front of your present company.” Tevar said as she gave Derith’s party a small glance. “My husband, Lord Nitram will tell you everything you need to know about our current situation and what is required of you.”
Most of the journey was taken in silence. Derith looked around and noted the scale of the palace on the outside was reflective of its interior as well. The immense arches they were passing through, the enormous hallways that extended into what seemed the sky and the doors that looked to be made for giants of hundreds of meters tall then humans. The tiles before his feet were of a deep black color that seemed to devour light that tried to enter it. The windows that were held within those enormous arches were of a green color to fill one’s mind of the nature of the world. They kept passing through an array of passages that seemed to yawn into eternity. He looked back at his companions and noted that Lindar was feeling the effects of the palace as the lord who first built the place wanted to. She walked in awe of the place and proceeded with less gaiety then she had when she left the ship. Crimson on the other hand was either more successful in hiding her true feelings or just unimpressed by everything. She simply swaggered behind Derith with 2K-AD by her side. As they approached the royal throne room, Derith stopped for a moment and motioned to Lady Tevar.
“I do have one small request which I am sure that you in your powers can grant, my lady.” Derith said.
“Ask and I shall see what I can do.”
“My ship has a small problem with its hyperdrive and requires rather large repairs and...” Derith said as Crimson raised her eyebrows at the request.
“Say no more master Jedi, I will have our finest technicians on it, this night.”
“Thank you, you are too gracious of a host.” Derith said with a bow. He looked at his three companions. “Though I must ask you? Can my servants have quarters of their own for the evening?”
“Easily done.” Tevar said as she clapped her hands and a two large servant approached her and bowed their heads low. “We shall show them every courtesy.” She said as she waved off Derith’s companions and the servants.
“Of course, and I shall of course tell of the splendid treatment I have received to Lord Durandal.”
“You are too kind, master Jedi.” Tevar said as she smiled and opened the oval doors to the throne room.
If the halls of the palace were meant for pummeling the spirit into submission, the throne room was the climax of that particular thought. The inner room ceiling was entirely made of enormous windows of blue hues, bathing the room with its light. Tiles of a green and gold pattern were laid before his feet and reflected a glory of the closest one could assume of divinity in this era. Derith sniffed the air and noted the change; it was utterly antiseptic within the throne area. He nodded at this as he continued forward to the man who sat before him down the long hallway. The throne room was also created in a manner that gave the person walking towards it that the lord of the system was an immense being by the fact it he seemed to dwarf one when they peered down the hall. The throne itself was carved out of a single Corellian ruby and behind the throne black draperies enveloped the master of this area. He noticed that Tevar immediately went to a single step below the throne and observed there was already a court in session with the courtiers and obviously high ranked officials surrounding the area. Awaiting his audience sat Lord Nitram.
Derith stopped ten paces before the throne and looked up, his hood still in place, measuring everything in the room.
Nitram took the offensive. “Why has Lord Durandal decided to send a personal Jedi envoy to such a simple and benign meeting?”
Derith gave a flat smile as he pulled back the hood and bowed his head. “I am here, merely as an observer of events, for both Lord Durandal and the Jedi Order.”
“Is that so, just as a simple arbiter of these events?” Nitram said, raising an eyebrow.
“Hardly, I have no power or the want to acquire it.” Derith said as he smiled.
“We have seen in history that more often then not, what the Jedi say is not always what the Jedi mean.” Nitram countered.
Derith closed his eyes and kept his smile. When he opened his eyes again the warm smile melted and was replaced with a tight feral grin. “I prefer to dispense with this pointless fencing and would prefer if his majesty would just simply say what he wants, instead of cowering behind pretty words.”
Tevar stirred at the words, the rest of the courtiers gave loud gasps and cries at the sheer audacity of the Jedi.
“I believe my wife and court have issues with your tone.” Nitram said as he motioned to the crowd below him.
Derith gave a shrug. “You defer to your court and your wife?”
Tevar scowled and opened her mouth when Nitram made a simple hand wave. “You have a certain audacity I had expected from what I read of your exploits, though you lack a certain diplomatic flair I had imagined from the Jedi.”
“My master always commented diplomacy was just to say pointless and diverting words in friendly tones. I have never seen much use in such gaucheries.”
“Ah, so you feel that gross actions are all you can show us? Then we shall dispense with diplomacy as well. I want to know why he sent you.”
“I told you truthfully, nothing more then an observer, gross actions or otherwise.”
“Hmmm...perhaps. In the next day your actions will speak for themselves. But if I may ask, do you know why you in particular?”
“Simple, Lord Durandal was my master. I was an obvious choice in these events since I would be watching obviously with his thoughts in mind, of how the events are unfolding and what should be reported to him.”
“So, you are nothing more then his personal spy?”
“A spy is one who enters under the pretense of one reason and is in actuality is another reason entirely. I have no pretenses.”
“Granted.” Nitram nodded. “Is there anything we can help you on your observations, since you are here under our lord’s auspices?”
“Just one, I would like to have a full purview of your library.”
“Any particular reason?” Nitram said.
“A simple reason. It will give the full and detailed history of this event as well as any extraneous material leading up to it.
“Ah, a chronicler as well?”
“If it pleases you to think so.” Derith said.
Nitram let a snort and nodded. “Then peruse our library at your leisure. This audience has ended, master Jedi.”
Derith bowed his head and turned to leave. As the door opened and he made his way beyond their closing, the courtiers began talking and mongering amongst themselves. Lady Tevar separated herself from the throng as Nitram watched the crowd mill and crow amongst themselves. She came close to her husband and whispered. “Do you believe that is the end of it?”
“No, but I see now why he chose him. This being is not fooled by kind words or thoughts. He is a weapon that Durandal uses for both bold and gross actions and he demonstrated that amply. We must be very cautious my dear.”
Derith walked unerringly through the halls of the palace as he approached a small corner of the vast estate to wherein the library awaited him. The place was a reflection of the palace in both it’s want of grandeur and enormity, but gave way to a sense of gaudiness. Inside beneath warm orange and yellow lamps were a number of droids floating about on a variety of tasks, all in a myriad of shapes and sizes.
He walked in and went towards the first cubicle he could find. Aside from the droids the place was eerily quiet with only the humming of the screens and droids giving any indication of anything working. There were no signs of dust anywhere, yet the pristine nature belied the warmth of the light that bathe the entire library. He noted one of the cubicles being serviced by a SH-5 service droid.
“Yes, sir?” The droid said as it raised its optical sensor in his direction. Derith ignored the droid as he looked at the console before him. “Sir?”
“Do you have one with a P-209 port?” Derith said without looking up.
Underneath the droid’s bulbous head it lowered a few small tools and parts. In a giant whirl of movement a small extraneous unit was attached to the cube before him. Derith nodded in approval as he sat down and depressed a small blue button which ejected a keypad off to his left side and a keyboard below the cube. The droid activated the viewer and looked at Derith as he punched in a series of commands.
“Sir, can I be of any assistance?”
“Yes, I want the entire history of events from these dates.” Derith said as he entered the numbers onto the keypad on his left.
“That will take a number of hours. Perhaps you could lessen your search to specific terms?”
“No.” Derith said as he continued his tapping on the keyboard.
“Very good.” The droid said. With that it lifted itself off the cube and flew off into the library proper. Derith took no note of its leaving and focused solely on his quest. A blur of blue passed before him and noted that the history of this space lane was certainly no different then the hundreds of others that criss crossed the galaxy. He slipped in one of the three cylinders he had gotten on Coruscant into the port as it began its own search and dump. So far the surface history was reflecting his earlier notions that this was a simple trade dispute and did not reflect the gravity of the situation that Crimson explained. Nothing about this particular hyperspace lane was exceptional or large, except to one corporation in the Bothan system. In fact there was no real purpose behind the warships other then a rattling of sabers, though the person in charge had very high level contacts and relations with the Bothan people. It was noted through out the records he was reading he had prior conflicts of a diplomatic nature with this planet. He did note it was his corporation along that was doing the particular push for a military show of power according to the Hapan databanks. Derith simply grimaced at the ideas that tumbled into his head, and when his initial research complete he would find out why did the Bothans care about apparently a low echelon Hapan system.
Dusk had settled over the planet and the red golden hues of the sun embraced the coming darkness in the horizon. Night was quickly climbing, blackening the sky except a few shining twinkles of crystal. In the encroaching darkness the land stood still.
As the last of the light began to fade, a silver shape caught the briefest glint of the fading light, and the small ship began its final descent in the open field. The knife edged craft gently hugged the land as it began its final descent.
It landed far to the south of the palace. A few animals fled as it began its landing cycle. The ship came to complete rest and sat silently. The aft opened its jaws to the ground below as a small ramp lowered and Darth Fearghul emerged from the red interior. The Sith Lord was adorned in his traditional black robe and cloak garb. A simple outfit held with a collared tunic belted at the waist, and his lightsaber within ease reach, hanging off his side. He walked out a bit from the ship as he took a pair of macrobinoculars and peered through them to see what lay before him.
He saw the palace loom before him and smiled. The structure was sound but had only one entrance, little matter. This meant it also had only one real exit barring the docking bay at the top. This would ensure his prey staying her, or one of his targets. His master warned him of this, but this was the indulgence before the real target and he would savor this. The building was large and undoubtedly guarded, but these were nothing more then a small logic puzzle.
He saw where the likely guard posts were and where he would have to use some degree of stealth. In his dark heart he knew the Jedi had no idea of what lay before him. He lifted his arm and depressed a small button on his forearm control panel he had strapped to it. From the interior came three small black balls, settling in a low floating pattern around him. He pressed in what power level he wanted them at, and as well as what targets they were assigned to attack. As he turned back to the ship the three droids went on their assigned task, and the ship lowered a small one man vehicle.
Darth Fearghul watched as they disappeared from sight, and smiled tightly.
Inside the cavernous library, Derith waited for the last of the information to come in, which the droid deposited before him. He pressed a few more buttons and lifted himself from the chair, noticing that the room had now gone from a warm hue to a dark cold blue black look, only illuminated by a few hover lamps and the screens and datapads that lined the entire place. And for a brief second he felt a cold beckon, he looked to his left and right and then closed his eyes and let his perceptions stretch forth. Nothing except a black echo, from where he could not say but there was something here...searching.
He opened his eyes, pulling his hood tightly over his head and quietly left the confines of the library for the guest quarters.
Inside her quarters, Crimson paced back and forth fitfully. The room was spartan with few chairs and a work area for any light computer usage. Lindar for her part just watched her go back and forth covering the room for what appeared to be the three hundredth time. 2K-Ad for its part just sat in a corner running a constant self diagnostic as he had heard the rant for at least by his calculation the twentieth time.
“His servants?” Crimson said railing at the air.
“Are we?” Lindar said as she looked down at her coveralls. She did notice that not only had they been provided food and clothes, but they were allowed many amenities she would’ve liked on the Falcon. Hot water being easily the highest in that regard, Crimson on the other hand did not feel that way.
“Of course not, but that high and mighty Jedi decided that was his best description of us!” Crimson screamed. “When he comes back I will show him who...”
“Show me what?” Derith asked, smirking, as he emerged from the entrance, pulling back his hood.
“You finally showed up.” Crimson snorted as Lindar clapped happily.
“I distinctly remember...hiring you, not the other way around, and besides no gratitude towards a new hyperdrive and your current quarters?” Derith said as he waved his arms across the room.
“I’ve had better.” Crimson said as she plopped herself into a chair.
“I’m sure, but this time you weren’t running from the law or other notables.”
Crimson glared at him as Derith took a chair and sat in it, and then before opening his mouth, he looked at 2K-AD.
“What?” Crimson said as she looked at her droid.
“Just a second.” Derith said as he walked up and examined the droid closer.
“What?” Lindar and Crimson asked as Derith looked around the droid’s head.
“Does he have a T-831 jammer on him?” Derith asked as he continued his investigation.
“Do I look that incompetent?” Crimson said with her hands on her waist.
Derith turned and raised an eyebrow, Crimson glared back.
“Of course 2K does, silly!” Lindar chirped.
“Good.” Derith said, smiling at Lindar. He grabbed the small datapad out of his cloak. “I want a private holo transmission to Coruscant.”
“So what’s gotten you so riled and anxious?” Crimson asked as she leaned in close, Derith typing away on the datapad.
“Who says I’m riled or anxious?” Derith said, eyes still on the datapad.
“Look, I don’t know how you Jedi get off or wind down but you aren’t the same cool self you were on the Falcon, so something has you all nervous like virgin in his first Zeltron brothel and somehow I doubt it’s my sparkling smile.”
Derith smirked. “No, it would be too hard to explain. And anyway, I’m back because I have a few musings about the Hapan records and especially this treaty, and wanted to be in a private...enough environment.”
“I just think you couldn’t get enough of me.”
“I’d sooner kiss your droid over there.” Derith said looking at her with a mirthless grin. Crimson threw him a baleful glare and laid down on the bed in a huff. Lindar raised an eyebrow and crooked her head to the side, staring at Derith as he raised the computer screen. He typed in a few commands and the Jedi symbol appeared before him.
He felt Lindar still staring at him; Crimson shook her head and whispered in her ear. “It’s a joke, Lindar. He’s just being a conceited bastard.”
“Whatever salves your ego, dear.” Derith answered. Lindar satisfied with the answer bobbed her head up and down and went to cleaning 2K-AD. Derith’s expression gave way into a frown as his eyes passed between the screen and his datapad. “What do you know of a Ro’bter An’serdon?”
“Not that much except, incompetent fool, but with some immense connections within the Bothan Senate and even some apparent connections with maybe the CSA. Why?”
“Because he’s the main proponent of what is happening here.”
“Great, just great.”
“Then this will escalate, regardless of the outcome.”
Crimson sighed and shook her head as she leaned back onto the head rest. “Okay, think of possibly the most incompetent, belligerent insane moron and give him power and reason to dislike you. That is this Bothan to a tee.”
“But you said that Bothans would escalate anyway, how does this one make the difference?”
“Because that fleet out there will be used...it’s not just a rattling of sabers.”
“That would be a poor choice unless provoked or justified, the Alliance would literally declare war to protect the Hapans, and the Bothans would likely suffer immensely in both rank and power. It is completely illogical to place someone who potentially could destroy your work because he threw a tantrum.”
“Logic has nothing to do with this one, and that really is the end of that. He has a group in very high places that have personally overseen that he is allowed to ascend.” Crimson moaned as she rubbed her hands against her temples. “I’ve actually done a couple...contracts for him. And believe me, he’s a moron.”
“And apparently so is most the Bothan government. Though one strange point, the Bothans were not the ones who brought up the dispute.”
“What?” Crimson said, smirking. “That’s impossible.”
“No, they recorded that Nitram himself shoved this dispute into the forefront and purposefully to Ro’bter.”
“Then I don’t know who’s more stupid, Nitram or Ro’bter.”
Derith snorted at the statement. “I believe Ro’bter, whatever is going to happen Nitram is confident that he will in the end win whatever conflict this may bring.”
“Just because he displays it doesn’t mean...”
“No, I don’t mean display. I have never been good at reading one, but they positively exude the fact he would win, him and his wife.”
“So they are blowhards..I keep telling you the build up the Bothans have done...”
“No, this was much more then that, and given he initiated this conflict means he had distinct plans along these lines from the start.”
“But why then?”
“I’ve been starting to investigate along those lines and two disturbing facts have come up.”
“Such as?”
“One, the trade lane was nothing of any great importance except to a small company in the CSA, like you said the Hapans bullied the Senate.”
“And the other?”
“They have an alliance with an unknown third party.”
“How would you know that?” Crimson said looking over his shoulder.
“You can erase many things, but rarely do they erase everything. There are points where outgoing transmissions happened to several point away from Hapan space that have no know other correlation in their record.”
“Could be classified military, and how did you get that information?”
“I have my own ways and I doubt that...the code indicates a holo conference to someone at co-ordinates that match no known record of Hapan military exercise. I also doubt Lady Tevar would do this and not delegate it to a captain or admiral of the fleet.”
“Okay, and this matters to you how?”
“Nothing, but its part of a puzzle I want to find out, because I believe it directly relates to my current assignment.” Derith said, and then perked his head up into the air.
“What is...” Crimson was saying as she suddenly felt a thrust to her stomach forcing her against the head rest. Lindar yelped loudly, as she and 2K were shoved to the far end of the room. Derith for his part was no longer in visible motion as he blurred into the air as three red lances shattered through the door and blasted where he last was sitting.
“2K-AD, emergency protocols, now!” Crimson screamed as the droid came to life. From the smoke and haze of the blasted door, three small black balls hovered into places, assessing situation and began accounting for targets. With Crimson’s scream the farthest left one turned towards her, aiming it’s small protrusion at her.
2K-AD eyes blazed to life and its arms whirred quietly as small guns emerged from its wrists. In the nanoseconds of its life, it assessed the threats and their point of origin. The wall and the table had no tactical advantage what so ever against blaster fire and the three hovering droid had a movement advantage in such small quarters, but he also had no problem with anything blocking any of its shots.
Satisfied that this was the best his situation was going to afford he took aim at the farthest right of the three black hovering sphere, which had yet to take notice of him and was aiming to Mistress Lindar. A single bolt ripped from his small blaster and shredded the main body of the droid, violently reacting with the things power source. The air exploded into flame as the other two droids took notice of their fallen companion. Lindar and Crimson both looked for what minimal cover they could find and dived to the side as blaster fire erupted from the small droids at them. 2K-AD dived as well, trying to minimize damage and scanned furiously for Derith. With no sign he attributed somehow the man had left then suddenly a ball that had appeared in front of him had a spear of rock imbedded into the center of its body.
The other drone took note of this, and turned around with immense speed, and stopped as it stared at Derith. Crimson and Lindar poked their heads up with 2K-AD trying to assess the unusual situation that was occurring. As the droid charged it’s gun, a sputtering noise was heard in it’s bowels, quiet at first but gained intensity as time went on.
Derith for his part took no note of the situation and looked at his companions, seeing they were okay, went over this his computer and shut it down. The droid behind him, sputtered and dropped like a rock onto the marble floor, skittering as it hit the ground.
“What was that?” Crimson said as she looked Lindar over for any injuries.
“That was my jitter as you call it, or more specifically a bit of testing from the one who sent the feeling into me.” Derith said as he began walking out the doorway.
“So what are we to do?”
“Get a new room and lock yourselves in it, and make sure it’s one that has one of the thicker doors.” Derith said as he pulled his cloak tight to him and pulled his hood up.
“And what are you going to do, while we’re trying not to get killed?”
“Ensure it won’t do this again.” Derith said as he left.
“And if it’s more then just one and small army, just get yourself killed? What type of stupid plan is that, flyboy?” Crimson said.
“Nothing I haven’t handled in the past.”
“How will you find us?” Crimson said to him as his shadow receded into the darkness.
“Your cheap perfume is more then enough a marker for me.” Derith answered from outside the smoke and haze.
Crimson let out a low growl from the statement, as Lindar stood next to her. “I think he likes you.” Lindar said with a big grin.
Crimson closed her eyes, shaking her head as they both walked out the door with 2K-AD.
Derith stalked his way through the palace, reaching out with the Force. He felt a slight tug there and here and followed his instincts. He knew in his heart what he was facing and for the briefest of moments reveled in the thought. Shaking those thoughts away he felt the being call to him beneath him, to which he quicken his pace.
Derith had gone down several floors till he reached a power chamber for the palace and entered the small ante room. He calmly walked in as the door opened effortlessly. When he sauntered through the portal, it slammed just as quickly with a thunderous clang. With the door shut behind him, he had no other option then the progress forward into the looming darkness. Something wanted him here, he could feel it.
The ante room itself was a mass of hissing pipes and conduits with steam belching from the floor below him. Derith began his tentative exploration when a small platform leading to light was highlighted before him. He smirked as he stood on the small circular object and let it lead him upwards.
His arms stood at his side as the platform raised him into the bright room. It was bathing in an unnatural orange color and had more steam flowing from the floor and the walls. Suddenly his mind flared to life as he looked up and saw a black shape leapt from the shadows like a giant bird, a red scintillating blade emerged from its body, slicing through the orange haze.
“Die Jedi fool!” the shadow roared.
Last edited by Ghost Rider on 2004-12-16 03:39pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
*claps happily* Hurrah for lucky things.... not hurrah for the poor downed droid... we have to get him back up and running asap!!
the longer i wait,the more i forget.the more i forget, the longer the list of desires grows. for that which is wanted is forbidden. and we all know that forbidden fruit is often the sweetest.Don'tcha wish your g/f was a witch like me?~*~AYVBABTU
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