Might be more impressive if Stormtrooper armor wouldn't provide protection from 2/3's of those. Course the thing are just going to be gunned down with blasters the second its out of the ball or kill enmass in a hail of flechette rockets,SAMAS wrote:Well, let's use a comparison I did in the last time it happened on SpacBattles:
Okay, let's start here.
Let's look at a somewhat normal-level Pokemon. #81/#82: Magnemite/Magneton.
For those who don't follow the game, a Magnemite is a metal ball about a foot in diameter and weighing 13 pounds, with an eye-sensor in the center, a pair of screws under the eye, and a pair of horseshoe magnets on the sides. A Magneton is what happens when three Magnemites join together(or in the anime version, when one Magnemite buds off two more). It's an Electric type, also gaining the Steel type in Gold/Silver/Crystal.
As you may have guessed, Electric means it has the ability to toss lightning bolts around. Steel Type means that it's resistant to most mundande forms of kinetic and energy transfer(In other words, just hitting/shooting it doesn't help much), and it can't be poisoned at all. However, it has a severe weakness to Earth, Fire, and Chi(Fighting) Elemental energy. Not much else will work.
It's natural attacks are:
Tackle -- As the name might suggest, it slams into you. As Magnemite is, in effect, a steel ball, you can imagine it's going to hurt.
Thundershock -- A basic eletrical attack. Naturally, it hits you with a basic-sized lightning bolt.
Supersonic -- The Pokemon emits an extremely high-pitched directional wave of sound. This messes with the target, leaving it extremely disoriented.
Sonic Boom -- A blast of sonic energy that hits like a fist. Naturally, not very effective at anything after low levels.
Thunder Wave -- An electrical attack that fries the target's nervous system, leaving it parilyzed.
Lock On -- Exactly what it sounds like. The next attack won't miss.
Swift -- A basic energy attack using star-shaped projectiles.
Tri Attack(Crystal) -- A more advanced multi-elemental energy attack that can leave the target frozen, parilyzed, or on fire.
Screech -- A lound, high-pitched burst of sound that leaves the target off-balance and more vulnerable to attack.
Zap Cannon -- A massive, focused blast of electrical energy that while powerful, is very hard to aim accurately. See above for a way to solve that.
So what does that leave us with? A metal ball that can toss around electric and sound attacks.
Okay, so that was one of the less cute ones. Let's up the Kawaiiness Factor a bit, and go for a low-level one, like Butterfree.
As the name suggests, Butterfree is a giant Butterfly.
So let's look at it's attacks:
If it was trained from a little(and that's streching it) Caterpie, to Metapod, and all the way to Butterfree, I will have learned:
Tackle -- See Magnemite
String Shot -- Spits out a spray of sticky silk, wrapping it's opponent, and slowing it down until it can untangle itself.
Harden -- Just what it sounds like. Secretes additional chitin to toughen it's exoskeleton.
Confusion -- A medium-level Psychic attack(Damn, already?). Can leave the opponent disorented.
Poison Powder -- Scales on it's wings are toxic to the opponent....
Stun Spore -- ...Some scale toxins instead interfere with the opponent's nervous system,...
Sleep Powder -- ...while others have a tranquilizing effect.
Supersonic -- See Magnemite/Magneton.
Whirlwind -- The Pokemon generates a gust of wind that picks up the opponent, carrying it off. In game terms, it can blow away a 1500-lb Snorlax.
Gust -- A powerful blast of wind, striking with hurricane force. Air Elemental attack.
Psybeam -- A Strong Psychic Attack. Can also confuse the opponent.
Safeguard -- A protective field that protects the Pokemon from many lasting forms of damage. In the anime(3rd Movie), it was actually used by a Butterfree as a forcefield to protect it from a Pokemon's attacks.
Not bad, huh? And that's one of the little guys. Most Pokemon get worse as they get bigger.
* Pokemon cross multiple AT-AT's horizon line*
"Target, all units, maximum firepower."
The Pokemon are then vaporized. Pokemon fight at ranges of a coupe meters at most. The Imperials can throw the equivalent of 2000 pound bombs and up at them more then 17000 meters.