It's like talking with a stone wall..Crossover_Maniac wrote: So, you only like Christians that agrees with you and doesn't believe in their own religion's teachings? Look, you're quite welcome to your opinion, but don't demand something you're not willing to give yourself. If you can't even say, "I don't believe in Christian doctrine" without throwing a couple of insults into your conversation, then why should the Fundies, as you so lovely refer to those Christians that actually believe in their own religion, give you any consideration? Why shouldn't they show the same disdain you show them?
LOOK, if you believe in ANYTHING which goes directely against SCIENCE AND DIRECT OBSERVATION, then you be damned well prepared to defend your claims and stand the heat.
God doesn't go against science. Claiming the Earth is round does. Why is it so hard to understand? And if you take phrases from a book and hold them as universal truths, closing your eye to the real world, then you're obviously an idiot. For Christ's sake, the Pope has recognized that.
It's not Christian douctrine to take the Bible literally. It's fundies douctrine. The great majority of Christians DO NOT take the Bible literally.
Tell me the last time I sacked someone for believing in God, or for attending Church.
ONE LAST TIME, The Bible was written BY MEN, not dictated by God to a secretary. Men, no mather how wise, are limited by the science surronding them. Do you THINK that, if the Bible was written nowadays, it wouldn't make clear references to a round Earth orbiting the Sun?
To end, I don't like PEOPLE WHO SCORN AT SCIENCE. Being Christians, atheists, pagans or racists.