Pcm979 wrote:Even if I didn't prefer the Wraith Squadron books for any other reason, It'd simply be because I hate Corran Horn. Seriously, by the time of the NJO Corran Horn is the fucking God-Emperor of Mankind; He has no character flaws, he can do no wrong, I want him to die in a gruesome manner; Preferably by having his internal organs removed over a course of days.
What going over to the darkside doesn't count has a charcter flaw?
NJO Corran doesn't have a large amount of Character flaws but X-Wing Corran had plenty. Mainly in the fact in his beleive in his own infallibilty and an inabillity to see past his own pointy of view.
Rogue Squadron.
(1) Corran is predjudice against Lujayne Forge csimply ecuase she omes form kessel.
(2) Is so self confidet he thinks he can take out all the Storm trooper cammandos in the base. He gets shot and nerely dies because of this.
(3) Not only does Corran nerely get himslef killed he also leads an inexperienced kid who's never even used a balster before into battle agasint Stormtroopers. Needless to say Gvain gets shot almost emmiatly and again barely survives.
Wedges Gamble.
(1) Inabillity to trust Tycho.
(2)Arrogance: States beleive that his own lose of his father counted for more than the lost of their entire homeworld to Aldereans.
(3) SO overvconfident in his abillities he aidentifies a duro as Kirtan Loor merely from his height and build and then won't beleive otherwise, despite tycho saving his life on NUMEROUS ocossions when it would be better for the empire he died.
Krytos Trap.
(1) Again Inabillity to trust tycho up to the point when Isard tells him he's innocent (this might have been in the Gamble epilogue) and even dobts it when he sees that Tycho was inncoent on a computer in a secure location.
(2) Selfish enough to refuse to become a jedi for personal reasons and obligations. (when he could have fufilled said obligations better as a Jedi)
(3)Thinks he knows better than the NR leadership and resigns his commision and thus deals a blow the NR by taking away their symbollic Rogue Squadron.
Bacta War.
(1) His arrogance leads him to try and mind trick a Stormie trooper with NO TRAINING thus preciptating a massive lightfight that almost gets him killed and bolws the insertion teams cover.
I, Jedi.
(1) Arrogant and competive nature leads him to repeatly question his jedi master distracting him and condeming him for doing the best he can.
(2) Arrogantly thinks he can blow up Exar Kuns stronghold, misses vital clue and runs with his assumption and thus gets the living crap beaten out of him.
(3) Basically lets his vaunted morals go and nearly becomes a twisted pirate through and through.
Through out all of above:
(1) Continued preoccupation with what his father would have wanted.
(2) Phycological need ofr an aurothity figure for him to depend on to "set his moral compass".