Stofsk wrote:
[*]8 KM 'Super' Star Destroyers. Even if you forget about scaling and going by what the canon movies go by, it's still idiotic to call it a Super Star Destroyer. The comics by Al Williamson and Archie Goodwin gave a name to Vader's flagship, and pointed out how it was the first ship of it's class. It should be an Excutor-class Star Something. Having both the Rebels and Imperials call it a Super Star Destroyer is embarassing.
If your attacking the X-Wing books because of this, then I suggest you go right ahead and flame any SW book that mentions SSDs. This is an error on the part of the authors taking WEG information. Its clear the SSDs they are describing are Executors. Besides, we've seen 3-5KM long ships described as SSDs before. Its a size distinction over your typicaly ISD and Mon-Cal sized ship.
[*]IIRC X-wing laser cannons do kiloton level damage right? Or was that their proton torpedos? Either one, you wouldn't know it from these books, as you'd often have characters destroy something on the ground and it will be showed to be a small explosion that destroys the building but little else. Just saying "I'm turning the cannon power down to make strafing runs" would have been welcome, but no...
Once again your singling out the X-Wing series when this is a common theme in several of the books.
[*]The complete and utter bullshit anti-Imperial bias. Dear fucking god. I hate the Empire and I'm on the Rebel's side, but shit, there's a limit. When I read the TTT you see a skilful contrast and comparison between the two, but if you read the X-wing books then the Imperials are so irredeemably evil that only an idiot could ever support them, and the Rebels are so much better in comparison. Straight out of the Horse's mouth, Lara basically says "OMG, the Empire used a culture of fear on itself while these Rebels are sitting back joking and chilling out!"
All they do is paint a handful of people as evil, and do remember several of these people once worked directly for the Emporer himself. Did you notice how they tended to portray the ship commanders as having morals and integrity? If you read Solo Command you would never note that Solo works together with an Imperial Admiral in the hunt for Zsinji.
[*]The villains. For fuck's sake. This is what I alluded to in the above point, but it deserves it's own section. Zsinj has a crewman executed because he was disobeying orders, yet it was shown he was a proficient pilot. His solution was: test him to see if he's a worthy pilot, then execute him for disobeying orders. Yep. Right. That makes sense.
Zsinj need to twirl a moustache, right there.
Just like Vader executing people who fail to accomplish orders that were impossible. I really like where your going with this.
And Isard? "Oh, I'll release a virus into Coruscant, because I'm Evil. With a capital E. And I'll torture Tycho and Corran, because I need to prove I'm EEEEEEvil. Just in case you haven't figured it out yet, I also slept with the Emperor, so I'm also a tremendous Slut too."
I guess you forgot the little bit where Isard was trying to bankrupt and splinter the New Republic from within with the Krytoss Virus.
Jesus. Where is the Imperial version of the Desert Fox? The guy who the Rebels fought but without 'hate'?
So far you've encountered one insane inteligence director who took control of the Empire and one rather pompous Warlord. The X-Wing books actualy spend very little time dealing with the Empire itself directly, and when Allston does, he repeatedly shows examples of Imperial commanders who have integrity.
Ugh. So the EU sucks. I could have just believed that and chose not to waste tens of dollars on it. I still need to check out the Crispin trilogy, but right now I'm no longer holding out any hope.
The EU doesn't suck. Some authors are bad, some are good. You made blind statements about the X-Wing series and didn't even hit on everyones favorite gripe about it, Corran Horn the super hero.